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Jan 31st, 2016
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  1. snuggles n' fluff joined
  2. snuggles n' fluff: b
  3. ZLTsandwich joined; snuggles n' fluff left
  4. ZLTsandwich: c
  5. Bengsu, Smogon Deciples, and +Jascha314 joined; Smogon Deciples left
  6. Bengsu: anyone wanna teambuild? :]
  7. MasterStealthSFG joined; MasterStealthSFG left
  8. +Jascha314: ayy
  9. +Jascha314: lmao
  10. +Jascha314: whos on
  11. Don Dolo left
  12. +Jascha314: kk
  13. Trainer Alain joined; Trainer Alain left
  14. +Jascha314: this is basically a server where i talk to myself
  15. GoldenPortal, Imp BT, Monefa, HEATO TAQUITO, groudon518, and 10 others joined; GoldenPortal, +Jascha314, Bengsu, Imp BT, Monefa, and 12 others left
  16. Random Battle started between grdrdy and tfytfyt.
  17. Drake is A Lord, godizlla222, and aravar27 joined; grdrdy, tfytfyt, and Drake is A Lord left
  18. godizlla222: hoi
  19. jmyers912, TheNoobgamer121, Mangan25, LegendarySerperior, Hardbodied Egg, and 1 others joined; aravar27, godizlla222, jmyers912, TheNoobgamer121, Mangan25, and 2 others left
  20. xD JAJA AIM: ,
  21. misfitgengar, +spedshed, Lord Lelouch, Tman19x, CertifiedG, and 7 others joined; xD JAJA AIM, misfitgengar, +spedshed, Lord Lelouch, Tman19x, and 6 others left
  22. hjdskl: nig nog
  23. hjdskl: whos there
  24. hjdskl: .-.
  25. hjdskl: urm u have something to say 2 me?
  26. hjdskl: the dunctator ...cringe
  27. ~The Dunctator: oh
  28. ~The Dunctator: is this yache?
  29. hjdskl: no its xa
  30. hjdskl: a friend
  31. ~The Dunctator: thanks so much for your ip address
  32. ~The Dunctator: this is my server
  33. ~The Dunctator: you just gave me your ip
  34. ~The Dunctator: you see
  35. ~The Dunctator: the difference between someone who pretends to be a pro haxx0r
  36. hjdskl: ok
  37. ~The Dunctator: and someone who knows what they're doing?
  38. ~The Dunctator: now
  39. ~The Dunctator: the question is
  40. ~The Dunctator: do I rain shit down on you or not?
  41. hjdskl: well this is being recorded ;)
  42. ~The Dunctator: that's nice
  43. hjdskl: u dont think i use vpn\
  44. ~The Dunctator: nothing illegal about looking up your ip
  45. hjdskl: stupid
  46. ~The Dunctator: well since you're on a host86 btcentral ip
  47. ~The Dunctator: no
  48. ~The Dunctator: you're not on a vpn
  49. hjdskl: "~The Dunctator: do I rain shit down on you or not?"
  50. ~The Dunctator: shame
  51. hjdskl: that sounds illegal to me
  52. ~The Dunctator: asking that question isn't illegal :]
  53. ~The Dunctator: I was just asking a question
  54. +PhantomX1551 joined
  55. hjdskl: youre a stupid boy
  56. ~The Dunctator: no
  57. hjdskl: yes
  58. hjdskl: n_n
  59. ~The Dunctator: I'm a very intelligent boy ;]
  60. hjdskl: is smarter than you
  61. +PhantomX1551: Oh i see we have a Spammer.
  62. ~The Dunctator: the best part is
  63. ~The Dunctator: I can literally tweet out your ip
  64. hjdskl: vpn
  65. ~The Dunctator: nothing illegal about that
  66. ~The Dunctator: it's not a vpn
  67. hjdskl: stupid
  68. ~The Dunctator: dude, I just resolved it, you're not on a vpn
  69. ~The Dunctator: that's a home connection
  70. hjdskl:
  71. ~The Dunctator: buddy
  72. ~The Dunctator: you're not on a vpn :]
  73. hjdskl: lol
  74. hjdskl: ok
  75. hjdskl: post my ip then lol
  76. ~The Dunctator:
  77. hjdskl: lol
  78. +PhantomX1551: Duncan, show this guy how you deal with people like him.
  79. hjdskl: try again
  80. ~The Dunctator: host:
  81. ~The Dunctator: that's your ip
  82. ~The Dunctator: buddy
  83. ~The Dunctator: pal fren
  84. ~The Dunctator: now
  85. ~The Dunctator: how come
  86. ~The Dunctator: you can't spam my email?
  87. ~The Dunctator: I thought you were good with computers :]
  88. hjdskl: yawn
  89. ~The Dunctator: yet my email is untouched
  90. +PhantomX1551: Oh snap.
  91. ~The Dunctator: how come you haven't got my phone number yet?
  92. hjdskl: who said anything about that
  93. Hex95 joined
  94. ~The Dunctator: you did :]
  95. ~The Dunctator: I screenshotted and tweeted it buddy
  96. hjdskl: i saw the tweet
  97. hjdskl: n_n
  98. ~The Dunctator: also when you delete comments the channel owner can still see them :]
  99. hjdskl: i call ur bluff everytime
  100. ~The Dunctator: what bluff?
  101. ~The Dunctator: I haven't said I'm going to do anything
  102. ~The Dunctator: I showed screenshots of my inbox
  103. ~The Dunctator: my emails are untouched
  104. ~The Dunctator: the spam thing hasn't worked in over a month
  105. hjdskl: look
  106. hjdskl: if u want it to stop
  107. hjdskl: its out of my hands
  108. ~The Dunctator: dude, it's not happening
  109. hjdskl: someone else is doing
  110. +PhantomX1551: Oh man this Yache guy is so dumb XD
  111. ~The Dunctator: ...
  112. hjdskl: like i already said
  113. ~The Dunctator: you're so slow
  114. ~The Dunctator: I showed you screenshots
  115. ~The Dunctator: of my email
  116. ~The Dunctator: empty
  117. ~The Dunctator: my private email is a hotmail
  118. ~The Dunctator: lmao
  119. hjdskl: then no problem right ;)
  120. ~The Dunctator: I never said there was a problem
  121. ~The Dunctator: I just wanted to rip on you because you're fucking dumb
  122. hjdskl: lol
  123. ~The Dunctator: and I rip on stupid people in my comments
  124. hjdskl: that it?
  125. ~The Dunctator: you gave me ammo
  126. ~The Dunctator: look at my twitter
  127. hjdskl: im really contempt with my life rn
  128. ~The Dunctator: half of my most popular tweets are idiots like you
  129. hjdskl: thanks for the publicity
  130. hjdskl: we done here?
  131. ~The Dunctator: what publicity?
  132. ~The Dunctator: you have no social media of note
  133. ~The Dunctator: why would you need publicity?
  134. hjdskl: i have klout
  135. ~The Dunctator: you have a follow for follow twitter
  136. ~The Dunctator: klout means fucking nothing
  137. hjdskl: i have more social impact then u
  138. ~The Dunctator: you did follow for follow on twitter
  139. ~The Dunctator: no, you really don't
  140. hjdskl: ofc
  141. ~The Dunctator: I'm larger on every form of social media
  142. hjdskl: f4f is the ethos
  143. ~The Dunctator: without follow for follow
  144. hjdskl: ur a public personality
  145. ~The Dunctator: what social impact do you have?
  146. Hex95 left
  147. hjdskl: this is boring
  148. ~The Dunctator: you just said
  149. ~The Dunctator: you had more impact
  150. ~The Dunctator: ...
  151. ~The Dunctator: you really don't
  152. hjdskl: are u going to insult me properly
  153. hjdskl: or we done here?
  154. +PhantomX1551: None. He probably lives in his mom's basement still Duncan XD
  155. ~The Dunctator: insult you properly? why?
  156. ~The Dunctator: you're doing such a good job of making yourself look stupid
  157. hjdskl: because youre mad
  158. +PhantomX1551: How is Duncan mad?
  159. hjdskl: i dont mind
  160. ~The Dunctator: I'm literally having fun here, this is what my followers want to see
  161. ~The Dunctator: but I have no idea
  162. ~The Dunctator: how you were so stupid
  163. ~The Dunctator: to join my server
  164. ~The Dunctator: with your ip 100% unprotected
  165. hjdskl: vpn
  166. ~The Dunctator: after talking about haxxing
  167. hjdskl: .-.
  168. ~The Dunctator: ....
  169. ~The Dunctator: you're not on a VPN
  170. hjdskl: lol
  171. +PhantomX1551: Oh my god this guy is DUMB as hell
  172. ~The Dunctator: your geolocation matches the location you give on your twitter
  173. hjdskl: anything thing else u want to say?
  174. ~The Dunctator: I could put in effort and trace your exact address
  175. ~The Dunctator: if I really wanted to
  176. ~The Dunctator: but it's funnier
  177. hjdskl: no u cant
  178. hjdskl: ur deluded
  179. +PhantomX1551: Oh he can.
  180. ~The Dunctator: to watch you try and claim you're using a vpm
  181. ~The Dunctator: vpn*
  182. ~The Dunctator: done it before
  183. ~The Dunctator: I've literally done it before, I'm not even great with this shit
  184. hjdskl: thanks
  185. ~The Dunctator: fan claimed he was going to kill himselfd
  186. hjdskl: for the evidence
  187. ~The Dunctator: so we traced it and called the police
  188. ~The Dunctator: to make sure he was ok
  189. ~The Dunctator: what evidence?
  190. ~The Dunctator: lmao
  191. ~The Dunctator: I've broken no laws
  192. ~The Dunctator: having someones ip address is legal
  193. ~The Dunctator: using it to find their address is legal
  194. hjdskl: n_n
  195. ~The Dunctator: I didn't harass or threaten
  196. ~The Dunctator: I helped the kid
  197. ~The Dunctator: police were involved, thanked me
  198. ~The Dunctator: the only way this would be illegal
  199. ~The Dunctator: would be if I DDoSed you
  200. ~The Dunctator: using this IP
  201. ~The Dunctator: but I wouldn't do that
  202. hjdskl: dont get yourself worked up
  203. ~The Dunctator: I'm not
  204. koalawag joined
  205. ~The Dunctator: buddy, you're a kid
  206. ~The Dunctator: in a basement
  207. ~The Dunctator: claiming you can do stuff you can't
  208. koalawag: Is that the real duncan or?
  209. +PhantomX1551: It is
  210. hjdskl: i live in the richest city in the world
  211. hjdskl: bih
  212. ~The Dunctator: I'm just having fun :]
  213. +PhantomX1551: LOL
  214. ~The Dunctator: london?
  215. ~The Dunctator: london isn't the richest city fren
  216. ~The Dunctator: I'm from london
  217. hjdskl: dont beg
  218. ~The Dunctator: Dubai is far wealthier than london
  219. +PhantomX1551: BEG FOR WHAT?!
  220. ~The Dunctator: bro, I'm a londoner
  221. hjdskl: yawn
  222. hjdskl: we dne here?
  223. koalawag: This server is lowkey chill
  224. +PhantomX1551: I am in tears right now Duncan XD
  225. hjdskl: need to go out
  226. ~The Dunctator: I went to one of the best private schools in the city
  227. ~The Dunctator: you're so full of shit
  228. ~The Dunctator: you're not even from a nice area of london
  229. ~The Dunctator: fren, I have your postal area, you're from a shitheap in london
  230. ~The Dunctator: probably a council estate
  231. ~The Dunctator: sitting there trying to play the big boy :]
  232. koalawag: Hey Duncan, is London worth visiting on a vacation? Most attractions are cheap/free right?
  233. Lord Jtal joined
  234. ~The Dunctator: yeah koala
  235. ~The Dunctator: best city in the world
  236. +PhantomX1551: Duncan, now i am reminded of that song "You're Playing with the Big Boys Now".
  237. ~The Dunctator: hmu on email/twitch pms and I'll give you a list of bars that will blow your mind :]
  238. ~The Dunctator: London is the greatest city on the planet if you're outgoing and know how to have fun
  239. koalawag: Haha, maybe next year Duncan. I'm underaged and poor
  240. koalawag: 2-1 combo
  241. ~The Dunctator: kids like hjdskl give it a bad reputation
  242. ~The Dunctator: :'(
  243. ~The Dunctator: when you're old enough
  244. ~The Dunctator: but remember drinking age is 18 in london not 21
  245. koalawag: The Dunctator have you ever considered coming to Canada?
  246. Lord Jtal: Ah thanks phantom you beast
  247. koalawag: next year then :)
  248. +PhantomX1551: Yeah this was the Song Duncan:
  249. +JTAL2000: There we go
  250. ~The Dunctator: lmao phantom
  251. ~The Dunctator: here's the thing, I could literally completely legally post this kids IP on random forums and shit, but I'm not going to
  252. ~The Dunctator: because I'm not a little shitlord like him
  253. +JTAL2000: Its weird how things like that are 100% legal
  254. +Jascha314 joined
  255. +PhantomX1551: That song needs to played every time you roast a Troll Duncan XD
  256. +Jascha314: ayy
  257. +Jascha314: people
  258. +Jascha314: are here
  259. +Jascha314: whats good
  260. +PhantomX1551: Hello Jascha
  261. +Jascha314: yo jtal
  262. hjdskl: lets fight
  263. +PhantomX1551: Ohh.
  264. +Jascha314: battle fact me
  265. +Jascha314: or
  266. +Jascha314: phantom
  267. +Jascha314: idc
  268. +PhantomX1551: He wants a Challenge Duncan
  269. +Jascha314: im just lookin to battl
  270. +Jascha314: e
  271. Battle Factory battle started between +PhantomX1551 and Jascha314.
  272. koalawag: PhantomX1551 that video was worth it lmao
  273. +PhantomX1551: Yeah XD
  274. hjdskl: no?
  275. ~The Dunctator: wait
  276. +JTAL2000: Oh
  277. ~The Dunctator: did he want a pokemon battle or an actual fight?
  278. +PhantomX1551: Idk.
  279. +JTAL2000: Pokemon maybe
  280. ~The Dunctator: because I don't fight children
  281. +JTAL2000: STream this duncan
  282. +JTAL2000: You have to
  283. ~The Dunctator: and I don't battle shitlords
  284. +PhantomX1551: XD
  285. hjdskl: sigh
  286. hjdskl: pussy
  287. +JTAL2000: Make him take the bet
  288. ~The Dunctator: oh
  289. ~The Dunctator: you want a real fight hjd?
  290. +Jascha314: wait who wants a fight
  291. ~The Dunctator: or a pokemon battle?
  292. +PhantomX1551: The troll.
  293. ~The Dunctator: I'm confused
  294. +JTAL2000: This troll
  295. hjdskl: ikr
  296. +Jascha314: waits for duncan to ban the troll
  297. ~The Dunctator: he isn't making himself very clear
  298. hjdskl: so confusing
  299. +JTAL2000: Nah its too much fun
  300. ~The Dunctator: well, you never said which you wanted
  301. ~The Dunctator: if you want a real fight then I'll fight you once you're a national champion in any fightsport or martial art of your choice
  302. ~The Dunctator: but I don't fight anyone who isn't the best
  303. hjdskl: lol
  304. ~The Dunctator: sorry, being a national competitor has made me elitist :]
  305. Monotype Random Battle battle started between Jascha314 and +JTAL2000.
  306. hjdskl: i think i will kick the shit out of m8
  307. ~The Dunctator: but
  308. hjdskl: but i meant i pokemon battle ovbs
  309. ~The Dunctator: where are your national medals?
  310. ~The Dunctator: if you would kick the shit out of me
  311. ~The Dunctator: where are your nats medals?
  312. ~The Dunctator: any martial art of your choice, any fightsport of your choice
  313. xhdhchbdchxc joined
  314. hjdskl: mma
  315. hjdskl: u really wna do this?
  316. ~The Dunctator: really, where are your national results in mma?
  317. ~The Dunctator: please show me?
  318. hjdskl: no
  319. ~The Dunctator: I can show you my national silver medal, my national teams bronze for TKD
  320. ~The Dunctator: I can show you my regional gold for muay thai
  321. xhdhchbdchxc left
  322. hjdskl: i dont like my real name shown
  323. xhdhchbdchxc joined
  324. hjdskl: ovbs
  325. hjdskl: look
  326. +PhantomX1551: LOL
  327. ~The Dunctator: I can show you my instructor certification for both muay thai and TKD
  328. hjdskl: ur backpedelling here
  329. ~The Dunctator: not really
  330. +PhantomX1551: Look, i will reveal my real name right now.
  331. hjdskl: yes
  332. ~The Dunctator: you said you'd kick the shit out of me
  333. +PhantomX1551: My real name is Spencer.
  334. hjdskl: your starting to bore me
  335. ~The Dunctator: but I have proof that I can fight
  336. hjdskl: >proof
  337. ~The Dunctator: I have proof that I can fight very very effectively
  338. ~The Dunctator: yes
  339. ~The Dunctator: proof
  340. hjdskl: get a real career m8
  341. +PhantomX1551: PFFFFFFT!
  342. ~The Dunctator: oh
  343. +PhantomX1551: AH HA HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
  344. ~The Dunctator: I have a masters degree in genetics
  345. +PhantomX1551: XD
  346. ~The Dunctator: I had a very successful "real" career
  347. hjdskl: >degree
  348. hjdskl: >had
  349. ~The Dunctator: I own a flat in london worth more than your family home
  350. xhdhchbdchxc left
  351. +PhantomX1551: Omg.
  352. +Jascha314: lmao
  353. ~The Dunctator: which I rent out for enough money that at 25 I can retire and do youtube full time
  354. ~The Dunctator: I made more than a million pounds in 3 years after getting my degree
  355. hjdskl: battle me or im leaving
  356. Ltsteve joined
  357. ~The Dunctator: is that enough of a career?
  358. Battle Factory battle started between +JTAL2000 and Jascha314.
  359. ~The Dunctator: I'll battle you when you stop dodging questions :]
  360. hjdskl: i will take your word as stuff
  361. koalawag: The Dunctator what's your job?
  362. +PhantomX1551: And yes, Youtube can be a Job. Hell, look at Markiplier & Pewdiepie. Yes i don't like him, but he makes a lot of money. More than what you will ever make n your life troll.
  363. koalawag: Chemical Engineer right?
  364. Ltsteve left
  365. +PhantomX1551: in*
  366. ~The Dunctator: no, I was a geneticist, I specialised in full genome sequencing for insurance purposes
  367. ~The Dunctator: pewdiepie makes like 12m a year
  368. ~The Dunctator: it's insane
  369. hjdskl: bye
  370. +PhantomX1551: Really insane
  371. hjdskl: this was fun <3
  372. ~The Dunctator: hjd
  373. ~The Dunctator: I said I'd battle
  374. +PhantomX1551: Fun for us.
  375. ~The Dunctator: when you answered :]
  376. hjdskl:
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