
Plate of Fate: Mayhem Admin Script

Oct 19th, 2018
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  1. --[[
  2. AposAdmin
  3. -
  4. Personal Edition
  6. Made by: Apostasia
  7. Desc: An admin script for the game Plates of Fate: Mayhem
  9. IMPORTANT NOTE: I ask that if you do use this script, please don't do tasteless shit like spam kill/ or explode/ or just destroy the server. Try to have some fun and let others have fun too without fucking shit up
  11. Commands:
  12. kill/playername or others -- kills a player
  13. loopkill/playername --loopkills a player until they leave the server
  14. explode/playername or others -- places a mine at the targets location
  15. plate/playername or others -- places a plate at the targets location, you can use these plates to place decals or audios on, the anime/ command also works on these plates (have to use anime/Nobody)
  16. tree/playername or others -- places a tree at the targets location
  17. banana/playername or others -- places 3 bananas at the targets location to trip them
  18. potato/playername or others -- gives the target 3 hot potatos that slowly kill them, if they are on the Playing team they can give these potatos to other players but if they are on the Spectating team they cannot, and will die from the potatos
  19. kawaii/ -- places a random touhou/anime character and random touhou/anime audio on every plate
  20. anime/platename -- places a random touhou/anime character and random touhou/anime audio on a specific plate, also has a 1/75 chance of giving that plate the LEGENDARY UTSUHO. you are required by cosmic law to give a win to the person who gets Utsuho on their plate using the win/ command
  21. health/playername -- restores the target back to full health
  22. god/playername -- continously restores the targets health to full, this doesnt make you totally invulnerable though, as things that do more damage than your max health will kill you. the script also stops giving health after you have died
  23. utsuho/platename -- puts Utsuho and a PRAISE THE SUN audio on a plate, Utsuhos given using this command don't qualify for the LEGENDARY UTSUHO lottery
  24. destroy/server -- PLEASE DON'T ABUSE THIS, it places plates all around the lobby and puts anime/touhou on every one of them, then when thats done it puts mines all over the place
  25. tp/playername -- teleports to a player
  26. platetp/platename -- teleports to a plate, it teleports to a plate based on the owner of the plate, so if you used platetp/Leon it would teleport you to the plate owned by someone with Leon in their name
  27. points/ -- gives yourself 999 million points, can only work for the account your signed in on, just use points/ with nothing past it
  28. win/playername -- PLEASE DON'T ABUSE THIS, makes that player win the game by killing everyone else except them, this will only work on players in the Playing team and will only kill other people in the Playing team
  29. expand10/playername -- expands the players plate by 10 studs, does NOT work with plates that arent owned by a player
  30. expand25/playername -- read above
  31. expand50/playername -- read above
  32. expand100/playername -- read above
  33. shrink10/playername -- does what expand/ does but instead of expanding it shrinks
  34. shrink25/playername -- read above
  35. shrink50/playername -- read above
  36. shrink100/playername -- ready above
  37. decal/decalid -- places this decal on all plates
  38. audio/audioid -- places this audio on all plates
  39. particle/decalid -- like the decal/ command, put instead of decals it places particles, but that also uses decal ids
  40. sparkle/ -- places sparkles on everyones plate, not sure if it works tho
  41. detonate/ -- places a banana on every landmine in the map, basically triggering them all. also places a nuke alarm audio on every plate lol
  42. platewalk/on or off -- best used with a speed coil, places a plate under you every .15 seconds, can use this to create a staircase of plates. Since these qualify as game plates, they will also be affected by events and other commands, can also possibly lag the server out, breaking the timer
  43. trap/platename -- "sabotages" the target plate, so whenever you or an inanimate object touches the plate, a landmine is placed at the location where it was touched, best used with things like banana rain for total carnage
  44. EXPLOOOSION/ -- PLEASE DON'T ABUSE THIS, EXTREMELY LAGGY, summons the spirit of Megumin as thousands of mines are placed into the arena, also konosuba reference lmao
  45. layer/Yvaluehere -- places mines at certain Y values in the arena. For reference, 1.5 is the Y value for where player legs touch plates on normal rounds
  47. tool/tooltype -- gives you the tool specified, some tools are client sided though and will only work/show for you
  48. round/roundtype -- activates one of my special custom rounds
  49. delete/deletetype -- deletes the target from the game so it cant harm you, doesnt work too well with things like the Moon
  51. Tool Types (The ones that work):
  52. gravcoil - Gravity Coil
  53. speedcoil - Speed Coil
  54. regencoil - Regeneration Coil
  55. banana - Banana Peel
  56. pie - Pie
  57. plate - Placeable Plate
  58. parachute - Parachute
  60. Round Types:
  61. minefield - places a small amount of mines around the arena
  62. megafield - minefields big brother, places a lot of mines around the arena but not enough to lag anyone out
  63. plates - places plates at random locations around the arena
  64. moneyrain - rains dolla bills ma boii lmao we rich, the money can also set off landmines
  65. bananarain - rains banana peels, these can set off landmines and can trip players
  66. platesize - sets a players plate size to anything between -10 to 15 studs
  67. yatagarasu - an unfinished round dedicated to utsuho, probably wont finish so now it looks like a mess, dont use unless your bored
  69. Delete Types:
  70. fire - deletes fire around the map
  71. blackhole - deletes blackholes
  72. lavaspinner - deletes small and the giant lava spinners
  73. bomb - deletes plate bombs so their explosions dont hurt you
  74. prison - deletes cages
  75. spike - deletes spikes
  76. zombie - deletes zombies so they cant harm you
  77. bombcloud - deletes bomb clouds, doesnt work too well
  78. tornado - deletes tornados
  79. fence - deletes electric fences
  80. disco - deletes the giant disco ball of doom (Disco Doom round)
  81. plrbomb - deletes the bomb thats placed on your head, rendering its explosion useless
  82. cactus - deletes cacti
  83. wall - deletes brick walls
  84. freeze - deletes freeze parts and sets your walkspeed and jumppower back to normal
  85. volcano - deletes volcano pellets
  86. moon - deletes the moon, doesnt work
  87. nuke - deletes nuke explosions so they cant hurt you
  88. landmine - deletes landmines so they cant be triggered by you or hurt you
  89. marble - deletes the marble set on you so you can be free, doesnt work most of the time so you have to manually execute it with this script:
  90. for i,v in pairs (game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:GetChildren()) do
  91. if v.Name == "Marble" then
  92. v:Destroy()
  93. end
  94. end
  95. --]]
  97. plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer
  98. local player
  99. local all = "all"
  100. local others = "others"
  101. local me = "me"
  102. local pos
  103. local mine = "minefield"
  104. local bana = "bananarain"
  105. local pla = "plates"
  106. local mon = "moneyrain"
  107. local mega = "megafield"
  108. local size = "platesize"
  109. local point = "points"
  110. local yata = "yatagarasu"
  111. local wati = true
  112. did = "s"
  113. mem = "s"
  115. local swrd = "sword"
  116. local pot = "potato"
  117. local pie = "pie"
  118. local gracoil = "gravcoil"
  119. local specoil = "speedcoil"
  120. local regcoil = "regencoil"
  121. local cola = "cola"
  122. local banan = "banana"
  123. local para = "parachute"
  124. local firew = "firework"
  125. local plate = "plate"
  126. local burg = "burger"
  127. local plamine = "mine"
  128. local treer = "tree"
  129. local telep = "teleport"
  130. local mbag = "bag"
  132. local on = "on"
  133. local off = "off"
  134. local status = "s"
  136. local fire = "fire"
  137. local black = "blackhole"
  138. local ls = "lavaspinner"
  139. local bmb = "bomb"
  140. local pri = "prison"
  141. local spk = "spike"
  142. local zomb = "zombie"
  143. local bmbc = "bombcloud"
  144. local tor = "tornado"
  145. local fen = "fence"
  146. local dis = "disco"
  147. local pbmb = "plrbomb"
  148. local cac = "cactus"
  149. local wal = "wall"
  150. local frz = "freeze"
  151. local vol = "volcano"
  152. local mun = "moon"
  153. local nuk = "nuke"
  154. local min = "landmine"
  155. local marbl = "marble"
  157. local coin = "coin"
  158. local chest = "chest"
  160. function layer(y)
  161. local xx = math.random(-111.6, 111.6)
  162. local zz = math.random(-108.2, 108.2)
  163. for i = 1,5 do
  164. for i = 1,100 do
  165. print("Layered!")
  166. workspace.RemoteEvents.PlaceMineEvent:FireServer(,y,zz), "D=9Vb7aMuZt!8aMH")
  167. xx = math.random(-111.6, 111.6)
  168. zz = math.random(-108.2, 108.2)
  169. end
  170. end
  171. end
  173. function addplates(stage)
  174. local xx = math.random(-111.6, 111.6)
  175. local zz = math.random(-108.2, 108.2)
  176. local yy = math.random(stage, stage*3)
  177. for i = 1,60 do
  178. workspace.RemoteEvents.PlacePlateEvent:FireServer(,yy,zz),"D=9Vb7aMuZt!8aMH")
  179. xx = math.random(-111.6, 111.6)
  180. zz = math.random(-108.2, 108.2)
  181. yy = math.random(stage, stage*3)
  182. end
  183. end
  185. function utsuho()
  186. workspace.RemoteEvents.PlacePlateEvent:FireServer(,90,54.1),"D=9Vb7aMuZt!8aMH")
  187. for i,v in pairs (workspace.Plates:GetChildren()) do
  188. if v.Plate.Position ==,90,54.1) then
  189. workspace.RemoteEvents.AddDecal:FireServer(148020567, v, "D=9Vb7aMuZt!8aMH")
  190. for i = 1,3 do
  191. workspace.RemoteEvents.AddParticles:FireServer(148020567, v, "D=9Vb7aMuZt!8aMH")
  192. end
  193. v.Plate.Touched:Connect(function(who)
  194. if who.Name == "Right Leg" or who.Name == "Left Leg" or who.Name == "Right Arm" or who.Name == "Left Arm" or who.Name == "Torso" or who.Name == "Head" or who.Name == "HumanoidRootPart" then
  195. local winner = who.Parent.Name
  196. for i,b in pairs (game.Players:GetChildren()) do
  197. if b.Team == game.Teams.Playing and b.Name ~= winner then
  198. workspace.RemoteEvents.TakeDamageEvent:FireServer(b.Character.Humanoid, 99999, "D=9Vb7aMuZt!8aMH")
  199. end
  200. end
  201. end
  202. end)
  203. end
  204. end
  205. layer(-5)
  206. wait(10)
  207. addplates(5)
  208. wait(5)
  209. layer(2)
  210. layer(5)
  211. layer(7)
  212. wait(5)
  213. addplates(20)
  214. wait(10)
  215. layer(10)
  216. layer(13)
  217. layer(16)
  218. layer(19)
  219. wait(5)
  220. addplates(30)
  221. wait(5)
  222. end
  224. local xx = math.random(-69.25, 147.75)
  225. local zz = math.random(113.75, 330.75)
  226. local yy = math.random(-20.5,45.5)
  227. local plat = math.random(-10,10)
  228. plr.Chatted:Connect(function(msg)
  229. if string.sub(msg, 1, 5) == "kill/" then
  230. if not all:match(string.sub(msg, 6)) or others:match(string.sub(msg, 6)) or me:match(string.sub(msg, 6)) then
  231. for i,v in pairs (game.Players:GetChildren()) do
  232. if v.Name ~= "XxCreeperStalkerz" or v.Name ~= "Apostasla" then
  233. if v.Name:match(string.sub(msg, 6)) then
  234. player = v.Character.Humanoid
  235. workspace.RemoteEvents.TakeDamageEvent:FireServer(player, 99999, "D=9Vb7aMuZt!8aMH")
  236. elseif all:match(string.sub(msg, 6)) then
  237. player = v.Character.Humanoid
  238. workspace.RemoteEvents.TakeDamageEvent:FireServer(player, 99999, "D=9Vb7aMuZt!8aMH")
  239. elseif others:match(string.sub(msg, 6)) then
  240. if v ~= game.Players.LocalPlayer then
  241. player = v.Character.Humanoid
  242. workspace.RemoteEvents.TakeDamageEvent:FireServer(player, 99999, "D=9Vb7aMuZt!8aMH")
  243. elseif me:match(string.sub(msg, 6)) then
  244. if v == game.Players.LocalPlayer then
  245. player = v.Character.Humanoid
  246. workspace.RemoteEvents.TakeDamageEvent:FireServer(player, 99999, "D=9Vb7aMuZt!8aMH")
  247. end
  248. end
  249. end
  250. end
  251. end
  252. end
  253. end
  254. if string.sub(msg, 1, 9) == "loopkill/" then
  255. if not all:match(string.sub(msg, 10)) or others:match(string.sub(msg, 10)) or me:match(string.sub(msg, 10)) then
  256. for i,v in pairs (game.Players:GetChildren()) do
  257. if v.Name ~= "XxCreeperStalkerz" or v.Name ~= "Apostasla" then
  258. if v.Name:match(string.sub(msg, 10)) then
  259. while wait(1) do
  260. player = v.Character.Humanoid
  261. workspace.RemoteEvents.TakeDamageEvent:FireServer(player, 99999, "D=9Vb7aMuZt!8aMH")
  262. end
  263. elseif all:match(string.sub(msg, 10)) then
  264. while wait(1) do
  265. player = v.Character.Humanoid
  266. workspace.RemoteEvents.TakeDamageEvent:FireServer(player, 99999, "D=9Vb7aMuZt!8aMH")
  267. end
  268. elseif others:match(string.sub(msg, 10)) then
  269. if v ~= game.Players.LocalPlayer then
  270. while wait(1) do
  271. player = v.Character.Humanoid
  272. workspace.RemoteEvents.TakeDamageEvent:FireServer(player, 99999, "D=9Vb7aMuZt!8aMH")
  273. end
  274. elseif me:match(string.sub(msg, 10)) then
  275. if v == game.Players.LocalPlayer then
  276. while wait(1) do
  277. player = v.Character.Humanoid
  278. workspace.RemoteEvents.TakeDamageEvent:FireServer(player, 99999, "D=9Vb7aMuZt!8aMH")
  279. end
  280. end
  281. end
  282. end
  283. end
  284. end
  285. end
  286. end
  287. if string.sub(msg, 1, 8) == "explode/" then
  288. if not all:match(string.sub(msg, 9)) or others:match(string.sub(msg, 9)) or me:match(string.sub(msg, 9)) then
  289. for i,v in pairs (game.Players:GetChildren()) do
  290. if v.Name ~= "XxCreeperStalkerz" or v.Name ~= "Apostasla" then
  291. if v.Name:match(string.sub(msg, 9)) then
  292. pos = v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position
  293. workspace.RemoteEvents.PlaceMineEvent:FireServer(,pos.Y,pos.Z),"D=9Vb7aMuZt!8aMH")
  294. elseif all:match(string.sub(msg, 9)) then
  295. pos = v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position
  296. workspace.RemoteEvents.PlaceMineEvent:FireServer(,pos.Y,pos.Z),"D=9Vb7aMuZt!8aMH")
  297. elseif others:match(string.sub(msg, 9)) then
  298. if v ~= game.Players.LocalPlayer then
  299. pos = v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position
  300. workspace.RemoteEvents.PlaceMineEvent:FireServer(,pos.Y,pos.Z),"D=9Vb7aMuZt!8aMH")
  301. elseif me:match(string.sub(msg, 9)) then
  302. if v == game.Players.LocalPlayer then
  303. pos = v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position
  304. workspace.RemoteEvents.PlaceMineEvent:FireServer(,pos.Y,pos.Z),"D=9Vb7aMuZt!8aMH")
  305. end
  306. end
  307. end
  308. end
  309. end
  310. end
  311. end
  312. if string.sub(msg, 1, 6) == "plate/" then
  313. if not all:match(string.sub(msg, 7)) or others:match(string.sub(msg, 7)) or me:match(string.sub(msg, 7)) then
  314. for i,v in pairs (game.Players:GetChildren()) do
  315. if v.Name:match(string.sub(msg, 7)) then
  316. pos = v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position
  317. workspace.RemoteEvents.PlacePlateEvent:FireServer(,pos.Y,pos.Z),"D=9Vb7aMuZt!8aMH")
  318. elseif all:match(string.sub(msg, 7)) then
  319. pos = v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position
  320. workspace.RemoteEvents.PlacePlateEvent:FireServer(,pos.Y,pos.Z),"D=9Vb7aMuZt!8aMH")
  321. elseif others:match(string.sub(msg, 7)) then
  322. if v ~= game.Players.LocalPlayer then
  323. pos = v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position
  324. workspace.RemoteEvents.PlacePlateEvent:FireServer(,pos.Y,pos.Z),"D=9Vb7aMuZt!8aMH")
  325. elseif me:match(string.sub(msg, 7)) then
  326. if v == game.Players.LocalPlayer then
  327. pos = v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position
  328. workspace.RemoteEvents.PlacePlateEvent:FireServer(,pos.Y,pos.Z),"D=9Vb7aMuZt!8aMH")
  329. end
  330. end
  331. end
  332. end
  333. end
  334. end
  335. if string.sub(msg, 1, 5) == "tree/" then
  336. if not all:match(string.sub(msg, 6)) or others:match(string.sub(msg, 6)) or me:match(string.sub(msg, 6)) then
  337. for i,v in pairs (game.Players:GetChildren()) do
  338. if v.Name:match(string.sub(msg, 6)) then
  339. pos = v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position
  340. workspace.RemoteEvents.PlaceTreeEvent:FireServer(,pos.Y,pos.Z),"D=9Vb7aMuZt!8aMH")
  341. elseif all:match(string.sub(msg, 6)) then
  342. pos = v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position
  343. workspace.RemoteEvents.PlaceTreeEvent:FireServer(,pos.Y,pos.Z),"D=9Vb7aMuZt!8aMH")
  344. elseif others:match(string.sub(msg, 6)) then
  345. if v ~= game.Players.LocalPlayer then
  346. pos = v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position
  347. workspace.RemoteEvents.PlaceTreeEvent:FireServer(,pos.Y,pos.Z),"D=9Vb7aMuZt!8aMH")
  348. elseif me:match(string.sub(msg, 6)) then
  349. if v == game.Players.LocalPlayer then
  350. pos = v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position
  351. workspace.RemoteEvents.PlaceTreeEvent:FireServer(,pos.Y,pos.Z),"D=9Vb7aMuZt!8aMH")
  352. end
  353. end
  354. end
  355. end
  356. end
  357. end
  358. if string.sub(msg, 1, 7) == "banana/" then
  359. if not all:match(string.sub(msg, 8)) or others:match(string.sub(msg, 8)) or me:match(string.sub(msg, 8)) then
  360. for i,v in pairs (game.Players:GetChildren()) do
  361. if v.Name:match(string.sub(msg, 8)) then
  362. pos = v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position
  363. for i = 1,3 do
  364. workspace.RemoteEvents.BananaEvent:FireServer(,pos.Y,pos.Z),"D=9Vb7aMuZt!8aMH")
  365. end
  366. elseif all:match(string.sub(msg, 8)) then
  367. pos = v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position
  368. for i = 1,3 do
  369. workspace.RemoteEvents.BananaEvent:FireServer(,pos.Y,pos.Z),"D=9Vb7aMuZt!8aMH")
  370. end
  371. elseif others:match(string.sub(msg, 8)) then
  372. if v ~= game.Players.LocalPlayer then
  373. pos = v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position
  374. for i = 1,3 do
  375. workspace.RemoteEvents.BananaEvent:FireServer(,pos.Y,pos.Z),"D=9Vb7aMuZt!8aMH")
  376. end
  377. elseif me:match(string.sub(msg, 8)) then
  378. if v == game.Players.LocalPlayer then
  379. pos = v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position
  380. for i = 1,3 do
  381. workspace.RemoteEvents.BananaEvent:FireServer(,pos.Y,pos.Z),"D=9Vb7aMuZt!8aMH")
  382. end
  383. end
  384. end
  385. end
  386. end
  387. end
  388. end
  389. if string.sub(msg, 1, 7) == "potato/" then
  390. if not all:match(string.sub(msg, 8)) or others:match(string.sub(msg, 8)) or me:match(string.sub(msg, 8)) then
  391. for i,v in pairs (game.Players:GetChildren()) do
  392. if v.Name ~= "XxCreeperStalkerz" or v.Name ~= "Apostasla" then
  393. if v.Name:match(string.sub(msg, 8)) then
  394. for i = 1,3 do
  395. workspace.RemoteEvents.PotatoEvent:FireServer(""..v.Name,"D=9Vb7aMuZt!8aMH")
  396. end
  397. elseif all:match(string.sub(msg, 8)) then
  398. for i = 1,3 do
  399. workspace.RemoteEvents.PotatoEvent:FireServer(""..v.Name,"D=9Vb7aMuZt!8aMH")
  400. end
  401. elseif others:match(string.sub(msg, 8)) then
  402. if v ~= game.Players.LocalPlayer then
  403. for i = 1,3 do
  404. workspace.RemoteEvents.PotatoEvent:FireServer(""..v.Name,"D=9Vb7aMuZt!8aMH")
  405. end
  406. elseif me:match(string.sub(msg, 8)) then
  407. if v == game.Players.LocalPlayer then
  408. for i = 1,3 do
  409. workspace.RemoteEvents.BananaEvent:FireServer(""..v.Name,"D=9Vb7aMuZt!8aMH")
  410. end
  411. end
  412. end
  413. end
  414. end
  415. end
  416. end
  417. end
  418. if string.sub(msg, 1, 7) == "kawaii/" then
  419. local decals = {305103891,148020056,426868863,51193582,147906004,496638309,253197559,148020132,147905960,481751303,493330460,147905379,148020283,149874244,149874205,149874142,149874121,149874091,149874074,149874053,149874019,149873976,149873926,148021078,148021043,148020947,148020932,148020914,148020831,148020602,148020411,148020366,148020343,148020177,148020092,148020028,148019993,147906126,147906096,147906037,147905917,147905713,147905608,147905537,147905513,147905447,147905405,147905353,147905331,147905274,147905257,147905207,147905183,135796114,135795749,135795807,135795953,135795910,135795616,135795592,135795638,135795523}
  420. local decal = math.random(#decals)
  421. local c = decals[ decal ]
  423. local songs = {747000636,919270364,155880750,225557046,919256199,919236601,590243700,235201055,155880750,730013942,737043670,379240208,343508984,383056380,911777530,747000636,920219269,168337558,171222847,363553876,227488587,665015838}
  424. local song = math.random(#songs)
  425. local b = songs[ song ]
  427. for i,v in pairs (workspace.Plates:GetChildren()) do
  428. workspace.RemoteEvents.AddDecal:FireServer(c, v, "D=9Vb7aMuZt!8aMH")
  429. for i = 1,3 do
  430. workspace.RemoteEvents.AddParticles:FireServer(c, v, "D=9Vb7aMuZt!8aMH")
  431. end
  432. workspace.RemoteEvents.AddSound:FireServer("rbxassetid://"..b, v, "D=9Vb7aMuZt!8aMH")
  433. song = math.random(#songs)
  434. b = songs[ song ]
  435. decal = math.random(#decals)
  436. c = decals[ decal ]
  437. end
  438. end
  439. if string.sub(msg, 1, 7) == "health/" then
  440. for i,v in pairs (game.Players:GetChildren()) do
  441. if v.Name:match(string.sub(msg, 8)) then
  442. workspace.RemoteEvents.TakeDamageEvent:FireServer(v.Character.Humanoid, v.Character.Humanoid.Health-v.Character.Humanoid.MaxHealth, "D=9Vb7aMuZt!8aMH")
  443. end
  444. end
  445. end
  446. if string.sub(msg, 1, 4) == "god/" then
  447. for i,v in pairs (game.Players:GetChildren()) do
  448. if v.Name:match(string.sub(msg, 5)) then
  449. repeat wait() workspace.RemoteEvents.TakeDamageEvent:FireServer(v.Character.Humanoid, -999999999, "D=9Vb7aMuZt!8aMH") until v.Character.Humanoid.Health == 0
  450. end
  451. end
  452. end
  453. if string.sub(msg, 1, 6) == "anime/" then
  454. for i,v in pairs (workspace.Plates:GetChildren()) do
  455. if v.Owner.Value:match(string.sub(msg, 7)) then
  456. player = v.Owner.Value
  457. end
  458. end
  459. local z
  460. local n
  461. local decals
  462. local decal
  463. local chooser = math.random(1,75)
  464. local songs = {747000636,919270364,155880750,225557046,919256199,919236601,590243700,235201055,155880750,730013942,737043670,379240208,343508984,383056380,911777530,747000636,920219269,168337558,171222847,363553876,227488587,298226253}
  465. local song = math.random(#songs)
  466. local x = songs[ song ]
  468. if chooser ~= 1 then
  469. decals = {305103891,148020056,426868863,51193582,147906004,496638309,253197559,148020132,147905960,481751302,147905379,148020283,149874244,149874204,149874142,149874121,149874091,149874074,149874054,149874019,149873976,149873926,148021078,148021043,148020947,148020932,148020914,148020831,148020602,148020411,148020366,148020343,148020177,148020092,148020028,148019993,147906126,147906096,147906037,147905917,147905713,147905608,147905537,147905513,147905447,147905403,147905353,147905331,147905274,147905257,147905207,147905183,135796113,135795749,135795807,135795953,135795910,135795616,135795592,135795638,135795523}
  470. decal = math.random(#decals)
  471. z = decals[ decal ]
  472. else
  473. z = 148020567
  474. x = 156401749
  475. end
  477. print("Decal is "..z)
  478. print("Audio is "..x)
  479. for i,b in pairs (workspace.Plates:GetChildren()) do
  480. if b.Owner.Value == player and wati == true then
  481. workspace.RemoteEvents.AddDecal:FireServer(z, b, "D=9Vb7aMuZt!8aMH")
  482. for i = 1,3 do
  483. workspace.RemoteEvents.AddParticles:FireServer(z, b, "D=9Vb7aMuZt!8aMH")
  484. end
  485. workspace.RemoteEvents.AddSound:FireServer("rbxassetid://"..x, b, "D=9Vb7aMuZt!8aMH")
  486. wati = false
  487. wait(3)
  488. wati = true
  489. end
  490. end
  491. end
  492. if string.sub(msg, 1, 7) == "utsuho/" then
  493. for i,v in pairs (workspace.Plates:GetChildren()) do
  494. if v.Owner.Value:match(string.sub(msg, 8)) then
  495. z = 148020567
  496. x = 156401749
  497. workspace.RemoteEvents.AddDecal:FireServer(z, v, "D=9Vb7aMuZt!8aMH")
  498. for i = 1,3 do
  499. workspace.RemoteEvents.AddParticles:FireServer(z, v, "D=9Vb7aMuZt!8aMH")
  500. end
  501. workspace.RemoteEvents.AddSound:FireServer("rbxassetid://"..x, v, "D=9Vb7aMuZt!8aMH")
  502. end
  503. end
  504. end
  505. if string.sub(msg, 1, 14) == "destroy/server" then
  506. local xx = math.random(-151.6, 151.6)
  507. local zz = math.random(-108.2, 108.2)
  508. for i = 1,10 do
  509. for i = 1,50 do
  510. workspace.RemoteEvents.PlacePlateEvent:FireServer(,yy,zz), "D=9Vb7aMuZt!8aMH")
  511. xx = math.random(-151.6, 151.6)
  512. zz = math.random(-158.2, 158.2)
  513. yy = math.random(-20.5,45.5)
  514. end
  515. end
  516. wait(3)
  517. local decals = {305103891,148020056,426868863,51193582,147906004,496638309,253197559,148020132,147905960,481751303,493330460,147905379,148020283,149874244,149874205,149874142,149874121,149874091,149874074,149874053,149874019,149873976,149873926,148021078,148021043,148020947,148020932,148020914,148020831,148020602,148020411,148020366,148020343,148020177,148020092,148020028,148019993,147906126,147906096,147906037,147905917,147905713,147905608,147905537,147905513,147905447,147905405,147905353,147905331,147905274,147905257,147905207,147905183,135796114,135795749,135795807,135795953,135795910,135795616,135795592,135795638}
  518. local decal = math.random(#decals)
  519. local c = decals[ decal ]
  521. local songs = {919270364,155880750,225557046,919256199,919236601,590243700,235201055,155880750,201179350,730013942,737043670,343514724,379240208,237388464,343508984,284768504,609167755,383056380,164833164,911777530,397723799,298226253}
  522. local song = math.random(#songs)
  523. local b = songs[ song ]
  525. for i,v in pairs (workspace.Plates:GetChildren()) do
  526. workspace.RemoteEvents.AddDecal:FireServer(c, v, "D=9Vb7aMuZt!8aMH")
  527. for i = 1,5 do
  528. workspace.RemoteEvents.AddParticles:FireServer(c, v, "D=9Vb7aMuZt!8aMH")
  529. end
  530. workspace.RemoteEvents.AddSound:FireServer("rbxassetid://"..b, v, "D=9Vb7aMuZt!8aMH")
  531. song = math.random(#songs)
  532. b = songs[ song ]
  533. decal = math.random(#decals)
  534. c = decals[ decal ]
  535. end
  536. for i = 1,10 do
  537. for i = 1,300 do
  538. workspace.RemoteEvents.PlaceMineEvent:FireServer(,yy,zz), "D=9Vb7aMuZt!8aMH")
  539. xx = math.random(-151.6, 151.6)
  540. zz = math.random(-158.2, 158.2)
  541. yy = math.random(-20.5,85.5)
  542. end
  543. end
  544. end
  545. if string.sub(msg, 1, 3) == "tp/" then
  546. for i,v in pairs (game.Players:GetChildren()) do
  547. if v.Name:match(string.sub(msg, 4)) then
  548. player = v.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position
  549. workspace.RemoteEvents.ToolTeleportEvent:FireServer(,player.Y,player.Z), "D=9Vb7aMuZt!8aMH")
  550. end
  551. end
  552. end
  554. if string.sub(msg, 1, 8) == "platetp/" then
  555. for i,v in pairs (game.Players:GetChildren()) do
  556. if v.Name:match(string.sub(msg, 9)) then
  557. for i,b in pairs (workspace.Plates:GetChildren()) do
  558. if b.Owner.Value == v.Name then
  559. local plater = b.Plate.Position
  560. workspace.RemoteEvents.ToolTeleportEvent:FireServer(,plater.Y,plater.Z), "D=9Vb7aMuZt!8aMH")
  561. end
  562. end
  563. end
  564. end
  565. end
  566. if string.sub(msg, 1, 7) == "points/" then
  567. if not all:match(string.sub(msg, 8)) or others:match(string.sub(msg, 8)) or me:match(string.sub(msg, 8)) then
  568. if me:match(string.sub(msg, 8)) then
  569. workspace.RemoteEvents.ShopBuyEvent:FireServer(-999999999, "D=9Vb7aMuZt!8aMH")
  570. end
  571. end
  572. end
  573. if string.sub(msg, 1, 4) == "win/" then
  574. for i,v in pairs (game.Players:GetChildren()) do
  575. if v.Name:match(string.sub(msg, 5)) and v.Team == game.Teams.Playing then
  576. for i,b in pairs (game.Players:GetChildren()) do
  577. if b.Team == game.Teams.Playing and b ~= v then
  578. workspace.RemoteEvents.TakeDamageEvent:FireServer(b.Character.Humanoid, 99999, "D=9Vb7aMuZt!8aMH")
  579. end
  580. end
  581. end
  582. end
  583. end
  584. if string.sub(msg, 1, 9) == "expand50/" then
  585. for i,v in pairs (game.Players:GetChildren()) do
  586. if v.Name:match(string.sub(msg, 10)) then
  587. if v.gamestats.Plate.Value then
  588. game.Workspace.RemoteEvents.ChangePlateSize:FireServer(v.gamestats.Plate.Value, 50, "D=9Vb7aMuZt!8aMH")
  589. end
  590. end
  591. end
  592. end
  593. if string.sub(msg, 1, 9) == "expand10/" then
  594. for i,v in pairs (game.Players:GetChildren()) do
  595. if v.Name:match(string.sub(msg, 10)) then
  596. if v.gamestats.Plate.Value then
  597. game.Workspace.RemoteEvents.ChangePlateSize:FireServer(v.gamestats.Plate.Value, 10, "D=9Vb7aMuZt!8aMH")
  598. end
  599. end
  600. end
  601. end
  602. if string.sub(msg, 1, 9) == "expand25/" then
  603. for i,v in pairs (game.Players:GetChildren()) do
  604. if v.Name:match(string.sub(msg, 10)) then
  605. if v.gamestats.Plate.Value then
  606. game.Workspace.RemoteEvents.ChangePlateSize:FireServer(v.gamestats.Plate.Value, 25, "D=9Vb7aMuZt!8aMH")
  607. end
  608. end
  609. end
  610. end
  611. if string.sub(msg, 1, 10) == "expand100/" then
  612. for i,v in pairs (game.Players:GetChildren()) do
  613. if v.Name:match(string.sub(msg, 11)) then
  614. if v.gamestats.Plate.Value then
  615. game.Workspace.RemoteEvents.ChangePlateSize:FireServer(v.gamestats.Plate.Value, 100, "D=9Vb7aMuZt!8aMH")
  616. end
  617. end
  618. end
  619. end
  620. if string.sub(msg, 1, 10) == "expandinf/" then
  621. for i,v in pairs (game.Players:GetChildren()) do
  622. if v.Name:match(string.sub(msg, 11)) then
  623. if v.gamestats.Plate.Value then
  624. game.Workspace.RemoteEvents.ChangePlateSize:FireServer(v.gamestats.Plate.Value, 9999999, "D=9Vb7aMuZt!8aMH")
  625. end
  626. end
  627. end
  628. end
  629. if string.sub(msg, 1, 9) == "shrink50/" then
  630. for i,v in pairs (game.Players:GetChildren()) do
  631. if v.Name:match(string.sub(msg, 10)) then
  632. if v.gamestats.Plate.Value then
  633. game.Workspace.RemoteEvents.ChangePlateSize:FireServer(v.gamestats.Plate.Value, -50, "D=9Vb7aMuZt!8aMH")
  634. end
  635. end
  636. end
  637. end
  638. if string.sub(msg, 1, 9) == "shrink10/" then
  639. for i,v in pairs (game.Players:GetChildren()) do
  640. if v.Name:match(string.sub(msg, 10)) then
  641. if v.gamestats.Plate.Value then
  642. game.Workspace.RemoteEvents.ChangePlateSize:FireServer(v.gamestats.Plate.Value, -10, "D=9Vb7aMuZt!8aMH")
  643. end
  644. end
  645. end
  646. end
  647. if string.sub(msg, 1, 9) == "shrink25/" then
  648. for i,v in pairs (game.Players:GetChildren()) do
  649. if v.Name:match(string.sub(msg, 10)) then
  650. if v.gamestats.Plate.Value then
  651. game.Workspace.RemoteEvents.ChangePlateSize:FireServer(v.gamestats.Plate.Value, -25, "D=9Vb7aMuZt!8aMH")
  652. end
  653. end
  654. end
  655. end
  656. if string.sub(msg, 1, 10) == "shrink100/" then
  657. for i,v in pairs (game.Players:GetChildren()) do
  658. if v.Name:match(string.sub(msg, 11)) then
  659. if v.gamestats.Plate.Value then
  660. game.Workspace.RemoteEvents.ChangePlateSize:FireServer(v.gamestats.Plate.Value, -100, "D=9Vb7aMuZt!8aMH")
  661. end
  662. end
  663. end
  664. end
  665. if string.sub(msg, 1, 10) == "shrinkinf/" then
  666. for i,v in pairs (game.Players:GetChildren()) do
  667. if v.Name:match(string.sub(msg, 11)) then
  668. if v.gamestats.Plate.Value then
  669. game.Workspace.RemoteEvents.ChangePlateSize:FireServer(v.gamestats.Plate.Value, -999999, "D=9Vb7aMuZt!8aMH")
  670. end
  671. end
  672. end
  673. end
  674. if string.sub(msg, 1, 6) == "decal/" then
  675. for i,b in pairs (workspace.Plates:GetChildren()) do
  676. workspace.RemoteEvents.AddDecal:FireServer(string.sub(msg, 7), b, "D=9Vb7aMuZt!8aMH")
  677. end
  678. end
  679. if string.sub(msg, 1, 6) == "audio/" then
  680. for i,b in pairs (workspace.Plates:GetChildren()) do
  681. workspace.RemoteEvents.AddSound:FireServer("rbxassetid://"..string.sub(msg, 7), b, "D=9Vb7aMuZt!8aMH")
  682. end
  683. end
  684. if string.sub(msg, 1, 9) == "particle/" then
  685. for i,b in pairs (workspace.Plates:GetChildren()) do
  686. workspace.RemoteEvents.AddParticles:FireServer(string.sub(msg, 10), b, "D=9Vb7aMuZt!8aMH")
  687. end
  688. end
  689. if string.sub(msg, 1, 8) == "sparkle/" then
  690. for i,b in pairs (workspace.Plates:GetChildren()) do
  691. workspace.RemoteEvents.AddParticles:FireServer(string.sub(msg, 9), "D=9Vb7aMuZt!8aMH")
  692. end
  693. end
  695. if string.sub(msg, 1, 9) == "detonate/" then
  696. for i,v in pairs (workspace.Plates:GetChildren()) do
  697. workspace.RemoteEvents.AddSound:FireServer("rbxassetid://134314368", v, "D=9Vb7aMuZt!8aMH")
  698. end
  699. for i,v in pairs (workspace.ArenaEvents:GetChildren()) do
  700. if v.Name == "Landmine" then
  701. workspace.RemoteEvents.BananaEvent:FireServer(,v.Position.Y+1,v.Position.Z), "D=9Vb7aMuZt!8aMH")
  702. end
  703. end
  704. end
  705. if string.sub(msg, 1, 10) == "platewalk/" then
  706. if on:match(string.sub(msg, 11)) then
  707. status = "on"
  708. while status == on do
  709. wait(.15)
  710. pos = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.HumanoidRootPart.Position
  711. workspace.RemoteEvents.PlacePlateEvent:FireServer(,pos.Y-2.5,pos.Z), "D=9Vb7aMuZt!8aMH")
  712. end
  713. end
  714. if off:match(string.sub(msg, 11)) then
  715. status = "off"
  716. end
  717. end
  718. if string.sub(msg, 1, 5) == "trap/" then
  719. for i,v in pairs (game.Players:GetChildren()) do
  720. if v.Name:match(string.sub(msg, 6)) then
  721. player = v.Name
  722. for i,b in pairs (workspace.Plates:GetChildren()) do
  723. if b.Owner.Value == player then
  724. b.Plate.Touched:Connect(function(who)
  725. print("Touched by "..who.Name)
  726. workspace.RemoteEvents.PlaceMineEvent:FireServer(,who.Position.Y,who.Position.Z), "D=9Vb7aMuZt!8aMH")
  727. end)
  728. end
  729. end
  730. end
  731. end
  732. end
  733. if string.sub(msg, 1, 12) == "EXPLOOOSION/" then
  734. if not all:match(string.sub(msg, 13)) or others:match(string.sub(msg, 13)) or me:match(string.sub(msg, 13)) then
  735. for i,v in pairs (workspace.Plates:GetChildren()) do
  736. local becal = 723125463
  737. workspace.RemoteEvents.AddDecal:FireServer(becal, v, true)
  738. for i = 1,5 do
  739. workspace.RemoteEvents.AddParticles:FireServer(becal, v, true)
  740. end
  741. workspace.RemoteEvents.AddSound:FireServer("rbxassetid://665015838", v, "D=9Vb7aMuZt!8aMH")
  742. local xx = math.random(-111.6, 111.6)
  743. local zz = math.random(-108.2, 108.2)
  744. local yy = math.random(-20.5,85.5)
  745. for i = 1,15 do
  746. for i = 1,200 do
  747. workspace.RemoteEvents.PlaceMineEvent:FireServer(,yy,zz), "D=9Vb7aMuZt!8aMH")
  748. xx = math.random(-111.6, 111.6)
  749. zz = math.random(-108.2, 108.2)
  750. yy = math.random(-20.5,85.5)
  751. end
  752. end
  753. end
  754. end
  755. end
  757. if string.sub(msg, 1, 6) == "layer/" then
  758. local xx = math.random(-111.6, 111.6)
  759. local zz = math.random(-108.2, 108.2)
  760. print("Layering!")
  761. for i = 1,5 do
  762. for i = 1,100 do
  763. print("Layered!")
  764. workspace.RemoteEvents.PlaceMineEvent:FireServer(,string.sub(msg,7),zz), "D=9Vb7aMuZt!8aMH")
  765. xx = math.random(-111.6, 111.6)
  766. zz = math.random(-108.2, 108.2)
  767. end
  768. wait(1)
  769. end
  770. end
  772. if string.sub(msg, 1, 5) == "tool/" then
  773. if banan:match(string.sub(msg, 6)) then
  774. print("Giving tool")
  775. local tool = game.ReplicatedStorage["BananaPeel"]:Clone()
  776. tool.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Backpack
  777. elseif swrd:match(string.sub(msg, 6)) then
  778. print("Giving tool")
  779. local tool = game.ReplicatedStorage["Sword"]:Clone()
  780. tool.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Backpack
  781. elseif cola:match(string.sub(msg, 6)) then
  782. print("Giving tool")
  783. local tool = game.ReplicatedStorage["Bloxy Cola"]:Clone()
  784. tool.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Backpack
  785. elseif gracoil:match(string.sub(msg, 6)) then
  786. print("Giving tool")
  787. local tool = game.ReplicatedStorage["GravityCoil"]:Clone()
  788. tool.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Backpack
  789. elseif regcoil:match(string.sub(msg, 6)) then
  790. local tool = game.ReplicatedStorage["RegenCoil"]:Clone()
  791. tool.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Backpack
  792. elseif specoil:match(string.sub(msg, 6)) then
  793. local tool = game.ReplicatedStorage["SpeedCoil"]:Clone()
  794. tool.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Backpack
  795. elseif para:match(string.sub(msg, 6)) then
  796. local tool = game.ReplicatedStorage["Parachute"]:Clone()
  797. tool.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Backpack
  798. elseif firew:match(string.sub(msg, 6)) then
  799. local tool = game.ReplicatedStorage["Fireworks"]:Clone()
  800. tool.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Backpack
  801. elseif pie:match(string.sub(msg, 6)) then
  802. local tool = game.ReplicatedStorage["PieTool"]:Clone()
  803. tool.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Backpack
  804. elseif pot:match(string.sub(msg, 6)) then
  805. local tool = game.ReplicatedStorage["Hot Potato"]:Clone()
  806. tool.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Backpack
  807. elseif plamine:match(string.sub(msg, 6)) then
  808. local tool = game.ReplicatedStorage["Place Mine"]:Clone()
  809. tool.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Backpack
  810. elseif burg:match(string.sub(msg, 6)) then
  811. local tool = game.ReplicatedStorage["Burger"]:Clone()
  812. tool.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Backpack
  813. elseif mbag:match(string.sub(msg, 6)) then
  814. local tool = game.ReplicatedStorage["Moneybag"]:Clone()
  815. tool.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Backpack
  816. elseif treer:match(string.sub(msg, 6)) then
  817. local tool = game.ReplicatedStorage["Place Tree"]:Clone()
  818. tool.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Backpack
  819. elseif telep:match(string.sub(msg, 6)) then
  820. local tool = game.ReplicatedStorage["Teleport to Plate"]:Clone()
  821. tool.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Backpack
  822. elseif plate:match(string.sub(msg, 6)) then
  823. local tool = game.ReplicatedStorage["Place Plate"]:Clone()
  824. tool.Parent = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Backpack
  825. end
  826. end
  827. if string.sub(msg, 1, 6) == "round/" then
  828. if mine:match(string.sub(msg, 7)) then
  829. local xx = math.random(-111.6, 111.6)
  830. local zz = math.random(-108.2, 108.2)
  831. local yy = math.random(-20.5,85.5)
  832. for i = 1,50 do
  833. workspace.RemoteEvents.PlaceMineEvent:FireServer(,yy,zz), "D=9Vb7aMuZt!8aMH")
  834. xx = math.random(-111.6, 111.6)
  835. zz = math.random(-108.2, 108.2)
  836. yy = math.random(-20.5,85.5)
  837. end
  838. elseif mega:match(string.sub(msg, 7)) then
  839. local xx = math.random(-111.6, 111.6)
  840. local zz = math.random(-108.2, 108.2)
  841. local yy = math.random(-20.5,85.5)
  842. for i = 1,10 do
  843. for i = 1,100 do
  844. workspace.RemoteEvents.PlaceMineEvent:FireServer(,yy,zz), "D=9Vb7aMuZt!8aMH")
  845. xx = math.random(-111.6, 111.6)
  846. zz = math.random(-108.2, 108.2)
  847. yy = math.random(-20.5,85.5)
  848. end
  849. end
  850. elseif bana:match(string.sub(msg, 7)) then
  851. local xx = math.random(-111.6, 111.6)
  852. local zz = math.random(-108.2, 108.2)
  853. for i = 1,25 do
  854. for i = 1,100 do
  855. workspace.RemoteEvents.BananaEvent:FireServer(,103.5,zz), "D=9Vb7aMuZt!8aMH")
  856. xx = math.random(-111.6, 111.6)
  857. zz = math.random(-108.2, 108.2)
  858. wait()
  859. end
  860. wait(2)
  861. end
  862. elseif pla:match(string.sub(msg, 7)) then
  863. local xx = math.random(-111.6, 111.6)
  864. local zz = math.random(-108.2, 108.2)
  865. for i = 1,10 do
  866. for i = 1,5 do
  867. workspace.RemoteEvents.PlacePlateEvent:FireServer(,yy,zz), "D=9Vb7aMuZt!8aMH")
  868. xx = math.random(-111.6, 111.6)
  869. zz = math.random(-108.2, 108.2)
  870. yy = math.random(-20.5,45.5)
  871. wait()
  872. end
  873. wait(3.5)
  874. end
  875. elseif mon:match(string.sub(msg, 7)) then
  876. local xx = math.random(-111.6, 111.6)
  877. local zz = math.random(-108.2, 108.2)
  878. for i = 1,25 do
  879. for i = 1,75 do
  880. workspace.RemoteEvents.MoneybagEvent:FireServer(,103.5,zz)), "D=9Vb7aMuZt!8aMH")
  881. xx = math.random(-111.6, 111.6)
  882. zz = math.random(-108.2, 108.2)
  883. wait(.1)
  884. end
  885. wait(2)
  886. end
  887. elseif size:match(string.sub(msg, 7)) then
  888. for i,v in pairs(game.Players:GetChildren()) do
  889. plat = math.random(-10,15)
  890. if v.gamestats.Plate then
  891. game.Workspace.RemoteEvents.ChangePlateSize:FireServer(v.gamestats.Plate.Value, plat, "D=9Vb7aMuZt!8aMH")
  892. end
  893. end
  894. elseif yata:match(string.sub(msg,7)) then
  895. workspace.RemoteEvents.PlacePlateEvent:FireServer(,10,-108.2), "D=9Vb7aMuZt!8aMH")
  896. workspace.RemoteEvents.PlacePlateEvent:FireServer(,10,108.2), "D=9Vb7aMuZt!8aMH")
  897. workspace.RemoteEvents.PlacePlateEvent:FireServer(,10,108.2), "D=9Vb7aMuZt!8aMH")
  898. workspace.RemoteEvents.PlacePlateEvent:FireServer(,10,-108.2), "D=9Vb7aMuZt!8aMH")
  899. for i,v in pairs (workspace.Plates:GetChildren()) do
  900. if v.Plate.Position.Y == 10 then
  901. workspace.RemoteEvents.AddSound:FireServer("rbxassetid://919270364", v, "D=9Vb7aMuZt!8aMH")
  902. end
  903. end
  904. utsuho()
  905. end
  906. end
  907. if string.sub(msg, 1, 7) == "delete/" then
  908. if fire:match(string.sub(msg, 8)) then
  909. for i,v in pairs (workspace.ArenaEvents:GetChildren()) do
  910. if v.Name == "FirePart" then
  911. v:Destroy()
  912. end
  913. end
  914. elseif black:match(string.sub(msg, 8)) then
  915. for i,v in pairs (workspace.ArenaEvents:GetChildren()) do
  916. if v.Name == "Blackhole" then
  917. v:Destroy()
  918. end
  919. end
  920. elseif tor:match(string.sub(msg, 8)) then
  921. for i,v in pairs (workspace.ArenaEvents:GetChildren()) do
  922. if v.Name == "Tornado" then
  923. v:Destroy()
  924. end
  925. end
  926. elseif min:match(string.sub(msg, 8)) then
  927. for i,v in pairs (workspace.ArenaEvents:GetChildren()) do
  928. if v.Name == "Landmine" then
  929. v:Destroy()
  930. end
  931. end
  932. elseif vol:match(string.sub(msg, 8)) then
  933. for i,v in pairs (workspace.ArenaEvents:GetChildren()) do
  934. if v.Name == "Part" and v.BrickColor =="Crimson") then
  935. v:Destroy()
  936. end
  937. end
  938. elseif dis:match(string.sub(msg, 8)) then
  939. for i,v in pairs (workspace.ArenaEvents:GetChildren()) do
  940. if v.Name == "DiscoBallOfDoom" then
  941. v:Destroy()
  942. end
  943. end
  944. elseif nuk:match(string.sub(msg, 8)) then
  945. for i,v in pairs (workspace.ArenaEvents:GetChildren()) do
  946. if v.Name == "Nuke" or v.Name == "NukeExplosion" then
  947. v:Destroy()
  948. end
  949. end
  950. elseif mun:match(string.sub(msg, 8)) then
  951. for i,v in pairs (workspace.ArenaEvents:GetChildren()) do
  952. if v.Name == "Moon" then
  953. v:Destroy()
  954. end
  955. end
  956. elseif ls:match(string.sub(msg, 8)) then
  957. for i,v in pairs (workspace.Plates:GetChildren()) do
  958. for i,b in pairs (v:GetChildren()) do
  959. if b.Name == "LavaSpinner" then
  960. b:Destroy()
  961. end
  962. end
  963. end
  964. for i,v in pairs (workspace.ArenaEvents:GetChildren()) do
  965. if v.Name == "GiantLavaSpinner" then
  966. v:Destroy()
  967. end
  968. end
  969. elseif bmb:match(string.sub(msg, 8)) then
  970. for i,v in pairs (workspace.Plates:GetChildren()) do
  971. for i,b in pairs (v:GetChildren()) do
  972. if b.Name == "TimeBomb" then
  973. b:Destroy()
  974. end
  975. end
  976. end
  977. elseif pri:match(string.sub(msg, 8)) then
  978. for i,v in pairs (workspace.Plates:GetChildren()) do
  979. for i,b in pairs (v:GetChildren()) do
  980. if b.Name == "Cage" then
  981. b:Destroy()
  982. end
  983. end
  984. end
  985. elseif spk:match(string.sub(msg, 8)) then
  986. for i,v in pairs (workspace.Plates:GetChildren()) do
  987. for i,b in pairs (v:GetChildren()) do
  988. if b.Name == "Spike" then
  989. b:Destroy()
  990. end
  991. end
  992. end
  993. elseif zomb:match(string.sub(msg, 8)) then
  994. for i,v in pairs (workspace.Plates:GetChildren()) do
  995. for i,b in pairs (v:GetChildren()) do
  996. if b.Name == "Zombie" then
  997. b:Destroy()
  998. end
  999. end
  1000. end
  1001. elseif bmbc:match(string.sub(msg, 8)) then
  1002. for i,v in pairs (workspace.Plates:GetChildren()) do
  1003. for i,b in pairs (v:GetChildren()) do
  1004. if b.Name == "BombCloud" then
  1005. b:Destroy()
  1006. end
  1007. end
  1008. end
  1009. elseif fen:match(string.sub(msg, 8)) then
  1010. for i,v in pairs (workspace.Plates:GetChildren()) do
  1011. for i,b in pairs (v:GetChildren()) do
  1012. if b.Name == "ElectricFence" then
  1013. b:Destroy()
  1014. end
  1015. end
  1016. end
  1017. elseif cac:match(string.sub(msg, 8)) then
  1018. for i,v in pairs (workspace.Plates:GetChildren()) do
  1019. for i,b in pairs (v:GetChildren()) do
  1020. if b.Name == "Cactus" then
  1021. b:Destroy()
  1022. end
  1023. end
  1024. end
  1025. elseif wal:match(string.sub(msg, 8)) then
  1026. for i,v in pairs (workspace.Plates:GetChildren()) do
  1027. for i,b in pairs (v:GetChildren()) do
  1028. if b.Name == "Wall" then
  1029. b:Destroy()
  1030. end
  1031. end
  1032. end
  1033. elseif pbmb:match(string.sub(msg, 8)) then
  1034. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.PlayerTimeBomb:Destroy()
  1035. end
  1036. elseif frz:match(string.sub(msg, 8)) then
  1037. for i,v in pairs (game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:GetChildren()) do
  1038. if v.Name == "Part" then
  1039. v:Destroy()
  1040. end
  1041. end
  1042. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.JumpPower = 50
  1043. game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.WalkSpeed = 16
  1044. elseif marbl:match(string.sub(msg, 8)) then
  1045. for i,v in pairs (game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:GetChildren()) do
  1046. if v.Name == "Marble" then
  1047. v:Destroy()
  1048. end
  1049. end
  1050. end
  1051. end)
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