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Jun 22nd, 2015
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  1. [22:55] Session Ident: KingNate (GameSurge, Phantom4722) (kiwiirc@PurpleKitteh.user.gamesurge)
  2. 04[22:55] <KingNate> hey phantom
  3. 01[22:55] <12Phantom4722> ?
  4. [22:56] <KingNate> jared just sent in his final statement / ban appeal for his toon kingdom that has been terminated for 4 months could u pass it along and ttell the team he sent it
  5. [22:56] <KingNate> he's really worried and really wants to get it back and hes really sincere
  6. [22:56] <KingNate>
  7. 01[22:56] <12Phantom4722> We do not discuss bans with other users
  8. [22:57] <KingNate> I know you're not gonna discuss it with me
  9. [22:57] <KingNate> but im in a call with him rn
  10. 04[22:57] <KingNate> I just want u to tell the staff he sent it
  11. [22:57] <KingNate> bc last time they ignored his appeal
  12. 01[22:58] <12Phantom4722> Again I can't talk to you about this
  13. 06[22:58] * Phantom4722 shrugs
  14. [22:58] <KingNate> ok
  15. Session Time: Fri May 22 00:00:00 2015
  16. -
  17. [20:00] Session Ident: KingNate (GameSurge, Phantom4722) (kiwiirc@PurpleKitteh.user.gamesurge)
  18. [20:00] <KingNate> yo
  19. -
  20. 01[21:54] <12Phantom4722> KingNate this is an official warning, we (multiple staff members) and I have repeatedly told you that we are not allowed to discuss other users bans with anyone, but the user him/herself. If you continue sending messages to staff members please note, this will be considered as staff harassment and you will receive a temporary suspension from all toontownrewritten channels.
  21. [21:55] <KingNate> All I said was yo to you
  22. 01[21:56] <12Phantom4722> You have sent messages regarding the same topic to multiple staff members which I have already discussed with you on May 22nd
  23. [21:56] <KingNate> may 21st
  24. [21:57] <KingNate> i was just trying to get help. mature. reaaaaaalll mature!
  25. -
  26. 04[00:42] <KingNate> I wasn't even fucking mod shopping but ok
  27. [00:42] <KingNate> I messaged 2 people
  28. [00:42] <KingNate> You guys are real mature
  29. [00:43] <KingNate> now i cant even use the god damn fucking ttrservices, fuck off
  30. -
  31. 01[00:43] KingNate is kiwiirc@PurpleKitteh.user.gamesurge * [] KingNate
  32. 01[00:43] KingNate on #welcome
  33. 01[00:43] KingNate using * The GameSurge IRC Network
  34. 01[00:43] KingNate is logged in as PurpleKitteh
  35. 01[00:43] KingNate End of /WHOIS list.
  36. -
  37. [23:59] Session Ident: KingNate (GameSurge, Phantom4722) (
  38. [23:59] <KingNate> You do realize
  39. [23:59] <KingNate> I told you I wasnt ban evading
  40. [23:59] <KingNate> I was apologizing to you
  41. [23:59] <KingNate> and I told you to ban me again for a week beacuse my IP changed
  42. [23:59] <KingNate> My IP address changed
  43. [23:59] <KingNate> Did you not see my message above
  44. [23:59] <KingNate> "I don't know how I got back on IRC, but I'd just like to apologize to you for everything. I get carried away, I really do apologize for the other night. I lose my temper sometimes. You can go ahead and ban me again but I'd just like to say that before you do. "
  45. [23:59] <KingNate> I told you I dont know how I got back in
  46. [23:59] <KingNate> but to ban me again
  47. Session Time: Mon Jun 08 00:00:00 2015
  48. [00:00] <KingNate> I didn't ask for a month ban
  49. [00:00] <KingNate> My IP changed on it's own
  50. [00:00] <KingNate> I said " hi "
  51. [00:00] <KingNate> I was trying to apologize to all the mods
  52. [00:00] <KingNate> I wasn't trying to evade the ban
  53. [00:00] <KingNate> But if you wanna keep the month ban then be that way
  54. [00:00] <KingNate> Idc you can ask harv
  55. [00:00] <KingNate> me and him are cool now
  56. [00:02] <KingNate> Thanks for not helping me out
  57. [00:04] <KingNate> Did you not see that
  58. [00:04] <KingNate> I told you to ban me
  59. [00:04] <KingNate> Right when I joined
  60. [00:04] <KingNate> But you didn't
  61. [00:04] <KingNate> You ignored my apology and didn't ban me
  62. -
  63. [19:40] Session Ident: KingNate (GameSurge, Phantom4722) (
  64. [19:40] <KingNate> u here
  65. -
  66. 01[19:40] KingNate is * [] KingNate
  67. 01[19:40] KingNate on #welcome
  68. 01[19:40] KingNate using * The GameSurge IRC Network
  69. 01[19:40] KingNate End of /WHOIS list.
  70. -
  71. 01[19:40] <12Phantom4722> Hello
  72. [19:40] <KingNate> Hi
  73. [19:41] <KingNate> I wasn't sure if you got my question the other night. It's okay if you can't answer it though
  74. 01[19:41] <12Phantom4722> I can not
  75. [19:41] <KingNate> It's my appeal though
  76. [19:41] <KingNate> You can't answer my appeal?
  77. [19:42] <KingNate> May i ask why at least?
  78. 01[19:43] <12Phantom4722> You have been notified many times about this issue
  79. -
  80. [19:43] Session Ident: KingNate (GameSurge, Phantom4722) (
  81. [19:43] <KingNate> No I haven't
  82. [19:43] <KingNate> After I asked why I can't hear about it, they never respond
  83. 01[19:54] <12Phantom4722> Your account has been terminated with no chance of an appeal. Terminated means forever unfortunately.
  84. 1[19:54] <12Phantom4722> There is nothing we can do
  85. [19:54] <KingNate> Wow
  86. 01[19:54] <12Phantom4722> You chose the actions you did and the words that lead to this decision
  87. [19:54] <KingNate> Yeah okay so
  88. [19:54] <KingNate> Emperorzero
  89. [19:54] <KingNate> What about him
  90. [19:54] <KingNate> He said worse than me
  91. [19:55] <KingNate> and got a 2 month ban
  92. [19:55] <KingNate> Just because Harv likes him more,
  93. [19:55] <KingNate> he gets a 2 month ban
  94. [19:55] <KingNate> Emperorzero has had more chat warnings than me
  95. [19:55] <KingNate> He even had a 1 month mute
  96. [19:55] <KingNate> It's the fact that it's us
  97. [19:55] <KingNate> You just don't like us, you find any excuse to terminate us
  98. [19:55] <KingNate> Just because you want us off your game
  99. 01[19:55] <12Phantom4722> If you have further questions about different issues I would be glad to answer them, however you are already on a 6 month ban. If you continue to harass TTR staff with the same questions, we will be forced to contact GameSurge staff
  100. [19:57] <KingNate> Ignore my questions. Thank you
  101. [19:57] <KingNate> So you guys don't even have the decency to respond to my very long, heartfelt appeal?
  102. [19:57] <KingNate> You guys are just a bunch of bully's running a kids game
  103. [19:57] <KingNate> I hope you're happy with yourself,
  104. [19:59] <KingNate> So definitely chat logs get you terminated, but sbm gets a warning
  105. [19:59] <KingNate> You guys are the most biased team I have ever seen, your actions lead to our "Words"
  106. [20:03] <KingNate> Now just ignore what I'm saying because you don't know what else to say, because you know what I'm saying is true
  107. -
  108. [20:12] Session Ident: KingNate (GameSurge, Phantom4722) (
  109. [20:12] <KingNate> Will the Cashbot field office have an underwater habitat for SHARKS?
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