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- #! /usr/bin/python
- # whats up its defalt
- # this script an SMTP user enumerator
- # it can use VRFY, EXPN, and RCPT TO methods
- # the SMTPUserEnumerator class can also be imported into other scripts
- # happy hacking! :) -defalt
- import socket
- class SMTPUserEnumerator():
- def __init__(self, target, userlist, port=25, scantype="vrfy", mailfrom="root"):
- # set init args as attributes
- = target
- self.userlist = userlist
- self.port = port
- self.scantype = scantype
- self.mailfrom = [mailfrom, True] # boolean used for one-time sending of MAIL FROM command for RCPT scan
- self.sock = None # attribute for socket connected to target, generate with buildSock()
- self.targetBanner = None # banner from target server, stored upon vuln test
- def readUsers(self): # func to read file of usernames
- with open(self.userlist, 'r') as file:
- users ='\n') # read all, strip last newline, then split at every newline
- self.userlist = users # store list of usernames in self.userlist
- return
- def buildSock(self): # func to build socket
- s = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM)
- s.connect((, self.port)) # connect socket object to target
- self.sock = s # store socket object in self.sock
- banner = self.sock.recv(1024)[4::] # receive banner
- if self.targetBanner == None: # if we haven't already stored the banner
- self.targetBanner = banner # keep it
- return
- def closeSock(self): # func to close self.sock
- self.sock.close()
- self.sock = None
- return
- def testScanType(self): # func to test vulnerability to chosen scan
- if self.scantype == "vrfy": # VRFY scan
- self.sock.send("VRFY\n") # send empty VRFY command to target
- response = self.sock.recv(1024) # get response
- self.sock.send("QUIT\n") # quit SMTP
- self.closeSock() # shutdown socket
- if "501" in response: # if SMTP 501 syntax error
- return True # VRFY command is available
- else:
- return False
- elif self.scantype == "expn": # EXPN scan
- self.sock.send("EXPN\n") # send EXPN command
- response = self.sock.recv(1024)
- self.sock.send("QUIT\n")
- self.closeSock()
- if "502" in response: # if SMTP 502 command not recognized
- return False # EXPN is not available
- else:
- return True
- elif self.scantype == "rcpt": # RCPT TO scan
- self.sock.send("MAIL FROM:%s\n" %(self.mailfrom[0])) # send MAIL FROM command, use self.mailfrom for user
- self.sock.recv(1024)
- self.sock.send("RCPT TO:%s\n" %(self.mailfrom[0])) # send RCPT TO command, use self.mailfrom again
- response = self.sock.recv(1024)
- self.sock.send("QUIT\n")
- self.closeSock()
- if ("250" in response) or ("550" in response): # if RCPT TO is a recognized command (regardless if mailfrom user exists)
- return True # RCPT TO is available
- else:
- return False
- def vrfyProbe(self, user): # func to probe target with VRFY
- self.sock.send("VRFY %s\n" %(user)) # send VRFY command w/ username to target
- response = self.sock.recv(1024)
- if ("250" in response) or ("252" in response): # if 220 OK (or 252 because an unknown user returns 550)
- return True # user exists
- else:
- return False
- def expnProbe(self, user): # func to probe target with EXPN
- self.sock.send("EXPN %s\n" %(user)) # send EXPN command w/ username to target
- response = self.sock.recv(1024)
- if "250" in response: # if 250 OK
- return True # user exists
- else:
- return False
- def rcptProbe(self, user): # func to probe target with RCPT TO
- if self.mailfrom[1]: # if self.mailfrom[1] is True
- self.sock.send("MAIL FROM:%s\n" %(self.mailfrom[0])) # send MAIL FROM command w/ MAIL FROM username to target
- self.sock.recv(1024)
- self.mailfrom[1] = False # set self.mailfrom[1] to False (this MAIL FROM command will only be sent once)
- self.sock.send("RCPT TO:%s\n" %(user)) # send RCPT TO command w/ username
- response = self.sock.recv(1024)
- if "250" in response: # if 250 OK
- return True # user exists
- else:
- return False
- def probeTarget(self, user): # func to evaluate scan type and probe for a username accordingly
- if self.scantype == "vrfy":
- result = self.vrfyProbe(user)
- elif self.scantype == "expn":
- result = self.expnProbe(user)
- elif self.scantype == "rcpt":
- result = self.rcptProbe(user)
- return result
- if __name__ == "__main__":
- import os
- import sys
- import argparse
- from datetime import datetime
- parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description="SMTP User Enumeration Tool")
- parser.add_argument("-t", "--target", help="IP address of target SMTP server", action="store", dest="target", default=False)
- parser.add_argument("-p", "--port", help="Port number of target SMTP server (default: 25)", action="store", dest="port", default=25)
- parser.add_argument("-u", "--userlist", help="Path to wordlist of usernames to probe for", action="store", dest="file", default=False)
- parser.add_argument("--mailfrom", help="Change username used for MAIL FROM command (used in RCPT scan|default: root)", action="store", dest="user", default="root")
- parser.add_argument("--scan-vrfy", help="Use VRFY enumeration method", action="store_true", dest="vrfy", default=False)
- parser.add_argument("--scan-expn", help="Use EXPN enumeration method", action="store_true", dest="expn", default=False)
- parser.add_argument("--scan-rcpt", help="Use RCPT TO enumeration method", action="store_true", dest="rcpt", default=False)
- args = parser.parse_args()
- if len(sys.argv) == 1: # if no flags/switches are used
- parser.print_help() # print help page
- sys.exit(0) # exit
- if not # if no target given (default is False, not False == True)
- parser.error("No target IP address given") # raise parser error for no target IP address given
- sys.exit(1)
- try:
- socket.inet_aton( # attempt to run IP through socket.inet_aton
- except socket.error: # if there are any socket errors
- parser.error("Given target IP address is invalid") # the given IP is invalid
- sys.exit(1)
- try:
- if (int(args.port) < 1) or (int(args.port) > 65536): # convert args.port to integer and make sure it fits port range
- raise Exception # if it doesn't fit the port range, raise an exception
- except: # if an error is generated by the int conversion (a non-int being entered) or the range doesn't fit
- parser.error("Given target port number is invalid") # the port number is invalid
- sys.exit(1)
- if not args.file: # if no wordlist given
- parser.error("No wordlist given")
- sys.exit(1)
- elif not os.path.isfile(args.file): # if a wordlist was given but doesn't exist
- parser.error("Given wordlist does not exist")
- sys.exit(1)
- types = [args.vrfy, args.expn, args.rcpt] # put all scan-type values in a list for easier evaluation
- if (types.count(True) > 1) or (types.count(True) == 0): # if more than 1 True value OR if 0 True values
- parser.error("Scan type selection invalid (choose one)") # the scan choice is invalid
- sys.exit(1)
- # evaluate scan types in the order they were taken from args
- if types[0]: # args.vrfy is True
- scantype = "vrfy" # set scantype to vrfy
- elif types[1]:
- scantype = "expn"
- elif types[2]:
- scantype = "rcpt"
- print "[*] %s scan chosen for use against %s:%s" %(scantype.upper(),, str(args.port)) # give info on scan back to user
- # create enumerator object and apply all validated input
- enumerator = SMTPUserEnumerator(, args.file, port=int(args.port), scantype=scantype, mailfrom=args.user)
- print "[*] Checking for vulnerability to %s scan... " %(scantype.upper()),;sys.stdout.flush() # begin vuln check
- try:
- enumerator.buildSock() # build sock to target
- check = enumerator.testScanType() # call testScanType() and store result in check
- if check: # if testScanType() returned True
- print "[GOOD]" # target is vulnerable
- else: # if False is returned
- print "[BAD]" # target is not vulnerable
- sys.exit(1)
- except Exception: # if an error happens (bogus target info is entered)
- print "[FAIL]" # check failed
- sys.exit(1) # exit
- print "[*] Parsing list of users... ",;sys.stdout.flush() # tell user that file is being read
- try:
- enumerator.readUsers() # call readUsers() to read, parse, and store file contents
- print "[DONE]"
- except: # if something goes wrong
- print "[FAIL]" # fail out and exit
- sys.exit(1)
- print "[*] Trying %s users... \n" %(str(len(enumerator.userlist))) # print number of usernames to try
- startTime = # start clock for scan duration
- enumerator.buildSock() # call buildSock() to reconnect to target
- print "Target banner: %s" %(enumerator.targetBanner) # print target banner taken on vuln check
- for i in range(len(enumerator.userlist)): # enumerate through usernames
- result = enumerator.probeTarget(enumerator.userlist[i]) # call probeTarget() and pass current username
- if result: # if its a good username
- print "Found: %s" %(enumerator.userlist[i]) # report in console
- enumerator.closeSock() # close connection to target once scan is done
- stopTime = # stop clock for scan duration
- print "\n[*] Enumeration complete!" # complete scan
- print "[*] Duration: %s" %(str(stopTime-startTime)) # calculate and print scan duration
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