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Nov 7th, 2017
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  1. # ASTDR DeRainbow function v1.72
  3.   function ASTDR(clip input, float "strength", int "tempsoftth", int "tempsoftrad", int "tempsoftsc", float "blstr", int "tht", int "FluxStv", int "dcn", bool "edgem", bool "exmc", clip "edgemprefil")
  4.   {
  5.   exmc          = default(exmc, false)
  6.   sisfield      = input.IsFieldBased()
  7.   fnomc         = sisfield && !exmc
  8.   strn          = Default(strength, 5)
  9.   blstr         = Default(blstr, sisfield ? 0.3 : 0.5)
  10.   tht           = Default(tht, 255)
  11.   tschrth       = Default(tempsoftth, 30)
  12.   tschrrad      = Default(tempsoftrad, 3)
  13.   tschrsc       = Default(tempsoftsc, 3)
  14.   FluxStv       = Default(FluxStv, sisfield ? 60 : 75)
  15.   dcn           = Default(dcn, 15)
  16.   edgem         = default(edgem, false)
  18.   momask    = exmc ? nop() : input.tweak(sat=1.1).mt_motion(thc2=1,thc1=1,thy2=1,thy1=1,y=3,v=3,u=3,tht=tht)
  19.   momaskinv = exmc ? nop() : momask.mt_expand(u=3, v=3).mt_inflate(u=3, v=3).Invert().Levels(0,2,255,0,255)
  21.   inrainev    = fnomc ? input.selecteven() : input
  22.   filtered_uv = !exmc ? inrainev.DeCross(ThresholdY=15, Noise=dcn, Margin=1) : inrainev
  23.   filtered_uv = filtered_uv.FluxSmoothST(FluxStv,sisfield ? FluxStv/2 : FluxStv).Mergeluma(inrainev)
  24.   filtered_uv = sisfield ? filtered_uv : filtered_uv.awarpsharp2(depth=4,chroma=6,cplace="MPEG2")
  25.   filtered_uv = filtered_uv.hqdn3d(ls=0,lt=0,cs=sisfield ? strn*2/5 : strn*3/5,ct=strn).temporalsoften(tschrrad,0,tschrth,tschrsc,2).blur(blstr).Mergeluma(inrainev)
  26.   filtered_uv = sisfield ? filtered_uv : filtered_uv.aWarpSharp2(depth=4,chroma=6,cplace="MPEG2")
  27.   filtered_uv = filtered_uv.fft3dfilter(sigma=sisfield ? 0.7 : 1,sigma3=sisfield ? 3 : 4,plane=3,degrid=1)
  29.   fnomc ? eval("""
  30. filtered_uve = filtered_uv
  31.  inputodd    = input.selectodd()
  32.  filtered_uv = inputodd.DeCross(ThresholdY=15, Noise=dcn, Margin=1).FluxSmoothST(FluxStv,sisfield ? FluxStv/2 : FluxStv).Mergeluma(inputodd)
  33.  filtered_uv = filtered_uv.hqdn3d(ls=0,lt=0,cs=sisfield ? strn*2/5 : strn*3/5.0,ct=strn).temporalsoften(tschrrad,0,tschrth,tschrsc,2).blur(blstr).Mergeluma(inputodd)
  34.  filtered_uv = filtered_uv.fft3dfilter(sigma=sisfield ? 0.7 : 1,sigma3=sisfield ? 3 : 4,plane=3,degrid=1)
  35.  filtered_uv = interleave(filtered_uve,filtered_uv)
  36.                  """) : nop()
  38.   filtered = exmc ? nop() : mt_merge(filtered_uv, input, momaskinv,y=2,u=3,v=3,luma=true)
  40.   exmc ? filtered_uv : mt_merge(input, filtered, momask.mt_expand(y=1,u=3,v=3).mt_inflate(y=1,u=3,v=3),y=2,u=3,v=3)
  41.   edgemclip = edgem ? defined(edgemprefil) ? edgemprefil.mt_edge("sobel", 4, 4, 4, 4) : input.mt_edge("sobel", 4, 4, 4, 4) : nop()
  42.   edgem ? mt_merge(input, last, edgemclip.mt_expand().mt_inflate(),y=2,u=3,v=3,luma=true) : last
  43.   }
  45. # ASTDRmc DeRainbow function v1.72
  47.   function ASTDRmc(clip input, float "strength", int "tempsoftth", int "tempsoftrad", int "tempsoftsc", float "blstr", int "tht", int "FluxStv", int "dcn", bool "edgem", int "thSAD", clip "prefil", bool "chroma")
  48.   {
  49. sisfield = input.IsFieldBased()
  51.   tht      = Default(tht, 255)
  52.   tschrrad = Default(tempsoftrad, sisfield ? 5 : 3).min(5)
  53.   tschrth  = Default(tempsoftth, sisfield ? 50 : 30)
  54.   thSAD    = Default(thSAD, tht)
  55.   edgem    = default(edgem, sisfield)
  56.   chroma   = default(chroma, false)
  58. derbmask = sisfield ? nop() : (VersionNumber() < 2.60) ? input.tedgemask(threshY=2,u=0,v=0).mt_inflate() : input.TEMmod(threshY=2,chroma=0).mt_inflate()
  60. exprefil  = defined(prefil)
  61. prefil    = exprefil ? prefil : chroma ? sisfield ? input.MinBlur(3,blurrep=true).mergeluma(input).Blur(1) : input.MinBlur(3,blurrep=true) : input.Blur(1.5)
  62. ieven     = sisfield ? input.selecteven().mc4ASTDRmc(tschrrad,prefil.selecteven(),thSAD,chroma) : nop()
  63. iodd      = sisfield ? input.selectodd().mc4ASTDRmc(tschrrad,prefil.selectodd(),thSAD,chroma) : nop()
  64. mcclip    = sisfield ? nop() : input.mc4ASTDRmc(tschrrad,prefil,thSAD,chroma)
  66. astev     = sisfield ? ieven.ASTDR(strength=strength,tempsoftth=tschrth,tempsoftrad=tschrrad,tempsoftsc=tempsoftsc,blstr=blstr,tht=tht,FluxStv=FluxStv,dcn=dcn,edgem=edgem,exmc=true,edgemprefil=!exprefil ? undefined : prefil.selecteven().changefps(framerate(prefil)/2*(tschrrad*2+1))).selectevery(tschrrad * 2 + 1, tschrrad) : nop()
  67. astod     = sisfield ? iodd.ASTDR(strength=strength,tempsoftth=tschrth,tempsoftrad=tschrrad,tempsoftsc=tempsoftsc,blstr=blstr,tht=tht,FluxStv=FluxStv,dcn=dcn,edgem=edgem,exmc=true,edgemprefil=!exprefil ? undefined : prefil.selectodd().changefps(framerate(prefil)/2*(tschrrad*2+1))).selectevery(tschrrad * 2 + 1, tschrrad) : nop()
  68. ASTDRclip = !sisfield ? mcclip.ASTDR(strength=strength,tempsoftth=tschrth,tempsoftrad=tschrrad,tempsoftsc=tempsoftsc,blstr=blstr,tht=tht,FluxStv=FluxStv,dcn=dcn,edgem=edgem,exmc=true,edgemprefil=prefil.changefps(framerate(prefil)*(tschrrad*2+1))) : interleave(astev,astod)
  70. sisfield ? ASTDRclip : mt_merge(input,ASTDRclip.selectevery(tschrrad * 2 + 1, tschrrad), derbmask,luma=true,y=2,u=3,v=3)
  71.   }
  73.   function mc4ASTDRmc(clip input, int "tschrrad", clip "prefil", int "thSAD", bool "chroma")
  74.   {
  75. masuper = prefil.MSuper()
  76. mcsuper = input.MSuper(levels=1)
  78. b5v = tschrrad > 4 ? MAnalyse(masuper, delta=5, truemotion = true, isb = true, chroma=chroma) : nop()
  79. b4v = tschrrad > 3 ? MAnalyse(masuper, delta=4, truemotion = true, isb = true, chroma=chroma) : nop()
  80. b3v = tschrrad > 2 ? MAnalyse(masuper, delta=3, truemotion = true, isb = true, chroma=chroma) : nop()
  81. b2v = tschrrad > 1 ? MAnalyse(masuper, delta=2, truemotion = true, isb = true, chroma=chroma) : nop()
  82. b1v = MAnalyse(masuper, delta=1, truemotion = true, isb = true, chroma=chroma)
  83. f1v = MAnalyse(masuper, delta=1, truemotion = true, isb = false, chroma=chroma)
  84. f2v = tschrrad > 1 ? MAnalyse(masuper, delta=2, truemotion = true, isb = false, chroma=chroma) : nop()
  85. f3v = tschrrad > 2 ? MAnalyse(masuper, delta=3, truemotion = true, isb = false, chroma=chroma) : nop()
  86. f4v = tschrrad > 3 ? MAnalyse(masuper, delta=4, truemotion = true, isb = false, chroma=chroma) : nop()
  87. f5v = tschrrad > 4 ? MAnalyse(masuper, delta=5, truemotion = true, isb = false, chroma=chroma) : nop()
  89. f5c = tschrrad > 4 ? input.MCompensate(mcsuper, f5v, thSAD=thSAD) : nop()
  90. f4c = tschrrad > 3 ? input.MCompensate(mcsuper, f4v, thSAD=thSAD) : nop()
  91. f3c = tschrrad > 2 ? input.MCompensate(mcsuper, f3v, thSAD=thSAD) : nop()
  92. f2c = tschrrad > 1 ? input.MCompensate(mcsuper, f2v, thSAD=thSAD) : nop()
  93. f1c = input.MCompensate(mcsuper, f1v)
  94. b1c = input.MCompensate(mcsuper, b1v)
  95. b2c = tschrrad > 1 ? input.MCompensate(mcsuper, b2v, thSAD=thSAD) : nop()
  96. b3c = tschrrad > 2 ? input.MCompensate(mcsuper, b3v, thSAD=thSAD) : nop()
  97. b4c = tschrrad > 3 ? input.MCompensate(mcsuper, b4v, thSAD=thSAD) : nop()
  98. b5c = tschrrad > 4 ? input.MCompensate(mcsuper, b5v, thSAD=thSAD) : nop()
  100.          tschrrad == 5 ? interleave(f5c,f4c,f3c,f2c,f1c,input,b1c,b2c,b3c,b4c,b5c) : \
  101.          tschrrad == 4 ? interleave(f4c,f3c,f2c,f1c,input,b1c,b2c,b3c,b4c) : \
  102.          tschrrad == 3 ? interleave(f3c,f2c,f1c,input,b1c,b2c,b3c) : \
  103.          tschrrad == 2 ? interleave(f2c,f1c,input,b1c,b2c) : \
  104.                          interleave(f1c,input,b1c)
  105.   }
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