
shimgvw.dll xp.idl

Jan 18th, 2022
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  1. // Generated .IDL/C++ pseudo source equivalent of Win32 type library ..\<Unknown>
  2. [
  3. uuid({50F16B18-467E-11D1-8271-00C04FC3183B}),
  4. version(1.0),
  5. helpstring("Preview 1.0 Type Library")
  6. ]
  7. library PREVIEWLib
  8. {
  9. // Forward references and typedefs
  10. dispinterface IPreview;
  11. dispinterface IPreview2;
  12. interface IPreview3;
  13. interface IImgCmdTarget;
  14. dispinterface DPreviewEvents;
  16. [
  17. uuid({50F16B25-467E-11D1-8271-00C04FC3183B}),
  18. helpstring("IPreview Interface")
  19. ]
  20. dispinterface IPreview
  21. {
  22. properties:
  23. methods:
  24. [id(0), restricted] void QueryInterface(
  25. [in] GUID* riid,
  26. [out] void** ppvObj);
  27. [id(1), restricted] unsigned long AddRef();
  28. [id(2), restricted] unsigned long Release();
  29. [id(3), restricted] void GetTypeInfoCount([out] unsigned int* pctinfo);
  30. [id(4), restricted] void GetTypeInfo(
  31. [in] unsigned int itinfo,
  32. [in] unsigned long lcid,
  33. [out] void** pptinfo);
  34. [id(5), restricted] void GetIDsOfNames(
  35. [in] GUID* riid,
  36. [in] char** rgszNames,
  37. [in] unsigned int cNames,
  38. [in] unsigned long lcid,
  39. [out] long* rgdispid);
  40. [id(6), restricted] void Invoke(
  41. [in] long dispidMember,
  42. [in] GUID* riid,
  43. [in] unsigned long lcid,
  44. [in] unsigned short wFlags,
  45. [in] DISPPARAMS* pdispparams,
  46. [out] VARIANT* pvarResult,
  47. [out] EXCEPINFO* pexcepinfo,
  48. [out] unsigned int* puArgErr);
  49. [id(7), helpstring("method ShowFile")] void ShowFile(
  50. BSTR bstrFileName,
  51. int iSelectCount);
  52. [id(8), propget, helpstring("property printable")] long printable();
  53. [id(9), propput, helpstring("property printable")] void printable([in] long rhs);
  54. [id(10), propget, helpstring("property cxImage")] long cxImage();
  55. [id(11), propget, helpstring("property cyImage")] long cyImage();
  56. [id(12), helpstring("method Show")] void Show(VARIANT var);
  57. };
  59. [
  60. uuid({0AE0A2B1-3A34-11D3-9626-00C04F8EEC8C}),
  61. helpstring("IPreview2 Interface")
  62. ]
  63. dispinterface IPreview2
  64. {
  65. properties:
  66. methods:
  67. [id(0), restricted] void QueryInterface(
  68. [in] GUID* riid,
  69. [out] void** ppvObj);
  70. [id(1), restricted] unsigned long AddRef();
  71. [id(2), restricted] unsigned long Release();
  72. [id(3), restricted] void GetTypeInfoCount([out] unsigned int* pctinfo);
  73. [id(4), restricted] void GetTypeInfo(
  74. [in] unsigned int itinfo,
  75. [in] unsigned long lcid,
  76. [out] void** pptinfo);
  77. [id(5), restricted] void GetIDsOfNames(
  78. [in] GUID* riid,
  79. [in] char** rgszNames,
  80. [in] unsigned int cNames,
  81. [in] unsigned long lcid,
  82. [out] long* rgdispid);
  83. [id(6), restricted] void Invoke(
  84. [in] long dispidMember,
  85. [in] GUID* riid,
  86. [in] unsigned long lcid,
  87. [in] unsigned short wFlags,
  88. [in] DISPPARAMS* pdispparams,
  89. [out] VARIANT* pvarResult,
  90. [out] EXCEPINFO* pexcepinfo,
  91. [out] unsigned int* puArgErr);
  92. [id(7), helpstring("method ShowFile")] void ShowFile(
  93. BSTR bstrFileName,
  94. int iSelectCount);
  95. [id(8), propget, helpstring("property printable")] long printable();
  96. [id(9), propput, helpstring("property printable")] void printable([in] long rhs);
  97. [id(10), propget, helpstring("property cxImage")] long cxImage();
  98. [id(11), propget, helpstring("property cyImage")] long cyImage();
  99. [id(12), helpstring("method Show")] void Show(VARIANT var);
  100. [id(13), helpstring("zoom the image")] void Zoom([in] int iSelectCount);
  101. [id(14), helpstring("fit image to window")] void BestFit();
  102. [id(15), helpstring("show image at actual size")] void ActualSize();
  103. [id(16), helpstring("start a slideshow")] void SlideShow();
  104. };
  106. [
  107. odl,
  108. uuid({497431AD-5481-4DF7-AE5D-130D9CD50DB3}),
  109. helpstring("IPreview3 Interface")
  110. ]
  111. interface IPreview3 : IUnknown
  112. {
  113. HRESULT _stdcall ShowFile(BSTR bstrFileName);
  114. HRESULT _stdcall Show(VARIANT var);
  115. HRESULT _stdcall Zoom([in] int iSelectCount);
  116. HRESULT _stdcall BestFit();
  117. HRESULT _stdcall ActualSize();
  118. HRESULT _stdcall SlideShow();
  119. HRESULT _stdcall Rotate([in] unsigned long dwAngle);
  120. HRESULT _stdcall SetWallpaper([in] BSTR bstrPath);
  121. HRESULT _stdcall SaveAs([in] BSTR bstrPath);
  122. [propget] HRESULT _stdcall cxImage([out, retval] long* pVal);
  123. [propget] HRESULT _stdcall cyImage([out, retval] long* pVal);
  124. };
  126. [
  127. odl,
  128. uuid({FF36E952-72E9-4EA0-92FB-B63FE5037D78}),
  129. helpstring("IImgCmdTarget Interface")
  130. ]
  131. interface IImgCmdTarget : IUnknown
  132. {
  133. HRESULT _stdcall GetMode(unsigned long* pdw);
  134. HRESULT _stdcall GetPageFlags(unsigned long* pdw);
  135. HRESULT _stdcall ZoomIn();
  136. HRESULT _stdcall ZoomOut();
  137. HRESULT _stdcall ActualSize();
  138. HRESULT _stdcall BestFit();
  139. HRESULT _stdcall Rotate([in] unsigned long dwAngle);
  140. HRESULT _stdcall NextPage();
  141. HRESULT _stdcall PreviousPage();
  142. };
  144. [
  145. uuid({1B490296-50DF-11D1-8B44-00C04FC3183B}),
  146. helpstring("Event interface for ThumbCtl")
  147. ]
  148. dispinterface DPreviewEvents
  149. {
  150. properties:
  151. methods:
  152. [id(0), helpstring("The preview is closing.")] void OnClose();
  153. [id(1), helpstring("The preview image has been generated.")] void OnPreviewReady();
  154. [id(2), helpstring("There was an error generating the preview.")] void OnError();
  155. [id(3), helpstring("User chose Best Fit.")] void OnBestFitPress();
  156. [id(4), helpstring("User chose Actual Size.")] void OnActualSizePress();
  157. };
  159. [
  160. uuid({50F16B26-467E-11D1-8271-00C04FC3183B}),
  161. helpstring("Preview Class")
  162. ]
  163. coclass Preview
  164. {
  165. [default] dispinterface IPreview2;
  166. [default, source] dispinterface DPreviewEvents;
  167. };
  168. };
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