
Thacker- believes in the 'fake news' conspiracy theory

May 1st, 2018
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  1. 11:59:04 AM+LowInformationVoterGrapeApe: It's nice that Trump is always saying the 'fake news' bit about the Mueller investigation -- it means he has no actual response.
  2. 11:59:08 AM Ignoring sardaukar!*@*
  3. 11:59:19 AM@[e]he has ended the war in korea
  4. 11:59:19 AM@[e][e] [[e]!~floppycut@c-73-18-181-149.hsd1.mi.comcast.net] * LordHungWell
  5. 11:59:19 AM@[e]Channels: @#sowhat @#debates @#civil_debate @#gaychat #Christianops +#debate #allnitecafe #butterfly +#uspolitics +#pastaspalace #islam-debate +#ircdebate +#DoItYourself +#ChristianDebate
  6. 11:59:19 AM@[e]Connected to server: punch.wa.us.dal.net Shovel ready since 1998!
  7. 11:59:19 AM@[e]has identified for this nick
  8. 11:59:19 AM@[e]Idle for 00:00:00, signed on 04/30/2018
  9. 11:59:21 AM+Godric[e] you filed your 2018 taxes already?
  10. 11:59:24 AM+Godricneat
  11. 11:59:30 AM+GrapeApehah!
  12. 11:59:31 AM@Thacker-low, nothing to respond to
  13. 11:59:34 AM Ignoring *!*@c-73-18-181-149*
  14. 11:59:37 AM+SecondChancelol took him that long to google that
  15. 12:00:02 PM+Godricecon has been huming for awhile now
  16. 12:00:02 PM@Thacker-the "fake news" is the Trump-Russian collusion mantra being spewed day after day in the Fake Media
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