
Group 80: Session 5

Oct 24th, 2013
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  1. [17:34] <~Radio|GM> ----Group 80: The Coltifornia Campaign---
  2. [17:34] <~Radio|GM> ---Session 5---
  3. [17:34] <~Radio|GM> Idealism can be one’s destruction. That longing to hope in the better nature of others, to really empathize and walk in another’s hooves, can prove to be a death sentence. In a place where morals have little relevance, it is prudent to become less trusting of others, to keep one’s own guard, to hold oneself back.
  4. [17:34] <~Radio|GM> And yet. There are still many who still believe. Even if it never really existed, the idealism that symbolized Equestrian society is what brought ponies together in the darkest and worst of times, from the unification of the original three tribes to the blasted wasteland of the present.
  5. [17:34] <~Radio|GM> And maybe, just maybe, that same ideal will bring the heroes of this story together? Maybe they, like the ponies of old, can truly learn about the unifying powers that only friendship and its entailing elements can bring?
  6. [17:34] <~Radio|GM> —Begin Session—
  7. [17:34] <~Radio|GM> The party is split, if one could even call it a party to begin with. Chasseuse, Brookwind, and Dumisani stand outside Dusty Trotters' main office. Danger_Zone herself is with Dusty as they trot to an unknown location. Limuko is in his room, reflecting upon the past, and Radiant_Fury is alone by the main gates of the fort.
  8. [17:36] * Radiant_Fury hums a song to herself as she puffs on the last bits of her cigar. 'And I think it's gonna be a long, long time...'
  9. [17:38] * Brookwind looks over at Chasseuse and Dumisani. "I'd say we should go get a drink, but we're still flat broke."
  10. [17:38] * Danger_Zone eyes Dusty as they trot. She isn't sure what this is about, but she's ready for /anything/.
  11. [17:38] * Limuko kept looking at the ceiling for who knows how long cause his player wouldn't know. He then decides that the ceiling had enough being looked at. Shaking his head of the thoughts he was having, he decides to go into his bags and take out the dinner that the oh so 'kind' mare down below 'gifted' him, starting with the grapes.
  12. [17:38] * Dumisani snorts, blowing dust from her nostrils. "You handled this all very poorly." She reaches up and scratches her ear. "But I still have money."
  13. [17:38] * Chasseuse sighs, nudging Barry along. "I do not drink zat often... I zink I will pass." She'd like to get in a proper apology to Flaxseed... and get her to take her sister's dog. With a nod and a tug on Barry's leash, Chasseuse heads for Flax's motel.
  14. [17:39] <~Radio|GM> From Radiant_Fury's position, she can hear the shuffling of gravel, and a hurried "Pssst!" The twins don't seem to react to the noise, but then it comes once again, more urgently. "Psssst!"
  15. [17:39] * Radiant_Fury flicks her ears a few times, turning her head slightly. "Yes?"
  16. [17:39] * Brookwind nods lightly, turning to follow Chasseuse.
  17. [17:39] * Radiant_Fury has a twinge of annoyance in her voice. She didn't even get to her favorite part.
  18. [17:40] * Chasseuse stops with a frown. "...Why are you following me? I do not even know you."
  19. [17:42] * Dumisani just sighs, putting her helmet in her pack and plodding off to the bar... She needed something strong if she was gonna deal with these ponies.
  20. [17:42] <~Radio|GM> As Radiant_Fury asks her question, the main gate suddenly opens and two of the walltop guards begin to pester the twins with questions! The twins turn as one unit and begin to answer them, alternating voices as they usually do. Meanwhile, a figure pokes her head out from the other side of the wall, and from the corner of the wall Radiant_Fury can recognize her as Fortune Finder, beckoning hurriedly with a hoof to get going.
  21. [17:43] * Radiant_Fury blinks for a second, floating the cigar out of her mouth to stop it from falling. She narrows her eyes for a moment, then follows.
  22. [17:44] <Limuko> After the black and white striped zebra ate his grapes did he then eat his bread. He then thought where he should go now in search of another bottle of gold. He could always wait for a convenient plot device to give him a hint ... but the likely hood of that was zero. After he finished his bread did the zebra get out of his room.
  23. [17:44] * Radiant_Fury mutters. "This had better be good."
  24. [17:47] <Brookwind> "That's why. I'd like to get to know you a little more, since it appears as if we're going to be working together for near future." She replies to Chasseuse, her gaze flicking over to Limuko as he exits, noting him before looking back to Chasseuse.
  25. [17:48] * Chasseuse quirks her head. "...What? We finished ze job, zough poorly. Wiz zat in mind... why would we be working togezer?"
  26. [17:49] <~Radio|GM> As Limuko emerges from the Wooden Wing and enters the courtyard, only Brookwind is close enough to notice Limuko. Chasseuse remains in conversation with Brookwind, as Dumisani finds her way to The Hop.
  27. [17:50] * Limuko doesn't notice Brookwind, being more focused on his own personal quest. He decides to explore around town, seeing if he could hear anything that would help him know what his next destination would be.
  28. [17:50] <~Radio|GM> Meanwhile, Fortune Finder practically grabs Radiant_Fury and shoves her towards the south wall, from which a long ladder extends upwards to the top. Fortune turns to Radiant_Fury with a pleading look. "Hurry up! Get up there!"
  29. [17:51] <~Radio|GM> Limuko finds nothing, but he does spot Dusty trotting along with an unfamiliar pegasus.
  30. [17:51] * Radiant_Fury looks skeptical. "Why should I do that?"
  31. [17:52] <~Radio|GM> Dusty is, meanwhile, speaking to Danger_Zone. "So tell me, little one. Why do you think this piece of scum is worth any consideration at all?"
  32. [17:52] * Limuko didn't really know anypony else, nor did he have anything else to be productive in. He decides to trot nearby and listen in on their conversation.
  33. [17:52] <~Radio|GM> Fortune Finder swallows hard before answering. "I know what happened. But I think you're the only one who can help. I found another envelope."
  34. [17:53] * Radiant_Fury glowers a little, muttering a derisive "fine" before climbing the ladder as quickly as she can.
  35. [17:54] * Brookwind nods lightly to Chasseuse. "Mmm... well I suppose that's true... I'm just used to working with a partner or in a group, and we did work somewhat well together... minus Fury."
  36. [17:54] * Limuko didn't bother to look at Danger ... zebra hormones and what not, fully focused on Dusty.
  37. [17:54] * Dumisani plods up to the bar counter. "What do you have that is strong?"
  38. [17:55] <~Radio|GM> Fortune Finder nods gratefully as she too shimmies up the ladder behind her. Above, the two earth ponies that had distracted the twins at the gate are holding it steady.
  39. [17:55] * Chasseuse shrugs. "We did not really do anyzing as a team..." She sighs. "If you wish, you can follow. I am going to speak wiz Flaxseed regardless."
  40. [17:57] * Brookwind nods lightly to Chasseuse.
  41. [17:57] <~Radio|GM> The Hop is a small establishment, yet Dumisani miraculously finds that she is able to fit through the door and sit inside, though she takes up three of the stools at the bar, which creak dangerously under her weight. Behind the bar today is a stallion wearing a white sailor's cap and apron. "Strong, eh? How strong're we talkin'?"
  42. [17:58] <Dumisani> "How strong you got?"
  43. [17:58] * Chasseuse tugs on Barry's leash once more, walking towards the Wooden Wing.
  44. [17:58] * Brookwind resumes her trot as well.
  45. [17:59] <~Radio|GM> Barry scurries along beside Chasseuse, stopping to nose at her front fetlocks every once in a while. The dog seems to be growing particularly fond of her.
  46. [18:00] * Brookwind chuckles a little. "That dog seems to really like you."
  47. [18:01] * Chasseuse stops every once in a while to give Barry a small pat on the head... smiling as she does so. "It... would seem so." She purses her lips. "It makes we hope zat Flaxseed does not want me to return 'im."
  48. [18:02] <~Radio|GM> The stallion at the hop thinks for a moment, putting a hoof up to his chin. "Uh..." He turns and looks upon the large array of bottles neatly stacked on the shelves behind him. "Well, we've got practically everything. Hard cider, Wild Pegasus, and I think there's some scotch here..." He shrugs. "We've also got tons of wine in the back, but I don't know if that's your thing. But it's guaranteed fresh 'cause it comes from Neighpa Valley."
  49. [18:02] <~Radio|GM> Barry wags his tail and gives a small whine, snuffing at her hoof. The dog needs a bath.
  50. [18:03] * Radiant_Fury glances between the Earth Ponies, and then back to Fortune. "All right, what's this all about? Why couldn't you just bring the letter outside with you?"
  51. [18:03] * Danger_Zone glares at the zebra. She is not the kind of pony who appreciates being talked down to! She has a fire in her eyes as she responds, "I'd rather stick with ponies that know how the world works. And at least you know what you're getting into with Fury! To the rest? They're no better than she is, but instead of say it, they keep it hidden away until you least expect it!" She gives an angry snort. "Fury is more trustworthy than any of than any of the rest, and it's because she's all business."
  52. [18:03] * Dumisani shakes her head. "Not wine. Would like Wild Pegasus if that's your strongest.'
  53. [18:06] * Chasseuse shrugs, trotting along and into the Wooden Wing. Once she enters, she looks for the front desk pony, or Flaxseed... whichever she sees first.
  54. [18:07] <~Radio|GM> Suddenly, the bell in the courtyard tolls five times. At once, the ponies in the courtyard begin to scurry about madly, dashing inside buildings and returning with large buckets of water. They all seem to be converging on a section of the fort on the eastern end, where a plume of smoke is visible.
  55. [18:08] * Limuko was just paying attention to both Dusty and Danger_Zone when he heard the bell in the courtyard. He gave a look of confusion as to why everypony was running away.
  56. [18:08] <~Radio|GM> Fortune Finder shakes her head at Radiant_Fury. "We're not allowed to leave our posts or we get fired, remember? No exceptions unless there's an emergency." She turns to other earth ponies. "So we /made/ an emergency. Somepony else at the east gate 'accidentally' knocked over an oil lantern and caused a fire. You can see it over there." She points to the distant section of the east wall where, indeed, the plume of smoke is visible. "It gave us enough of a distraction to bring you back in."
  57. [18:09] * Brookwind looks up quickly, ears flicking. "That doesn't bode well..." She turns, cantering back outside. "Aaaand something's on fire. Lovely."
  58. [18:09] * Limuko then takes notice of the fire, rushing immediately to Dusty. "My friend, something is on fire!" He said in a bit of a panic.
  59. [18:10] <~Radio|GM> Dusty's brow furrows as the zebra is about to retort angrily, but the bells ring and he perks his head up, sniffing the air as his eyes lock onto the smoke. Instead of worry, the expression etched on his face is clearly one of annoyance. "Again?" He turns to Limuko. "I noticed, kiddo. This happens more often than I'd like it to."
  60. [18:10] * Radiant_Fury keeps glowering, but mentally revels in Fortune's use of fire as a distraction. Glorious! "So you brought me in here, where I'll be shot if somepony sees me? Your plan needs work, but that can wait. Just tell me what I need to know."
  61. [18:11] * Chasseuse is in the Wooden Wing and doesn't take notice of the fire!
  62. [18:11] * Limuko gave a look of confusion at Dusty. "Fire on buildings is common here my friend?"
  63. [18:12] <~Radio|GM> Fortune FInder crouches. "Look, none of the guards here'll shoot you. You've become a bit of a hero to us, you know. Solving all those puzzles and everything! And what's this I hear about you coming across a group of aracks? And a gravelmole?"
  64. [18:13] <~Radio|GM> The front desk is empty, but Chasseuse remembers that Flaxseed's room is on the far end of the first floor.
  65. [18:13] * Radiant_Fury 's glare intensifies. "I'm sorry, but please get to the point. I don't want to be here any longer than I have to."
  66. [18:14] <~Radio|GM> Dusty replies to Limuko, turning away from Danger_Zone for the moment. "Sadly, yeah. Those roofs aren't much more than thatching and wood. So when an errant spark hits them, up they go."
  67. [18:14] * Chasseuse trots up to Flax's door and knocks twice. "Flaxseed?"
  68. [18:15] * Brookwind looks for a place to sit down outside the inn.
  69. [18:15] <Limuko> "Limuko is confused, why not use something else for roof if roof you are using will catch on fire?"
  70. [18:15] <~Radio|GM> Fortune nods and shoves Radiant_Fury an envelope. "Yeah, OK. Here you go. And take this, too." She promptly shoves Radiant_Fury three large bags of potato chips. "I dunno how long you'll be out there. Might as well be prepared."
  71. [18:15] * Danger_Zone doesn't even look away from Dusty. She's resolute and determined, and this zebra insulted her! The fire can burn everything down for all she cares!
  72. [18:16] <~Radio|GM> The Wooden Wing has a set of chairs in the foyer.
  73. [18:16] * Brookwind is outside the inn.
  74. [18:16] * Brookwind went out when she heard the bells.
  75. [18:16] * Radiant_Fury tucks the chips away, curious. She gives a polite nod to all of them, and slides back down the ladder. "I... appreciate it." It sounded a little hard for her to say that.
  76. [18:17] <~Radio|GM> There is a single bench near the porch of the Wooden WIng.
  77. [18:18] <~Radio|GM> As Chasseuse knocks, the sound of scuffling hooves is heard and a very bedraggled Flaxseed comes out. Her cheeks are puffy, and she clearly has been crying. Behind her, in a small dog's bed made from the same thatching as the roofs, lies Sorrel, fast asleep.
  78. [18:18] * Brookwind takes a seat in it pulling out a cigarette and lighting up, pulling out her notebook and looking over her notes again with a sigh. "...Shit."
  79. [18:20] * Chasseuse blinks, surprised by the sorry sight. "Flaxseed... would you like to talk? I want to apologize... again, and make sure you are all right, considering."
  80. [18:21] <~Radio|GM> Dusty snorts. "For one, because there's no shortage of thatching and it's both cheap and easy to replace. For another, it'd be no small effort to get the roof done over with actual tiles." He turns back and looks to Danger_Zone. "What's your problem?"
  81. [18:22] <~Radio|GM> Fortune nods and waves to Radiant_Fury as she makes her way down. "Good luck!"
  82. [18:22] * Radiant_Fury jumps off of the ladder, skipping the last few rungs and returning to her rock. She opens the leader and browses its contents as she trots.
  83. [18:22] <~Radio|GM> Flaxseed gives a small nod, her expression not changing as she steps aside and makes a vague gesture for Chasseuse to enter. "Sorry about the mess," she mumbles.
  84. [18:24] * Danger_Zone keeps glaring. "Your attitude is my problem! Would it kill you to be polite?"
  85. [18:24] <~Radio|GM> Meanwhile, the stallion gives Dumisani a bottle of Wild Pegasus, leaving out a glass for her to drink from. "25 caps, miss." He doesn't really seem to react to the tolling of the bells.
  86. [18:25] * Brookwind snaps her notebook closed, sighing. She sits and smokes for now.
  87. [18:25] * Limuko just looked at Dusty, avoiding to look at Danger_Zone.
  88. [18:26] * Chasseuse nods, entering and finding a comfortable spot to sit. "It is fine." She quirks her head. "Dusty mention... zat you delivering us zat lunch was ze first time you've left 'ere in a while. Is zat true?"
  89. [18:26] * Dumisani pulls out the last of her caps and passes them over. "All I got. Thank you."
  90. [18:28] <~Radio|GM> The zebra turns to Danger_Zone and glares. "Was I too harsh? I'm sorry. But that changes nothing. Whether this mare is being honest or not, it doesn't change what she's done."
  91. [18:29] <~Radio|GM> The stallion at The Hop scoops them up and nods. "So, what's a rhino doing all the way out here? You're not from Neighpa Valley yourself, by any chance?"
  92. [18:30] * Danger_Zone just stares. "She called your pretty little princess out on being suspicious! Clearly such a heinous crime only deserves the penalty of death!"
  93. [18:30] * Limuko gave Dusty a confused look, having just trotted in on what was going on. He didn't really know, and it was probably not his business. "Well, Limuko will be running back to Wooden Wing til fire clears." He says as he trots back to the Inn.
  94. [18:32] * Dumisani shakes her head. "Zebrica."
  95. [18:34] <~Radio|GM> Flaxseed nods silently to Chasseuse with a sigh.
  96. [18:35] * Chasseuse tilts her head. "Why is zat?" She adds, "If you do not mind me asking... I know it may be personal."
  97. [18:36] <~Radio|GM> The letter Radiant_Fury holds has a disproportionately simple message this time around. "HCUMTAHTENUTROFDNAMIHHTOBEWOUOYMIHLLETOTTOGEVUOYYTSUDETANISSASSAOTDNETNIODYLLAERYEHTFI”
  98. [18:37] * Radiant_Fury sighs a little. Honestly? Why did they bother coding these messages? More than half the ponies alive can't even read. She sits down and clicks Brookwind's pen.
  99. [18:37] <~Radio|GM> Flax sits in silence for a long time. When she speaks her voice is surprisingly calm. "I...used to go outside frequently with my sister. I always liked...animals...I wanted to study them..." Gone is her exuberant enthusiasm, replaced by a dull melancholy expression and tone.
  100. [18:38] * Radiant_Fury looks up from the page a minute or so later. "Well then."
  101. [18:38] * Chasseuse nods, frowning. "And what changed zat...?"
  102. [18:39] * Radiant_Fury trots back over to the Southern entrance and looks up at the top. "Excuse me, Fortune?"
  103. [18:40] * Limuko just continues to trot back to the Wooden Wing, a bit more calm knowing that fires were the norm here now.
  104. [18:40] <~Radio|GM> Flax looks down at her hooves. "A rather...violent group of ponies came upon us one day...our parents were taken away...and then they did some...horrible things to my sister. They made me watch..."
  105. [18:41] <~Radio|GM> Fortune looks down at Radiant_Fury from the wall. "What is it?"
  106. [18:41] * Radiant_Fury , as an afterthought, writes "You're welcome. ~Radiant Fury." on the bottom of the note. "Give this to Dusty immediately. An attempt may be made on his life soon." She floats the letter up to her.
  107. [18:41] <~Radio|GM> As Limuko enters, he can hear Chasseuse and Flax conversing.
  108. [18:41] * Brookwind nods to Limuko as he trots past her.
  109. [18:42] <~Radio|GM> There is some brief silence from the wall, and Fortune hurriedly looks down over the edge with a panicked look in her eye. "Who wrote that?! And how was Lucky involved in all this?!"
  110. [18:43] <~Radio|GM> The stallion at the Hop nods. "Ah, alright. It's just that your accent sounds familiar is all. Ponies from Neighpa Valley come here a lot, and they sound a lot like you."
  111. [18:43] * Limuko didn't nod back to Brookwind ... zebra hormones and what not. He then heard the conversation between Chasseuse and Flax did his ears perk up to listen.
  112. [18:43] * Dumisani blinks at the stallion. "They do?"
  113. [18:43] * Radiant_Fury takes a deep breath. "I don't know. Give it to Dusty. Now." She's losing her patience. Why did everypony always have to sk questions? Actions first. Questions later!
  114. [18:44] * Chasseuse 's frown sets deeply. "I am sorry... zat you 'ad to go through zat." She stands, nudging Flax with a hoof. "'Ow about zis: I can teach you 'ow to wield a weapon properly so zat you can defend yourself... and zen you can enjoy yourself outside as much as you would like."
  115. [18:44] <~Radio|GM> Dusty is, meanwhile, talking to Danger_Zone. "You don't know Flax half as well as I do. Think upon what you're saying before you actually say it. What's more, I hear she didn't just call her out on being suspicious, she had a weapon pointed at her. How is that not a threat?"
  116. [18:45] <~Radio|GM> Fortune nods and runs for it!
  117. [18:45] <~Radio|GM> Flax gives a deep shudder. "I-I don't know..."
  118. [18:46] <~Radio|GM> The stallion nods to Dumisani. "Yup."
  119. [18:47] * Danger_Zone rolls her eyes. "If you're confronting an undercover agent /without/ pointing a weapon, then they kill you. Are you telling me you'd be so horrendously stupid?"
  120. [18:47] <~Radio|GM> Dusty rolls his eyes. "Then why, pray tell, am I not dead?"
  121. [18:48] <Dumisani> "Can you point the way?"
  122. [18:48] * Chasseuse shrugs, sitting back down. "Zen zink about it. If not... zat is fine."
  123. [18:48] * Limuko gave a bit of a sad appearance on his face as he listened to the conversation. He decides to take the nearest seat there, giving a sad sigh.
  124. [18:48] <~Radio|GM> The stallion nods. "Certainly. I used to live there, you know. In fact...if you're gong to stop by Neighpa Valley, can you do a huge favor for me?"
  125. [18:49] * Dumisani nods. "I can. What is it?"
  126. [18:49] * Danger_Zone shrugs. "You're right, it makes no sense!"
  127. [18:50] <~Radio|GM> It is at that moment that Fortune Finder comes running to Dusty and Danger_Zone, a wild look in her eyes. "Sir! Sir!" As she runs, Brookwind can see her speeding by.
  128. [18:50] * Radiant_Fury returns to her rock, determined to make it /all/ the way through Rocket Mare this time.
  129. [18:51] * Brookwind blinks, standing up and stubbing out her cigarette as Fortune gallops past. "Hey! What's going on?" She calls, starting to gallop after her.
  130. [18:51] <~Radio|GM> Flax shrugs. "I...I will think about it..." She sighs. "I'd been hoping to keep a record of my research...I even took an old journal that Dusty gave me and enchanted it myself to make it easier..." She sighs. "I gave it to somepony out on patrol by the Foalsom so they could keep a record of anything they saw, but they'd lost it when they returned."
  131. [18:53] <~Radio|GM> The stallion reaches under the countertop and gives Dumisani a letter. "This letter is for somepony very important to me. Can you deliver it to her?" On the envelope is a text unrecognizable to Dumisani, t=consisting of writing like squared-off spiderweb.
  132. [18:56] * Chasseuse smiles. "Do you remember ze name of ze pony you lent it to?"
  133. [18:56] <~Radio|GM> Fortune rushes to Dusty trotters and Danger_Zone, panting for several long minutes. Both can see an envelope in her telekinetic grasp.
  134. [18:57] * Danger_Zone gives a quick glance to Fortune. "...Another?"
  135. [18:57] * Brookwind is a few moments behind Fortune, panting a little as well, groaning as she shakes her leg.
  136. [18:57] <Brookwind> "Damn hip..."
  137. [18:57] * Limuko didn't really know what to do now. He continued to listen in on the conversation.
  138. [18:58] <~Radio|GM> Flax gives a small smile. "It was the barkeeper at The Hop. His name is Still Air, and he's a nice pony."
  139. [19:00] <~Radio|GM> Dusty growls softly. "What's all this?!"
  140. [19:00] <~Radio|GM> Still panting, Fortune weakly floats the envelope to Dusty. "Please read it..." She heaves and pants.
  141. [19:02] * Chasseuse nods and smiles as she stands up. "Zen I will speak wiz him... and find ze journal for you."
  142. [19:04] * Limuko decides that he didn't want to get caught eavesdropping on their conversation, trotting as quietly as he can to the stairs.
  143. [19:05] <~Radio|GM> Flaxseed smiles softly. "Yes...maybe he could give you a better idea where he dropped you know where The Hop it is at?"
  144. [19:05] * Chasseuse shakes her head. "I do not."
  145. [19:05] <~Radio|GM> Limuko's hoof makes a particularly loud thud on the stairs as he tries to make his way up.
  146. [19:06] * Limuko was sure that nopony would mind loud thuds on the stairs ... he hoped.
  147. [19:07] <~Radio|GM> Flax looks behind her as she unrolls a piece of paper, on which a map of the fort can be found. She gestures at the Wooden Wing marked in the center. "That's where we are now, so the Hop is...over here." She gestures to a small building marked "TH" on the map in the northeast corner of the fort.
  148. [19:09] * Chasseuse 's ears perk at the thudding noise, but she makes nothing of it. Probably a guest of the Wooden Wing. "So... do you zink zat you can 'old a room for me while I am doing zis? ...I 'ave no ozer place to stay, but if nozing else, maybe I can pay you back when I actually 'ave caps?"
  149. [19:11] <~Radio|GM> Flaxseed nods. "Do you still have the key to your room?"
  150. [19:11] * Limuko returned to his room, relieved that he wasn't noticed eavesdropping. Not as bad as some of the other things he's done before ... but the conzebra would at least like to stay on good terms with Dusty.
  151. [19:13] * Chasseuse nodnods! "I do, yes."
  152. [19:14] * Dumisani blinks a little at the writing. "I can't read this."
  153. [19:14] <~Radio|GM> Flaxseed smiles a little more broadly. "Then keep it for now."
  154. [19:15] * Radiant_Fury hums a little, kicking her hooves in the dirt. 'And there's no one there tooooo save them... Rocket mare..."
  155. [19:16] <~Radio|GM> The stallion at the bar nods. "I don't imagine you could. That's Manedarin, I don't suppose you know it?"
  156. [19:17] * Chasseuse nods her head in thanks, her smile matching Flax's. "Zen I zank you." She turns, opening the door. "I will be back later. 'Opefully wiz information on your journal."
  157. [19:18] <~Radio|GM> Flaxseed nods. "Please be back soon."
  158. [19:18] * Dumisani shakes her head. "Only know Zwahili."
  159. [19:18] * Limuko decides to flop back on his bed, contemplating on what to do next.
  160. [19:19] <~Radio|GM> The stallion chuckles. "And Equestrian, clearly."
  161. [19:19] * Chasseuse trots out, heading for The Hop!
  162. [19:20] <Dumisani> "Barely."
  163. [19:21] <~Radio|GM> The stallion shrugs. "Well enough, anyway." As he speaks, Chasseuse makes her way to the Hop, and can see Dumisani conversing with the stallion behind the bar.
  164. [19:22] * Chasseuse trots up to the bar, nodding her head to Dumisani as she turns to the presumed bartender. "'Ello, Still Air?"
  165. [19:25] <~Radio|GM> The zebra growls loudly as he snatches the envelope up and reads it for himself. He turns in place, his face etched with a deep scowl, speaking to nobody in particular. "Where. Is. She?!"
  166. [19:26] <~Radio|GM> The stallion that Dumisani is speaking to looks up at Chasseuse's question. "That's me."
  167. [19:26] * Dumisani sips her Wild Pegasus.
  168. [19:27] <Brookwind> "Where is who?"
  169. [19:27] * Danger_Zone eyes Dusty, glancing every so often at the envelope. "...What's it say?"
  170. [19:27] * Chasseuse smiles. "I was 'oping you could 'elp me. I've been talking to Flaxseed about 'er journal?"
  171. [19:29] * Limuko spend awhile on his bed contemplating. He decides that speaking with ponies would probably help his quest. He gets off of his bed, out of his room, and trots downstairs. He wondered if anypony else, other than the two mares he heard, were in here. "Hello?"
  172. [19:30] <~Radio|GM> Dusty turns to Brookwind. "This Fury companion of yours, who else?" He turns to Danger_Zone and thrusts the envelope at her. "See for yourself."
  173. [19:31] <Brookwind> "Well I'd assume she's still outside the gate."
  174. [19:31] * Radiant_Fury totally put a cute little heart next to her name when she signed it.
  175. [19:31] <~Radio|GM> Still Air inhales sharply, his cheeks flushing at the sight of Chasseuse. "Uh...well, yeah. What about it?"
  176. [19:32] * Danger_Zone looks at the offered note, reading it.
  177. [19:34] * Chasseuse tilts her head. "You lost it, yes? I was 'oping zat you could 'elp direct me to where."
  178. [19:36] <~Radio|GM> Still Air rubs his chin. "Uh...well, I was on a whiskey run to Coltamento on the banks of the Foalsom, I think that's where I dropped it...?" He shrugs. "You couldn't really miss it. It's small, but it's bright red." He cringes. "How...badly is Flax taking it?"
  179. [19:38] * Danger_Zone gives a bit of a confused look to Dusty. "So, this means...?"
  180. [19:40] <~Radio|GM> The translation is written on the sheet itself. "“If they really do intend to assassinate Dusty you’ve got to tell him. You owe him and Fortune that much.” Below are the words "You're welcome. ~Radiant_Fury", with a little heart to boot.
  181. [19:41] * Chasseuse shakes her head. "I am not sure... she's more upset about ozer things zat 'appened... recently." She holds her hoof up. "Besides zat, if it's bright red and 'you couldn't really miss it', 'ow did you miss it?"
  182. [19:42] * Danger_Zone knows what it says. She can read. She asked what the translation means!
  183. [20:47] <~Radio|GM> Dusty turns to Danger_Zone. "We can talk about that later. For now, I want to see where your friend is. I'd like to talk to her."
  184. [20:48] <~Radio|GM> Still Air shrugs. "Because not only is it bright red, it's tiny. And I lose things a lot."
  185. [20:51] * Limuko hadn't been replied by for awhile. He thought that perhaps either nopony heard him or were here right now.
  186. [20:52] <~Radio|GM> Limuko
  187. [20:52] <~Radio|GM> 's query is indeed met with silence.
  188. [20:52] * Chasseuse chuckles. "Alright zen. So... anyzing else zat may help? Near ze banks of the Foalsom, on ze way to Coltamento."
  189. [20:53] <Limuko> Not much for him to do now, so he heads out, once again and explores the fort, seeing if there was anything interesting.
  190. [20:54] * Danger_Zone shrugs at Dusty. "Where you left her?"
  191. [20:54] <~Radio|GM> Limuko can see Brookwind, Danger_Zone, and Dusty still conversing.
  192. [20:55] <~Radio|GM> Dusty blinks momentarily, the giant zebra apparently taken back. "Are you saying she's /still/ sitting on that rock?"
  193. [20:55] <~Radio|GM> Still AIr shrugs. "Not really, sorry. I think I might have dropped it in the brush somewhere."
  194. [20:56] * Limuko knew exactly that Dusty was not having a happy conversation, and let him do his business, and continued on exploring.
  195. [20:56] * Chasseuse nods, eyes falling on Dumisani. "Would you like to 'elp? I still 'ave a room at ze Wooden Wing, if you'd like to use it as well."
  196. [20:57] <Dumisani> "I have a quest." She says, holding up the envelope.
  197. [20:57] * Chasseuse shrugs. "No problem. Good luck on your quest."
  198. [20:57] * Chasseuse looks down to Barry, her smile failing as she pats his head. Right. She'd forgotten to ask Flax about returning her. She'll ask... later.
  199. [20:58] * Chasseuse blinks, turning back to Still Air. "Right, before I go... where is ze way to Coltamento?"
  200. [21:01] * Danger_Zone rolls her eyes. "I don't know, should I use my crystal ball to look and see?"
  201. [21:02] <~Radio|GM> Barry had been sniffing about at something under the table. He emerges at the pat and gently licks Chasseuse's hoof.
  202. [21:03] <~Radio|GM> Still Air turns to Chasseuse. "Let me grab you a map." As he turns away, he suddenly looks to Dumisani. "Neighpa Valley is close to Coltamento, you know."
  203. [21:03] <Dumisani> "It is?"
  204. [21:03] <~Radio|GM> Dusty nods curtly, as he turns tail and heads for the main gate.
  205. [21:03] <~Radio|GM> Still Air nods. "Yup. Really close, actually."
  206. [21:04] * Limuko wanders around in the Fort. Probably not many ponies out due to the fire from before.
  207. [21:05] * Brookwind trots after Dusty with a groan. What had Radiant done now?
  208. [21:05] <Dumisani> "Good to know."
  209. [21:09] <~Radio|GM> Still AIr nods. "Be right back." He turns and heads into a storeroom in the back, leaving Chasseuse and Dumisani alone together for a few moments.
  210. [21:09] <~Radio|GM> Dusty trots open to the main gate. As it opens, he trots out and searches for Radiant_Fury.
  211. [21:09] * Radiant_Fury is sitting atop her rock, second cigar between her lips. She does her best to hide her grin as Dusty approaches.
  212. [21:11] * Chasseuse scratches Barry behind his ears. "Dumisani, wiz both so close, do you zink you would like to assist me in my task? If so, I can do ze same for you."
  213. [21:12] <~Radio|GM> Dusty frowns at Radiant_Fury. "You owe me an explanation."
  214. [21:12] * Dumisani shrugs. "Sure." She says simply
  215. [21:13] * Radiant_Fury looks up at him with a slight smile around her cigar. "It isn't obvious?"
  216. [21:14] * Chasseuse nods. "So zen... what is your 'quest'?"
  217. [21:15] <Dumisani> "Bring this letter to somepony. Can't read to who though."
  218. [21:15] * Danger_Zone sticks behind Dusty as he goes looking for Fury. She wants to know what's going on! She eyes Radiant_Fury, curiously.
  219. [21:16] * Chasseuse chuckles. "It is in Equestrian, yes? I can read it if you wish."
  220. [21:16] <Dumisani> "No, Manedarin."
  221. [21:17] * Chasseuse blinks. "Interesting."
  222. [21:18] <~Radio|GM> Dusty sighs softly. "You best come in."
  223. [21:18] * Radiant_Fury shifts in her seat. "It isn't immediately apparent what's going on in your town? Somepony wants you dead, and whoever they are, they're in with Lucky. They're inside. They're watching you... waiting for the moment to strike." She pauses, smirking. "Which begs the question... why are you worth killing?" She asks, climbing off the rock and trotting to the gate.
  224. [21:19] * Limuko just continues to trot around.
  225. [21:20] <~Radio|GM> Still Air promptly returns with a map and beckons Chasseuse and Dumisani closer. "OK, so if you fallow the Foalsom River for a bit, you can reach Foalsom itself about half a day's trot down. From there, Coltamento is about four hours to the east.
  226. [21:20] <~Radio|GM> "
  227. [21:22] * Chasseuse nods. "So," she nods to Dumisani. "shall we, tomorrow?"
  228. [21:22] * Chasseuse smiles to Still Air. "Zank you, as well."
  229. [21:23] * Dumisani nods at Chasseuse.
  230. [21:26] <~Radio|GM> Dusty growls. "Is it your business to ask?" He opens his office door, letting Radiant_Fury, Danger_Zone, and Brookwind inside. Turning to Fury, he asks. "Where have you been finding these envelopes?"
  231. [21:28] * Brookwind steps in after the others, standing near the door.
  232. [21:28] * Radiant_Fury thinks that it is /exactly/ her business to ask. "If you want my help with this at all, Dusty, and you obviously do, I'll need some information first."
  233. [21:31] <~Radio|GM> Dusty turns to Radiant_Fury. "What do you need to know?"
  234. [21:31] * Radiant_Fury has already said what she wanted to know. "Dare I repeat myself? Why are you worth killing?"
  235. [21:32] * Chasseuse humms... what to do until tomorrow. She waves to Dumisani, heading out and back towards the Wooden WIng. Chasseuse makes her way back towards Flax's room.
  236. [21:35] <~Radio|GM> Dusty sighs softly as he sinks into a chair. "Have you ever heard of the Gang of Iron?"
  237. [21:36] <Brookwind> "...Oh shit..."
  238. [21:36] * Radiant_Fury shakes her head. "I'm not from around here. Don't expect me to know /anything/ about local gangs."
  239. [21:36] <Brookwind> "I know about them, their base up in the mountains got wiped out."
  240. [21:37] * Danger_Zone gives Dusty a questioning look. "...Explain?"
  241. [21:37] * Brookwind pulls out her notebook, flipping through it quickly.
  242. [21:38] * Radiant_Fury turns to look at Brookwind with a look of irritation, but says nothing.
  243. [21:38] <~Radio|GM> Dusty turns to Brookwind with a perplexed expression. "How do you know them?"
  244. [21:39] * Chasseuse knocks on Flaxseed's door.
  245. [21:39] <Chasseuse> "It's me, again."
  246. [21:39] * Limuko continues to trot around the fort, seeing if there's anything he'd notice.
  247. [21:40] <~Radio|GM> The door opens, and Flaxseed looks outside. She seems a great deal calmer than she did before. "Oh hello...I'm sorry, your name's hard to remember."
  248. [21:40] * Brookwind slides her notebook with all of the notes she had taken on the Gang when she was up in Greenwood. "Their base in Greenwod was attacked, nearly wiped out save for a couple of member, whom I dispatched myself."
  249. [21:40] * Radiant_Fury turns back to Dusty. "Murdered all the survivors?" She says over her shoulder, "Well done."
  250. [21:41] <Brookwind> "They attacked me, it was self defense."
  251. [21:41] * Chasseuse chuckles. "It is fine... Chasseuse. I just wanted to let you know zat I've a good idea of where your journal is... I'll get it tomorrow, and should be back the day after."
  252. [21:43] * Radiant_Fury slowly claps her hooves together. "Still, well done!" She finally addresses Dusty again. "So... what do they have to do with all this, with you? Are they the ones looking to kill you?"
  253. [21:45] <~Radio|GM> Dusty looks to the page and nods. "That's them, alright." He sighs. "I dunno where you're getting your information, but Greenwood ain't a base of theirs. It's a garrison." He turns to Radiant_Fury. "You really are new here, aren't you? I take it you aren't all that familiar with the goings-on in the Coltifornia region?"
  254. [21:46] <~Radio|GM> Limuko did see the group of ponies disappear inside Dusty's office.
  255. [21:46] * Brookwind nods to Dusty. "Garrison... well it was wiped out."
  256. [21:46] * Radiant_Fury has /already said that she's not from around here/. "Danger, can you believe what's happening? We've managed to capture the two /most observant/ ponies in the entire universe in this very room!"
  257. [21:47] <Radiant_Fury> "You both just /love/ asking questions you've already been given the answers to, don't you?"
  258. [21:47] * Limuko didn't really have anything else to do, so he decides to enter into Dusty's office to ask him if there was anything he cou- ... he then paused as he saw Radiant_Fury in there the moment he opened the door. His face turned red, and he considered leaving.
  259. [21:48] * Brookwind "Can I have my pen back?"
  260. [21:49] <~Radio|GM> Dusty turns his head to look at Limuko, holding up a hoof to silence the others. His face softens as he looks to him. "What is it, kid?"
  261. [21:50] * Radiant_Fury floats it around, clicking it in and out a few times. Her magic tosses it over her shoulder to the detective, and she glares at Dusty. More distractions!
  262. [21:51] * Limuko still had his face red in the presence of three mares in the room. "Oh, Limuko was just wondering if friend could tell Limuko if there was anything he could do. But Limuko sees that you are quite a busy zebra right now, so Limuko will just-"
  263. [21:51] * Brookwind catches her pen, tucking it away.
  264. [21:52] <~Radio|GM> Flax smiles softly. "Chasseuse...Chasseuse..." She rolls it about on her tongue a bit. "I think I've got it now." Her smile widens, more like the exuberant mare from before. "That's great. Thank you so much!"
  265. [21:53] <~Radio|GM> Dusty shakes his head. "No." He beckons for Limuko to come. "You should hear this too."
  266. [21:53] * Chasseuse chuckles. "Glad to see you in better spirits. Oh! I forgot, zank you for ze lunch ze other day. It was... pleasant, before..." She coughs into her hoof. "Zank you."
  267. [21:54] * Radiant_Fury turns to look at Limuko. "Oh... it's... you. Why does he need to hear this, exactly? Are we just inviting any old stranger who wanders by into our investigation?"
  268. [21:55] * Limuko tried his best not to look at Radiant_Fury and the other mares. "No no no no, Limuko isn't stranger to Dusty, but Limuko should probably be on his way out no?"
  269. [21:57] <~Radio|GM> Dusty shakes his head. "It involves us zebras very intimately. If Limuko is as new to the are as you are, it is something he must know."
  270. [21:57] * Danger_Zone taps a hoof. "So... this is all soooo interesting, but think you could explain why this all matters, in under two minutes?"
  271. [21:57] * Radiant_Fury nods to Danger_Zone. "We're getting off track. Talk. Now."
  272. [21:58] * Brookwind flips to a blank page in her notebook, getting ready to write.
  273. [21:59] * Limuko blinked in confusion. "Us zebras? Limuko is confused."
  274. [21:59] * Radiant_Fury points to Limuko. "You. Sit. Shut up."
  275. [22:00] * Limuko appeared intimidated by Radiant_Fury, and sits by the nearest chair.
  276. [22:00] <~Radio|GM> Flax blushes softly and nods. "I'm...glad you liked it. You'd be surprised how difficult it is to find Horsetershire sauce out here..."
  277. [22:01] * Chasseuse smiles and nods. "I am sure..." She looks down, seeing Barry, and sighs. "And... Barry, would you like him back? You did not answer me earlier at ze gate."
  278. [22:23] <~Radio|GM> Dusty sits back and sighs. "Before the skies cleared, Coltifornia was a real mess, without a centralized social system of any sort. For over 200 years, the only weather out here was rain or overcast skies, and the weather was always cold. A climate like that isn’t good for growing the kind of crops that usually thrive in Coltifornia, so there wasn’t an economic or social structure to speak of.”
  279. [22:23] <~Radio|GM> Dusty sighs, then continues. “And now that the sun has returned and the land is suitable for crops again, groups are trying to lay claim to the land. Long story short, the original Gang of Iron was a coalition of Coltifornia’s rancheros. You could call them the landlords, because they legally owned this land . They were never known for kindness, though, or for treating their workers or tenants nicely. Many of whom-“ He turns now to Limuko. “-were zebras.”
  280. [22:24] <~Radio|GM> ”The Gang of Iron as it is today is comprised of the rancheros’ descendants and their cronies. Because they claim that their ancestors were the legitimate owners of the land by law, under the Principality of old, they have come back to reclaim the lands for themselves, by whatever means necessary.”
  281. [22:24] <~Radio|GM> ”Where do I fit in? The land where the fort now lies belonged to another ancestor of mine long ago, long before the rancheros came to Coltifornia. After the war, the Gang of Iron claimed this area as their own. But my grandfather successfully led a group of ponies against the Gang, and allowed my family to reassert their claim to this land.”
  282. [22:24] <~Radio|GM> ”I can only assume that would be the reason why they’d want to take my life. As retribution, or simply because they’d like to take back the land for themselves.”
  283. [22:25] <~Radio|GM> Flaxseed looks to Barry and pats the hound's head. "Barry is my sister's...she lives in Coltamento. And I'd..." She coughs. "I'd rather not step outside for now. It may be too much to ask, but could you possibly take the dog to her?"
  284. [22:26] * Limuko gulps, appearing nervous upon hearing what Dusty said. "B-but friend can handle Gang of Iron no?"
  285. [22:26] * Radiant_Fury looks relieved as he finally gets to the point. "All right... that makes sense, I suppose." She turns to Limuko. "Thought I told you to shut up."
  286. [22:27] * Chasseuse smiles sympathetically. "I can, yes. Do not worry about Barry, he will get there safe. But, your sister... what is her name?"
  287. [22:28] * Limuko gave an eep at Radiant's threats against him. He looked back to Dusty to defend him.
  288. [22:29] * Radiant_Fury gives a little shrug. "All right then, I think it's time we chat with Fortune."
  289. [22:29] * Danger_Zone gives a groan as he starts into his story. She sort of stops listening after the first 30 seconds. When she finally realizes that he stopped talking, she says, "...You completely missed the point. Now, can you answer that again, without your life story?"
  290. [22:30] <~Radio|GM> Dusty frowns at Radiant_Fury. "Careful there. Limuko is a friend of mine." He nods reassuringly at Limuko, before tuning back to Radiant_Fury. "What do you intend to ask her?"
  291. [22:31] * Radiant_Fury holds a hoof up to Danger_Zone, then looks to Dusty. "Am I not allowed to treat others with the same amount of respect you treated me with?" Is all she says before heading for the door.
  292. [22:32] * Limuko was relieved at that. If he had to, he could always use an 'ace' against Radiant_Fury if she became a problem to him. His face still appeared a bit red. He replied to Radiant_Fury. "Limuko would careful there, he has known for a long time that angering head of town is bad idea. Ask Limuko himself from the times he got shot alot."
  293. [22:34] * Radiant_Fury disregards him for now. She's still not convinced that this other zebra needed be involved in this in any way, but shrugs. Now, to find Fortune.
  294. [22:35] <~Radio|GM> Dusty groans, putting his hoof to his forehead. "This was a mistake." He looks up at Danger_Zone and answers now. "Let me put this in a way that you may be able to understand. The Gang of Iron is a group of rich, bad ponies who want to kill me because my granddad made them mad. Does that help?"
  295. [22:35] <~Radio|GM> Flaxseed sighs. "Almond Butter. That's my sister."
  296. [22:36] <~Radio|GM> Fortune FInder is at her post on the southern wall as usual.
  297. [22:36] * Radiant_Fury trots up to her and smiles. "Hello, Fortune. It's time we had a more... in-depth talk about your sister, and the rest of your family, for that matter."
  298. [22:37] * Chasseuse nods. "And what does she look like, so zat I can find her?"
  299. [22:37] * Limuko was glad that Radiant_Fury left, though there were still two other mares, both which he kept a fair distance from and focused on Dusty alone.
  300. [22:38] * Danger_Zone rolls her eyes. "There. Was that so hard? Not everypony has the time or the patience to sit on their flank all day and play 'Find the meaning'!" She sighs and trots out to follow Radiant_Fury.
  301. [22:38] <~Radio|GM> Fortune turns to Radiant_Fury. "What about them?"
  302. [22:38] * Brookwind sighs, turning and following after Danger_Zone.
  303. [22:38] * Radiant_Fury looks back towards Dusty's office. "We have reason to believe that your sister was... or is still in contact with The Gang of Iron. Do you know anypony in that gang? Anypony in your family?"
  304. [22:39] <~Radio|GM> Dusty sighs as Danger_Zone and Brookwind leave as well, before turning to Limuko. "I'm sorry you had to hear that. But you must know that the Gang of Iron is not a zebra's friend."
  305. [22:40] * Limuko nervously nods to Dusty on that. "It is no problem my friend. Limuko is used to having groups of ponies hate me. Limuko is glad to hear though that there are more zebras here."
  306. [22:42] <~Radio|GM> Fortune blinks. "The Gang of Iron? Lucky?" She shakes her head. "No, none that I know of..."
  307. [22:42] <~Radio|GM> Flaxseed responds to Chasseuse. "She looks a lot like me, but her coat's yellow and her mane's longer. At least it was the last time I saw her."
  308. [22:42] * Radiant_Fury frowns a little. "Well then... was she... seeing anypony? Hanging around any newcomers? Acting strangely at all before she disappeared?"
  309. [22:43] * Chasseuse blinks. "'Ave you not seen her for a while?"
  310. [22:45] <~Radio|GM> Flaxseed giggles softly. "Not for about two months. She usually comes to visit me every three months or so, and it's been two months since the last visit."
  311. [22:46] <~Radio|GM> Fortune shrugs. "Not really, no."
  312. [22:46] <~Radio|GM> Fortune adds, "If she did, she never did it whenever I was around."
  313. [22:47] * Radiant_Fury frowns even more at that. "Well... crap. Thanks anyway... If you don't mind me asking, what happened to your parents? Do they live here?"
  314. [22:47] * Danger_Zone soon joins Radiant_Fury as she talks to Fortune.
  315. [22:47] * Chasseuse chuckles. "Ahh... I see. Well, I will send 'er your greetings, and ze dog of course..." She leans down, petting Barry. "Anyway, I suppose I will see you in ze morning, or when I return."
  316. [22:48] <~Radio|GM> "Mom's still around, but she's comatose. She's in a hospital in Coltamento." Fortune sighs. "It's why I want to keep this job. It's the best way to help pay to keep her alive, you know?"
  317. [22:49] <~Radio|GM> Flax nods. "Thank you." She smiles. "If you ever want to talk, I'll be here."
  318. [22:49] * Radiant_Fury begins to trot away. "Well then, we'll have to stop buy when we pay the place a visit. Thank you."
  319. [22:49] <~Radio|GM> Barry wags his tail happily. Sorrel now comes over and begins to snuff at Chasseuse's paw as well.
  320. [22:49] <~Radio|GM> Fortune nods somberly and turns back to her post.
  321. [22:50] * Chasseuse smiles in turn, replying in a friendly, sarcastic tone, "Well, 'opefully we will see eachozer outside by zat time, or soon enough." She smiles, petting Sorrel's head. "I joke, of course."
  322. [22:51] <~Radio|GM> Flax smiles again, as she pats Sorrel as well. "Oh, yes...if you do find that journal, could you please come talk to me?"
  323. [22:51] * Radiant_Fury grumbles a little. "Dead end." She lowers her head and trots back to wherever Dusty is.
  324. [22:52] <~Radio|GM> Dusty nods at Limuko. "Yeah. Lots of zebras. You haven't seen Neighpa Valley yet, have you?"
  325. [22:53] * Limuko shakes his head. "Limuko is new to Coltifornia. Was getting away from all the racism that Limuko met. That, and Limuko needs to find way to do business."
  326. [22:54] * Chasseuse nods. "Zat was my plan."
  327. [22:54] <~Radio|GM> Dusty nods. "Well, Neighpa Valley's another part of Coltifornia that's largely safe from the Gang. It's a huge zebra community." He pauses. "Though not the usual zebras. Most of the zebras in Coltifornia belong to different tribes from the ones back east."
  328. [22:55] <~Radio|GM> Flax nods. "I'll see you, then."
  329. [22:55] <~Radio|GM> Radiant_Fury would find that Dusty is still in his office, speaking to Limuko/
  330. [22:56] * Danger_Zone trots alongside Radiant_Fury. She asks, "So... what's the story?"
  331. [22:56] * Limuko nods to Dusty. "Ah, so many zebras that Limuko can meet. Limuko will admit that he does not know what living in tribe is like. He has only seen mother and father as the only zebras before you."
  332. [22:57] * Radiant_Fury exhales a little and turns to Danger_Zone. "Well... The only lead is Barry. We need to take him back to his home and interrogate his owner." She takes another deep breath and trots inside. "So, Dusty, now that you know you're going to be assassinated by somepony
  333. [22:58] <Radiant_Fury> "... What are you going to do?"
  334. [22:58] * Chasseuse gives a small wave of goodbye to Flax before trotting towards her own room, settling down for the day.
  335. [22:59] * Limuko nearly panicked when he heard Radiant_Fury, but decides not to say anything.
  336. [23:00] <~Radio|GM> Dusty is about to answer Limuko when Radiant_Fury bursts in and asks her question. He shrugs. "I'm not going to sit in my office and cower, if that's what you're asking. Nor am I going to sacrifice the fort's resources for my own sake. No, it's business as usual for me. Which, I'll add, is more than sufficient to ensure my safety."
  337. [23:01] * Radiant_Fury snorts a little. "Which is how this gang managed to secure one of your own security guards to help conspire against you?"
  338. [23:01] * Limuko didn't say anything, moving back to a corner.
  339. [23:03] <~Radio|GM> "Forgive me if I refuse to believe that Lucky Lantern is conspiring against me. If you don't mind my saying so, I think there's much more to it then that. You don't have enough information for that." He eyes Radiant_Fury. "Now, it's my turn to ask you a question. Where do you intend to go from here?"
  340. [23:05] * Danger_Zone adds her own, "You 'refuse to believe'... Ha, you willing to bet your life on that?"
  341. [23:05] * Radiant_Fury smiles. "I have information that she was receiving notes from an outside source and that she was being watched from /inside this fort/, all indicating that she is, at least in some part, involved in this. You can chose to ignore the evidence staring you in the face, if you wish." She's not quite done yet.
  342. [23:07] * Limuko honestly didn't know what Radiant_Fury was talking about, turning to Dusty.
  343. [23:09] * Brookwind looks to Dusty. "You said it was Fortune's sister who had been writing the other letters, right? So I think our next course of action is to pay her a visit.
  344. [23:10] * Radiant_Fury looks to Brookwind. "'Our'? What do you mean 'our'?"
  345. [23:10] <Brookwind> "Sorry, 'my."
  346. [23:11] * Radiant_Fury turns her entire body to look at Brookwind. "You /can't/ be serious. If you think for one second that this is still your investigation, we're going to have a problem."
  347. [23:12] <Brookwind> "Now that the Gang od Iron is involved, it most definitely is." She replies calmly to Radiant_Fury. "And this is obviously connected to them, so I'm looking into it."
  348. [23:12] <~Radio|GM> Dusty sighs. "I have my own safeguards. You don't have to be concerned with my safety." He frowns at Brookwind and Radiant_Fury as they bicker amongst themselves, saying nothing.
  349. [23:13] * Limuko could see that Radiant_Fury and Brookwind were arguing and decide to try and ease up the tension. "Limuko doesn't know what is going on, but why can't two mares work together on whatever this is?" He said with a nervous smile.
  350. [23:14] * Radiant_Fury shakes her head. "Perhaps you don't understand how this works. You don't piggyback on all the evidence I've collected, and then suddenly decide you're joining me. From what you've said, you happened across the last of the Gang of Iron in this region and promptly /murdered/ them all without a second thought."
  351. [23:14] * Radiant_Fury glares at Limuko. "Would you /please/ shut up?"
  352. [23:15] <Brookwind> "Actually, when I found them, they were nearly all dead already. The three that were alive still opened fire on me, so I fired back."
  353. [23:15] <~Radio|GM> Dusty growls. "You two. Take it somewhere that isn't my office. Please."
  354. [23:15] <Brookwind> "And for the record, I'm not joining you, we're simply working the same path of investigation."
  355. [23:16] * Radiant_Fury rolls her eyes. "Which automatically brings them back to life so we can question them? No. Detective, you're more of a liability than an asset. If I find that you follow me, I will /not/ hesitate to kill you." She says, standing up and trotting out the door.
  356. [23:17] * Limuko wasn't really becoming affected by his zebra hormones by Radiant_Fury now ... an asshole had no affect on him. He just looked at Dusty, wanting to tell him something /special/.
  357. [23:18] * Brookwind sighs, nodding to Dusty. "Apologies." She says, before trotting out herself.
  358. [23:18] <Brookwind> "Fury... can you answer me /one/ thing please?"
  359. [23:19] * Radiant_Fury gives a slight sigh. "What, detective, do you want to know?"
  360. [23:19] * Danger_Zone gives a sigh as she trots out as well.
  361. [23:19] <Brookwind> "Why are you so adamant as to refuse any help?"
  362. [23:19] * Radiant_Fury smiles to Danger_Zone. "I'm not. I'm adamant in refusing /your/ help."
  363. [23:21] * Limuko waited for Dusty and him to be alone. Once they were, Limuko decides to speak. "I do not unicorn mare, I don't think she is friendly."
  364. [23:21] <~Radio|GM> Dusty nods with a sigh.
  365. [23:21] * Danger_Zone eyes Brookwind. "Look. Are you /trying/ to become a corpse? Because for a detective? You need to brush up on your street smarts. Don't step in front of grenades. Don't agitate the mare who wouldn't mind if you bit the dust. If you want to... 'help', then use your head and 'help' as far away as you can get."
  366. [23:23] <Brookwind> "There's an old pre-war motto, 'protect and serve'. I try my best to follow it, and if that means dying trying to save others' lives then so be it." She says, before turning to go look for a map.
  367. [23:24] * Radiant_Fury smirks at Brookwind as she trots away. "Pre-war, eh? Look around you, detective! See where that motto got them!"
  368. [23:23] <~Radio|GM> And so it ends for now with two arguing mares. Where will we go next?
  369. [23:23] <~Radio|GM> ---End Session---
  370. [23:27] <~Radio|GM> ---Group gains 200 EXP!---
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