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- $${
- &version="v8.6-b-a";
- #####################################
- #####################################
- ##############**Xylic**##############
- #############Herbalismo##############
- #################v8##################
- #####################################
- #####################################
- # ssssssy:
- # +++++hhhhdddy++
- # -----ddddmhhhyyhhddd--`
- # mmmmmyyyyyddhyyyyyyydd+
- # mmmmmyyyyyyyyyyhhhhhyyysssshdd
- #yyyyyhhhhhyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyhyyyysssssss:
- #dddhhyyyyyyysssssssssssssyyyssooosshhsss
- #ddhyyssssssssssssssssssssyysoosssssooyhh
- #ddhyyyyssssssyyooooosssoooosssyyyyy..:++
- #hhyss../sssssooyysssoooooyyyyy--.``--/oo
- #hhyss``.--sssoosssooyyyys--:::...--ssyhh
- #//oyy::-``/+sssssss /+++.----+++++hhddd
- # :ssyy/..``:++ooooo..--- /:::hyyyysssss
- # ddyss `.......--..`yyyyyhhhhh
- # +ddss: -----yyyyyhhhhh
- # `--hhs++ooooohhhhh-----
- # //oyyyyyyyyyyy
- # :sssssso
- match(%&version%,"v(.+).(.+)-(.+)-(.+)",{#herbuild,#herminor,&heralbest,&abefec});
- @#herbuild=%#herbuild%;
- @#herminor=%#herminor%;
- @&heralbest=%&heralbest%;
- ifmatches(%&heralbest%,"-");&stability="Bleeding Edge";endif;
- ifmatches(%&heralbest%,"a");&stability="Fase Alpha";endif;
- ifmatches(%&heralbest%,"b");&stability="Fase Beta";endif;
- ifmatches(%&heralbest%,"s");&stability="Estável";endif;
- ifmatches(%&abefec%,"a");&liber="&3Publica";endif;
- ifmatches(%&abefec%,"f");&liber="&4Fechada";endif;
- @&stability=%&stability%;
- @&liber=%&liber%;
- &hertecla=%KEYNAME%;
- @&hertecla=%&hertecla%;
- if(@herbax);
- unset(@herbax);
- unset(@guardalivro);
- log(" ");
- log("&6%PLAYER% &cDesligou a &4[Xylic] &6Herbalismo &4OFF");
- log(" ");
- log(&d[&aMACRO&d] &3Exp = %#exp%);
- log(" ");
- stop();
- else;
- set(@herbax);
- log(" ");
- log("&6%PLAYER% &2Ligou a &4[Xylic] &6Herbalismo");
- log(" ");
- log("&4[Xylic] &6Herbalismo na Tecla &5&l%&hertecla%");
- log(" ");
- log("&9&lVersão: &5%#herbuild%.%#herminor% - &6&l%&stability% %&liber%");
- log(" ");
- echo("/g &b gg&5 #xylic &bherbalismo &5v%#herbuild%.%#herminor%");
- //Vars
- #exp=0;
- #bau=1;
- #mao=0;
- &baucana="sem";
- @&baucana=%&baucana%;
- &bau="chest";
- &home="herbalismo";
- wait(200ms);
- look(west);
- keydown(jump);
- wait(100ms);
- keyup(jump);
- //Verificar se tenho livros pra guardar
- gui(inventory);
- #livg=0;
- wait(500ms);
- for(#slt,9,26);
- getslotitem(%#slt%,&ta);
- ifmatches(%&ta%,air);
- else;
- inc(#livg,1);
- endif;
- wait(100ms);
- next;
- if(%#livg%>0);
- set(@guardalivro);
- log("&2%#livg% &9livros para guardar &f- &cQueued");
- else;
- unset(@guardalivro);
- log("&4%#livg% &9livros para guardar &f- &bComeçando Up");
- endif;
- wait(100ms);
- gui();
- //Upando
- do;
- do(10);
- look(west);
- look(,90);
- do(100);
- pick(red_mushroom,reeds);
- key(use);
- wait(1t);
- key(attack);
- inc(#exp,1);
- //Bug sem cana na mão
- ifmatches(%ITEM%,"air");
- if(@morri);
- if(@pegacana);
- else;
- if(%#mao%>40);
- set(@pegacana);
- #mao=0;
- else;
- inc(#mao,1);
- //log("%#mao%");
- endif;
- endif;
- endif;
- endif;
- //log(100);
- loop;
- //Se Morrer
- if(%HEALTH%<1);
- set(@morri);
- set(@pegacana);
- do(1);
- ifmatches(%GUI%,"GUIGAMEOVER");
- respawn();
- endif;
- do();
- wait(100ms);
- until((%HEALTH%>1)&&(%GUI%="NONE"));
- wait(1);
- //home
- echo("/home %&home%");
- wait(6);
- keydown(jump);
- wait(150ms);
- keyup(jump);
- loop;
- endif;
- if(@pegacana);
- //Procurar bau para pegar Cana
- wait(600ms);
- do();
- ifmatches(%&baucana%,"sem");
- look(south);
- wait(600ms);
- ifmatches(%HITID%,%&bau%);
- &baucana=south;
- @&baucana=%&baucana%;
- //log(%&baucana%);
- else;
- endif;
- endif;
- ifmatches(%&baucana%,"sem");
- look(north);
- wait(600ms);
- ifmatches(%HITID%,%&bau%);
- &baucana=north;
- @&baucana=%&baucana%;
- //log(%&baucana%);
- else;
- endif;
- endif;
- until(%&baucana%!="sem");
- //Abrindo Bau de cana
- wait(500ms);
- look(%@&baucana%);
- do();
- wait(20ms);
- until(%HITID%="chest");
- key(use);
- do();
- wait(20ms);
- until(%GUI%="GUICHEST");
- wait(600ms);
- //Pegando Canas
- #slot=0;
- do();
- getslotitem(53,&id,#quant);
- slotclick(%#slot%,l,true);
- wait(80ms);
- if(%#slot%>53);
- #slot=0;
- else;
- #slot=%#slot%+1;
- endif;
- getslotitem(81,&id,#quant);
- until(%&id%!="air");
- unset(@pegacana);
- gui();
- do();
- wait(10ms);
- until(%GUI%="NONE");
- endif;
- loop;
- //Guardar se pegou livro (Adicionar a outra na onchat para guardar)
- if(@guardalivro);
- wait(200ms);
- keydown(jump);
- wait(150ms);
- keyup(jump);
- wait(200ms);
- if(#bau<2);
- look(east);
- endif;
- if(#bau=2);
- look(east);
- look(,60);
- endif;
- if(#bau>2);
- look(east);
- endif;
- do();
- wait(20ms);
- until(%HITID%="chest");
- wait(200ms);
- key(use);
- #baucount=0;
- do();
- if(%#baucount%>200);
- keydown(jump);
- wait(150ms);
- keyup(jump);
- do();
- wait(20ms);
- until(%HITID%="chest");
- wait(80ms);
- key(use);
- wait(250ms);
- //#baucount=0;
- else;
- wait(20ms);
- inc(#baucount,1);
- //log(%#baucount%);
- endif;
- until(%GUI%="GUICHEST");
- //Zerar o contador pós-aberto para não bugar com soma de 'mini-esperas'
- if(%GUI%="GUICHEST");
- #baucount=0;
- //log(%#baucount%);
- endif;
- wait(200ms);
- //Guardando
- for(#slt,54,71);
- slotclick(%#slt%,l,true);
- wait(50ms);
- next;
- getslotitem(53,&idli);
- ifmatches(%&idli%,"air");
- else;
- if(%#bau%>2);
- log("&5&l%Fim dos Baus");
- #bau=1;
- else;
- inc(#bau,1);
- log("&5&l%Novo Bau - &4%#bau%");
- endif;
- endif;
- wait(100ms);
- gui();
- wait(100ms);
- keydown(jump);
- wait(150ms);
- keyup(jump);
- wait(200ms);
- look(west);
- unset(@guardalivro);
- endif;
- keydown(sneak);
- wait(150ms);
- keyup(sneak);
- wait(50ms);
- loop;
- endif;
- ##################################
- ##################################
- ####End **Xylic's** Herbalismo####
- ##################################
- ##################################
- ##########Level 11 Mato##########
- }$$
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