
Mark of

Nov 29th, 2018
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  1. The trickling river's bustle had encompassed the Forest's song. Her questions had come to an end long ago. The soft snapping of twigs spoke of her chaperone close enough to put a spear through his neck but far enough away to not pressure the girl. She would hum occasionally, haunting melodies of some northern tale. Each melancholy tune almost a growl. The clear water flowed ever onward down the path, he could see the soft clay and river pebbles below, the silhouette and shadows of above flickering back and forth. The clouds within the stream. He tapped his fingers together mind adrift in thought as the time passed. The chill breeze didn't bother him much. The summer had just begun and by the words of the locals heat would follow with the blossoming. A plume of deep blue and purplish flowers crop out of the opposing tree line.
  4. The bank of the river was surprisingly sparse. Beyond those climbing pines he was sure of the distant mountains. He could not see them but he felt them. A colossal presence hidden by timber and leaf. None of his forebears had made the trek north. His blood had always run thick with others, shoulder to shoulder it was spread under the hot summer sky, a sizzling blue to match the crimson tide. Unlike them he wished to carve the lands and not the flesh of men. Patience and practice had consumed many a late night. While he did not deny his line he somewhat put it aside. He trained like all those before him had. Intensity honed to a different edge. He could fight, he wasn't the best. He had seen many brilliant and noble men fight and die during the Youth legion. He'd held his own side by side with other boys like him.
  6. All might not have had admitted it, but just like him they held dreams and fears. Many wanted a name, not to be forgotten as a failure. Someone bodied enough to deserve life. Annunzaito short and stocky as he was carved through men and boy alike, it hadn't been long until he had begun a path of greatness. Stony faced with sad eyes the boy seemed unnoteworthy. Nothing stood out about him. Even as the youth captain came to hand him the silver Flence the man barely could pick him out from the battle shocked faces of first years. Annunzaito and his strange name. He could remember bewildered looks from other boys as he proclaimed his name, the late winter night moon above illuminating the path of the dead. Many had claimed seeing the spirits and Lua before them.
  8. He had even heard the flapping of great wings and felt the guiding hand of the light of the moon mother himself while she whispered his name and offered her reassurance. Annunzaito had been handed his no option no other path lay out of that dusky place but the trail of death he would carve and honor hidden to him. His family had not know the name and had almost chastised the boy for not picking something familiar. But he had know Annunzaito had no choice, he had not picked. It was his name handed to him by his forebears and the winged one who had hosted him. While he had know the boy, he didn't know the tongue that had led him to the old hidden burial mound and read him the ancient name. Annunzaito had found a trove of weapons but only a worn slim sword had he claimed as his own. He couldn't help smiling thinking back to those days long ago.
  10. He wondered where his old friend was now and if they would ever cross paths again. Sadness sprung with the thought. Not fear out of Annunzaito falling, but fear for himself. His doubt clear like the river below him, pebbles of fear and deep gripping anxiety below. If only he could mold the clay into something useful he thought to himself. And so with three years passing Annunzaito's command grew and grew he was calm and concise leading his brothers into battle, spear and sword ready to do work on whoever stood before em. Late night talks and deathly final stands had thrown them together. Under the moon mother's gaze they would talk. Not as Annunzaito the Youth Captain or Helladios the Youth Quartermaster. But as brothers. He had been the first to call him the name. No hesitation had come and for that gift Annunzaito returned the favor. The boy had talked of his hopes for glory and battle and the nature he felt to the art.
  12. But he did not hide his loss of youth in the kitchen. His father and his Father's father baked and farmed. Not a bad position for a youth at all. worse off had been out with them that night choosing names. Annunzaito did not miss his own loss either. Combat and survival came natural to his brother as well. Although his name stake and blood held the claim too. He clearly had not cherished it. The road was his true love. The three years of marching had been complaint full by the boys ignorant and dismissive of other lands and words. Even within their home state north, south, east and west moaned for lacking in home. "Who would want to fight at home!" The pair had rebuked the lowly arms boys. It was better to spill the blood of others then your own, better to prod the tongue of others then your own.
  14. The dialects of distant regions claimed simulartiers too their own. While his brothers bemused the slight variations he insisted on studying. "Better to know what a man says before you stab him no?" He lashed Annunzaito and the boys alike. "What if he was a Gelvani Faulex hopelessly lost offering you the hand of his fat titted daughter in return for a escort home?" He had teased them with imaginations of desirable women. "Why would we kill a Gelvani!" Some would argue "My daughter has big tits! Spare me and they're yours" he barked back harshly in the foreign Galvani dialect to confused faces only some would chuckle the tanned ones nodding in understanding "how big!" One shouted back waving his sword mockingly. The easterners were confused at the shift in tongue. They'd have killed him if he wasn't one of them.
  16. Most of the foreign girls had little interest with the plebeians who'd ogle them with no understanding of their tongue. Although some of the more suggestive boys had caused a ruckus in quite a few towns. Rapists and murders were aplenty so quickly to spread with the lack of words. Annunzaito and him had emptied the guts of many a rapist themselves. Their home had little love of the act, only the lowest could not gain a woman without force. With the blood spilled the moon mother would take those names and burn them from the past. Not even ash would remain. He thought it ironic the act was so deterred but murder and war came natural. Wasn't it natural to take a woman as it was a life? He had never took part in the act.
  18. With the sudden exposure interest swelled. His youthful romp across the lower kingdoms had seen victories and defeats many scarred and inked across his body as tradition expects. His slim taut frame stared back at him in the river, faint and twisting scars dotting it. Face, neck, chest and legs all told tales of the long grass and long spears of his bloody youth. The salary bestowed was enough to keep his family and support his journey. Little had kept him there, girls and wine passed with the rising sun while his longing grew. Off he had set. Here he was. A great pine wood, so deep and dark he was sure days had passed without a hint of light only the gloomy trees above an artificial night. A soft smile sat on his lips as the girl spoke. Most of the words were still new and slow to decipher but he picked up the meaning easily "Done" the soft words sounded harsh but sing songy to his foreign ears.
  20. Tumbling free from her soft pink lips they buffered him. Turning he looked into her clear blue eyes, deep in them a twinge of green struck through it. She was surprised, eyes wide his alertness catching her off guard. He only stared into her. He tried his hardest to imprint the slim pale face in his mind. Wide eyed and beautiful her straight nose was a rosy pink that her cheeks quickly turned to match. Her hand met her face as it lead a trail of palest blonde back behind her ear. The soft piece of flesh had numerous piercings through it. Her people did it to symbolize a unmarried woman. She was a slim thing with almost no breasts of note, he was sure below those clumps furs a pair sat. But he would be gone before summer came and loosed cloth could suggest their size. As much as he longed for a squeeze the prospect of getting speared was enough of a deterrent.
  22. He doubted she'd even resist. The girl had slipped closer and closer into suggestion. But clearly people had noticed. If her chaperone and father even suggested some malpractice took place he'd be hanging from one of the delicious smelling trees. Best he moved on before their patience gave way to perceived advances. They and his forebears had spilled blood ago. Looking past the hungry eyes he focused on her carvings. Before him lay the line of his fathers, the ancient script carved upon him the clear night. She had seen them while peaking on him. Of course he didn't mind overtly, but she had grown an interest in their meaning. Some of the words and stories had been split by battle scars. But he had memorized them all long ago. They were etched within his mind like the ink upon his skin. He hadn't gone into details but she had requested carve and sketch them herself. The rarely had outsiders and while he was beginning to become unwanted the girl wanted to remember him some how. A token of his travel. Of course he would have let her copy them for free, but the girl had insisted on paying. Nothing wild and exorbitant. Just some supplies and a trinket of her own. A number of small carved idols sat upon his chest.
  24. The boy chaperoning had been displeased when she gave them too him but had made little effort to stop or intervene as she began copying him. The girl had insisted her gods would protect and guide him, he had told her his own gods would take care of his path. She only grew angry and pressed the point. Her gods ruled these lands and had always took pleasure in stalwartly defending it from invaders. He had tried his best to explain in her tongue that he had no fight here. He wished to only travel but the girls words had repeated trumping any of his attempts at resistance. The carvings did reassure him somewhat, more then he'd let on, the girl was a omen of good things to come. Many of his brothers had belittled him for his dream, but since they had first met the girl had been intrigued by all he had told her. Surely others lay beyond who would as well. "Why? What do they mean?" The girl asked with her native tongue as her blushing subsided, her fingers snaked through the wooden paths. His hand met hers with a jump and traced his name story. "War" He spoke the words to her "battle" together he showed her his story lacking the words to detail his memories he tried his best to illiterate. "War" again the runes and marks of his forebear told of blood and blade.
  26. Sharp and jagged spiraling ancient designs all mixed. Scars against ink he focused on his path. Along it stood etched by blue ink his family's crest and the marks of travel, sharp streaks of red inked war lingered at the birth before blue and green bloomed the beginning of his journey. Only the gods alone knew how it would end. The girl made no effort to move her hand as they sat in silence. Her breathing was steady but her heart beat was wild. He could feel the pounding of her blood, gently he played with her hand squeezing and brushing her wrist and palm with his fingers. He had to move on. She squeezed back her own fingers slim and longer then his returned the sublime gesture. It was all they had. No words passed as their hands explored the carved lanes more interested in teasing one another then the story before. He would had kissed her and taken her right there, he could have killed the boy and taken her with him. But in a foreign land with foreign gods and men. He would die to the landscape or her father before they'd escape.
  28. Sighing he broke off his grasp and lent back, gazing up at the grey sky above. She sighed too a breath long held carried despair and understanding. "So the time comes" she spoke the foreign words clear because of her guidance. He would not forget her. Grasping her necklace in his hand he drew it too his lips and kissed the idols she had made him. "It seems it has" he replied the words she had taught him flowed natural. She stood first. Glancing away. Tears already beginning their journey. "Until we meet again southerner" she spoke the hint of aching unmissable. He yearned to stand and grasp her, confessing his love and taking her. But he couldn't he knew his path lay further on, even if he was spared dishonoring the girl he had no wish to stay in the deep pine forests. Old men and drunkards had told him tales as a boy. Long winded stories of endless forests with no sense of change. They claimed days dragged long and nights longer under the wicked canopy of the great north. Their youths ran through the great oak and fern as the Kummerian war dragged in neutral arms. The north and south fought together and against one another.
  30. They claimed their allies during the endless days, turned and became stalwart enemies during the constant nights. He didn't believe them. But he had been on the field tired, scared and angry his mind would jump and shift. Time had slipped from him many times before. The skittering and rustling of the woods had become second nature to him since entering. It almost felt unnatural when silence occasionally would stretch unreasonably long around him. He had bought a small tome two towns south. The old seer there had given it too him for some loose coin and hand chopping some wood. The worn leather books held meaty parchment with edible leaves and berries etched upon it most he had never seen. The most important section showed what no to eat. Many he'd known from down south but some of the stranger northern mushroom and roots he had passes on had become a staple of his diet. He didn't know how he'd tell the youths down south he'd eaten bark and twigs on his trek. They would surely chuckle and call him a fool. "Do their trees not grow fruit?" He spoke aloud to himself in the deepest southern accent he could, emphasizing each word in it's most native echo. He chuckled softly. He could have asked a couple to come along, some might have but Annuzaito took many with him.
  32. Why become some vagrant sleeping under bushes and eating twigs when you could do bloody battle along the western shore and drink and whore all night long. Some doubt did reside in him. Still it would have been nice to have someone to talk to. The days led on and on, tree after tree after tree he had little but his compass to guide him. "Eight days north to the Grove" they had said. Well they might have said that but he could only vaguely assume that's what they meant. Eight slim fingers she had waggled at him while gesturing to a tree and motioning to show it's alleged size. They had shown little love for him. Most of the Norns had kept out of his way. Only the girl had shown the slightest interest, unhealed wounds from the Kummerian war he'd assume. He had not planned a route to follow. As unconventional as it had sounded he wanted to set out to find his own path. It was only natural he'd get lost and that had shown from how far east he'd drifted. But he carried on step after step witnessing odder life once hidden to him. Huge moss laden deer the Norns had a unspeakable name for them. Tree height beasts were it's might rack should have sat was instead a bizarre crowned horn. He'd watched them from afar not trusting the tales of them being gentle.
  34. He had less interest in interacting with one only to discover it's love of southern blood. Even the animals here were untamed and brutal. The helmeted elk would maim the occasional tree even. He had notice the odd half length trees just split oddly. After a few day he had awoken in the earliest dawn to elk hammering the things down. Thoughts of what it could do to him weren't lost. Sporadically packing he had set off again. The wind whispered in the early morn dimly lit leaves crackled below his sleepy steps and he plodded on the distant howling of Venewl could be heard. Echoing and distant other sickly howls picked up the call and sent shivers down his spine. The Venewl wouldn't just attack a traveler, let alone an armed traveler at that. It seemed through the years beasts had learned the glint of steal and the results of hunting such kind. But a child was easy prey too a pack. The giant deer and rumored tales of twisted monsters had strung him less. He'd seen the lumbering and oft Lorm witch. But worse heralds of dooms hid in the forests. Great lost and twisted elf forever in the maze of trees eager for revenge or landmark. Even the odd Woldur Warband sprung to mind, being taken as some toy for the furred ones wasn't a demise he'd wish for. Forcefully mated and eaten even in the north the tales that were far fetched in the south were more close to home. Days just led on populated by his fear of rumors. The loneliness only left him with time to over evaluate the tales he was told.
  36. Each sounding more plausible by the day. When he was truly down he sung to keep the spirit from dwindling. Luckily the bloom had become more noticeably and a tiny stack of sour berries gave him new vitality. They hadn't been in his book, but they look familiar enough to a kind down in Folorus he'd eaten while hiding in a bush hiding from a Groß patrol. The songs of Heroes and battles blared as he marched on defiant to what lay ahead. Hand axe swinging merrily with each hearty step he twirled his spear round and round between using it as a walking stick. The underbrush was all but nonexistent and left an easy path between the closely knot trees. upwards they climbed high giving little sight but the wind's cool touch kept him from sweating too much. He only stopped singing to drink from his canteen, as short blonde haired boy appeared around a tree. Bow over his shoulder and shock on his face he froze. Helladios watched the boy as he approached offering the canteen to the boy. The little Nornlig was still eyes wide and body un-moving. "Drink?" Helladios offered the bizarre situation continuing.
  38. The boy mumbled in his snowy tongue. Deep blue eyes shifting from his earthy brown to the metal canteen. "Hail" Helladios added giving the boy a reassuring nod. "Hail" the Norn chirped back almost as if he was waiting for the words. Helladios watched the boy. Scruffy unkempt blond locks hanged shortly around his head, lowly early spring garb was dangling from the boys frame. He carried a small satchel and quiver on his hip. A number of Crow feathered arrows sat neatly in it. The boy seemed disinterested in the canteen watching the foreigner with surprise. "Helladios" he spoke tapping his heart as the girl had done when they'd first met. The boy only nodded tapping his own head and responding "Oddr" the boys soft voice deepened as he pronounced the word. Hel wasn't sure if it was his name or a comment. "Oddr?" Hel asked gesturing too his hair. The boy eyed him oddly a faint grin on his lips. "Oddr!" The boy repeated tapping his heart. A few Norn words followed but Hel could make out the most of it. "Where you from?" The boy had asked sheepishly it was almost lost on the wind. "South! Genoversian lands" Hel replied wagging the canteen at the boy. Slowly Oddr took it and began drinking hungrily from it. The boy was just above his waist in height his dark wooded bow was almost larger than him. Smiling broadly the boy nodded understanding, the two might not be able to exchange a great deal of words. "Where go?" the boy let loose a jumble of words but hel picked out the most noticeable.
  40. "North" he replied taking the water vessel back from the boy. The child responded with a thoughtful look. Before shacking his head. "Volvark!" the boy let loose a trail of exposition he couldn't understand hand gestures and all waved about as the boy went from pointing north to shaking his bow. The one word repeated multiply times didn't share the name of any town he had heard of. "Volvark?" Hel asked the boy pointing north towards the way he was heading. The boy seemed a bit confused but slowed his words noticeable . "North? Volvark go north, bow go north, Oddr go north" some words were miss able even slow but hel thought he could make sense of it. Volvark was ahead he was heading north, Oddr was going north with his bow. Hel nodded understanding before gesturing to himself and speaking "go North" the pair just exchanged looks for a while Hel didn't think he was getting very far with the boy. The boy seemed to reciprocate the doubt. "Farewell" Hel mumbled before walking past the boy. Not much could be done to cross the verbal barrier he was heading north whether Volvark was there or not.
  42. The boy fired of a series of words and prompted a look back before He was up along side Hel matching his stride. Looking up Oddr only nodded and pointed north. The rest of the day went by uneventfully, crossing a small stream hel refilled his canteen and caught a glimpse of a distant peak. Oddr said little just stood about after washing his face and hands. The pair had shared some berries before heading on with company at his side he couldn't help smiling and as the sun climbed high in the middle sky he was singing. Oddr mumbled some quiet words and gave him some odd looks followed by laughter but Helladios wasn't bothered their pace had increased dramatically with his serenade. Oddr even sung the occasional chorus joining in where he'd noticed the rhyme before laughing to himself. The days raced by with Oddr. With little to do but talk and practice language Hel had learned the names of some wildlife and flowers. Even an insult or two if the boys use of them suggested it. He couldn't explain the true meaning behind the negative with the lack of words the two shared. But the pair had traded words casually and became use to each others attitudes to a degree. The boy was easy to upset like many children and would sulk whenever hel couldn't grasp something or disagreed.
  44. The boy led gesturing Hel away from the path they had traveled with no explanation. He didn't think to quiz the boy, the child was in it's element and watching him put Hel at ease. His clear blue eyes flickered like those of a hawk constantly on watch for prey or danger. Oddr had picked off a few doves with his bow. Hel never did have the hand for a bow, he'd always catch himself on the loose. A javelin sat more naturally in his hand and was less likely to break so he'd dropped the tool. Oddr even for his age was like wind, fluid like clear water her flowed and loosed with little indication. Almost silent if not for the whistle of death. With his little knife the boy went about cleaning anything he caught, always leaving the offal and waste with a short prayer to his gods. The action even spurred Hel into his own offering, to the land gods and the ones at home he hoped kept an eye on him. One heated dawn while the shirtless boy chanted to his gods Hel noticed a similar set of idols hanging from a golden thread around his neck. The jostling figures were different to the one girl had gifted him. Pulling his own out he examined them more thoroughly. A Loping giant beast headed it was carved with strange little runes. Next to it stood a smith fork in one hand and a upside down hammer in his other. The last figure was a heavily pregnant woman naked with great vines for arms and legs.
  46. "Hail Oddr" he called gesturing the turning boy over. "Hail" Oddr replied as he crouched up beside him slipping on his woolen coat. "What it mean?" Hel asked slipping his runes free and handing them to the boy. The youths eyebrows waggled as he examined all the runes carved into the figures. He chuckled a little before glancing at him and back at the idols. "A Seer?" He asked him eyeing him suspiciously. A Norn word followed Oddr had tried to explain it a previous day. The word had been said by many Norn but they never explained it. Almost as if it was too simple to misunderstand. Fate, Path and Prophecy. The word seemed interchangeable, Oddr had explained it with his bow and actions it was fate that he would go north. It was his path that his foot would take, or his arrows as he mocked shooting his bow at a tree the arrows path differed from his when it met the tree and the prophecy that he would head north that his feet would step where they stepped and his arrow would follow it's path to fate just as he was as the prophecy had said. The single word had other uses but the boy had only explained so much. Helladios had a grasp on the meaning it was just muddy in the splashing waters of understanding. He only shrugged as the boy spoke.
  48. "Who gave this? Fate, Path and Prophecy" Oddr asked eyes flickering back and forth from the necklace and Hel's confused face. The boy only hummed waiting for the answer. "A girl. Days away from when we met" the words came easily and he couldn't help but smile at his clear Norn speak. The boy blushed. "A girl? A seer!" He grinned eyeing Hel. Happy words came free as Oddr chuckled too himself and shook his head before a playful push unablanced Hel . "Liar! No truth. No Fate, Path, Prophecy" the boy said sitting back laughing loudly mouth open laughing at the sky above. Why is it so funny? Hel could help thinking to himself as he watched the boy. "Explain?" Hel wasn't too pleased missing out on the joke. What had the girl marked on his gift. "She was beautiful!" Hel fired back defensively unsure of what set the boy's fit off. Oddr pale face was bright red as the response caused him to slap his belly. "A seer!" He roared. Why would the gift be such a joke. Hel pouted, he'd grown a little attached to the icons and had awoken with them grasped tightly in his hand more then once.
  50. Wordlessly he grumpily sat while the boy fought for air. It wasn't long until Oddr was on his back eyes shut little chuckles escaping his lips. "þengill Volbarn the north hungers like a beast but he walk amongst them as one. Carved upon ancient white stone the beast has stained it black out of malice. A bad omen to some good to others. Battle and horror follow the north as men turn on beast as beast turned on man and feast." Oddr spoke his voice vacant of any humor. The words were slow and clear a few were interchangeable but the understanding wasn't lost on him. A bad omen beast and man. "Dynjamarr the Might of adventure and battle. Hero's fate, Path and prophecy. An fate led by the great heroes of man. it is often seen among young men. The Fagrúð-fé the waiting his journey would end gifted, it was uncommon but not unwelcome rune. usually belonged around the neck of a woman." the boy resounded his knowledge. Understanding flowed to Hel unnaturally, as if he was blinded until Oddr had point out the hidden truth. Amongst the leaves a distant pair of deer. A rare bird the boy had shed light on what was seen and unseen before him. Hel was worried. The Norn took fate, Path and Prophecy seriously. Oddr had shifted into a serious attitude unmistakable to the one worn by his spear brothers during and before a battle.
  52. "Volvark!" Oddr nodded tossing the idols back. Helladios returned the act before slipping on his fate. The boy wore a grim smile jangling his own set. First one was a deer headed slim man then the fork and upside hammer man and lastly a burned idol. "Foreigner" Oddr smiled taking the first one. "Revenge" he grinned broadly tapping the last burned icon. "The Gods have set our Fate, Path, Prophecy." Oddr spoke "Your gods are my gods as mine are yours" the boy grinned somewhat pleased with the outcome. What would his forbears think. A Spear son romping about with wild Nornlings fate and paths he could not choose. It was laid before him. Maybe he had chosen this path. This fate as a boy. Had she led him here was she watching? Annunzaito had earned an audience. Could she only manage a few more words if this was the way she wanted for him. He shook his head and got ready to break camp as oddr went about in a cheerful mood already starting. The day slipped by thoughts racing and daydreams of gods and girls distracted him. Oddr didn't seem to mind as every time the locked eyes he'd smile or nod reaffirming his words. By midday they entered a clearing his daze interrupted by the cold twinge of steel against soft flesh. Freezing his eyes scanned the scenery. Oddr had frozen too. Shadowy figures just out of sight.
  54. "We are just travelers we don't want any trouble!" Hel said naturally dumping his spear he slowly raised his hands. The blade only dug in deeper as Oddr replied. A series of what Hel could only assume were cursed words spilled loose. The boy received a slap over the head by a gloved hand as he was shoved forward to his knees by the sudden appearance a lanky Norn man. The man was scarred and brutal looking, scraggly red hair sat atop his shaves sides as he pressed his sword into the boys back. "Lie down runt" the man spoke his voice like a saw through wood grating and low he pressured the boy face down before taking the bow from him. A long slim hand slid his axe followed by his sword free and tossed them aside. Next it slid along his chest searching for anything else. Flickering his eyes down he glanced at look at the six fingered hand, black like night. His eyes shut out of fear. He tensed as the thin large hand slid into his shirt gently prodding his body. Gently it grasped at him searching while he tried to slip from the things grasp. The blade dug deeper into his neck as a voice spoke softly.
  56. Like the crackling of driest leaves in autumn the voice was odd and Nornish "Don't move" each word seemed to drag and tease his flesh sending gooseflesh along him. The unnatural voice ceased while the hand froze before returning to the bumpy flesh and began prodding the raised flesh. "You like" the soft voice asked as it slid back to it's search. Hel gritted his teeth, opening his eyes he starred at the man who was patting down Oddr. The boy was speaking quickly but Hel couldn't make out what he was saying. The man was clearly ignoring it anyway, with sudden pressure he was forced to his knees. "Down" the soft voice spoke as it pinned him down against the cool moist floor. Cold stones dug and pinched him. Soon the man was by him rummaging through his pockets and satchel. "What are you doing so far north" the man asked squatting to get a better look at Hel. Oddr shouted something Helladios could only make out "volvark." The man perceiving green eyes that stood out from His pale sockets. His neck and chest were a collage of green and blue twisting tattoos. Hel was surprised they were not far off from his own scars. Slack jawed and over stimulated he couldn't focus. The Norse man gave him a quick slap while shooting the thing holding him a look.
  58. "Volvark! The boy and I are heading north to Volvark" Hel replied still struggling with how capable his language skills were. The Norse man nodded seemingly understanding the Southern tongue. "Why are with following him?" The northern replies his accent bold and sloppy forming the soft southern words. Hel nodded speaking slowly in response. "He knows the way, I was lost" the Norn nodded a bit clearly in thought. "Why are you joining Volvark?" The Norse corrected his hands tapping his ginger fluffed jaw. The boy began to bark in the harsh northern tongue replying for him. The green eyed man scowled before picking up a moss covered stone and pelting it at the boy. His deep reply was barely understandable. Spinning he locked eyes with Hel and crouched closer to him. "What reason you join the Volvark" he quizzed again anger or lack of ammusment plastering his face. "I'm just interested in traveling the roads. The boy is my guide." Hel blurted out under the ember gaze. The man seemed dissatisfied with the answer. Sighing he stood up before gesturing to the thing pinning him. "We walk" it spoke southern words like the fluttering of a moth. Hel was shocked by the fluidity and ease it had replied almost mimicking his accent. Between his ears the voice attacked instinctively he flinched away from the voice. A deep chuckle rocked the body pressing into his as it shifted off him. it's arms lightly leading him to stand before it.
  60. Oddr was pulled to his feet by the man and glanced back check on him. The boys face shifted from panic to terror as his soft eyes stared past him. He got two steps before the man swiftly kicked his legs into each other. Skidding forward the boy began to scream for help in Norse desperate to crawl away from them. Hel only stared as black hands returned around his arms and chests. Tightly feeling his flesh between it's dark fingers. The man on sighed and shouted at the boy while pulling him back. The dark plated arms pulled him tighter against it's body as it's crackling voice softly chuckled out. "I won't let you run" the thing emphasized it's whispery words as it felt him more. Long dragged moments passed on the creatures grasp before the boy composed himself enough to be herded the way the man had appeared. The thing had let him loose as they walked but he could feel it hovering over him. it's dark body just an obscure blur on his peripheral vision. He dared not glance back and see what terror stalked him. The man seemed unfazed by the things presence as he pushed them on into a clearing. The break in the trees wasn't natural, further in he had spotted signs of forestry and lumbering. They'd exited into a series of small Fields. The farm land spread out before them climbing a steady hill until it met stone and wooden walls.
  62. Chicken and sheep loitered about further up the hill, a few boys watched them more intently then the sheep. Eyes fixed on Hel. It hadn't lasted long before their stares passed through him to the thing behind. Treading carefully between cultivated land the group ascended the slope. The sun peaked through grey clouds casting the land in a warm glow, he could only look onward and admire the foreign architecture. It was almost like a small castle or keep. Its appearance matched the name, apparently all Norse had lived in them, but he knew that was just hear say. Helmeted men had appeared on the battlements watching down to them, long bows slung over their bare shoulders. The Norse man signaled them waving. The boy had slowed his pace somewhat stumbling with the hill. A great banner danced in the great breeze as it blasted the slopes. The tops of trees lay below the fort. The boys had shifted their herd moving away from the group, weary glances uncountable as he watched them go. They met cobbled path and the stone and wood wall as they followed the path round to the gates. Approaching the entrance he could spot watchers in the fields that had gone unnoticed from the lower spot. Blonde and red haired faces stared up at them. Sharp Norse broke his attention as he turned to face a group of approaching men.
  64. A tall dark haired man led the group his salt and pepper beard braided bounced with his stride. A Great Axe glinted in his hand as he came to a stop before them. The two men exchanged harsh words as his captor motioned to him and Oddr. Two in the back laughed slapping their knees with unusual similarity. The left was short haired blonde with a sword on his belt gestured and replied to the green eyed man. Most was gibberish but he had made out "Volvark" fumbled among the words. The thing behind him sighed loudly. Like the wind around them it cut through the exchanging of words, soft it came but the odd whistle was just unmissable. The men eyed the thing dissatisfied looks as the green eyed man pushed forward leading the boy past them. It's dark hand found its way under his shirt pushing him along to close the distance between them until he was right behind Oddr as the entered the Hill fort. Women and children strode about within the walls eyes averted from them. Norse men were all over the place armed with large axes to swords countless man sat under shade or any spot free to lean. Most didn't even look as the group snaked through the village. Hel got the impression so many armed men wasn't a natural occurrence. He could sense the tension in the air.
  66. Not unlike the vermilion fields under her sun as armies positioned to deal death to one another. The great merchant organizing his wears before doling them out to all hungry customers. The coppery taste lingered in the air and sent shivers down his spine. Fields of crimson coin would make his hair stand on end. Something was very off, unfortunately the Thing's hand had noticed the tenseness he'd drunk within and another hand found its way under his shirt caressing the goose flesh. "You sense it too?" The voice came softly like the rolling of distant thunder, he could sense amusement in it's voice as he shivered against it's cold hard touch. "You sense it too" the voice repeated the soft thunder louder and crackling near as it pinched him probing and answer. "I don't know what you mean" Hel replied stepping quicker eager to slip it's grasp. The hands gave little as it pressed into him again a deep crack of thunder followed he couldn't tell if it were it's words of not. But as the screaming rain carried the black clouds he heard her voice "The death! You can taste it too" soft it came. Like the whisper of shy lover, tentative and probing it reached into him under the cover of the sudden torrent.
  68. He froze in the downpour as it's hands slid around him feeling his already soaked skin. "I can" he replied the shocking scent of copper rich and warm almost overwhelmed him. He felt his stomach churn as each waft of wind carrying the rain stank of death and blood like those blasted fields they had painted in their youth. The great carnal flood had drowned the boys he'd known. Screams and shouts crashed around him as he pushed past the first line ducking clumsy slashes and punches grappling he kicked and stabbed and hacked his way through the boys before him. Many broke and ran under his torrent, his brothers were beside him long spears kissing the throats of broken youth as he slashed and pushed aside the shocked. Meat and bone scattered the ground, fingers and faces gave away to pulp the screams gave way to great howls as they gave chase. Pinning, biting and devouring the lost as they desperately tried to escape onward. He stalked, death trailing him her basket and sickle matched each move he made her steps and frame lingering on his own her pale thin arms quick and as deadly as his she kept pace. Forward he had stalked raggedly he fought under her eye in the deep dark. Smashing and slashing the dogs before him, tearing their throats out with his own devilish teeth he drank and swallowed them whole if he had to his great teeth carving what morals they were never enough to state him. Her nightful dance painted the fields and valleys a murky black the lingering buzz of corpse layers and her joy.
  70. Hel reached under the halls roof as the wind lashed the rain against him. while he desperately searched for escape. He was pushed and pulled blindly until he stumbled forward onto hard floor. The clambering of the storm outside pounded against the doors they had entered through. Savagely the rain shook as metal ached against hinge. Stunned and blinded he could hear the door be barred before he felt an arm lifting him to his feet. Norse bounced around as he opened his eyes. Oddr was beside him helping him to his feet fires danced in a great pit stretching towards the far wall. Meat and pots steamed and sizzled above the low flames. Two sets of great tables lined either side with packed benches. Clansmen watched them and talked amidst themselves, a low rumble to match the noise desperate to enter the hall. Eyes lingered on him and the boy but little interest lay in them. Most were focused on the man sitting atop a great wooden throne on the far side. In the middle of a grander table the man spoke he voice fighting the screaming sky. Green eyes was standing beside them shaking his head as rain dripped from him. Oddr glanced between them as the man spoke "Come on! Bloody Volvark and his timing!" The man spoke in a mixture of Norse and southern as he began to cross the large hall. Oddr followed leading him. Eyes spun and shock lit the faces of the northern clansmen as the things wet steps began behind him.
  72. -Oddr-
  74. The Clansmen watched them approach. Oddr couldn't help feeling a sense of pride as their faces shifted from smug comfort to worried masks. An endless one comes to eat them all and wear them he thought to himself. Taking pleasure in the discomfort or the rounded sheep fuckers. Real Norse sat under his great torrent enduring their homelands tenacity. He had been surprised by the sudden rain too, but he knew he would have faced it spear and shield in hand, if he had either. But his fists and bared teeth would be enough to hold back the deceivers tears as great Thrgeisl dealt with him. The endless had stalked the southerner. It's terrible frame shattering what little fortitude he'd held. The dishonor was sharp and stung greater then any gash or whip he'd endured. Athualf the green eyed clansmen gave him disappointed glances during their walk salting his already scratched honor. He would not lose anymore. He'd just been caught flatfooted, he was no coward or woman he was still a young man. Who would expect him to face down an Endless one. Annoyed with his failure his hands tightened the short nails digging into his palms. The southern hadn't ran, and the thing had touched him, more then just touched him. It had spoken to him. It's creepy voice forming the words he'd understand. The warriors and clansmen did nothing like the green eyed Athualf they only stared or ignored it. No one confronted the abomination and ended it's defiance to Thrgeisl. The weakness here wasn't his alone he reassured himself the others were just as scared as he was of it.
  76. He could almost laugh. Warriors of the north buckled and feared the nightborn. He should kill it himself, show then true might. His sturdy belt knife would do the job. Father had told of battles against the darkest blood on the foot of Dýrs-hjarta and the depths of the Hefja Pines. His blood flowed in him he knew he could kill the thing gritting his teeth turned and glared at it. It's black eyes caught the light of the shifting flames and ate it. The pupil less slits shifted from resting on Hel to staring into his. The black orbs locked on his the light trapped within the abyss flickering and twisting before dying out. A coldness seeped into him unsteadying his steps. Each second he watched his feet fumbled on. Soon he was barely standing only Hel held him off the ground. Breaking off the stare he shuddered the sight of it's eyes lingered even once it left his sight. The hall had fallen silent as they approached the Jarl. The wretched old man roosted on his wooden throne. Oddr was surprised some younger stronger man hadn't already pushed the corpse off. From the looks of the meaty clansmen he doubted many came from strong enough stock to put up any real fight. Oddr felt the oddness of the place and was unnerved. He couldn't spot any warriors at all. All who stood and sat outside were clearly from Mganhldyr or even Pori like him, none of the youth were in the hall.
  78. Only the swollen old men. He had seen boys in the fields. Surely there were plentiful old enough to hold a spear or sword. The green eyed man spoke. "Jarl Steinarr with great honor I must address our situation." The hall watched on blank faced as the cobwebs on the old man shifted. "That storm outside are the words of Volvark the true king of Hólmgeirelm. He calls for arms, we came to barter loyalties but for the past four days you feast with no words on the return only the words to wait. We are not fools, this will not be forgotten. Your clans names stink like this stuffed hall." The green eyed man spat venom disgust plain. "Your false words fall and we will leave without your aid. Our Scouts have found no signs of bandits, you speak of youths defending but none are to be found. Each man barks and chirps the same words from your mouth! We have seen no sign of them. What ever has happened to your retched youth will stay so, we will leave you to your folly." Oddr was shocked the green eyed man scanned the hall as clansmen watched blankly none honored enough to raise and defend their lord from such a barrage. Their watch unnerved him, he hadn't noticed his hand gripping his belt knife tightly. The fires seemed lower as shadows flickered and stretched low whipping the tables and chairs with shadows. "Such honor less hounds hide in your hall! Do none of you talk, all tongues are held?" The man shouted spitting wildly.
  80. The vacant eyes of the old Jarl lay on the man unblinking. "None shall leave" the Jarl responded in a raspy voice that shifted into a fit of coughing. "Piss on your lamb and fields, Volvark and all will know your contribution is null. Even Ásmundr will turn his back on you." Athualf shouted fist raised to the corpse Jarl. The coughing only continued as the Jarl's hacking and jagged breaths shifted becoming more wheezing until the grey thing was cackling at them. A wicked howling. Oddr was spine danced, the oval clansmen just stared glass eyed like fish hanging on the line they only moved slightly on the breeze unfocused stares penetrating them. The green eyed man slid his sword free, instinctively Oddr had found his knife weighting heavily in his hand. Turning the Southerner had produced his own long belt knife. Oddr hadn't noticed it before, its long steely blade held slivers of silver in it, the odd long blade caught the light and held it down slipping into the shadows of dancing flames. His furrowed brow spoke his understanding. Oddr did not know what was going on but today would be the strangest day of his life if he survived it. A dark one, an old Jarl and a light eating blade. The endless one herself lanky and tall held two Savage blades in each hand. Each blade was almost as tall as the southerner. "None of you shall leave" the hall muttered as they all readied themselves. Swollen men in loose skins and cloths clambered over their tables a shuffling mass of clumsy sacks.
  82. The green eyed man had already climbed atop the Jarls table and was hacking at the unarmed men. Deep curses raining from his lungs. The endless dashed past her long legs carrying her into a puddle of fat men, her hefty cleavers butchering their flanks. "Leave" the southern said in his half tarnished Norse while pulling Oddr the way they had come. He paused quickly. They were surrounded the clansmen moaned and gibbered as the cleared the tables and began stumbling within reach. Waving his hand wildly the southern led trails of blood as he slashed the unarmed men. They reached him too, tall and short, blonde and ginger they all had the same dead eyes. Shifting out of their slow grasping hands Oddr slashed leaving fingers on the floor as he backed against the fire. The Southerner was gone, absorbed by the mass of cloth and fat. Relentlessly they pushed deeper and closer to his slashing blade until he felt the fire on his calf and back. He'd stabbed plenty while some had fallen away other empty eyed sacks fell into place. Screaming he charged slamming into the soft layers of a rotund clansmen his large belly slid open as he gutted him. Sour cold liquid spilled out, a rotten grey, hissing as it met the flames. Pushing the clansmen off he lashed out using their uncoordinated assault to get them fighting each other to reach him. They threw slow punches that did little to each other but produce faint trails of the sour liquid. Stumbling against them Oddr fell their grasping sluggish hands too numerous to escape as one pulled him back to his feet. Another swung at him punching him in his stomach.
  84. The wind was still inside the boy enough for him to curse as he swung his belt knife. He'd almost dropped the slick thing during the melee. Again he was punched from behind more forcefully. Gasping he tried to scream as another fist caught his jaw and his body dropped. The force in his legs gave away as more punches found home across his body. Screaming he lashed out punching and kicking, knife still in hand. Lights covered his vision as blows rained down on him. The stony memory of discipline fresh in his mind, the sound of split wind brought an end to the assault. For a moment he lied there, body wet and sore from his beating, he wanted to cry. To sob and call for his mother, but he couldn't bring himself to. He opened his eyes and tried to stand. Pain shot through his skull as he tried to, his eyes twisted and split as his lids refused to open. The light puffiness to clear and oddly numb on his face. His legs buckled and he cried out as his body failed him. Two warm arms hooked his side sending pain across him. Hissing he tried to escape, his legs and arms failing to swing at his capture. "Oddr?" the southern spoke his voice fighting against the clashing inside they boys head. Oddr could only moan as response as he failed to order his limbs about.
  86. His arms refused to move they just dangled freely tensing sporadically. The voice whispered in the southern tongue again, even against the noise surrounding him he heard it. Like the snapping of twigs in the distance but close enough to camp to prove a threat. What was going on? he asked his dredging mind, why was this happening to him. "You're fine" the southern said in clumsy Norse his arms working around his legs and lifting the boy. Pain crawled across him the reminder of his failures. His honor bent again, he wanted to cry so much, be he doubted his eyes would let him. The endless one whispered again her words for the southerner. Oddr managed a weak mewling in response. He'll replied his southern words dancing with her faint voice. "The Trickster?" The green eyed man asked, his voice appearing suddenly. The endless replied in Norse this time her words like the unsheathing of a blade. "No no this is not his work. But we have many enemies. We may have just been unlucky." Her Norse was weak but understandable enough. "The Gjalla" Athualf spoke. Oddr knew the name, another dark race. One of the old uncleaned things that possesses the minds of men and consumed them from within their very souls. He thought all tales false until he witnessed an Endless one and the Gjalla in a single day. "I knew something wasn't damn right!" Green eyes spoke his voice coming from further away. Oddr tried to speak but his jaw ached just thinking about it. They were moving, leaving oddr guessed before he slipped into sleep.
  88. --Helladios--
  90. Blade swinging wildly Hel rolled and dived between the clumsy attackers the northers barbarians swung and tripped over one another as he slit and stabbed away at them. The men bled a rank grey blood, tainted and sour he fled them. The thing had passed him lanky and tall two great cleavers had done work on the men around it. The hall had shifted darkness clung to everything as they found him. Gutting the glassy eyed server women and clansmen alike their great Norse clothes stained by their grey filth. Climbing atop a table he set about dealing with any attempting to climb. They were so sluggish it didn't take much effort to fight them off, unarmed and lazy they swung and grabbed while he dashed and slashed. The Norseman had run through the old man on the throne and was making short work of the dullards with his sword. The thing was making the shortest work, flames licked around illuminating limbs and bodies it sent flying. He would not want to fight the thing. He could barely see it.
  92. Once pierced or cut the Norse would just leak and leak, some he'd barely injured fell away leaking like a split water skin. The things fell quickly, leaving puddles of grey filth and empty men. Oddr screams fought against the storm raging inside and outside the hall as he was held aloft briefly before disappearing into a crowd of the men. Jumping from the table he was careful not to slip on the slick floorboards. Trying his best to reach the boy he witnessed the thing appear towering over the rotten Norsemen it's cleavers split them. One great swing and half of the clansmen lay on the far side of the hall. It stood there covered in grey. He paid it little attention and ran to the crumpled boy. Hovering over Oddr Hel waited for any sign of life. He hadn't been down for long, but he was use to how quickly life could slip away. Shockingly the body tried to stand. His skinny limbs trembling as they buckled under his weight. "Oddr?" he spoke softly trying to calm the child. Swiftly he held him up trying to get a better look at him.
  94. Oddr had taken a couple punches to the head, his eyebrow had a small split and his left eye had already started to puff up. The thing lent over him watching them, it's presence wasn't comforting as he looked over Oddr. "You can watch me if you wish?" The voice oddly asked. Hel ignored the question and spoke to Oddr instead. "You're fine" Hel said in norse the boys twitching arms gave little hint of a break but he doubted the youth could walk. Swiftly he scooped him up. Cradling the wounded boy, Oddr only moaned and wiggled. "You can watch me if you please?" the voice asked him. Hel tried his best to ignore her soft words. Like the dry shedding of a snake, the rustling sung of his boy hood on the plains. He could sense the thing watching him, it almost felt like it was pouting, he didn't want to glimpse it. Green eyes appeared to his side face angry he barked in Norse too harsh for Hel to understand, the thing replied and the pair quickly exchanged words before heading for the entrance. The storm had begun to quell as they slid the locking bar free. The hall stank a putrid acidic haze that stung his eyes and nose. Outside the once blazing storm had left with the minutes of showers. The thing crouched to pass through the great door.
  96. Beyond it he could see the same warriors speckled with grey, women and children at their feet. Many were talking between themselves, the once secured walls and bustling houses now stood water logged ruins long decayed. The grass was gone, entire sections of the wall fallen away, glancing back the hall had changed too the fires long dead in cold wet fire pits. The banners and tables long rotten away, the clansmen churned and boiled become more liquid with each passing moment. Some warriors had drawn weapons as they exited but noticing the green eyed man they'd re-sheathed them. The Norse faces held uncertainty, Hel wasn't sure himself what had happened. The thick Norse barked back and forth between the men, green eyes was shouting an address to the men. All roared together as he finished his words. The thing was watching him, he could sense it but ignored its examination focusing his attention to the boy is his arms. Hel could only watch as his tiny chest rose and fell, he was sure the shock had put the boy to sleep. Many a time he'd slipped and woken during the night a buried under the forgotten and dead, the trek to return to his legion had been long hungry days of corpse walking. "You'll follow us to Volvark, he'll take all who come. If you wish to slip away in the night we will not give chase. Unless that is you take something of ours" The harsh southern words broke his held attention.
  98. Hel looked up the the rain covered man. "I am Athualf. I care not what leads you to Volvark, I'll stab you in the back if need be" The man spoke locking his fierce eyes with Hel's own. He only nodded unsure of what to say. Everything had happened so fast. He thought Volvark was some town the boy was heading to, not a man as it seems. He did not know his road, he'd begun map less his feet would decide his route. But now here he was surrounded by Norse warriors surrounded by dark things of the forest. Camp light tales leaking grey across his mind. The thing watched him he could see it clearly if he'd just look at the tall thing. The men were readying to leave as the sun poked through the grey clouds chasing the gloom away. It stood before him now. He looked upon it. The thing was clearly feminine, if he could even attribute such things to it. The light rain ran the filth from her body and left her revealing garb clinging. He looked away from her almost segmented body towards her face, she towered over him. Soft looking tuffs of hair or fur sprouted from her the top of head and rolled to form a small ball held together by some ribbon. The Face had dark plates covering it just as her body had, like a beetle the slick looking plates glinted in the light. Her face was a two pieced mask of dark bone her lower jaw unarmored slipped from what could have been an ornate mask if she was human, her deep grey flesh visible underneath the creases in her plating.
  100. Soft dark lips spread as she produced a jagged smile her teeth were the jaws of some nightmarish thing all sharp and long. The plating shifted her jaw moving like a log floating atop grey water. She said nothing but kept her smug terrifying grin the entire time eyeing him back. Her dark orbs locked on his. Her black face plate almost gave no hint of differing from her eyes until her wide eyes blinked grey quickly appearing and vanishing as her eyes refocused. At least she wasn't touching him Hel thought mind overwhelmed by it's appearance. Her slim neck was adorned with vertical plates, small creases lay between them showed her grey flesh below. His eyes lingered on her mosaic collar before slipping downs past her chest, her upper body and back were covered with varying types of the dark armor her grey skin revealed more. Her damp garments couldn't mask her sex. Ignoring the human like features her slim belly held thin strips of the dark armour, his eyes flickered about focusing naturally. her legs were the most alien. She wore a short dress of sorts more akin to a loin cloth or short skirt that rapped around her noticeable hips and upper thighs. He couldn't help imagining what human imitation she held down there. But glancing further her long legs held her aloft muscular bulges bound the long things. Her legs climbed just under his shoulders the plates shifted against each other as she moved from side to side. Revealing herself more to him.
  102. Her feet were like the hands of a black smith, great six fingered hands that grasped the ground each digit more like a armored talon then an finger. Her ankles and shins were almost complete dark, barley any hint of grey. Her long arms were at her side her hands firmly gripping her hips as she eyed him back. Her two savage blades hung from two leather belt hooks nestled above her clothen robes. "You can touch if you wish" the soft words came from her delicate lips her black eyes giving little away as a smug grin split her lips revealing her fangs once more. "I'm fine watching" he stammered out lost in the oddity before him. Her every movement fed his attention and before long he was unable to look away from her as she began to head away from him. The sway of her parting hips irked him. She held quite a few similarities to a woman but the fear lingered. what a thing. Green eyes watched him with a peculiar look before more and more of the Norse warriors set out. Following hel tried his best to look away from her but she was unmissable towering over the other men, their eyes locking moments before he urged himself to look away.
  104. Her everything was fascinating to him, her human like movement held something bestial and different to the gaits and trots of other men and women he met. Like a bird her movements were quick ,sudden and hard not to notice, a mix with the regular stride of a man. "Be careful around it, her kind has their reasons to join Volvark but who knows how trust worthy they are. She'd eat you in a heart beat." Hel cursed himself so distracted had he been no notice of the Athualf had stirred. The loosely dressed man held a small grin on his face as Hel blushed against the cold droplets. "What is she? I've never seen anything like it." He responded the idea of such a thing a child's tale below. Athualf nodded. "The Endless, Flàràòrlko" the man said both names nodding in his own translation. "People stealers. Their kind is from the great north beyond our fjords and below the mountains. At the edge they live in the great white. I've never been but the stories say. I've exchanged little with them." He knew of the edge. By tales and stories never had he thought it was truth. The rings. It could talk both southern and northern words Hel was surprised something so distant to their kind carried their words. "Who is Volvark?" Hel took his opportunity with the man, better to ask questions when you're beside a man and not under his boot.
  106. Green eyes shot him a look something akin to shock, as if he'd asked what the rain was. But his face softened into a slim smile. "So you head to him not even knowing eh?" Athualf looked off to the sky his words hanging. "Oddr said Volvark was north, I'd assumed it was some Norse city or town to restock at. I had no idea it was a person" Hel spilled trying his best to explain under the somewhat calm surroundings. "More then a man Volvark's half god he is. Son of Óòinen he can heed the sky to his will and has the strength of a thousand men." The green eyed man responded almost to nonchalantly. Earning himself a side long glance Hel replied tentatively to the Norseman. "Son of a god?" He let the question hang in the air as they descended the steep hill. The sky had brightened but many of the grey clouds lingered sending more smalls showers in the distance, the fields were dead buzzing insects littered the desolate place. The entire hill was rotten. "Son of the Skyfather, Son of Óòinen. Not just some god, king of the gods!." Athualf added the Norsemen around him gave passing glances as they strode by. Some bare chested others armored and clothed. All tattooed with sailing patterns. "So what does the southerner want from the Half god king of Hólmgeirlm?" He asked before shouting a bold command to the men. The dark one looked back glancing over the Norse but lingering on him momentarily before replying in it's soft Norse voice.
  108. Men began to follow as her tall frame slipped into the trees. "I'm not sure what is waiting for me. My gods have set me on this path, my path, to the land where half-god kings roam" Hel responded his resolve and faith strengthen by her words long ago. The man eyed him nodding slightly. "So your gods send you to the great forest? What words have they given you eh? The words sounded harsh. Athualf eyes never left him. "Nothing" Hel chuckled "I can't claim to be as influenced as others, she only gave me a voice and a name. Soothing words to a young boy grasping his name. Maybe I was meant to find this Volvark" He added the fates had woven his path and intertwined it with this half-gods. Or maybe they hadn't and some other force drove him to such an odd precipice. He was unsure if his gods even knew where he was, foreign lands held by foreign gods and monsters. "And what fate is yours? This foreign Omen. Time will tell if it is fortuitous of not." The word for fate was long and meaningful in the Norse tongue Hel was sure he meant to use the many meaning word. Athualf nodded his head thoughtfully as they entered the forest.
  110. A long column of men behind the tall scout. Hel did not know his destiny, surely the gods did. Was it to follow some half-god? Was it to carry forth her name and glory? He was unsure but felt somewhat at ease having talked to the Norseman. Aas the oddities increased, he doubted the Gods attention had turned away. All eyes were surely on this baffling event. He felt light even with the sleeping boy in his arms, a sense had returned to him one lost while on the southern plains and even in the dark northern forests. Each step fell steadily and unhindered by the uneven ground. Even without a glance down his feet found purchase the boy had found his path. He would follow this god-king and bring honor to his name.
  112. --Oddr--
  114. Oddr awoke the aching around him had almost passed. Only a dull pain lingered across his ribs and face. Moaning the boy sat up, the gloom of the forest was familiar and comforting, until the memories of rotted clansmen returned. His neck cracked as he turned wide eyed desperate to take in any light possible. He was thirsty and his stomach ached. Roaring fires dotted the distant pines as he eyed the camps surrounding him. He lay beside one of such fires and exchanged glances with the warriors surrounding him. Clansmen he'd never met gave him little more then a glance before returning to what they had been doing. Others walked back and forth going about camp business. He looked desperately about trying to spot the southerner in the faces of strangers, his satchel and bow were by his side nestled against his legs. Quickly looking through he found nothing missing, he was surprised none of them had taken his possessions. The hard faces Nords talked in hushed voices as he slid on his bow slowly, pain sprung in his side as weapon touched it. Wincing he set it on his back carefully trying not to hurt himself. He could taste blood in his mouth and longed for a drink, worry lingered in him. He trusted Hel and didn't want to be alone with the strangers. He wanted to cry, fear prickled his legs as he approached one of the nearest men.
  116. "Hail have you seen the Southerner I was with?" Oddr asked Struggling to keep a steady voice. Fire light danced across the man's scar ridden face as he nodded and pointed off towards another campfire. "Over there" Sound less words came from the Man moving mouth as Oddr noticed the lack of a tongue. He tried not to gape but nodded and gave a quick thanks. Before running the way pointed. He was unnerved by the sight, shifting shadows spooked him and pushed him to run quicker, the gloomy dark did it's best to trip him. But he swiftly reached a better view of the other campfire. The Southerner stood talking to the man who'd captured them, other clansmen stood about. That thing wasn't there. Slowly he approached, catching the words between the men. None notice his approach. "-ll have to keep on, the chosen so far will have to do. Time is against us." The green eyed man spoke. "Athualf this is madness, how can we return with just barely two hundred men! You wish us dishonor?" A angry Norse man called from the group. Men spoke up in defense and opposition as the group descended into bickering and insults. "Was your mother's milk sour" one shouted shaking his fist at the man "Or was it your Father's?" He added spitting km the ground. "What honor do you claim whore son?!" Voice shouted back and forth.
  118. It didn't take long before fist were thrown and the offending parties were dragged apart. The southerner hadn't noticed him, none of the group seemed to have. "Enough! Stop bickering like women, you plucked hens make to much ruckus. Go your own way if you wish to bring more into the pool. Volvark and I will meet you on the way back from Fylgjafa." Athualf spoke his green eyes scowling at the party opposing his judgement. Oddr would join Volvark, he had to! If others had heard of him they would come willingly not needing to be rounded up like sheep. Their own wills and fate already caught in his. Striding forward the boy passed the group of hens and stood before his capture. Hel had a surprised look on his face hidden by a slim smile. He nodded at the boy. The chickens behind him made little noise, Athualf eyed him clearly unsure of the boys sudden appearance. "I Oddr the first Son of Ælfwig the Valley, Will follow you, by the bow on my back and the knife on my belt I will march with Volvark into Fylgjafa and back." The words came out louder then he'd intended shouting it past their group.
  120. A few distant heads turned by the display. Swiftly he knelt on one knee despite the pain coursing through him. His eyes downturn he spoke again. "I will restore my fathers honor no matter the price." The pain almost blocked out the roar from one for the clansmen before him. "Witness you saplings how a man offers his arm. Better you run back to your mothers apron then foster more boys to your cowards path." The same voice spoke strong and booming as it echoed around the woods. "I'm no king or Jarl boy, you can swear yourself to him when you meet." Athualf gripped his arm pulling him up. The clansmen around Athualf all gave him a pat on the back and quiet welcoming words as he stepped towards Hel. He only grinned at the boy as he approached "Hail!" He chuckled patting Oddr on the shoulder gently. "Feel better?" He asked his Norse words coming slowly like that of a drunk man's. "Fine" Oddr replied a word Hel could understand. He doubted any of his real complaints would translate.
  122. The clansmen wanting to leave did so sputtering off with hard looks they went into the night. "Drink?" Oddr mused prodding the water skins at Hel side. "Sure" His friend replied slipping the sloshing bag free and handing it to the boy. The water was delicious, it did little to completely remove the taste of blood. But it helped with his suddenly tired throat, the itchy dryness had gone unnoticed between the pressure. "What did you say?" Hel asked taking back the water skin. "Oddr, go north to Volvark" Oddr doubted Hel understood, he wished he could talk to him better. Their barrier may have been words but they'd spent good time together. "Together to Volvark" Hel spoke nodding along as he sounded each word. Oddr grinned broadly a small laugh escaping his lips as he nodded at the man excitedly.
  124. --Helladios--
  126. Hel awoke to the grayish tinge of morning light, a few clansmen were rumbling about as he sat up. The soft forest floor was quite the familiar bed to him, all the bumps and divots left cramps. Sighing he looked about. Oddr was asleep beside him, a blonde ball of furs his bow was pinned between his small arms. He couldn't help thinking back to the nights he'd spent in foreign fields before, huddled together asleep in their loose mail, weapons underarm and ready for use. He had woken up more than once to an enemy charging at him or Annunzaito singing as the sun peaked the horizon. Some had set tents but most slept like him and Oddr. He could already tell some had left, Oddr had explained the argument the best he could. Some dissatisfied Norse men wanted to round up more warriors before meeting Volvark, Athualf didn't. They'd left during the night, slinking away with their tails between their legs, he was confused by the display. They may have disagreed but wouldn't not joining the half-god when he said to defeat the purpose of being loyal or honor bound. Apparently they were cowards, Oddr and some of the clansmen they'd supped with insisted. Cowards and wetsops who needed to be led to battle by the hands of their mothers. Standing he stretched the urge to relieve him self appearing. Striding past sleeping and waking Nords. Finding a lonely enough tree he went about watering it, thoughts of the road ahead swam in his sleepy mind. Volvark was heading to Fylgjafa.
  128. A bad place Oddr or the clansmen couldn't quite explain. He reminded himself to ask Athualf when he'd gotten the chance. Some place deep and dark, the could mime descending so his best guess was a cave network. The reason why also hadn't made it across either. He didn't mind all the uncertainty language left but he was even more sure of his presence in the act. "Beautiful Morn!" a soft voice spoke as if right behind him, the rattle of a dry shell in the southern sea breeze. He hid himself before turning to face the intruder. She was closer than expected only a few feet away. Looking up he met her night drowned eyes. He was unsure of how to reply to the abhorrent before him. Moments passed in silence as he gripped his words tightly. she tilted her head to the side almost examining him further. "Where are you from?" She asked her soft voice sending shivers down his spine. He could see a few of the Norsemen eyeing them from a distance. He blinked surprised by the question. Why would the thing care? She kept her head tilted patiently awaiting a reply. "I'm from Genoversia it's a large kingdom to the south" he spoke his words hesitant before rushing to finish as if the words would leave a foul taste in his mouth. A low wheezing chortle rose in her throat. "Everything is the south to me" it added the soft sound oddly different.
  130. It smiled at him, a too many teethed smile." Hel couldn't tell quite how it had changed but the slight tonal change was clear. He thought it odd that. "What is your name?" He asked as it took a few steps back and pawed at the branches caught in her hair. Seeing her move he stepped beside her eager to leave the smell of his piss. She watched him her mouth twitching an bending to an odder look on the oddity. Her hands picked stray twigs free. "My name? It has no name in this tongue, but I will tell you." Without warning she was there crouching face to face with him. Hel fought the urge to put distance between him and the unnervingly close thing. Her lips worked and her tongue rolled as she pressed herself against his cheek, voice whispering to his directly to his ear. Gentle snapping wet twigs was replaced with the softer noise of crumpling snow, the odd sensation brought back memories of the front closet to the north, sweeping hills painted white by the North's raging storms. They'd nicknamed the bloody field the Norseman's beard. No actual Nords fought in the battle, but if the amount they had to paint red didn't make that hill Norse he didn't know what would.
  132. More died to the winter mistresses' toll than the blade for that wicked campaign. The word stung twisting his belly as she dragged it out. Harshly it rung. Her cold fact pressed against his more, the cool plate smooth and unreasonably soft. Harsh and Noridic it swam but was hard to distinguish. She pulled away watching his face intently. He didn't know when he had begun breathing heavily, or when he'd taken two of her fingers into his hand. His memories were a mix of the moment as he lay his unfocused eye on hers dark orbs. Her eyes were on her hand, she didn't pull away or move to break his hold. Tentatively he felt her, the soft under side of her hands were light grey it grew rougher until his hands met the odd bonish armor. "Tell me again" he whispered leaning closer to her. He wished to hear again and know her name, the odd sensation wasn't discomforting. She hesitated before leaning in her mouth faintly twitching. She got close and started to whisper, her voice to faint he pushed closer pressing his face against hers as she'd done to him. She'd jumped at his touch stopping the noise in her throat. He could feel her faint heart beat through the Layer, he breathing was quick and sharp.
  134. Pushing further against him she spoke her name. "Lofnunnr" the soft name sounded like the gentle breeze climbing through his family home, the gentle rattle of old and worn hinges. He sighed loudly pulling away from her. Her hand slipping free from his grasp. "Hail Lofnunnr, I am Helladios" he spoke voice quivering slightly. She nodded a soft gust following "Hail Hel" he hoped his pronunciation was correct it was the best he could muster. Speechless the word swirled in his head bringing dizziness. He was sure that sound matches his word. "Is Lofnunnr correct?" He mused playing with the word on his lips as he said it catching his breath with the ease he spoke it. Lofnunnr made the same throaty chortle as it had before nodding her lips tightly pressed into a smile. "Close enough! Short and easy to say" she grinned at him. "Call me as you wish Helladios." She replied. The sounds of calls and talk broke the quite stare off the two had found themselves in. Turning towards the camp he could see men strutting about talking among themselves, he even noticed a few eyes on him, or no her.
  136. Oddr stood by the edge of the camp looking out towards him, a small hand waving him over. Hel made his way over the look on Oddr face and the glances of parting clansmen spoke of Lofnunnr following. "Morn Oddr" Hel said while retrieving his bag from the boys small hand. He'd brought both of their packs, he couldn't keep from looking at Lofn. "Hail Hel" The boy sheepish replied as she kept on walking long legs carrying her through the sea of Norsemen. Oddr sighed loudly when she appeared far enough away to not hear. "Stay away from that" Oddr said in Nordic shooting him a disappointed and worried look. "Eat us!" He added poking his finger Into his belly before tapping himself. He could only shrug. Oddr shrugged back and the pair broke into laughter.
  139. --Add more-Long travel- song/hunt/river/normies/matiqore//?
  143. "So what is it like in Genoversia?" Oddr asked, the boy was re-stringing his bow. Helladios sighed stretching his cramped back as clansmen walked passed. Oddr kept pace his eyes focused on getting the tautness of his bow just right. He was pretty impressed by the feat. "Rainy spring, long summer, and a short autumn and winter. Only close to your forests does snow ever fall. I've Fought all over the place." Hel yawned jogging to keep up with Oddr. The boy nodded the barrier between them slackening. "To think you can fight" Oddr chuckled shaking his head. "You don't seem like the type. The battlefield type." Oddr said glancing up at him. "You look like a Skald, just the look about you sings of softness and comfort. On some Jarls court days with a lute in yer hand and night between some maidens legs!" The boy laughed slinging the ready bow over his shoulder. Helladios shrugged "If only" he mused chuckling to himself. "I've never held a lute, think I should put down the sword and take one up?" Countless trees float past the men. "Why not both? Volvarks own Battle-Skald how's that sound?" Hjulof laughed looking back at the pair clearly amused by their chat. "The southern Battle-skald? What a tale to tell" Hel added glancing to the branches above all alike and indefinable.
  145. "Once we get back you won't have to be a Skald! Within Volvark's halls we'll stand guard!" Hjulof spoke loudly his Nordic voice deep and strong. A couple others nodded their opinion on the short discussion. Calls came from ahead cutting the small tall short. The march slowed as the slight hill steepened. soon the trees gave way to sudden clearness only the peaks of distant mountains and tips of long fallen boulders lay ahead. he could see her. Lofn stood behind her mountain waited. the normal slopes repalced with walls. walls upon walls. "Steps?" Oddr questioned. the entire side of the mountain had been carved into waist high steps. the heights shifted and bent as many plots vanished and crumbled. norseman and the southerner alike gaped at the sight. what in the world was Hel doing here. following up he saw the eched path curve and bent with the slope of a mountain. the way threw odd shadows under the sun's glare. "by ///" men spoke a marvel of the gods before them. Lofn began to climb easyily she scaled the face clansmen and Althuaf around her slowly to begin. men stalled and waited as the accenstion began. Oddr was speachless the liike norn hadn't made a peep. glancing at him Hel caught the boy praying. eyes softly closed he held his runes in his small hands. Hel let the child be. giving his own gods a quick plead for support. It could'nt hurt to be safe. step by step the dread built as norse climbed, many where clinging to the thing. none had fallen yet but hel wouldn't hold his breath at many mangaing all the way. he couldn't see the top. it just vanished, snatched away by the sun's witcked light. then he met it face to face
  147. Slowly and tentatively Hel grasped and pulled climbing the same path the Norsemen chose. The grim grey sky that had silently slinked in did not fill him with hope of a summer to match his home. The damp mossy stones sprouted out the cliff that made the shear series of steps teased looseness. Leaning further away from the wall Hel tried to look past those above him, he couldn't spot Lofn, he hoped she was leading them the right way. "Give me a hand!" Oddr called from his side already being held up by a ginger Nord. Pulling the boy to his step Hel glanced back and his stomach fluxed as he caught sight of the tops of great pine trees swaying at his level. As if sent by Óòinen himself thunder split the sky and the grey clouds tore apart lighting illuminating the men below. A roar rose up around the climbers "Óòinen welcomes us!" Some laughed others howled great bestial cries as he turned to continue. The rain danced around making every passing grip looser and fatal. "Fuck my life!" Hel shouted roaring at the backs before him. "Such is fate" A misty blue eyed Nord howled to his side laughing manically against the lashing winds. He didn't know who had started it but a chorus of words rose forming a torrent to match the buffering wind and rain. A song the Norse roared the words defiantly against the wind Oddr and his people clung to the cliff as lighting lit the sky crashing down around them.
  149. Pausing within the storm he glanced behind. Sky alone stretched out, he could see dark pregnant clouds fractured and smashed by countless eye searing lightning. The edge within the air stunk of unnatural causes. Looking down he could see the wall of men, as he watched amaze by the cloaked mountain side one slipped and fell desperately trying to catch onto a man around him. To his left A rock dislodged taking souls with it. He watched their pale frames spin and bounce off those below before vanishing past the tree tops. "Onward!" A Nord roared at him pulling him up the steps. The song fought eclipsing the thunder.
  151. --Oddr--
  153. Oddr was ahead, clambering he tried his hardest not to die. Watching above he saw a man come free the wind carrying him past the heads above, the man flew hauled by the wind far past them. Screaming the living corpse whizzed past. He gripped tighter as the wind grabbed and caught his light garb. He screamed fear swelling he pulled himself over another step. Glancing above he saw her dark eyes leering down from the mountain side above. Her eyes met his and he clung to the chiseled stone pulling himself up faster. Each step he felt his heart shift as the wind changed threatening to pull him away. Hours of minutes passed in differential as he glared at the stone steps hating them for existing. He would not die here. Roaring he screamed against the wind his rage unbound rejuvenating his muscles as he pulled. More and more the steps came endlessly he gave chase mashing his teeth in anger. Stomach howling to match his screaming muscles and throat. The Norse matched his howls desperation clear. Slowly the steps grew as above flattened out to it's peak.
  156. --Lofn--
  158. Glancing over her shoulder she assessed the force climbing. Meat already rested below the rot beginning. She spotted him. He was looking right at her. Wild eyed teeth bared like a wolf he clung to the steps. She was sure he couldn't see her grinning, the southerners were keeping up. Mother would be surprised so many had made it. Lofnunnr thought to herself. Her hands easily pulling her up the slick mountain face. Watching out across the beautiful Peaks, Mountains were a great barrier to their kind. The lowly humans had never crossed willingly. She could have laughed and here they came sheep herded into the wolves' den. Their God-king leading them to their deaths. She'd snatch him away before death did. The others were not her problem or interest. He'd sung for her. The memory alone made her face heat and her grip slacken, cursing herself she focused on climbing the bleats of scared sheep was carried up to her. Softly she sung to herself the little song he had. -// song here//-
  159. It lifted her spirits slightly, making her feel light enough for the wind to pull her away. Soon she'd by her kind their Volvark is a fool, even if he could heed lighting and wind to do his bidding. Where ever he was something else was getting his men killed. She would have laughed if her boy wasn't down there fighting the echo of Volvark's conjuring.
  161. The fork was deep, beyond even their lowest caverns and crypts. He cared not, bold and brash his follower would tare their way through the stains of the underworld. Her mother insisted helping him could benefit their people, patching the old wounds. Together they'd retrieve the all father's fork and restore peace. There hadn't been war in centuries. No man dared attack them, only in defense of their own lives had any /// fallen below the plateau overly eager to fetch slaves or food. She chuckled what was the separation within their burrows. She would eat him, she'd never had the taste for man. But he made her smile. Oddly she didn't know why. She sighed thankfully few took part in eating the southerns. Lofn wondered what her mother and sisters were up to, if everything had gone as planned they arrive to meet a another force ready to march and die in the depths. Apparently a few // wished to go along eager to earn an name. She didn't see the point in it really, what horrors down there were their problem. She shook her head annoyed, why was he going with them. He was southern, even more southern then them, what interested did he have in their king. Men were confusing they mostly rutted about like empty headed rams desperate to mount or kill those before them. She doubted any other them thought past what they'd eat or fuck that night.
  163. She winced/cringed using such a rough word. She'd fuck him if she could get him alone. She froze shocked by her own thoughts, she couldn't argue with herself but chuckle maybe someone smart would argue with them self. Cursing herself she climbed fast pushing the idle wanton thoughts aside. She was getting ahead of herself. Thunder crashed above loosening sitting stones tumbling down. Peaking again more and more climbed, the column was packed. She was surprised by how close they were. Eyes busy looking for him she almost fell peering behind her as an empty hand grasped at missing rock. Tensing she pulled herself towards the cliff feeling the slatted tuffs of snow grass as her flailing hand dug into the damp bundle. Cursing herself again she pulled herself onto the peninsula. The snow grass spread out lining the flat peak. // had claimed it was sawn flat by clashing gods, and // might cut away the tops. A few trees sprouted randomly but little else grew here besides the grass. The wind never let up the lack of any buffer had it whipping the grass back and forth eager to uproot the blades and the trees.
  165. --Oddr--
  167. Oddr saw it clamber over the lip. The endless had made it after one final glance, they would make it. He was sure a rising glee willing him on. His father would be redeemed his honor restored by the god-King he couldn't help grinning madly as he kicked and pulled the tortuously sharp stones. Then the world flipped, his hand slipped and he rolled over backwards. Wordlessly his paralyzed body fell meeting something soft he rolled again terror clamped shut his eyes only the howling wind to guide him to his death. The torrential wind made him feel weightless direction less he went feeling nothing at all. Suddenly pain stung him as his wrist caught a cold jagged stone, his body met slick steps with a deafening clap, he was unsure if it was him or the thunder. Lighting coursed through him, he was sure he'd been stuck mid air every limb jumbled and shaken. His brain boiled unfocused a simmering pot of boyish memories. The howling wind did not let up he shook body encased in ice shock, it pushed him further into the cliff face. "Stop screaming!" He heard a familiar voice shout bring him up and freezing his strained voice. Eyes snapping open he could see how far he'd fallen. Maybe three body lengths in total, numerous Nords looked back with relieved looks, the edge he'd grasp was non-existent only a jagged duvet in its place. Glancing to his side. Helladios red faced and dark eyed glared at him, teeth bared his wet brown hair that of a sleek Wolf's coat.
  169. "You ok?" He roared throatily like a choked howl. Oddr couldn't tell if he was furious to see him or not. "Are you ok? Oddr!" He added shaking the wide eyed boy. Oddr could only nod mouth agape as it'd been as he fell, the rain collecting in the sudden cavity. "Get climbing then" Hel replied pushing the boy over the nearest step. Norse passed eager to save themselves before anyone else. He cried. His small back to his friend he hoped Helladios couldn't hear the sobbing of the soaked boy or smell the warm liquid swiftly cooling on his legs. The Genoversian had saved him, he doubted anyone else would have. He couldn't tell if it was luck or not. He tried not to think about it. Slowly he gripped and pulled forcing his soft sorry flesh into the gripping coarse steps, using every painful cut as leverage. He was glad he had met Helladios, he was sure their fates lined together with Volvark. They each held the all father on their runes, more tears fell with the thought of Hel not being there to save him. Hastening his climb the quicker he was off the face the better, his tale would not end here. Skald would sing about Oddr son of Ælfwig. Battle raged above the gods clashed in the sky splitting the earth and flooding the lakes. The great winds carried // tears and many men to their end as the followers of Volvark ascended the Endless steps.
  171. The ledge was hard to scramble over Oddr's short legs kicking as helpful arms pulled him up and along the grassy land. He could see other men sitting and crawling between the patchy shrubbery the wind snatching and grabbing at their clothes. "Get moving!" the nord beside him said pushing him towards the advancing column. Glancing up to the darl grey sky the angry clouds were a deep blackish purple far into the distance they floated cutting the sky with blades of brilliant light. "Bloody // strikes at us" a scarred man beside him shouted. "They spit on us" another behind him laughed his mouth pulled wickedly by curled burn. The gods, Oddr doubted they were against them. But Volvark was still man, some of them may hold it against the force. "Spit back" he chuckled before shouting it to the men. A couple smiled laughs fighting the wind. One attempted the Spittle was whipped back across his own face and beard. The act earned more laughter as the mad men crawled along the gods battlefield. /// flat, many tales includes the place but all had different descriptions as he heard by the Skald. He was sure none had actually seen the bleak flat. It was only a few warped trees, grassy mound and stones. The songs told of a smooth beautiful paradise were fish swam and eagles soared. Untouched since it's carving. It was barren, a willowy peak on the scalp of a wanning Jarl. The Endless was ahead leading. It stood out it's muscular body managing to actually crouch against the force.
  173. It watched him, reflectively he ducked avoiding it's sight, Hel had spoken and even touched the thing, but he was a southerner he knew little. Oddr could understand his curiosity despite the warnings, his mother would tell him to stay away from the Forrest at night but many mornings she'd paddle him for returning ivy burned and thorns buried in his shins. Pain was the cement to heavy bricks carted as lessons. It was probably looking for Hel, his familiarity with the thing hadn't escaped the sharp eyes of his fellow clansmen. A couple were as bold to joke. "One morn we'll wake to him over her shoulder miles away" Helladios shrugged them off, tales of the dark ones still virgin to his ears. Even Athualf had mentioned it, bold and clear the green eyed man was the only Clansmen to change words with it willingly and here some southerner was getting friendly with the fiend. Some of the shield-maids teased them of course. Hel struggled with some of the more obscure dialects but the thing for sure understood the Nordic women shouting at the pair to kiss whenever they were together. Despite their own knowledge of the wretch things they indulged themselves in the act of supporting it. They'd even called him jealous. Him Oddr son of Ælfwig. They be lucky if he even gave them a glance the barren things.
  175. The mountain was more fertile then their wretched wombs. Shield wives and the like. He didn't trust them, Volvark shouldn't have allowed them to follow. The boy huffed the rain annoying to match the memories. Girls were like the rain. Always around when they were unwanted making a bunch of noise and increasing the difficulty of what ever you were doing. Even warriors had teased him with their words. The gods had dried them up for a reason. His mother had always said that her seven children were all healthy and strong. Food brought home by his father as it should be. Who would love a woman who couldn't do her job! He thought to himself, a woman wouldn't love a useless man. Even Skalds the softest of the bunch did something, you wouldn't see a vagabond or hermit rolling around with women. Doesn't mean she can take up a mans arms because her failures. "It's beautiful!" A high pitched voice shouted to his side interrupting his thoughts. Scowling he looked over at the idiot distracting him. Curly blonde hair whipped his face stinging his already sore eyes. He cursed loudly. Desperate to escape his lashing he crawled faster bumping to the feet of others. "Don't you think?" The girlish voice asked again repeating at his side. He ignored it looking the opposing way.
  177. His eyes found another shield maiden, a cloudy blue eye blinked at him half her face a collection of savage scars. She looked around the age of Hel, her long pointed nose oddly short as the tip ended abruptly. Where did she come from he thought glancing about. A couple other women and girls were around him, oval shields on their backs, spears in their damned hands. He cursed how did he end up here. He was nudged in his ribs by Eir. Spinning on her teeth bared he scowled at her rosy face. Her curly hair trailed behind her pulled by the wind the sides of her head shaved like some sheep. She smiled at him small blue lips shifting white "Hail Oddr!" She grinned. He could feel eyes on him. They didn't belong to a man. Branching blue tattoos entwined with green ones like the roots of a tree. "Hail!" He replied scowling harder he pushed to harden his voice. The wind wasn't helping him escape any faster, he couldn't look ahead the freezing missiles of rain would blind him. "Don't you think it's beautiful?" she asked leaning closer and waving her hand to the rolling black clouds distant trees just peaking out of view, the flat horizon were the sky and earth met. "Terrifying!" He replied trying to keep his face stony, she blinked at him clearly thinking over his curt response. Why now did she bother him, bloody annoyance upon annoyance.
  179. As if it want enough already, he would've shaken his fist at the sky but his body was succumbing to exhaustion. The nagging in his body almost blotted out his thoughts, if the trail of his mind would stop for sure he knew he'd sleep on that blasted land. He passed a few who's strength had slipped away, finally off the cliff they'd just stopped curled up and wouldn't budge. Men on the steps had done the same but fear damned them before their body did. Maybe if he curled up now to die he'd escape them. "It's kind of beautiful! Like the morning after a battle." Eir's soft voice came podding him. He remembered the morning after that cursed town. The ache of aches on his aches wasn't something he'd call beautiful. Silly girl must have held her breath too long. He only shock his head glaring past her at the flat peaks afar. The spear girl's assault did not let up, like a hound with a bone she seemed resilient to let him slip. She started to frown at his harsh face clearly feeling indifference by his attitude. He was sure she would have cross her arms and tilt her head at him if she was standing. Bloody girls he cursed trying to crawl past the spear girl ahead. He'd climb them like he climbed the cliff if he had to. Grabbing ankles he tried to put his plan into motion, the person ahead turned, feminine features scowled and kicked his hand away. The bitch. Oddr wanted to swing his way out, he turned back to look at Eir her face was flat, giving him an unamused look. "What do you want?" Oddr Howled crouching against the wind. He quickly returned to his prone crawl as his garb caught and flapped wildly. He had no dreams of become a bird. The girl kept watching him that stupid look on her face, hissing Oddr faced the torrent of rain enduring it just to spite her. Where was Helladios, he'd plucked him out of the sky, Oddr wished he'd pluck him from the crowd as his face heated.
  181. --Helladios--
  183. Hel couldn't help grinning as he crawled along the flat mountain. What a thing, he'd seen the tooth like peaks of passing mountains by the bucket full. Oddr had called them the // or something Nordic. The entire peninsular was a flat basin. He could see the distant stretch of other flattened tops, did battling gods really carve the place apart. What might crumbles mountains flat he thought the exaggerated stories Oddr told not too exaggerated. It was maddeningly unnatural. He wanted to ask but knew the answer already. The gods had battled here scarring the world, what might could a half god wield against his enemies. Why would he need any help? He couldn't quite absorbing the scenery. Thick blades of grass sprouted between jagged or smooth rocks, he passed a tree or two bent and tilted by the wind. He knelt as a tree pushed and pulled by the wailing storm. The Norse singing had picked up again throaty words matched to the beat of their matching hands. He kept his pace intuitively memories of marching in the youth legion, singing the songs of the beauties at home and ahead waiting for them. He couldn't make at out Nordic songs but hoped they was as vulgar and heartfelt as his youths. What would they think if they could see him now, for sure they'd see an unkempt northern barbarian trying to mount some mountain eager to claim loyalty to a living god.
  185. What would drive a man to such insanity as but to chase the Nords. He'll shook his head, he really couldn't know what his family would think or say. When he returned home would they still be there? Would his home and land be there. He'd seen the scarring of lands plenty in his youth. There wasn't much between him and the displaced of conflict. Maybe he was a refugee here, running from the conflict he'd spent his youth embroiled in. Yet here he was surely crawling towards battle while running from another more familiar field. Men and boys displaced with girls and monsters. The Nords let their women fight beside them, let was a stretch most he'd shared words with didn't even count them as women. A weapon in hand didn't make a man, the half women were barren or for some other reason dis-valued. Cursed or widowed the tales led on why they'd put aside their role and taken up a man's. He could understand the distaste and reluctance to allow their place. He knew well of when days turn into months of fighting and women are scarce what happens. The ones caught would be hanged for it if she wasn't the enemy. When your own troops are a lure infighting is sure to sprout.
  187. The women had taken to Lofn well, the Norsemen hadn't led by tales of witches and men sacrificed littered the camp. Lofn had said little about the spear women but he'd seen her exchanging words with them almost as much as him. He'd earned himself a little /dishonour scrutiny/ with the act but he tried to reassure it was passing convocation. Most Clansmen hadn't mind until the spear sisters started. Wicked Dark ones masquerading in women's skin were whispered a good portion away from them. A few were bold enough to accuse them outright, they only earned themselves promises of violence and the lashing of a wife. They defienatly were women for sure, if they weren't berating a man they were going after each other. Athualf waved away most complaints calling them jealous wives and insisting they Just ignore the presence until volvark deicides on what to do with them. Most hadn't understood what their role in the entire act was. Some seemed not to care, eating a drinking leading them the prospect of many battles and gold. Most were farmers he'll had inculleded himself in many of their turt arguments on agriculture itself. Many defended slopes as the best ground to farm and any one who'd limit themselves to the flat grazing land as sheep and cow soft minded and unskilled to brave their homeland. The more diligant types spoke of what was to come in low whispers and traded loyalties to one another. Athualf and a few bridged the gap enjoying the smplities of life. While musing what volvarks plan was. Athualf had shared and was pretty well know amongst the camp that he planned to charge head first into the land of the dead. Their name for it was long and norsish but athualf insisted it was the housing of the deceased. They did not know what the realm looked like or what was down there beyong dark tales heard as boys. It was below the paths of the dark ones. Lofn claimed it flowed with dark rivers and the dead gods children. She hadn't seen it first hand but her people told it as so. When asked why her people would help she did not say, only giving him a curt smile she went on fainting her absent at the front of the convoy. He would have followed her but who ever could miss such a clear /fought subject/ might not have done the same. He earned himself looks from the Norse men and women oddr had complained enough about the oddness getting plastered on him too. He was the youngest and while his reasoning may have been sound to most of the northern men he had arrived with a foreigner one carrying runes and swapping words with a living nightmare. While he doubted they held any actual animosity towards him he was clearly an outsider and just as unwelcome as the endless one. He could only guess the women shares the same sentiment. Maybe they held him responsible for the boy's presence some amount of motherhood forcing their eyes to linger on the child none between them could have birthed. He'd complained about them acossting him for loutish behavior while the men around him did the same. Oddr had spent most if his time far enough away from them. Hel could understand the boy was still young, he surely missed his mother and father. The sudden motherly figures would twisted and sour the still fresh wound. Oddr hadn't spoken of it but many of the nords had traded him tidbits on the fate of his father and most likely the fate of his mother. Hel couldn't relate to the loss but knew it would have scarred him deeply as a youth to lose his mother. Oddr would awake from fright, hel and those around did not mention it around him. Some had wondered rether or not to send him back. While they might have passed that point it had been steady until even the night before. However there seemed like no going back now. Athualf had defend the boys right to come surprisingly hel thought the man may have seen him as a nuisance. But perhaps hr just relies on volvarks choice. The man could still point them away, hel and the boy might not be welcome amongst the god kingsy party. Glancing around the chilly missiles stung his eyes but hel could see himself surrounded by women. Thinking to himself he must have dropped his pace resting afloat his memories of the journey. The spear sisters were to other side, peaking past the ones ahead he was almost in his same position, lofn was leading the group onwards her slim grey back adorned by the black plate. The fought muscles below split the armour shifting and bulging as she went on her way the shisting shell flashing glimpses of soft grey flesh below. They had made it quite far from the edge, glancing behind he could see cloth and near lumps curled up tightly along their path. Disappointing really he'll thought to have survived the climb for your body to surrender at the top. He was relived he could keep on fighting his bodies suductive suggestions to sleep. Maybe they would wake and find their way back to them but he doubted it. He could feel eyes on him, he hadn't been the only one peaking at what process had been made. But somethibg niggled that it may have not been reasoning. Ignoring the sidelong glances of the girls about him he kept on. He doubted they were gonna try sacrificing him here. Someone would notice he chuckled the thought idotic spoutings of worried warriors. "Why are you here!?" A voice shouted to his side anger clear in the voice. Looking over he saw a blonde haired woman glaring back her small hands lined with scars her face almost untouched beside a savage looking burn on her left cheek. He didn't reply to the woman eyeing her with confusion and worry. Maybe they were going to offer him up to their battle goddess. "Fucking /slur/" one said her voice carries by the wind. He couldn't help worry, he'd slap one if he needed to but he wasn't very keen on the idea of killing a woman. But there were armed he didn't like the idea or getting a spear in his ass as much. He tried his best to ignore the angry female faces around him. He wondered what he'd done to offend, many of the men took it at face value or saw omens good and bad alike. They'd never given him more then disapproving looks. Most of the detractors left that night weeks ago. Why now past the point of return do they quiz him, did they expect him to clamber back down that face of death and go on his merry way. The patched they carved north had left him with little still to see. No grand hill fort of ancient city could contend with the awe and oddness the they'd witnessed in this barren place. He knew this was just the beginning. Volvarks would lead them to the gates of death and if so be it they will ford the rivers of the dead. For what he knows not the fork left him with little of thought. That was volvarks goal. The fork. Property of a god in the hands of man, he just hoped to survive. He was a simple man, he hoped young oddr survives and brings honor to his name and the green eyed athualf survives achieving whatever the man aimed for. His mind tripped as cold slate jabbed his hand pinching the stiff white flesh. He hoped Lofn would survive too. She was up ahead crouching but still towered over the humans below her. She waved to him, or maybe to the group she was looking past him. He was unsure of what lay ahead he did not worry. What ever path he treds the gods would watch. He was sure she watched him.
  189. --
  191. Oddr wormed himself up beside hel.
  192. The southern had also found himself entrenched by the women. He was in a sour mood eir had given chase asking him questions. She'd even tripped him as he'd try to escape. Seeing the friendly face reassured him. "Oh great so we get sacrificed together." Hel said chuckling as the boy shook his grim face. "Why did they stop?" Oddr asked looking at the pale must covered face of his friend, he couldn't look much better then the southerner. He'd dread baths since he was a boy, well a younger boy but at that very moment he wanted to throw himself into the hottest spring he could find and soak until the last frost had vanished from his bones. "Athualf and Lofn are talking, can't really see more then that." Hel replied his Norse deceivingly good, hel used the same vocabulary often ignoring alternative to words. Oddr didn't mind, the odd Norse talk was understatedable enough. It just gave if him even odder accent and style to his speech. Who was Lofn? Sounded like a womans name, lover, loven or loved. Oddr was sure hel had made a mistake. He must have misheard one of their names, most probably leuf he was drunk half the time he'd ever spoken to him. A man as tall as stump and as drunk as four. "What about the endless one? What's it doing? We better not be lost!" Oddr said leaning closer to the man enjoying the buffet between him and the wins. "She's talking to athualf!" Hel replied giving the boy a scrutinizing look. Oddr was confused crawling onto his knees he peaked. The dark one and athualf were standing near a bent tree looking at something below it. He could see athualf lips moving as they exchanged words. The drunk Norse man couldn't been seen around the pair. "Where's leuf? I can't see him?" Oddr said squinting at the pair ahead. He earned himself a scowl from the woman ahead of him. He scowled back the nosey women were most probably listening to them. The winded had died down enough for words to travel far enough. He glimpsed the surrounding women eyeing him and hel. He ignored them his hair bristling with annoyance. Bloody women he thought to himself, glimpsing the coiling hair of eir just beside hel her eyes eager to look onto his pair. She wouldn't catch his darting eyes. "Not Leuf... Lofn! She's pretty hard to miss." Hel said kneeling up aswell. The dark one? He knew the things name. Oddr mouth hang open no reply slipping forth as he turned to the peeking southerner. Hel was looking straight at the lanky thing. No hint of fear or worry in him, the bloody women had noticed too the southerner knew the dark things name, what curses had it laid on him. Eir and the others paid him little attention as he saw their heads shifting and exchanging words. More and more of the spear sisters watched the septical. Hel lifted his hand up and began waving it, looking back towards the pair Lofn was waving back it's long arm mimicking Hel's movements. Oddr was sure it was smiling, he just couldn't see. Athualf own reaction seemed non phased his own eyes quickly returning to the ground. Whispers danced between the women. Hel was about to earn them a spear in the back, who knew how they'd take it. If anyone had been around the thing the most it was him and hel. Two worth sacrifices to their warrior goddess. Balls to that oddr thought he'd leave the southern to his fate if he had to. Hel had a small smile on his lips as he slipped back down. "It are looking at something" hel said. "I saw" oddr replied his mind ablaze with the ways they'd be snuck away and tributed. The group shifted and began it's journey again, diligently oddr kept his pace with hel his safety in the sea of spears. "You know her name!" A familiar soft voice came carries by the wind. Hel not enough to buffer it out. Eir was beside the southern her curled hair still danced about. Hel was watching her, oddr couldn't tell what face he was making.
  193. Eir grinned matching their pace "You know her name!" She repeated leaning closer. "Who?" Hel asked voice tinged with confused by the girls interest. Other women where watching, oddr stomach swayed uneasy with their hawlsh eyes observing. "The Endless one, you said her name! Lofn?" Eir pressed eyes almost crazed. "Yeah. Lofn" He'll replied nodding to the girl. Eir bit her lip eyes wide and shifting across Hels face. She nodded back clearly having gotten what she had wanted. He eyes met his and her face shifted. She pouted at Oddr eyes hardening. "Don't you think it's beautiful up here?" She asked hel her eyes only shifting from oddr for a moment. Oddr looked away, Eir wasn't his problem anymore. What a noble sacrifice helladios had made, oddr promised himself to name his frist born after his close friend. "Hauntingly so?" Hel replied speaking the word slowly unsure if he'd pronounced it correctly. Oddr saw the dark one. She stood her long arms gripping the tree, finally closer he could see. A small hole about two men wide was in the ground, Norse men were beginning the decent down grey caved stone steps. More human scale the steps were only about a foot in height but were wide enough for two men to stand shoulder to shoulder on. Norse men were illuminated from below as torch light lit the spiralling steps. Men and women sat about as a less then steady stream began the decent. The idea of escaping the wind was conflicted with the confined ways of the tunnel. Oddr managed to make it to Hjulof the familiar ginger nord sat with other clansmen and passed wineskins back and forth oddr hailed them, the clansmen nodded slight grins on their faces. "Good to see you made it boy, I heard you tried flying! Best to leave it to the birds and the drinking to the men!" Hjulof roared as he tossed a half full skin to the boy. The clansmen cheered as he took deep swigs of the bitterly sharp liquid the heat spreading through him as he drank. Sitting beside the men he handed it on and received a dirt clump of hard bread and dried meat. Oddr was almost sure they handed him a stone from the ground as he knawed on the tough lump, the meat was Moore boot leather then meat but he ate it savagely. The eastern clans didn't even stop just marched their way down the steps. Oddr felt st home amongst the karrstal. His family lay within the clans of the land but he felt uneasy even around those bordering them. The clansmen went on between them selves speaking. Hel was by the dark one. She crouched low face to face his mouth moving. The // clan was on the bridge to redemption, scanning the marked he saw a few of his clan but many of the ///. He distinctly remember seeing more below the climb. Would there be anything of his clan left to return. What good is glory when your people are gone, oddr thought to himself the price of absolvance heavy on the already taxxed people. But still the /// followed their ancient clan little more then a few young ambitious men. Volvark would accept them amongst the kingdom he would carve. Oddr looked forward to the shift in power eager to watch the // crushed below the force of forgotten and damned families. Volvark surely knew his pain. Many knew of /// and his betrayal. Volvark the God king would bring justice to the backstabbing house that dared to steal the throne from him. The greater north would rally and fall, oddr was unsure of how many would join volvark but the fork would pull the unweighed and crushed the settled. If they found it. Maybe volvark was just mad, driven by the loss of what was his. A steadfast man would seek to reclaim the throne, oddr was sure the man could sway many undecided to his side and wrestle the /// out of power. His clansmen had begun singing again, a low mournful tune. The song of his early boyhood, the shame upon them all, they would learn from the mistakes and avenge those who wronged them. The mournful song insisted on it, low voices reaffirimg the bloods call for blood. A few // passed around hels age young men and women. Women unlike the ///. The held no weapons for they needed none, the ///. He had hears whispers they had survived clinging desperately to their once promised husband's now family less they are bound by litte. He had not seen one fight before, tall tales claimed the gods themselves lended them power to guide and protect their men. It wasn't like the /// had many men left to defend their clan was worse off then his. Women fighting spoke volumes enough to prove that. They would make great guides and sions. Useful beyond their feminine bodies. Oddr still didn't like the idea, if worse came to worse and /// repeated he would not want to kill a woman or die to one. What little trust held this band together would crumble without the /redemption/ volvark promised with his life. Oddr wondered what over clans would come, surely even some of the better off would send chosen to earn good favor with the Volvark. Spear sisters passed next down they went fumbling with their long spears in the darkness. A few gave him a passing glance. The rest eyed hel and the dark one. How had he learned the things name, calling the thing his loven. Hel must have been wrong, he'd have to talk to him about it when they got some time alone. Calling that endless thing his lover wouldn't male him any friends within the clans. Most already disliked his causality with the oddity. Oddr had to qweell the drunken accusations more then once. Clouds hung above grey and plump like the wool of a lamb, he could see distant darker ones splitting with rain and lightning. The wind had softened the worst carried on to assault another section of the flat scape. Around him it crawled on he could sense his height from the sky edge, nothingness hung where they had accendes just sky. Stretching on to the horizon the flat ground gave little to what was beyond it. Oddr wondered if he could make to to the edge and see past all known to man. Surely the dark one would lead them further passed. Excitement and worry sparked at what unknowns lay ahead monstrosities know to the endless alone in encountered by man since the beginning. What lay below only added to him wonder. He drummed his fingers on his knee watching the men pass, many stopped to rest but the column continued. It had ended abruptly the final stragglers limping into the depths, tailed by men of his family. Hel was still talking to the dark one. As they begun to descend. Leaving behind those unwilling to carry on. Oddr had glanced out over the living corpses curled up along the plateau, he felt sorry for them and hoped their deaths were quick. Oddr prayed quickly under /// cobalt/grey sky his small hand danced along his runes reassurance guilded by his passing call to the gods. He knew they watched.
  194. Getting down the steps were a slight issue he found himself dropping between each step his legs just short enough to be an issue. Hel southern words echoed down mixing with senseless noises from below. The thing's words did on t echo her heavy voiced brought his skin to a prickle. How could hel stand being so close to the source it was unnatural. Something from he depths not formed by any god who graced the sky. Something old and unpronable in the tongue of man made them, mad and dark it had formed itsy own mockery of man. /// have stood against their kind since it all began what other horrors lay to the south of them. What were the cousin to them, hel and his people weren't so far from his. Without the suns gaze his friend had paled, he could not be told part with eyes alone. His tongue and mind gave him away, his foreign gods brothers and sisters to his own. Moral and guiding many shared the same values, little had he'll disagreed with he insisted and added his own beliefs reaffirming the bridges of men and their place together. What was the bridge to the endless ones? They had taken man and woman alike to eat and worse. Who did they bridge their blood with? What else was condemned out of the gods sight. What crime besides existing had they commited, the unseen dagger in the back of mackinating gods. The /// he'd deal such hands to friends and for alike until on for remained. Tales spoke of his tricks and skins shedding like a snake bound with it's scales of betrayal. // held a hand in ever act against the first born gods. Hatred for tradition and mind born from his own failures. The endless were truly his failed work. Oddr worried glancing behind him, the endless lanky body descended just behind hel it's grey and black frame almost vanishing in the dark. Her eyes two pockets of night. Hell shot him a small smile, oddr couldn't hide the worry on his face. It had seen it too. He tried to ignore it's presence, her echolesss voice a bold whisper in his ear prying it's way deeper into his conusoness. Gods guide him oddr thought focusing on descending.
  196. --
  198. Lofn crouched by the ash coloured tree, her large hand rested against the splintered bark. Hels attempt to stride over to her culminated in more a wobbled crouch. Many of the Nord's where alreadying beginning the descent. The steps down looked more akin to the entrance to a basement then anything else but the Nord's seemed to reference to it as a gate. Hel would get lofns prespeticve her kind claimed what ever little land was here. Some clansmen sat about resting, oddr was amung them short hair slick to his scalp. They had been so luck to survive, uncountable numbers had fallen. The thought of it overwhelmed him, he tried not to remember those startled and scares faces slip past. The rain and wind had let up the gods somewhat pleased with the culling. How much blood lay below on the rocks given to the God's themselves. Lofn looked watched him as he sat beside her. Ecen crouching she towered over him, her musculars flexxed and bulged shiftening the interlocking plates costing them. Her quick breaths gave away more then her calm demeanor could, he guessed the climb might have even been a drain on her. He'd seen her walk for days eager to keep on while men needed rest, her stamina was great but no unlimited. He smiled at her emotionless face, gazing into her deep eyes the stealy sky reflected of the shinning orbs. Her lips twisted briefly but she said nothing. "What happened here? Why is it so smooth?" Hell asked breaking the drawn out moment. He didn't bother gesturing but lent in closer to escape the nipping breeze that remained. Lofn mimicked him resting herself against him, she was surprising light or she hadn't shifted her full wight onto him. He was unsure how heavy her body would weigh. She must have been light to have climbed so effortlessly. She was tired maybe she'd struggled as much as they had. He doubted it tho her body seemed built for it, her outer shell ignoring the pinching teeth of the step her long legs and arms easily reaching solid handholds. She let the silence continue as she rest against him, hell didn't mind her leaning in him but he couldn't help being s bit impatient. The surrounding drew his eye almost as much as she did. He tried not to examine her so thougrul upclose. There was no way she wouldn't miss him oggling all her fabric rapping's barely hide. "/// fought // here angered by the birth of the // they fought savagely. Here use to lay // first creation, the s/// mountains a beautiful maze of peaks and vermilion valleys. My people had been born there carved from the grey peaks brought to life by the blossom mother just had man was. Larger and stronger // had built his in the image of their pair, the father's mark. While the mother held man the father clung to the /// a drop of his blood gave us our // and //." Lofn added point to her dark warters lakes for eyes And black plate. "/// was jealous not clear spitted as //. He was the lesser brother his good hood granting him arrogance on place of benevolence. // stood to defend his prized creations, but he was no match for ///. He could fight evenly but was unable to, he fought to protect not to destroy. But in the end the mountains and valleys crumbed two great mights destroyed the place. But // was no fool like //, he had expected his brothers betrayal and created the /// beknown to all only as all was post he opened the gate allowing the fore-/ to escape below to ///. A sanctuary for his creations. Bound by his great strength he swored defenses to hold even the combat of gods. With his beloved grey jewels deep below in his vault // Struck back. Brothers fought until only the edge of the vault remained. The mountains and valleys were All gone only the delecatl carved and casted vault lay gate sealed beyong // skill or power. The two faced each other both bloodied /// tired and hateful with the partial destruction of his holdings. // beligerant drunk on jealously rage burning as he realised his failure. // laughed cursing ///, the bitter brother swore to kill // as the last remaining mountains crumbles and slid down the jagged steps of the vault. // was powerful to crush mountains and devour valleys but he could not best // mind. The other gods saw clearly, the vault stood unmarked by /// display embarrassment of a god. Content with the destruction of stone and tree // left leaving his begreived brother to mind over his penned prize." Lofn went on her slippery voice seeping into his felsh so close her dark lips were, eyes closed he had immageind the scene his face rested against her unsure the smooth plates were softly warm he could feel here steady heart beat as her words fell upon him. His lips quivered as questions cried for freedom. What was this vault? How die she know of ///? Why would her people even help the son of //? He let no escape her throat produced a soft sound as the air entered a soft whistle below her words. He could only breath deeply and listen. "Stripped of our home we descended building and adapting to the depths. We were stronger and greater then any man only we could have survives the unrivaled dark below. On wards we went carving out paths and houses into the vault protected from man a jealous gods we focused on the threats from below. From the path to the underworld where all dead accumulated to rest. I've never been of course" she chuckled, well he'll thought she chuckled it remineded him of the gentle rolling rocks. "/// and /// had found the vault, /// had built it while young and ambitious while // had made man and governed them. // dreamed of other rings and set out to reach them, away from the prying eyes of his brothers and sisters. Some say he succeeded and from those triumphs /// and /// slipped into the safety of vault creating nesting for themselves before // could close his gates. Pleased with himself the god emerged and witnessed the creations of his brothers and sisters. Plants, animals, man and countless gifts bestowed to the ring he too chose to lay a mark upon it. Us of course" she added the soft thulp of her finger drumming her chest reached him. He nodded brushing his face along the warm plate chilly wind driving him closer to her. Opening his eyes he sat up still leaning against her, the grey light stung his eyes as he squinted against the oppressive grey sky. Around him the silence surface of the vault lay, the corpse of some mountains under his ass as annoying pebbles. Oddr seemed to be drinking and eating amongst his clansmen. His people where going to regain there honor by following a god, why was he he thought. Pushing the pestering question aside he chose to ask lofn one instead. "So that's the entrance to the vault? It's not much of a gate." She looked towards the gap in the surface, Nord's slowly descending. Ahualf had gone first eager to continue. "Not a gate. Think of it as a keyhole, the vault is still locked to a god, but to them we are the smallest of ants their mechanisms cannot keep us in or out." She looked at him a grin splitting her lips. He Grinned back, what a path he was down helladioa mused to himself. "And below what can we expect? How far until we meet the volvark? " he asked examining her with quick sidelong glances as he gazed over the trail. "That would ruin Tue surpsied" she said shacking her head the soft clattering of rocks returned deeper and quiter as she tries not to laugj. "I will be watching you southerns! Wide eyes and opened mouths, your kind is easily impressed." She turned to face him suddenly almost catching him watching her. Wide eyes and small moth open she look bizzare her garnly jagged teeth shone brightly her tongue sat ble in his dark mouth. Her mask giving away little as her eyes widened just sightly. "Like that!" She added rocking side to side pleased with her impersonation. Hel stopped himself balking at the girl. "It can't be that amazing" hel added dissmising the dark ones teasing. The face reappeared as lofn spoke mimicking his accent with her odd tingling voice. "We have to climb that!" She looked up mimicking his amazement at facing the steps of the vault. Hel blushed when had she been watching him, he'd been beside oddr together they had watched her climb followed by the bravest. Who wouldn't have gaped at the sudden accent. The trees had hid any sign of such a place. She eyed him smugly, lips pursed in to a slim smile full of /self satisfaction he was sure if she had any eyebrows they'd be trying to reach her hair line. Indignant he responded "I'm sure seeing the great cities south would cause you wonderment! So high the towers climb that you and I would be but ants to anyone above." Lofn didn seem too pestered by his rebuttal. "Nothing wrong with wonderment, on happy I could show you such things and what's to come." She added softly eyeing the sky above. "This is the last we will see for a while, best to say your farewells." Her southern always bemused him he had wished to ask howd she'd become so proficient but the moment for idle chitchat seemed to have passed as the last remaining clansmen roused to begin there descent. The stairs were unsurprisingly slick, the rain that had berated them during the accent had wormed its way down leaving tiny streams flowing on the edges of the stone way. Hel had heard the occastional cluttering and curses of flat footed clansmen. "Below lays a safe spot. Within //'s mechanism we can rest un molested. Athaulf couldn't miss it" Lofn had added her words like so oddly resounding no echo was born. As if she spoke to him directly no words existing beyond them. The looks from oddr gave away his reception of her dark voice, echoless it was disturbing, it cut through the echoes from below and the howling wind above. A soft whisper, needle like sharp and pericing to all in range. He nodded delicately stepping from long step to step, oddr was struggling a bit but showed no sign of toppling. Little light reached them, he doubted lofn need any hint of light. Those large dark orbs must have felt at home within the darkness. He'd have lit his own torch if he'd had one. Lofn had distracted him so much he hadn't bothered to ask a clansman for one. He slightly regretted it, slowly testing for the drop with his feet. One misplaced step and he dropped what he was sure was there was not. Two hands gripped him from behind six long fingers pressed against his chest as it held him aloft. One leg was still on the step a crooked crouch as his other dangled where the edge should have rested. Lofn didn't say anything as she placed him back on the steps edge guiding him down softly. Only a little humming found him softer then her voice he was sure only he'd heard it. A fleeting little tune had followed him, hel assumed it was a laugh or snicker. He took his time more diligantly trying to gage the drops between the spiralling steps. Oddr had slipped ahead a good bit clearly emboldened by somethibg hidden to hel. Step after step the boy hopped down effortlessly right on the backs of those ahead. She mimicked oddr, soft prods and guiding hands found him if he'd slightly paused. Wordlessly she stalked him the warm embrace of breath teased his ears and neck. She almost clung to him, more then one occasion she bumped into him, knocking him off balance enough to warrant her clutch. He was unsure of what to say, but kept on waiting for her to speak. A soft blueish green glow had appeared glinting it's way up the carved walls. Oddr shocked face was illuminated in the odd light as he witnessed it's source. Pausing the boy turned mouth open with shock his eye brows eager to escape his head. Hel hurried to see what it was, the steps can easier as he reach the boy. To his left a great doorway was before them. A cavern clearly the start of some cave network. The walls and far above cealing was coated in stars. Green, blue, yellow and red stars lines the distant walls and roof. Even clusters of light puddled about in the ground. Clansman and spear sister alike gazed at the oddity. The cavern was clearly illuminated by stars. At first he though to was a trick but some shifted and fluttered moving slightly before settling. A clansman had apreaoched one of the puddles sword drawn, he prodded the thing and the stars split scattering and fleeing to the glowing walls. Everyman was cast like oddr colours upon their flesh. His mouth hung open as he stepped out following the boy, his eyes couldn't focus from wall to wall he scanned watching the stars shimmer and move like the waves of the sea. Clansmen alike cursed and prayed speaking between one another in hushed tones. A series of soft Pippin noises came from his right as lofn appeared stretching her tall frame to it's length. After sighing in satisfaction she eyed him the same smug smile lit blue. Aluth appeared his face some what peterbed. In Norse he exchanged words with lofn. "Look! He'll look!" Oddr spoke grabbing he'll and pointing high abover where the colours clashed and shifted before settling to red. The cavern wasn't cold or warm. Unlike any he'd been in before it was comfortably cool. "What are they? Living stars?" oddr asked to no one in perticoular. "I have no idea" he'll mumbled as he watched a section shift to white and black and to gold. Athualf spoke loud addressing the larger cluster of men and women. Surely seven hundred or more crowded around the large cavern some with weapons drawn others sat overwhelmed. "We will rest here! This cavern is safe. We're not from from volvark now. Be proud you have reached this far, your names will be known to the gods and all men! We have already begun to restore what was lost!" Aluafth deep nordix voice echoed, none cared to reply. With the words spoken most just sat sword on lap, others curled up to tired to make any effort in comfort. Hel body screamed at him to do the same the sudden weight inescapable. Oddr had taken the proactive route of curling up right where he had stood small bag already under his head long bow across his chest and a single arrow gripped in his hand. The aching muscled screamed further more as he lay down the act almost too much. Grateful his body rejoiced tense muscles weeping too themselves. He was sore all he could muster was to lie beside the boy. The sounds of distant clansmen a seductive lullaby. With little else he slipped into sleep.
  199. Dreamless sleep ended abruptly as it had claimed him. Eyes slowly separating his body felt as if it weighed twice it had the last morn. Sighing he closes his eyes and pushed himself aginstbthe warm comfort sourunding him. The sleepy embrace topped the weeks sleeping under the stars. No nippy breeze or stray droplet to wake him. He felt warmth as if rapped in fsmilair sheep skin. Gentle he let himself slip back into sleep nuzzling his pillow. Dreamlessly he awoke again another passing of unknown time had passed. His body waking up at what it thought was the morn, eyes slowly pealing open he gazed at the shifting lights above, they had stilled since they'd enteres, their glow even dimming slightly. The soft sounds of breathing came from each side. Turning to his right he could see oddr the boy lay sprawled out chest raising and falling, his bow pushed aside the arrow had found itself behind his ear. Past the boy countless lay, huddles of men and women, none had attempted to raise a tent. The closes to the act were a set of clans men fast asleep under a tent canopy. The large arm across his arm twitched drawing his attention. The dark plated thing felt light against him lofns long fingers rested against his chest almost as if to check his heart beat. Could she feel the fluttering drum within him? He watched her searchinh for any hint. Her body lay against his her mask pressing into his neck and collar, he got a nose full of her short hair trying to gage and reaction. Her chest moved with the rhtm of sleep trapping his arm underneath her. Both her legs rapped around his left. Had she expected someone to try and sneak off with him while she slept. He had never seen her sleep before, it was odd to see such a large thing so gently unaware. With his free hand he ran his hand through her hair. It was soft, softer then his own and silcky smooth. He enjoyed the feel of it between his fingers each strand pale as snow. Lofn twitched again her grey eyelids flickering as she pressed herself further into his side desperate yo bury her face in his ribs. He had froze with the moment hand hovering over her face. Without thinking he gentle ran his index finger along the bridge of her mask. A human would have held a nose but the smooth material in it's place was odd. Unintentionally his hand cupped her slim cheek and jaw feeling her soft way grey flesh below her jaw and the course mask covering her chin. She was warm the drum within her vibrated to her shell like surface. Up and down his thumb stroked probing the plate, her skin felt like any other, he was unsure of it was smoother then his own or not. He glanced about watching for prying eyes but he doubted any were awake, he curses himself for even being foolish enough to skimp out of rest. Even lofn was enjoying herself clearly recuperating. His hand found her arm and traced the cracking paths along her flexible plates, they interlocked allowing her better movement and protection. Up close he could see how her joints deceivingly gave more to movement then protection. more then once she'd murmur or react to his tickling touch, sleep stretching and warping her already obscure tongue. The time stretched on as he moved onto her hand. The seductive numbness had returned to behind his eyes as he struggles to focus on the hand in his. Eyes shut her ran his fingers between her long digits and squeezed softly feeling her grooved palm and rough knuckles as she returned his delicate hold.
  200. He dremt that unnight. A grand tree white pettles along crimson branches. before it lay a broken alter, the great slab slip in half between each leg lay long curled horns single links of chain climbed the spiralling things preixing it perodiaxtlt until the very tip. On the ends of the left most final chain link rested a bell on the right lay a golden thread rapped and rolled to form the shape of the worm an rolling image that looped back in on itself. Hel sat before the altar harp in right hand fork in his left. A voice spoke to him, famiair yet unknown it brought memories and abceaaance. Blood flowed up the horns a deep dark arterial seepage purple in the light of the tree. The voice spoke again being him from his sleep. "My arm, I need it!" She whispered to his ear her breath tickling him reflectively he turned his away only to feel more of the warm breeze her soft blowing shaking him from his dream. Eyes opened he glance at his perpetrator hand still in his she lent across his chest her two dark orbs watching him expectantly. Through squinted eyes he watched her feeling the clasping currents of droziness trying to pull him below the waves of sleep. "I need it back human!" She whispered her face pressing against his. Smiling he raised his hostage to his other cheek pressing her hand against him, he found comfort in her touch the grasp of sleep still strong in his mind. "Who's watching?" He asked words croaking out his sleeping chords. He heard the motions and shifting of her plates as she glanced about the cavern. "They sleep. I need my hand human!" She spoke annoyance starting to raise in her odd voice. He want sure of it was actually annoyance but it was his best guess the new tinge brought only more questions. "I need a kiss endless one" he spoke eyes gentle resting shut her hand still trapped within his. She'd froze clearly at his words, her heart beat increasing to match his. A moment passed before he sensed movement, shifting to face where she hovered he waited for her response. Soft lips met his as the edge her mask brushed his nose and chin, the small lips rested on his a /delicate peck/ instinctively he pressed against her kissing her back. Her breath caught as he pressed his lips against her retreating pair. Then hers returned eager to return his infuziasm. His heart drummed waking his sleeping limbs and bring soreness back to his numb mind. She'd broke the kiss her sweet odd tasting lips pulling away leaving him with just a /taste morasl/. Eyes opening she still lay near eyes aost questioning herself whether or not to go for another he sharp teeth bite her lip as he sat up no hint of giving up the chase as he dove forward pressing himself back to her lips, he proded her tongue feeling the sharpness of her canine like teeth with little coaxing her tongue returned the gesture long and snake like it out menouvered his. The lair huffed loudly into oneanouther as the fought for air not wanting to break their locked lips. The passion slipped on until they gentle returned kisses eyes staring deeply into each other, the colliding lips slowed. Hel couldn't tell if she was blush but could feel the heat of her face, maybe it was his, he was light headed and rested against her. "I still need my hand human!" She added oddly her voice low pitched and quite her lips quivered as she pressed against his neck kissing the pale flesh gently he felt her teeth pressing against him. He nodded unlodging her from himself as he let go of her hand. She moved off him going about her business as nothing had happened. Without another word she left. He watched he walk around the cavern, he was not sure what to think. He had kissed her. She was not human, a monster. Humanesc in a mockery. He sighed rubbing his eyes, what would his freidns and family say if they knew he'd passionately kissed some creature from unknown depths below. He wondered I'd anyone had seen, the clansmen all seemed to be asleep still. Minutes passed as his eyes rolled from sleeping clansman to sleeping clansman none making any sign of waking. If a monstrosity of the deep slid it's way out and went about killing them one by one how many would it have ended before the guard was roused. Lofn seemed not to care on the distant side of the cavern she examined the walls without even a glance in his direction. Her abruptness had hurt him a bit, but he phased the idiotic thought aside. He eyes unable to resist found the self eyeing her, she hips swayed swantilt side to side as her long legs carried her about. Her warpings gave hint to the curves below suggesting fullness any woman would be encyful of. Suggestive thought blossomed, who knew when the clansmen would awake, would the notice the abcnecss of him and the dark one. How many hidden paths led out of the cavern and to privacy, with soft words and softer touches he'd glimpse below her coverings. He cursed himself, he should think about a thing like that. He'd kissed it, he had kissed her. He had given her an altermatum and she had just took it. The rest was withing the heat of the moment. He should be thinking about furthering the act. He suppressive thought was cur short as she hopped a few steps the shifting weights on her chest drawing his eyes. She hadn't missed his staring and soon watched back. Briefly the gazed across he wondered what she thought of him, just as he began to lapse into flittering negative thoughts she hopped again the gentle bounce unmissable. His breath caught in his throat, he was sure the tall thing was grinning at him. Again she jumped her eyes never once moving from him. He gave a short wave siguinf to himself as the hungry thoughts resurfaced. Lofn may have been some accursed dark thing, but she was still a desirable woman. He didn't doubt a few clansman would have stabbed him in the back to have the same kiss he had, maybe even some of the spear sisters if the stories were right. The tall girl grinned at him before sticking her tongue out disgust on the face. The longue dark organ wiggled in the air a distressed worm eager to be picked by some passing sparrow. He couldn't help grinning back. Softly he waved her away the soreness in his body making it's presence clear. Leaning back he moaned softly the ache spreading with every movement. He should talk to her, clear the air he supposed while they had time alone. He grinned again staring up at the colourful witnesses above. He was getting ahead of himself. He'd put her in the spot, he's lucky she didn't try opening him up. But sue had cuddled him, what did she expect. Since they'd first met she hadn't his her interest. What type of man would he be if he denied the girl. There wasn't much wrong with her. Besides the horror of the abyss thing. But they'd talked and jested sharing the same bonds man do. She wasn't some mindless thing, maybe she just wanted to eat him. The clansmen were quite sure of her appetite. He wondered what other of her people were like, what would they think of their kiss? Men don't usually fall in love with their meals. Maybe she was as bizzare as him. Why did he mention love. The boy cursed himself more he barely knew the girl, they just shared a passing interest in another what fool tries to swim in a puddle. He sighed pain and exasperation too much to handle in the morning. The soft sound of steps approached and drew his attention. It was lofn her eyes seem focused on something across The cavern but she was heading straight for him. The hands totgher light escaped the long fingers red and greens illuminated her armour. She wasn't paying him any attention but he couldn't look away from her hands. Was it some dark obbe magic? Is this he betrayal. Could shebnot face him while cursing them with her dark arts. She didn't do anything. Just kept walking towards him while scanning the sleeping clansmen with her dark orbs. The peicring things barely falling on him. Hel was unsure what to say, the clansmen had told tales of how the dark ones would make even the most senior of southern mages to shame with their might. He'll had seen the sons and daughters of /// designated entire army's of young men. Their might raining down as razor wind or scorthing rain. Lighting and fire all types of twisted arts to kill the peasant boys below, sword, spear, axe and bow in hand he watched countless comrads fall and succomb to the arts. He'd seen many of his kutries own battle their foes while they survived the hapless between perished in storms of hell. Lofn didn't look like the magic type, way too athletic. Maybe the dark arts were different his knowledge was limited really. Besides witnessing the affects he knew little about what actually caused them. She reached him wordlessly he glanced up a the towering figure legs crossed below him already fast asleep. Her eyes were soft. Strangle he felt he could sense a shift in her. Suddenly her sat down her soft rump landing on his thigh as he legs rested across him. He did nothing but watch her strange face as she shifted on his lap. He was surprisingly light. Her mask gave little away but her eyes shifted about unfosued. He was going to speak but she lent back leaning against him. She was still taller then him, her long legs stuck out a good distance away from his legs. Two long grey branches resting aginats the floor. "You're so warm" she murmed her generous chest resting against his chin as her own pressed against his for head. Her hand pressed against his left arm from wrist up it slowly slid. "What's the matter?" Hel asked. Shocked thoughts rushing about. He'd bloody gone and done he had. "Last night you winced when I cuddled you" her odd words came almost natural to him. He'd gown accustom to it. Pain shoot down his spine. Gritting his teeth pain rattled through his arm and skull. He had noticed his eyes even shutting. Blinking the his sight clear Hel eyed were she'd poked him. His upper arm was a deep purple, the shade shifting from dark to light red. He hadn't even noticed. Air slipped through her teeth as she grimaced at it. Her soft grey flesh pulling back slightly. "How did this happen!" She asked her voice back to that annoyed tone. "You should have told me!" The voice came badgering him. She pouted her dark eyes shrunk with her greyish lids lowering at him. "Oddr fell, I hadn't even noticed it. Everything just kept pilling up on it." He replied feeling like a responsible child red handed he blushed. Damn him he thought. She glanced at the boy a disinterested look. She hmphed slim lid look returning. "I see" the silence stretched a bit as she watched the lights flickering in her open palm. With her wide hands hovered a cloud of the lights. "This will help. But you should be more careful." Unknown words left her lips. Echoless and low like the whine of a dog it bent and wobbled in his ears. White scrip blossomed within the buzzing mass and soon it darkened until a light orange. Her eyes were closed but her lips moved like lighting flicking back and forth only occasion sounds released. Maybe he just couldn't hear the other ones. Pressing both hands together they darkened again. Without any warning both her glowing pals grasped his wounded arm. Flinching he found no pain. She seemed focused if she had one her brow would be furrowed. Hel imagined what it would look like. Truly an off sight. He watched the blochy flesh lighten and shine moving from purple to pink until it returned to his pasty white. With a deep breath lofn nodded sarsifed. More deep breaths followed as hel wiggled his unstilfrd arm. It felt odd the rest of his body felt wet while his arm felt like air itself. He waved the limb about. Earning another look from his dark lover. She had healed him, well his arm but it was quite the gift. Above healing was the most forbidden and secret art form. While destruction came naturally to man restoring what they'd smashed did not. Kings and noblemen paid plenty to be rebuilt. He wanted to kiss her again. She just watched him he couldn't tell if she was glaring or dissatisfied but she said nothing she took the rein. His sleepy arm found her hip and softly pulled her into him. Fighting his crying limps he strchted himself to reach her. Luckily she'd been pretty hunched over to watch him. Shock seem to bloosom in her eyes as his lively hand grasped her chin and pulled it too his. There lips meeting her kissed eager to thank her. The kiss was cut short as his body faulted and gave way. Falling backwards he pulled her down with him. He sighed her body was atop his. He'd barely got to kiss her. He wanted to pout. That sickle sounds tinged his ears again. He was sure it was laughing he could feel it shaking her body as she softly chuckled thick honey clogging the air surrounding him. He could drown in the noises she produced. Instinctively his hand found it's way between her short hair. Her masked press firmly into his ribs tickling him as she laughed again and again. "I was born in ///. The oldrst of four During my 7th autumn along with the other youths of my village we stepped though into the realm of the dead to claim our names. She looked up at him eyes wide almost child-like. He watched her eyes harsher then he intended. His hand enjoying the softness between his fingers. She was such a beautiful thing.
  202. ..
  204. Hopping along the lightless path he went the young boy he couldn't help grinning, the cool wind whispered of the coming winter. Great snow battles would take place in the weeks to come. // boy and those bloody twins would know the might of his hand. Looking across the moon light plains he could see the distant lights of familiar homes. The ./ farm was just on the other side of a patch of bereybbushed the glow of a bonfire clear. They had none young old enought to claim a name yet, but if their younger survived the winter she'd get one that autumn. A lantern bobbed not too far ahead. // little boy a head short then him and jumpy like a cricket. He would spook him the boy thought to himself crouching low like some damned night beast. He grinned feindishly the two were good friends. But under this full motherly moon he was a great night beast more wolf then man. The boy howled his high voice deepening as they had pactixed to scare one another during the summer nights. The lantern halted and floated from side to side. The hunt began. Slipping from the stone path the get grass have less noise. Creeping under theoon felt right to the boy the core of her work lit bright by her own body. He would have prayed but was tobexcited to scare his friend. They shared Solomon words of worry about the nitht to come. But as it dawned the boy had only round excitement. His friend was blinding himself. That lantern his more the it showed. The crouched boy was barely hidden but the orange glowed face passes him as if he was the night himself. Ideas to spook his buddy bubbled. He must have heard his approach, he kept scanning his surroundings his hand on the belt knife on his hip. The boy fought to stop for on howling laughter at his friend. Instead he dropped low and found a stone. It's shape wasn't ideal for throwing though. It took the boy a while to find one adecate by the time he'd looked up his friend had already made white the gap. Cursing softly as if his mother lay just out of ear reavht. Reflectively he glanced about for any sign of her. None was to be found. A couple sheep had woken and watched him, the sliver light from above glinted off their eyes. The boy flipped both his middle fingers at the vacant stares "fuck ya shitty coats" the boy cursed slightly louder at his stalkers. Reflectively looking for his mother again. Hurting after the scared boy. He hopped low sheep walls. He didn't worry about brables or stray spiley bits. For all his boy hood he'd snuck out to play with his friends at night and know he was doing it for the last time. When he returned he'd be a man. Name and all. But for now he was a beast. Standing atop one of the stone walls he howled again bellowing to the clouds above. The scares boy began to move quicker. The wolf could see the scared sheep glance about worry clear on his little face. The sheep had always hated sneaking out and playing in the night. Long stories told by his brothers and friends spooked him so. The wolfs act obviously wasn't helping. The wolf chuckled a deep growl in his belly. Onwards he cantered quckly gaining until he matched the sheep's pace. The stacked stone walls gave way to wooden fence. The gaps were perfect for his spooky assault. Crouching low the wolf pelted his trusty stone. The lantern moved with the swaying boys arms. Almost too easy to predict. The missle caught the sheep's hand. A cry of pain shot out as the clattering of the lantern met the darkness of the night. The boy clambered on top of the fence watching his frozen friend. Belt knife in hand and eyes wide and night blind he spun to face the noise. Teeth bared the sheep was ready to battle. "Your mother tastes like raspberries. But your sisters are far more sweet!" The wolf declared standing aloft the sheep cowring in his might shadow. His friend paused arm raised at him his face shifting from grim determination to firery annoyance. The wolf howled chuckling above what delicious prey he thought. The sheep closed the distanced and gripped the great beasts left leg. The wolf could only mumble in surprise as his feet came free. "I'll give you something to taste!" The boy roared" the great wolf fell his ass kissing the grooved wood below before rolling off into a patch of bush behind him. Pain was present but the feeling was pushed aside by triumph. "What a baby" he called from his Bush. A stone wizzed passed his head. "You missed!" He shouted back rolling out of the grabbing plant. A stone plettrd his ass adding to the present pain. "My lantern better not be broken!" The boy called from the road. "Why do you even have that!" The wolf asked chuckling as he brushed himself off. Glancing at his friend he added more. "We'll see better without the bloody thing!" The crouching boy struck his hands together a spark lighting the road momentarily. "If it's broken you're gettibg me a new one!" The annoyed boy insisted as he kept striking his flint and steel. "Fine! But we still don't need it." The boy shook his belt the soft clattering of coins echoed onto the road. "I think sweets would be better than a bloody lantern!" The wolf insisted as he hopped the fence and approached the boy. "Well you can get me both then" the anooyed boy added with a sigh. Closing the little door the boy moved the unlit lantern to his hip. Standing the boys were face to face. The pair exchanged a quick hug and began to laugh at the funny faces they made at each other only partially hidden by the dark. It wasn't long until the went on down the path both eyes noe adapted to the dark. "I can't believe it's actually time" his friend insisted any hint of anger or fear gone drowned by the same excitement that had fed the wolf. "I know I can't wait!" The pair went back and forth insisting s repeating their excitement as the hurried down the road. It was tradition that on a child 7th autumn the luckist time of their lives that they'd venture into the tea of the dead and find the resting place of their forebears. There they would take a name and the marks of his past. What deeds he done and what horrors he'd committed both would be layer upon his flesh by the gods and alves. Neither of the children could wait to discover their destinies. The boy's father and father's father and his Fathers father had all fought across the kingdoms making names upon blood. The wolf could only hope to be as such a goal. The merry young friend beside him came from farmers and bakers. He would take any destiny that was given. Of bread was to baked or fields to be swon it would be done. Such was the way of things. Knowing what path lay ahead may have left it diificuly for many to chanhe. Why cut through the forest when the path is safer and faster. It was only nstutsl to do what you had to. The wolf would do what he must. For he believed and trusted the gods would lay him and his friend a greniue path. The distant glow of another farm signaled // estate. The cross road lay just ahead. A familiar girl stood in the road hands resting on her hips. The sheep waves at her jolliyly. She too had no lantern and waved back. The girl stood a head taller then both of them, the wolf didn't know her too well. He'd stuck with his friends and the forest. But the little sheep seemed to cross many pastures. A few of the others didn't have many fond words for him. But the wolf had know him since he could remember. They were just fools. "Hey!" The girl called "I'm so exicited!" The boys nodded in agreeance and soon the three of them stroee down the road. Bravado and swagger bubbled as fh adults strutted down the road.
  206. Lofn chuckled as hel mimicced his acts as a child. Her hands had found his and she eagerly listened to his story.
  208. They'd reached the point. Just off the road they cut through short set of brabbles and bush. Annoyance and disagrrance rained on his back as he constantly reassured them he knew where he was going. Pushing through the bushes and pulling the sheep and his friend through they stood at the base of the hill. Long shifted stones jutted out of the slight incline and made the clambering a bit easier. But the risk of a cutting an unwary hand was present. Warning his followers the boy led on diligently climbing the hill. Glancing back he could see far. The steep hill towered of the valley and small bushes below distant farms spotted d the edges of the town. He could tell the familiar places. Under the star lit land gave all away. He could see other boys and girls making their way to them. The long way that was. Groups walked along the main roads some wielding lanterns of barvinf the dark. Just grey forms boiling in the dark. The glow of the town alone almost night blinded him bonfires lay about and he could see familiesbsaying their good byes. His mother and father had given him little more then a glance as he'd set out. But he thought nothing of it. "It's so beautiful" the girl spoke aloud. He couldn't hell grinning. He'd seen the sight a good few times. "You get use to it. I've been all over!" Hr added proudly. While others sleep or shooed him away from their windows he'd stalked the lands. Enjoying the sights every night brought. The other world. Everything took on a new light under the allmothers gaze. He loved her for it. Not just the night lone of course but for all she'd done more mankind. Of all the gods she was the most generous and beautiful. The others talked amongst themselves as they sat on one of the stones. He thought about warning them but didn't esnt to ibterupt the pair. Finding his own rock he sat. Under his breath he prayed hands resting on his knees, eyes shut he turned to face her. Hesitsntly he went on /// . they were too destracted to notice him. With his tender words spoken.
  210. "Can I hear your prayer?" The dark one asked softly, they repositioned. His legs lay spread out finally escaping the uncomfortable crossed stance. "Oh?" He responded her lay against this chest her head watching his side ways. She looked funny to him. He could help smiling as he slid his hand through her hair. "///" lofn closed her eyes like he had in his story clearly focusing on his words. Her fingrrs gently prided its way between his.
  212. Continetuing the climb they reached the stone hedges first. Evey man, child and woman. Had helped places the stacked and chisled stones. The hill top was wide and flat, and a maze with the arched stones. Countless stretched about and climbed atop one another. Many villages had gone to the effort of building great hedges to please the gods. Even though they new laualoa. Cared little for the grandure they commuted the gesture to her. The normally dark stones shone a bold white almost matching the moon above. Magic had been said to have placed the hedges but he'd never heard of any mages coming from their town beforwm but the place was ancient who knew who actually placed them. Only what they were told.maybe the elves or lualoa herself came Dow and did it. He tries not to think about it as he led on. His companions were drooping behind. "Come on!" He insisted glance back st the pair. Like scared sheep they huddled right next to each other eyes drowning with fear. "It's only the hedges!" He added shaking his head. "I've never seen them like this! It's unnatural!" His friend added, worry clear in his voice. The boy sighed loudly and turned to face them. "How often have you two come up here on a full moon? Let alone any night?" He chastised the two scared children. He felt like his mother as he waggled his finger at them. "I've slept up here plenty of times! Just any cloudless night a d this place lights up. Since I was a babe this has happened! It's natural. What's unnatural is you two being up here!" He raised his nose and looked down on the pair. He had slept up her plenty of times during his night escapades. There weren't many trees to hide under of it rained! And bushed did little to fend it off. What was better to sleep under the rainy summer sky then a nice cozy set of glowing stone arches. Lualoa herself watched him rest! While he hadn't seen them globe w this much. His friends did not need to know that. "You've slept up here?" The girl asked taken aback by the revelation. "Plenty of times! The long arches are great to escape the rain! Nothing much else to do when your waiting for it to stop!" He chuckled leading them onwards. "Don't you think it's beautiful?" He asked the girl. A soft rib back. The place was quite beautify. Hauntingly so, coiling most settled low and his their feet. With his reassurance they seem pleased to play about in the trailing vapor. They were night blind. Been t he showed them his home away from home. They had not noticed the // flowers blooming under the moon nor had thebjoticed the watchful eyes above of the //. He fed them since he as a boy and even on this night of night as a man he would feed them too. The ghostly birds passed through the stone arches as he pulled the tightly bound leather sack from his hip. They seemed wary of the newcomes but quickly descned when his hand rustled about the bones. They loved fish bones the most, but he was terrible at fish and settled to collecting them what ever else he could find. They didn't show much interest for actual meat or fruit but the bone and marrow drove the little things wild. Soon the transulenctent birds were perched abou t him eagerly awifingt their gifts. He was not sure how intelligent the blueish things were but they remembered him and his pouch. One by one he gave each of them a fish bone. He'd traded some chease and fruit for fish from a fisherman. The actual fish wasn't half bad but he only gotten it for his ghostly friends. Each small eligant glowing thing took a small bone before going off. Soon only the largest remained. He'd named them, /// and //. They had been the first to approach him, by their growth it was clear who he had fed the most. Bigger then a raven they were large but signed almost nothing. They flew though him multiply times but could choose to solidify themselves. He wasn't sure if they were ghost or some other spirit. Firstly they were his friends. He'd spent many rainy summer night chatting to them responcseless. He wasn't expect a reply but when he spoked they seemed eager to listen. He gave the pair a fox leg each still greasy the pair took one each and hopped off taking flight. He didn't mind them going he was in a rush too. The sheep and the girl stared st him mouths agasp and eyes wide. "Truly the time has come for adult hood." A gravely old voice spoke. The pair jumped, ofcousre he didn't react the old man was up here way more then he'd been. "As always you're the first here" theam spokes stepping out between an archway arms wide a calm smile on his face. "And friends too" he added "greating children!" The pair only nodded in return fear prickling them again. The boy smiled back at the old man. "You're spoiling them too much lad! They're getting so fat" The old man moaned his cracked face softening even more then it had before. The old man wore his usual blue robe, the white stash he usually wore replaced with a red one. "I like the red stash!" He replied pointing st the colourful thing. It stood out boldy in the greyish glow of the place. The absences of colour so suddenly clearer. "My wife made it! Looks pretty great huh!" The old man chuckled. Flapping the long thing. The boy was always surpired when //. Mentioned his wife, she lived in toen. He'd seen her a few times, the only woman old enough to bearried to the ancient man. "May grand daughter will be here tonight too! She's pretty cute yah know!" The old mam added cheerfully. "It wouldn't be to much to ask you to watch over her" the man spoke gesturing oddly. The pair seem confused by the sudden casualness of the glowly place. They were a bit out of their element. "You do well with them! I'm sure you'll find plenty of names tonight." The old man reaured him. "Aren't you taking us?" The boy asked confused by the sudden shift. The old man shouldn't need his help. "I'm getting too old, /// will take you" the man sighed sitting in a tiny jutting arch. It was still a hedge but the height really made it look like a bench. "I'll see" he murmurs unsure of the sudden news. //. Was from // a large city how many times had he led boys and girls to adulthood. He'd most probably be in a rush to get the job done. Spirtiulists from the grand towns always seemed to be in a rush. Well from what the old man had told him. "That's good enough for me!" The old man spoke clapping loudly as hr stood back up. "We should be on our way! The hour is almost at hand.". The pair follows a good distance and whispered between themselves. Anytime he glanced back they'd hush. He couldn't help feeling like a stranger. Suddenly they seen a side of him they hadn't known. Oddity upon oddity. The city spitualist sat on one of the bench hedges he eyed them as they approached but said nothing. Standing about was a water of energy so he settled on a rock and waited for the rest to arrive.
  214. " You seem like the lonely type" lofn murmed her eyes were shut and her mouth barely moved. He thought she'd fallen asleep. "What makes you think that?" He replied her lips shifted and her eyes opened briefly she seemed sad. "Your eyes, the way you watch. Like you're all alone. It seems you were worse as a boy." She grinned. " it's hard to imagine you shorter!" She softly mused. He wasmy sure. He lookedbat everything his way. He smiled at the girl. He wanted to kiss her again. But she seemed to comfortable to ibteruot her. "I like your story. It nice and sad" her words came slower like when they'd first met. "I like you human. Please finish" She added eyes closing again.
  216. Once all had arrived /// stood to address them. The crowds of youths wore faces of worry while others were bold almost as sure as him. None spoke, no one would disrupt the sacredness of the ceremony. Only the nameless would fools trlluly unworthy. "Greetings. Brother and sisters. Tonight you will all enter ///. Within you will find your name and path. Only the gods you have the will and might to choose a name. Be humble and accept gifts from yourselves and the gods." The // mam went on his accent crisper and cleaner then the country folk. They'd all know what to do but it was tradition to explain it one more time before entering none would be allowed an excuse for returning nameless. The boy drowned out the familiar rules as he looked for the girl. He could spot her. Glancing at /// the old man pointed her out. Soft blond hair and a round face the girl had noticed the attention. She nodded to him. No doubt // had already told the girl about gim. // had insisted the boy would be fine within //. His nature and behavior seemingly sooted the place. Others had packed plent of supplies. Within time passed slower then outside. What might be hours out could be days within. His belly grumbled. He'd been in such a hurry he hadn't brought much. A couple of the children held bows. A girl even wore a sword on her hip. /// a blacksmiths daughter. She was cute, herbblack hair bleneded into the night to match her brownish skin. Her mother was some foreign apparently. He'd never met her bit her father was almost as pale as him. She stood out amongst the others a dark grey surranded in white.
  218. "Grey is cute" lofn interrupted squeezing his hand sofly. "Very" he replied with a short yawn.
  220. // had finished his little speach. Most of the children had been focused on the man. Eyes pealed and wide eager to get any hint of what lay ahead. Soon ha changed the wordsnof the dead. The old man had called things that it served lite purpose to the living. He'd only learned a few phrase to speak to the birds. The group froze as // soft chant became furious shouts of rage and hate. The boy eyed the man as script flowed along the arches around him black and green pulsing under the moon light they children watched //. The boy watched the moon. The hour was upon them adulthood lay just beyond the dawn and with his final words the moon opened and her eyes met his. He stared at her beauty green white and grey. The others watched the arches come to life as cloudy portals spawned in each arch all around they spread countless dorways made real in the once empty hedges. With the mineites passed her eyes closed and her attention shifted. His heart pounded within his chest the mother was watching her children. Resolve filled him. He was even more determined. What was calm expectance shiftyrd to humblness. She would watch them all. He smiled to himself. Standing up he had to push past groups of bustling children many were examine the gate ways and shouting questions at the man. The sheep appears at wide eyed and excitied. "It's time l!" He chimes pushing past children to match the boy's pace. The wolf crossed toward /// grandchild. The girl gave him a quite nod as he waved at her. Annoyancingly children ran about looking through ghostly portals and calling for their friends and family fear and happiness a buzz. "Hello there! Grandpa told me all about you bird boy!" The girl spoke as she pushes throught the flowing crowd. He couldn't help shooting the old man a annoyed look at the whole bird boy part. But it would suffice until he found his name. "So what's he plan?" The sheep asksd looking about. "Follow me!" The wolf spoke.
  222. "Bird boy spoke" lofn added her long fingers tapping their way along his chest.
  224. Bird boy pushed on through the crowd back the way they had came. Many of the actual hegdes and arch ways hadn't lit up. Only a few had, each held runes and symbol above marking it a gate. "Wait up!" A voice echoed down the their path from behind. Turning the bird boy spooked the dark skinned girl, jogging her way over her sword bounced with each step. "Got room for one more? You seem like you know where you're going!" The blacksmiths daughter asked. He knew her by habit he'd gone with his father plenty of times to buy hoe blades or tools. Her long hair was curly and bounced almost as much as her sword. "Why not! The more the merrier right!" The sheep bleeted. Bird boy was sure his worry bad returned. His little farm friend had slipped away. Wind slipping the free arches bent and wrapped the words from a far into odd howling. The night sounded different like a storm the wind would come suddenly then sop dead bring only silence he was a bit t disturbed but pressed on his he realm of the deaceaed was slipping into the realm of the living. Turning he reached his gateway. // and // stood stop the cloudy portal a few other birds perched about eyeing him and his band. "What are those?." The blacksmith girl fear on her voice, her hand rested on her blade. "They're ///. Laud guardian spirits. They roost in hedge ways and during the /// they slip into Tue realm of the dead and travel to other hedges. They're guides. Most people are too supertus to use laus own gifts. It's pretty ironic don't you think?" He turned to face his party. Sheep boy was a bit taken a back the brown girl seemed to understand. // grsndauhyer had already produced a chicken leg. The girl waved the bone in the air. Some of the smaller birds too notice and raced to land on her. He felt /// and // land on each shoulder. "You can call them to your service by offering them bones. They like you fish the most but any will do." He added petting his glowing bird friends. The others gazed at him amazed until worry returned. "I didn't bring any bones!" The brown girl moaned. "Same here" sheep added. Nodding he held out his bag of bones. /// and /// didn't pester him for more as his party went about feeding the smaller gaudians. Once each had a bird or two they set off. Going first he jumped through The portal. The oldman had insisted julping though the portal would lessen the effect of travel sickness. Normally stepping through round result in sickness but jumping through apparently tricks The body. The boy followed the experienced words and with a little run up jumped through the portal. Like running through a wall of smoke his eyes stung and his sense of balance was stolen from him. The nameless little wolf found himself spiralling down feet twisting and testing eager to find ground. It found nothing opening his eyes he stood. Ankle deep in grass. No senses came to him. The landscape was familair but different numerous stones and doorways layrd shattered and smashed about the peaking grass. Headstones and marked of the dead were eveywhere. He stood on one. Tipped of both feet rested on the fractured granite slab. He felt fine. Just of guard from his trip. He was alone only deep fog and the dead to keep him company. He set off feeling uneasy by himself. It was slow going around him he could hear voices. Shouts and pleads carried on the wind bounced about the encompassing fog. Fluttering of great wings above left the fog coiling and sailing busy going about it's own journey. The boy hurried in Hus rush he collided with many markers rushing to escape the noise around him. The clashing of steel and screams of the damned were a low rolling thunder. Almost misable it was always constant just waiting to be noticed. His heart raced as he fumbled for any sense of direction. Then he heard it and froze. Great wings were above him. The gust the below snatched his loose clothing. "I've Found you child" a voice came as the great wings ceased their beating. A thump behind him rung out urging him to flee. "You look lost" the gentle motherly voice teased. Not angry or upset a kindly amused tone rang about the fog. "I will take you if you wish" the voice asked as a figure walked up beside him. Pale fleshed he thought she was naked. But trying not to focus he examined her further out of the corner of his eye. Pale as if it had never seen the sun. It was not her flesh a dress so white and odd he thought she wore nothing. Her hair was a black as the night. Or even darker against her dress and fog it sat almost empty. She did not face him. Her long slim arm found it's way to his. Her touch was numbing he almost felt his hand disappear as she led on coaxing him forward with a soft tug. Her hands were soft. A pale white even bolder than what she wore. Like the moon his mother shone incandescent and beautiful. He looked away focusing on where she led. In her hand hr was calm her soft humming soothing his once exhausted heart. He felt asleep as he walked hand in hand with her a sublime pleasure he'd never experienced before. He could help smiling as she led him further and further away from the piles of dead and out into the marker less fog. How did she know where to go what was she. He'd never heard of any woman before. He would have worried but her presence alone dismissed the thought before it could take a hold. "Who are you?" he asked the boldness of youth resurfacing. The woman's soft humming trailed off as she slowed. "Who am i?" She asked her free hand moving to her hidden face rubbing her pale chin in thought. "No one really!" She chuckled glancing back at the boy. She had no face. Just the outline of one. Where her hair sprouted only a thin lining of for head sat. A great round window replace her eyes, nose and mouth. Only the faintest shilouette of a face existed. Hr froze and gazed at her beauty. On her face countless lights and darkest blacks and boldest colors meshed and shrunk away. He felt his stomach turn the memories of climbing trees beyond his comfort. The stars were within her. "We're here anyway!" The voice came softly through the window. Her pale hand let him go and gestured to the small shrine behind her. The boy nodded. She'd led him to his name. Courage of the youth flowed as he marched passed the woman and towards the shrine. The thing was a pile of smoothed stones all resting against each other. Light candles ran down the cliffs as wax waterfalls. He felt comforted by the offerings at his feet. A sword lay under a bundle of maps and trinkets. Looking though them he was surprised. The maps were of his village and the surrounding land. The forest was marked lager than his own, while the town was little more then a few house spread far across the valley. The stone itself was carved in runes beyond his knowledge. He had not paid Much attention to his sisters lessons and regretted it. "I can't read it!" He squeaked turning to face the woman. She had silently made her way up behind him and crouched a hand rubbing the boys back as she smiled at him. He wasn't sure if she smiled or not. But her stars fluttered by out pacing quicker. The feeling of clinding to and edge shifted him as he gazed st her. "I will tell you then." She responded curtly as her hand found his. The numbness returned almost putting his hand to sleep. She raised the sluggish limb and traced the old writing. "Here lies Helladios the first of ///. The path we followed." Her words were beautiful and he couldn't help crying. Soblessly tears slid from his face as he pulled his hand free and traced the suddenly understandable runes. "Thanks you!" The boy choked as he faced his offerings. The woman chuckled softly her hand returning to his back in rubbing him softly. "Until we meet again Helladios" she spoke leaning in. She kissed his cheek his entire body vanidhrd as the numbness drowned him. With one might gust of wind and like that she was gone. His candles had been blow out by her exit but Helladios did not need the comfort anymore. Slowly he put the long sword around his chest and shoulder. He had tried to wear it on his hip but the blade caught on the ground and bothered him as he tried to order the maps. Rolling up the parchment he bounded them all together with dome leather cord convrintly left as offering. A few snacks lay on the stones and dispute his apprhrntion after smelling one hr gobbled them down. The small cskrs and sweet jam rolls tasted fresh as if they had only just cooled. He wondered if the woman had made them for him. With his offerings in order her set off back the way he sure he had came sword of his shoulder and maps under his arm he went. Unbothered by the jealous words of the dead. Those lost voices were distant and far all seemed yo linger around the inner stones. The walk reminded him of his nightly ventures and soon he was humming the same soft tune the woman had. He hadn't know it you barely paid it any mind. But naturally and suddenly it sprung to mind each low melancholy tune came after each other. His lips shifted and bent as second nature as he continued on. The soft tune made him feel sad but content it oddly revived him with it's negativity. He could hear talking in the mist. Not the whispers of the dead but the declaration and words of the living. He'd spotted others on their way just within sight they exchanged no words but the occasional nod. Soon a familiar voice caught his attention. It was his friend. Hus soft voice was singing some ancient chant. Reminsant of his brother drunken singing. Heading towards the noise Helladios broke the fog and came across the bakers boy trying his hardest to carry two bundles of weapons. Beside him was a shine similar to his own. The boy was singing to himself while fumbling with his offering's. Another bundle of weapons lay on the ground, waiting for it's turn to be lifted. "Oi oi!" Helladios shouted arms wide showing off his humble gifts. The boys shrine was caves granite runes danced about it a lone legionary helmet sat atop. Helladios had seen his brothers and some of the olderboys own. It had a pattern unfamiliar to him on it. "The boy's head jolted up in surpsie and hr almost dtoped the weapons he was struggling to lift. "Bloody things! Why do you have the habit of appearing out of no where!" The boy replied his annoyed tone stretch away by his grinning face. "The great Helladios always arrivrs when needed!" Hell chimed bowing to his friend. "Well the great Annuzaito would like a hand in carrying all this". Annuzaito responded grinning broadly and chuckling. Hell helped his friend shoulder the shifting weights of weapons. Before picking up the last himself. Annuzaito stood taller than he'd remembered the boy seemed just like he had less than an hour ago but know he stood with new meaning and pride. Hell couldn't help think if he had changed too. Shouldering his friend offering he gave the shrine a quick once over. "Annuzaito spear of //" the boy spoke proudly. "Where's ///?" Hell mused shifting the uncomfortable weapons on his back. "No idea!" Annuzaito said cheerily. Together the set off heading away from the boys shrines and hopefully back to the gates. "Who led you?" The bakers boy asked as the weaved their way between headstones. A few shapes shifted and talked around them other children on the return trip. "Oh. Some woman" helladios replied, unsure of how much to reveal. Annuzaito nodded understand. "A man led me" hell only nodded his understanding. He alone hadn't met a god.
  226. Lofn watched him eyes unblinking mouth slightly agape. Her dark beautiful lips trembled, hidden in the shodows of her mouth her seductive tongue sat it's allure sudden almost unabareable with his story over. She sensed it too their eyes focusing on only each other. Snake like she jutted forward surprising him as their lips locked and her large hands found his body and etched their way through him. He breathed her in, eager to return the flood of emotion. He drowned in the bliss grasping his lover as she pinned him against her. She broke it off suddenly her face pealing away from him. Leaving him pouting on the stoney floor. His lover peered back over her shoulder, a sleepy eyed boy stared in wide eyed shocked. Hell could obly sighed exasperated.
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