
Restaurant tycoon 2

Jul 8th, 2023 (edited)
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  1. local library = loadstring(game:HttpGet(('')))()
  2. local w = library:CreateWindow("Restaurant Tycoon 2")
  3. local b = w:CreateFolder("Main")
  4. b:Button("Player Instant Cook",function()
  5. local Cooking = game.Players.LocalPlayer.PlayerScripts.CookingNew
  6. local CookProgress = require(Cooking.CookProgress)
  7. local MultiClick = require(Cooking.InputDetectors.MultiClick)
  8. local MouseMovement = require(Cooking.InputDetectors.MouseMovement)
  9. local MouseSpin = require(Cooking.InputDetectors.MouseSpin)
  10. local run =
  11. = function(...)
  12. local ARGS = {...}
  13. ARGS[3] = 0
  14. return run(unpack(ARGS))
  15. end
  16. MultiClick.start = function(...)
  17. ({...})[3]()
  18. end
  19. MouseMovement.start = function(...)
  20. ({...})[3]()
  21. end
  22. MouseSpin.start = function(...)
  23. ({...})[3]()
  24. end
  25. end)
  26. b:Button("Auto Collect Money",function()
  27. warn("Requiring API")do
  28. loadstring(game:HttpGet(""))();
  29. end warn("API Loaded")
  30. local child = object.child
  31. local descendant = object.descendant
  32. local check = object.check
  33. local Tycoon = game.Players.LocalPlayer.Tycoon.Value
  34. descendant.foreach(Tycoon.Items.OftenFiltered.Surface,"Bill",function(Bill)
  35. local Settings = {
  36. ["name"] = "CollectBill",
  37. ["model"] = Bill.Parent
  38. }
  39. game.ReplicatedStorage.Events.ClientTycoonInput:FireServer(Tycoon,Settings)
  40. end)
  41. local Connection,Code = descendant.on_add(Tycoon.Items.OftenFiltered.Surface,function(Bill)
  42. == "Bill",function()
  43. local Settings = {
  44. ["name"] = "CollectBill",
  45. ["model"] = Bill.Parent
  46. }
  47. game.ReplicatedStorage.Events.ClientTycoonInput:FireServer(Tycoon,Settings)
  48. end)
  49. end)
  50. end)
  51. b:Button("NPC Cook & Reach",function()
  52. local chiefInstantCook = true
  53. local npcReach = true
  54. local Client = game.Players.LocalPlayer
  55. local PS = Client.PlayerScripts
  56. local Module = require(PS.ClientMain.Replications.Workers.WalkDummy)
  57. local Worker = require(PS.CookingNew.WorkerComponents.WorkerDefault)
  58. local M1 = require(PS.ClientMain.Replications.Customers.GetNPCFolder)
  59. if npcReach then
  60. hookfunction(Module,function()
  61. return task.wait()
  62. end)
  63. end
  64. if chiefInstantCook then
  65. Worker.event = function(...)
  66. local args = {...}
  67. local npc = M1.GetNPCFolder(args[1]).ClientWorkers:FindFirstChild(args[2])
  68. local M2 = game.ReplicatedStorage.MiscModules.CookingSharedCharacter:FindFirstChild(args[4])
  69. if M2 then
  70. require(M2).finishInteract(npc,args[3],args[4])
  71. end
  72. return
  73. end
  74. end
  75. end)
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