
scaling for queen Elizard to accel

May 17th, 2020
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  1. That indecent pose (which may have been like someone whose hips gave out
  2. during a test of courage) was so she could hold the heavy machine gun sitting on a tripod
  3. between her legs.
  4. ***
  5. Takitsubo’s eyes widened in shock while the rest of her expression remained blank.
  6. She blinked a few times.
  7. “What was that?”
  8. It looked like she could not believe her eyes.
  9. “Did someone intentionally move into the line of fire and deflect the bullets with a sword?”
  10. “Keep that barrage going. That boy on the opposite bank will be killed in no time as things
  11. are.”
  12. Takitsubo was dumbfounded by Riméa’s words.
  13. She had known they were not strong enough. That was why their assistance was only
  14. meant as decoys and diversions to fill in the gaps. But it was still much more powerful to
  15. hear someone else talk about dying or being killed. Especially when it was based on
  16. rational calculations instead of emotion.
  17. “You want to know who that was? Saying you don’t recognize her might just qualify as
  18. lèse-majesté,” explained First Princess Riméa. “That was humanity’s least mature person
  19. going on a rampage with Curtana in hand.”
  21. - New Testament Volume 22 Reverse Chapter 4 Part 3
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