

Jul 24th, 2017
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  1. on first join:
  2. set {level.%uuid of player%} to 0
  3. set {xp.%uuid of player%} to 0
  4. set {xpmax.%uuid of player%} to 10
  5. give wood pickaxe to player
  7. on join:
  8. wait 0.2 ticks
  9. loop 1000 times:
  10. message " "
  11. wait 0.2 ticks
  12. loop 1000 times:
  13. message " "
  14. wait 0.2 ticks
  15. loop 1000 times:
  16. message " "
  17. wait 0.2 ticks
  18. loop 1000 times:
  19. message " "
  20. wait 0.2 ticks
  21. loop 1000 times:
  22. message " "
  23. message "&b&l Eco 2.0 &7- Version (beta v0.1)"
  24. message "&7 The update is here!"
  25. message ""
  27. on break:
  28. if player's gamemode is survival:
  29. cancel event
  30. if event-block is coal ore:
  31. give coal to player
  32. execute console command "/xp give %player% 1"
  33. set event-block to cobblestone
  34. wait 3 seconds
  35. set event-block to coal ore
  37. if event-block is iron ore:
  38. if {level.%uuid of player%} >= 10:
  39. give iron ingot to player
  40. execute console command "/xp give %player% 1"
  41. set event-block to cobblestone
  42. wait 3 seconds
  43. set event-block to iron ore
  44. else:
  45. message "&c&lHey! &7You must be &bLevel 10 &7to mine this block."
  47. if event-block is gold ore:
  48. if {level.%uuid of player%} >= 20:
  49. give gold ingot to player
  50. execute console command "/xp give %player% 2"
  51. set event-block to cobblestone
  52. wait 3 seconds
  53. set event-block to gold ore
  54. else:
  55. message "&c&lHey! &7You must be &bLevel 20 &7to mine this block."
  57. if event-block is redstone ore:
  58. if {level.%uuid of player%} >= 30:
  59. give redstone dust to player
  60. execute console command "/xp give %player% 2"
  61. set event-block to cobblestone
  62. wait 3 seconds
  63. set event-block to redstone dust
  64. else:
  65. message "&c&lHey! &7You must be &bLevel 30 &7to mine this block."
  67. if event-block is lapis ore:
  68. if {level.%uuid of player%} >= 40:
  69. give lapis to player
  70. execute console command "/xp give %player% 3"
  71. set event-block to cobblestone
  72. wait 3 seconds
  73. set event-block to lapis ore
  74. else:
  75. message "&c&lHey! &7You must be &bLevel 40 &7to mine this block."
  77. if event-block is diamond ore:
  78. if {level.%uuid of player%} >= 50:
  79. give diamond to player
  80. execute console command "/xp give %player% 3"
  81. set event-block to cobblestone
  82. wait 3 seconds
  83. set event-block to diamond ore
  84. else:
  85. message "&c&lHey! &7You must be &bLevel 50 &7to mine this block."
  87. if event-block is emerald ore:
  88. if {level.%uuid of player%} >= 75:
  89. give emerald to player
  90. execute console command "/xp give %player% 4"
  91. set event-block to cobblestone
  92. wait 3 seconds
  93. set event-block to emerald ore
  94. else:
  95. message "&c&lHey! &7You must be &bLevel 75 &7to mine this block."
  97. if event-block is quartz ore:
  98. if {level.%uuid of player%} >= 100:
  99. give quartz item to player
  100. execute console command "/xp give %player% 4"
  101. set event-block to nether brick
  102. wait 3 seconds
  103. set event-block to quartz ore
  104. else:
  105. message "&c&lHey! &7You must be &bLevel 100 &7to mine this block."
  107. command /reset [<player>]:
  108. trigger:
  109. if arg 1 is not set:
  110. set {level.%uuid of player%} to 0
  111. set {xp.%uuid of player%} to 0
  112. set {xpmax.%uuid of player%} to 10
  113. else:
  114. set {level.%uuid of arg 1%} to 0
  115. set {xp.%uuid of arg 1%} to 0
  116. set {xpmax.%uuid of arg 1%} to 10
  118. on chat:
  119. cancel event
  120. if {prefix.%uuid of player%} is not set:
  121. if {mute.%player%} is more than 0:
  122. message "&cYou can not talk while you are muted. &b%{mute.%player%}% &cseconds left."
  123. stop
  124. else:
  125. broadcast "&eLvl. %{level.%uuid of player%}% &7%player%: %message%"
  127. else:
  128. if {mute.%player%} is more than 0:
  129. message "&cYou can not talk while you are muted. &b%{mute.%player%}% &cseconds left."
  130. stop
  131. else:
  132. broadcast "&eLvl. %{level.%uuid of player%}% %{prefix.%uuid of player%}% %player%&f: %message%"
  134. on right click on ender chest:
  135. if {level.%uuid of player%} < 20:
  136. cancel event
  137. message "&c&lHey! &7You must be &bLevel 20 &7to access the Vault!"
  139. command /miner [<integer>]:
  140. trigger:
  141. if {level.%uuid of player%} < 5:
  142. message "&c&lHey! &7You must be &bLevel 5 &7to talk to The Miner"
  144. else:
  145. open chest with 5 rows named "The Miner" to player
  147. wait 0.6 ticks
  149. format slot 4 of player with nether star named "&a&l%player%'s Balance" with lore "&fYou have &2%player's balance%" to be unstealable
  151. format slot 20 of player with wood pickaxe named "&eWooden Pickaxe" with lore "&cRequired Level: 0||||&fPrice: &a$5||||&fClick to buy this item." to close then run [player command "/purchase woodpick"]
  153. format slot 21 of player with stone pickaxe named "&eStone Pickaxe" with lore "&cRequired Level: 5||||&fPrice: &a$15||||&fClick to buy this item." to close then run [player command "/purchase stonepick"]
  155. format slot 22 of player with iron pickaxe named "&eIron Pickaxe" with lore "&cRequired Level: 10||||&fPrice: &a$30||||&fClick to buy this item." to close then run [player command "/purchase ironpick"]
  157. format slot 23 of player with gold pickaxe named "&eGold Pickaxe" with lore "&cRequired Level: 25||||&fPrice: &a$50||||&fClick to buy this item." to close then run [player command "/purchase goldpick"]
  159. format slot 24 of player with diamond pickaxe named "&eDiamond Pickaxe" with lore "&cRequired Level: 50||||&fPrice: &a$90||||&fClick to buy this item." to close then run [player command "/purchase diamondpick"]
  162. command /xp [<text>] [<player>] [<integer>]:
  163. permission: *
  164. trigger:
  165. if arg 1 is "give":
  166. add arg 3 to {xp.%uuid of arg 2%}
  167. if {xp.%uuid of arg 2%} >= {xpmax.%uuid of arg 2%}:
  168. add 1 to {level.%uuid of arg 2%}
  169. add 2 to {xpmax.%uuid of arg 2%}
  170. set {xp.%uuid of arg 2%} to 0
  171. message "&aYou are now level %{level.%uuid of arg 2%}%!" to arg 2
  172. message "&eNext Level: %{xp.%uuid of arg 2%}%/%{xpmax.%uuid of arg 2%}% XP Remaining" to arg 2
  174. command /merchant:
  175. trigger:
  176. message "&a[NPC] Merchant: &fHey %player%, come sell some items!"
  177. open chest with 5 rows named "The Merchant" to player
  179. wait 0.6 ticks
  181. format slot 4 of player with nether star named "&a&l%player%'s Balance" with lore "&fYou have &2%player's balance%" to be unstealable
  183. format slot 20 of player with coal item named "&eCoal" with lore "&cRequired Level: 0||||&fPrice: &a$0.10 each||||&fClick here to sell." to run [player command "/sell coal"]
  185. format slot 21 of player with iron ingot named "&eIron" with lore "&cRequired Level: 10||||&fPrice: &a$0.15 each||||&fClick here to sell." to run [player command "/sell iron"]
  187. format slot 22 of player with gold ingot named "&eGold" with lore "&cRequired Level: 20||||&fPrice: &a$0.20 each||||&fClick here to sell." to run [player command "/sell gold"]
  189. format slot 23 of player with redstone dust named "&eRedstone" with lore "&cRequired Level: 30||||&fPrice: &a$0.30 each||||&fClick here to sell." to run [player command "/sell redstone"]
  191. format slot 24 of player with lapis lazuli named "&eLapis Lazuli" with lore "&cRequired Level: 40||||&fPrice: &a$0.50 each||||&fClick here to sell." to run [player command "/sell lapis"]
  193. format slot 30 of player with diamond named "&eDiamond" with lore "&cRequired Level: 50||||&fPrice: &a$1 each||||&fClick here to sell." to run [player command "/sell diamond"]
  195. format slot 31 of player with emerald named "&eEmerald" with lore "&cRequired Level: 75||||&fPrice: &a$1.75 each||||&fClick here to sell." to run [player command "/sell emerald"]
  197. format slot 32 of player with quartz item named "&eQuartz" with lore "&cRequired Level: 100||||&fPrice: &a$2.50 each||||&fClick here to sell." to run [player command "/sell quartz"]
  199. command /prefix [<player>] [<text>]:
  200. permission: prefix.*
  201. trigger:
  202. set {prefix.%uuid of arg 1%} to "%coloured arg 2%"
  203. message "&aSet %arg 1%'s prefix to %coloured arg 2%"
  205. if arg 2 is not set:
  206. delete {prefix.%uuid of arg 1%}
  208. command /level:
  209. trigger:
  210. message ""
  211. message "&7You are currently level %{level.%uuid of player%}%"
  212. message "&bProgress: %{xp.%uuid of player%}%/%{xpmax.%uuid of player%}% XP Remaining"
  213. message ""
  215. on drop:
  216. if event-item is pickaxe:
  217. if player's gamemode is survival:
  218. cancel event
  219. message "&c&lHey! &7You can't drop pickaxes."
  221. on place:
  222. if player's gamemode is survival:
  223. cancel event
  225. command /sorry:
  226. trigger:
  227. if {sorry.%uuid of player%} is not set:
  228. set {sorry.%uuid of player%} to true
  229. message "&cSorry for resetting! Here are some items to get you started."
  230. give stone pickaxe to player
  231. execute console command "/xp give %player% 10"
  232. message "&aYou have received 10 player experience."
  233. stop
  234. if {sorry.%uuid of player%} is true:
  235. message "&aYou have already claimed this."
  236. stop
  238. on right click on enchantment table:
  239. cancel event
  240. message "&c&lSorry! &7This feature is still in development."
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