

Jun 24th, 2015
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  1. Unknown exception
  2. bad allocation
  3. CorExitProcess
  4. FlsFree
  5. FlsSetValue
  6. FlsGetValue
  7. FlsAlloc
  8. Complete Object Locator'
  9. Class Hierarchy Descriptor'
  10. Base Class Array'
  11. Base Class Descriptor at (
  12. Type Descriptor'
  13. `local static thread guard'
  14. `managed vector copy constructor iterator'
  15. `vector vbase copy constructor iterator'
  16. `vector copy constructor iterator'
  17. `dynamic atexit destructor for '
  18. `dynamic initializer for '
  19. `eh vector vbase copy constructor iterator'
  20. `eh vector copy constructor iterator'
  21. `managed vector destructor iterator'
  22. `managed vector constructor iterator'
  23. `placement delete[] closure'
  24. `placement delete closure'
  25. `omni callsig'
  26. delete[]
  27. new[]
  28. `local vftable constructor closure'
  29. `local vftable'
  30. `RTTI
  31. `udt returning'
  32. `copy constructor closure'
  33. `eh vector vbase constructor iterator'
  34. `eh vector destructor iterator'
  35. `eh vector constructor iterator'
  36. `virtual displacement map'
  37. `vector vbase constructor iterator'
  38. `vector destructor iterator'
  39. `vector constructor iterator'
  40. `scalar deleting destructor'
  41. `default constructor closure'
  42. `vector deleting destructor'
  43. `vbase destructor'
  44. `string'
  45. `local static guard'
  46. `typeof'
  47. `vcall'
  48. `vbtable'
  49. `vftable'
  50. operator
  51. delete
  52. new
  53. __unaligned
  54. __restrict
  55. __ptr64
  56. __eabi
  57. __clrcall
  58. __fastcall
  59. __thiscall
  60. __stdcall
  61. __pascal
  62. __cdecl
  63. __based(
  64. GetProcessWindowStation
  65. GetUserObjectInformationW
  66. GetLastActivePopup
  67. GetActiveWindow
  68. MessageBoxW
  69. HH:mm:ss
  70. dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy
  71. MM/dd/yy
  72. December
  73. November
  74. October
  75. September
  76. August
  77. July
  78. June
  79. April
  80. March
  81. February
  82. January
  83. Saturday
  84. Friday
  85. Thursday
  86. Wednesday
  87. Tuesday
  88. Monday
  89. Sunday
  90. !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~
  92. !"#$%&'()*+,-./0123456789:;<=>?@ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ[\]^_`abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz{|}~
  93. MsgBox:
  94. Command line:
  95. string too long
  96. invalid string position
  97. bad exception
  98. RSDS
  99. D:\Projects\RideBack\msgbox\Release\msgbox.pdb
  100. OutputDebugStringA
  101. KERNEL32.dll
  102. MessageBoxA
  103. USER32.dll
  104. GetCommandLineA
  105. HeapSetInformation
  106. RaiseException
  107. TerminateProcess
  108. GetCurrentProcess
  109. UnhandledExceptionFilter
  110. SetUnhandledExceptionFilter
  111. IsDebuggerPresent
  112. HeapAlloc
  113. GetLastError
  114. HeapFree
  115. IsProcessorFeaturePresent
  116. EncodePointer
  117. DecodePointer
  118. GetProcAddress
  119. GetModuleHandleW
  120. ExitProcess
  121. WriteFile
  122. GetStdHandle
  123. GetModuleFileNameW
  124. GetModuleFileNameA
  125. FreeEnvironmentStringsW
  126. WideCharToMultiByte
  127. GetEnvironmentStringsW
  128. SetHandleCount
  129. InitializeCriticalSectionAndSpinCount
  130. GetFileType
  131. GetStartupInfoW
  132. DeleteCriticalSection
  133. TlsAlloc
  134. TlsGetValue
  135. TlsSetValue
  136. TlsFree
  137. InterlockedIncrement
  138. SetLastError
  139. GetCurrentThreadId
  140. InterlockedDecrement
  141. HeapCreate
  142. QueryPerformanceCounter
  143. GetTickCount
  144. GetCurrentProcessId
  145. GetSystemTimeAsFileTime
  146. LeaveCriticalSection
  147. EnterCriticalSection
  148. RtlUnwind
  149. Sleep
  150. HeapSize
  151. LoadLibraryW
  152. GetCPInfo
  153. GetACP
  154. GetOEMCP
  155. IsValidCodePage
  156. HeapReAlloc
  157. LCMapStringW
  158. MultiByteToWideChar
  159. GetStringTypeW
  160. .?AVlogic_error@std@@
  161. .?AVlength_error@std@@
  162. .?AVout_of_range@std@@
  163. .?AVtype_info@@
  165. abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
  168. abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz
  170. .?AVexception@std@@
  171. .?AVbad_alloc@std@@
  172. .?AVbad_exception@std@@
  173. <assembly xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v1" manifestVersion="1.0">
  174. <trustInfo xmlns="urn:schemas-microsoft-com:asm.v3">
  175. <security>
  176. <requestedPrivileges>
  177. <requestedExecutionLevel level="asInvoker" uiAccess="false"></requestedExecutionLevel>
  178. </requestedPrivileges>
  179. </security>
  180. </trustInfo>
  182. 0F0U0
  183. 3F4X4
  184. 7$7@7f7q7
  185. 8:9l9
  186. : :$:(:,:0:z:
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