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a guest
Sep 22nd, 2017
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  1. 1 - Lap dance for the person to your left!
  2. 2 - Remove an item of clothing, toss it center stage.
  3. 3 - Bark like a yappy poodle until your next drink.
  4. 4 - Superfreak, do a streak around the stage!
  5. 5 - Waddle like a duck to get your next shot and take it hands free.
  6. 6 - Pucker up, kiss the player to your right!
  7. 7 - Your shot was just high quality H2O. Next!
  8. 8 - Body shot! Take it off your player of choice.
  9. 9 - Spin around a broom ten times then run to the bar and back.
  11. 11 - Sit on the floor and do 20 sit ups. If you burp, take another shot (roll 1d2 Burp Y=1 N=2)
  12. 12 - Try and fit 10 marshmallows in your mouth. (roll 1d10 to see how many you did)
  13. 13 - Hula hoop! Throw that ass in a circle and keep the hoop up until your next shot.
  14. 14 - Another dud. Meh, hydration!
  15. 15 - Dirty Mistress for you! (OOC Note: When drinking the Dirty Mistress you must roll a 1d4. 1=Immediately sick, you may need a bucket or chamber pot. 2=Minor hallucinations for half an hour. 3=Immediately passing out. 4=Incredibly drunk.)
  16. 16 - Tell the player to your left the most physically attractive part about them.
  17. 17 - Lay flat on the floor and give your best throw rug impression until your next shot.
  18. 18 - Haweewee. Put on this here coconut bra and grass skirt and shimmy.
  19. 19 - Do an armpit fart.
  20. 20 - Strip tease on the stage to the full monty.
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