
Tomodachi Game V2 Extra TL - Allstar16

Apr 24th, 2016
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  1. TG Special Extra or whatever the heck it's called.
  3. 173
  4. Shit...!! I couldn't get any sleep.
  5. What should I do... What do I do...?
  6. I only have 1 week to return my debt of 10 million...
  7. If you can't prepare the money, even an idiot like you who has no smarts or power can be used by selling your body.
  8. [uugh...Just what the heck does much worse mean...]
  9. Also, I don't recommend you run away or run to the police. Or else, things would become much worse.
  10. Wa...Watch out.
  12. 174
  13. I'm sorry, are you okay?
  14. ....
  15. [just how unlucky am I?]
  16. Did you get hurt?
  17. A...Aah I was just surprised and fell...down.
  18. Wait a minute...
  19. This is it!/I have to take advantage of this!!
  20. Ouch...Ow ow ow...
  21. Eh...Eh...Umm are you hurt?
  23. 175
  24. Yea...I think I'm pretty hurt...
  25. I'm going to take my chances...
  26. And take this kid's money from him.
  28. 176
  29. This match-up couldn't be avoided...
  30. The fantastic battle of the main characters.
  31. This is a story before Yuuichi participates in the Friends Game...
  33. 177
  34. Aahaah what the heck are we going to do about this, you./I hurt my arm. Now, I can't do my job.
  35. I might not look it, but I'm an Manga artist.
  36. [27 years old/unemployed]
  37. Plus, I'm the author of that best selling Titan Manga.
  38. Dang-, if I can't work for a month, then it can easily be a loss of 10 million yen.
  39. I'm going to need you to compensate for that.
  40. T...Ten million...
  41. N...No way.
  42. Alriiight, he's scared, he's scared...He seems pretty dumb so I can do this!
  43. Anyways we can't settle this through you, let me talk to your father mother.
  45. 178
  46. I don't have any parents.
  47. Don't...Are they on a business trip or something...?/Don't tell me they're both dead?
  48. Dunno...I don't know anything about my parents.
  49. What? Is this some sort of family issue? In any case, he doesn't look like he has any money...
  50. Then do you have "friends?"/The type of friends that would never betray you.
  51. I do.
  52. Hey hey, an immediate response.
  54. 179
  55. Then could you let me talk to your friends?/Introduce me to the richest one of your friends.
  56. Wa...Please wait a minute!
  57. There's no way I can drag my friends into my money problems!!
  58. Hey brat!/You have no right to say that kind of thing!!
  59. [Haah]
  60. ...No matter what?
  61. Of course, don't make me say it again.
  62. Then would you like to play a game with me?
  63. Ha?
  65. 180
  66. You and I are going to play a simple game and we will decide what to based on who wins.
  67. Again...Another game..
  68. If I win, then please promise to never bother me or my friends.
  69. And...If I win?
  70. I will pay you the 10 million every month until your injury is healed.
  71. !
  72. 10 million every month!!?
  73. C...Can you pay such a huge amount of money?
  74. If you're worried, should I get a notary for you?
  75. ...Originally, I'm the one who started this. If I think of my loss as carrying no risk, then...
  76. Tell me the contents of the game, it depends on that.
  78. 181
  79. The game is a coin toss.
  80. We flip a 10-yen coin like this...
  81. And you have to guess where the coin is now.
  82. Simple, right.
  84. 182
  85. I see... That was really quick./I would need to leave it up to luck and guess which hand...
  86. I will say that I am the victim here. Truthfully, there is no reason for me to even listen to what you have to say.
  87. ...But oh well, I'll listen to your request, for your sake.
  88. I'll at least give you a chance of 1/2 to save yourself.
  89. Thank you sir!
  90. I'm 100% going to win this game!!
  92. 183
  93. The reason why is because I used to be super good at this game in elementary school!
  94. The even used to say my dynamic vision was amazing!!
  95. This game has a sure fire way to win. That is to not visually follow the tossed coin.
  96. Humans have trouble adjusting vision when they follow vertical movements and need to suddenly switch to horizontal movements.
  97. Here we go.
  98. At this point, don't look up.
  99. What you should be watching is the hand movements!!
  100. If you focus only on the side-to-side movements, then you will definitely be able to tell where the coin goes!!
  102. 184
  103. Here!
  104. What?
  106. 185
  107. Whaaa-
  108. This guy caught it by raising his hands.
  109. Un.
  110. It's not unfair, right?/Besides, you were the one who said this game would be a game based on luck.
  111. Ugh.
  112. You're...You're right.
  113. Shit...He sure holds onto(remembers well/recalls well) what others say...
  114. Calm down...The probability is still 1/2...!
  115. I'll guess it...No, I have to guess it.
  116. Right.../No, it's in the leeeft!!
  117. I don't mind if I use all the luck in my life. Please be right!!
  119. 186
  120. So close!
  121. GAWDDAMIT-!!
  122. ...You sure don't have any luck...
  123. It's not just luck...You don't even have intellect or wisdom./At this rate, you'll be a loser forever.
  124. Ughhh, please stop...
  125. But even for a person like you, I'll tell you the sure fire way to win in life.
  126. Wh...What is it, tell me!!
  127. That is to read the news paper.
  129. 187
  130. There is a lot of intellect and wisdom within the news papers./As long as you read this, you will be a winner in life, no doubt!
  131. Also, right now we have a campaign where if you register for 3 months, you get this detergent for free!
  132. [My, what a steal!]
  133. "Hurry when doing good," (Japanese saying) please put your name here.
  134. Y...Yeah.
  135. Ooh so your name is Kenji.
  136. ...Yea...It's a plain and boring name, isn't it.
  137. No, I think it's a really nice name.
  138. Y...You think so.
  139. [Thank you-, I'm going to start reading the news papers from now on!]
  141. 188
  142. H-mm.
  143. [Right hand is also empty]
  144. Maybe I did something bad...
  145. But well, he was using his hand without any trouble,
  146. So he must have been faking the injury.
  147. Kida-san, I'm done with the deliveries and also got one more subscription-.
  148. Ooh-, Thank you./-hm...What?
  149. Yuuichi-kun...There's a 10-yen coin in your hood.
  150. ...
  151. I'm sorry for cheating, Kenji-san...!!
  152. Huh? Was it Kenichirou? Well...Guess it doesn't matter.
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