
Magical Burst: Session 49 - Guardians Unveiled

Apr 24th, 2015
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  1. Never tell your password to anyone.
  2. Sunday, November 30, 2014
  3. 5:56 PM - Schwankalicious entered chat.
  4. 5:56 PM - Smas entered chat.
  5. 5:57 PM - sUiCiDaL Scribe Senpai McBighuge has changed their name to Thanks for Giving Us a Contract.
  6. 5:59 PM - Ei C. Cream entered chat.
  7. 6:02 PM - Eri'lly don't know what I'm doin has changed their name to Ninjas are Bad Investigators.
  8. 6:05 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: I've learned from friday that moonshine makes me dazed. Whiskey just gets me drunk. So I think I'll stick with whiskey and coffee
  9. 6:06 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: (what friggles doesn't know, he'll never get to play Rin)
  10. 6:09 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: You all wake up, still in Tami's house. It's now Friday.
  11. 6:11 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: You're welcome to like, do things. I imagine you're all curled up in sleeping bags on the livingroom floor, so you're not split between the house.
  12. 6:11 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: Eri crawls out, and makes the most important roll this session; the cooking roll.
  13. 6:11 PM - Doggie Smalls: I stretch out and wake up, looking down at my chest before putting a hand to it, feeling a pulse.
  14. 6:11 PM - Doggie Smalls: "...Guys"
  15. 6:11 PM - Doggie Smalls: "GUYS"
  16. 6:12 PM - Doggie Smalls: "YOU WONT BELIEVE WHAT HAPPENED!" I shout, not caring about the others who are still sleeping.
  17. 6:12 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: With a start, most of the other participants of the sleepover awaken.
  18. 6:14 PM - Sarah Salem: My eyes fly open and I wiggle around, still trapped in a sleeping bag with Anna.
  19. 6:14 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: Anna's eyes fly open as well, wiggling furiously in an attempt to disengage from the zipped-up bag. They writhe about like a Metapod using Struggle.
  20. 6:15 PM - Sarah Salem: I head-bump my sister.
  21. 6:12 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: Suzu still seems conked out, and Ko is not keen on moving and disturbing Suzu, who is sleeping while hugging her.
  22. 6:12 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "What...?" Eri asks half-heartedly, grabbing materials out to cook with, still rubbing the sleep out of her eyes.
  24. 6:14 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "Wha? Are you sure you weren't like, dreaming or something?"
  25. 6:14 PM - Doggie Smalls: I run over to Eri and throw my shirt off. "Feel my chest and judge for yourself!"
  26. 6:15 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "Wai WHA" Eri avoids doing the thing that Satoya mentions.
  27. 6:16 PM - Doggie Smalls: "I have a heartbeat! I'm not pale and cold, look at me, I'm ALIVE!" I pratically scream, giving a cheer.
  28. 6:16 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: Tami slowly rises. Her hair is a myrid of tiny ahoges.
  29. 6:16 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: Suzu finally begins moving, looking around with a dazed expression. Ko smiles.
  30. 6:17 PM - Sarah Salem: I free my one hand and rub my eyes, wetting my lips. "What is she yelling about?"
  31. 6:17 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: Eri slowly looks at Satoya, and realizes that she is indeed, looking less dead.
  32. 6:17 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "...So, uhm... ok."
  33. 6:18 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: R: "Less... dead? I'm uh, not following here."
  34. 6:18 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "We can probably talk about it after breakfast."
  35. 6:18 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: (12 on the breakfast roll)
  36. 6:18 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: (the most important roll)
  37. 6:18 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: In the midst of the commotion, Eri produces a pretty good breakfast. It actually seems rather tasty.
  38. 6:18 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "I made pancakes~."
  39. 6:18 PM - Eve: Eve wakes up slightly dazed and trys to shake Ally awake.
  40. 6:19 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: Ally's large snot bubble pops, and she blinks twice before smiling brightly, seemingly completely awake. "Hi Eevee!"
  41. 6:19 PM - Eve: "M-morning, th-there seems to be some commotion going on..."
  42. 6:20 PM - Eve: Eve retrieves the key to her handcuffs and unhooks them, stashing them safely back in her bag.
  43. 6:21 PM - Sarah Salem: I wiggle my way out of the sleeping bag like a caterpillar and pull myself to my feet, shaking my head.
  44. 6:21 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: T: "Eri, why doesn't Satoya have a shirt on."
  45. 6:21 PM - Doggie Smalls: I nod and sit at the breakfast table, still shirtless "Shhh, I have my reasons."
  46. 6:21 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "You /probably/ should put a shirt on."
  47. 6:21 PM - Doggie Smalls: Grumbling, Satoya grabs the shirt and puts it back on, before grabbing a pancake. "I'm just excited to be alive, for real this time!"
  48. 6:21 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: Eri whispers to Satoya, "We'll talk about it, ok? That god talk sounds like it's related to that time thing."
  49. 6:22 PM - Doggie Smalls: I nod and smile, before nibbling on a pancake.
  50. 6:22 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: The assorted NPCs gather 'round the table, as Jin walks down, rubbing his eyes and still in his cute little jammies.
  51. 6:22 PM - Eve: Eve walks over to the table but doesn't take any food.
  52. 6:22 PM - Sarah Salem: I walk over and take a seat by Remi, following Eve's example.
  53. 6:22 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "Not hungry?"
  54. 6:22 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "Oh, wait..."
  55. 6:23 PM - Eve: "I-I'm still full from last night..."
  56. 6:23 PM - Eve: "T-thankyou!"
  57. 6:23 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "Sorry." Eri sheepishly scratches the back of her head.
  58. 6:23 PM - Eve: "No problem a-at all!"
  59. 6:23 PM - Doggie Smalls: "Hah, more for me!" I say, grabbing a fat stack of pancakes
  60. 6:23 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: Ally inhales like, six pancakes in one bite.
  61. 6:24 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: M: "Latht night wath pretty fun, I think, right girlth? It had thome... hitcheth, but it got better clothe to the end."
  62. 6:24 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: Eri nods in agreement.
  63. 6:25 PM - Eve: "Yeah! I-I'm glad e-everything worked out."
  64. 6:25 PM - Doggie Smalls: "It was just purrfect!"
  65. 6:25 PM - Sarah Salem: I nod, face even. "It was enjoyable."
  66. 6:25 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "I kinda feel bad for not inviting Ayano, now that I think about it... Oh well."
  67. 6:26 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: Michiyo shakes her head, "Thhe probably wouldn't have come anywayth."
  68. 6:26 PM - Eve: "O-oh Satoya you l-look quite...lively today."
  69. 6:26 PM - Doggie Smalls: I gasp a little bit, and scoot my chair closer to Eve. "Oh you noticed!"
  70. 6:26 PM - Eve: Eve leans away from Satoya,"Y-yeah."
  71. 6:27 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: R: "I still don't get what you're talking about... though I guess you do look a little less sick."
  72. 6:29 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "Yeah, I think her being around people did her some good." Eri replies to Remi.
  73. 6:29 PM - Sarah Salem: "When is she /not/ around people?"
  74. 6:29 PM - Doggie Smalls: "...Its hard to be alone when you don't have a place of your own."
  75. 6:29 PM - Eve: "I-is that so..."
  76. 6:30 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: Eri just pats pats Satoya's head. "Hey, you're with Val now, right?"
  77. 6:31 PM - Doggie Smalls: "I mean... I don't know how long that'll last, it's just sorta bunking with someone."
  78. 6:31 PM - Eve: "I-if only you had a husband to go home to."
  79. 6:31 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "Wait, that always struck me as wierd; did you guys /actually/ get married?"
  80. 6:31 PM - Doggie Smalls: "And nyo, we were engaged, then I sorta fell onto a billhook."
  81. 6:31 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "O-oh."
  82. 6:31 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: Val, in the living room, snores loudly with her ass sticking in the air.
  83. 6:31 PM - Eve: "T-till death do you part, huh?"
  84. 6:32 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: S: "So... you say you're less dead, is that right, Satoya?"
  85. 6:32 PM - Doggie Smalls: "Mhm!"
  86. 6:32 PM - Sarah Salem: ((Wait no))
  87. 6:32 PM - Sarah Salem: ((Suzu please))
  88. 6:32 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: S: "Hmmmmm...."
  89. 6:32 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: Eri steps between Suzu and Satoya.
  90. 6:33 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "Nuh uh."
  91. 6:33 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "It's too early for that."
  92. 6:33 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: S: "...why, whatever do you mean? Tsk tsk, Eri, you silly girl. You jump to conclusions too fast."
  93. 6:33 PM - Doggie Smalls: I let out a 'Nyaww' and frown lightly. "It's never too early for lesbians!"
  94. 6:34 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: Eri facepalms, and just returns to her seat to eat some pancakes.
  95. 6:35 PM - Sarah Salem: "I think Suzu is worse at keeping her hands to herself than Remi."
  96. 6:35 PM - Eve: "Oh my..."
  97. 6:35 PM - Doggie Smalls: "Though... The one thing that I don't understand, which one of you guys put this on me?" I point at the new collar around my neck.
  98. 6:35 PM - Eve: "N-not me!"
  99. 6:35 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: Al: "I bet it was Eevee! I think she has some of those back home."
  100. 6:36 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "Eve...?"
  101. 6:36 PM - Eve: Eve puts her hand over Ally's mouth and laughs nervously.
  102. 6:36 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: Al: "You didn't bring any? Hmm... I guess I would have seen them in the bag! Nevermi-mph. Mph mmmph phm mphp pmhmhm!"
  103. 6:36 PM - Eve: "N-n-n-no!"
  104. 6:36 PM - Doggie Smalls: "Oooh... Eve is shapping up to be an even bigger perv than me!"
  105. 6:37 PM - Eve: "L-l-let's co-concentrate o-o-o-on the m-mystery at hand!"
  106. 6:37 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: Eri tsks; she loses one of her pillars of faith in the world.
  107. 6:37 PM - Doggie Smalls: "Oooh we should hang out some time Eevee~"
  108. 6:37 PM - Eve: "I-I'm not l-like that!"
  109. 6:38 PM - Eve: "I-I...have a dog."
  110. 6:38 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: Eri attempts to shove pancakes in her ears; it's too early for this shit.
  111. 6:38 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: Ally, still muzzled by Eve, flicks the bell on Satoya's collar.
  112. 6:38 PM - Doggie Smalls: Her ears ploof, switching to those of a bunny, her tail turning into an adorable cotton ball
  113. 6:38 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: R: "...wha?"
  114. 6:38 PM - Doggie Smalls: "...Something feels weird, is it warmer in here, or just me?"
  115. 6:39 PM - Sarah Salem: "Hm?"
  116. 6:39 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: Eri drops the pancakes, taken aback.
  117. 6:39 PM - Eve: "O-oh my..."
  118. 6:39 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: M: "That'th... new."
  119. 6:40 PM - Doggie Smalls: "What, why are you all staring at me? Is there something on my face?"
  120. 6:40 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: An: "Not your face, but rather... your head."
  121. 6:40 PM - Eve: "A-and you're rear..."
  122. 6:41 PM - Doggie Smalls: "Eve, stop staring at my butt!"
  123. 6:41 PM - Eve: "I-I'm not!"
  124. 6:41 PM - Sarah Salem: "There is something on her face, though."
  125. 6:41 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: K: "...I think it's rather c-cute."
  126. 6:41 PM - Doggie Smalls: "What, cmon, what is it?"
  127. 6:41 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: Eri just defaults to flattening Tami's hair down, "Taaami, it's too early for things to be wierd."
  128. 6:41 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: T: "Yeah, well, don't blame me. You invited them."
  129. 6:41 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "You're no help." Eri lightly conks Tami's head.
  130. 6:42 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "Your ears, Satoya. And your... tail."
  131. 6:42 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "They're... rabbit-like."
  132. 6:42 PM - Doggie Smalls: Satoya starts to make confused rabbit noises.
  133. 6:43 PM - Sarah Salem: "Is the cat no longer a cat?"
  134. 6:44 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: Eri wonders if that's what a rabbit actually sounds like.
  135. 6:44 PM - Eve: "Th-that was definitely a rabbit noise..."
  136. 6:44 PM - Eve: "I've never heard something that sounded more like a rabbit."
  137. 6:45 PM - Doggie Smalls: Excitedly, I walk over to Ally. "Psst, tell me how fluffy my ears are, since I know how much you love bunbuns!"
  138. 6:46 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: Ally immediately goes about feeling your fuzzy bunny ears.
  139. 6:46 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: Al: "I give them a bunny out of thirteen!"
  140. 6:47 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: Eri nods approvingly; just like negative zero, bunny is a legitimate number.
  141. 6:49 PM - Doggie Smalls: "Hmm... Is it just bunbun ears, or is there more?" I say giving it a little flick while thinking of lions.
  142. 6:50 PM - Doggie Smalls: Her hair is now a ploof around her head, as she smiles wildly. "Oh man this is pawesome! I can be any adorable animal now!"
  143. 6:50 PM - Sarah Salem: "How fierce."
  144. 6:50 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: Al: "I like the bunbun ears better."
  145. 6:50 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: R: "I have no idea what is going on."
  146. 6:50 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "We're in the same boat Remi."
  147. 6:50 PM - Sarah Salem: "I wouldn't worry about it."
  148. 6:50 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: Remi sighs, defeated and confused.
  149. 6:52 PM - Doggie Smalls: I give a little flick of my paw, and say "Rawr" softly
  150. 6:52 PM - Doggie Smalls: "I am the queen of the jungle!"
  151. 6:52 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: K: "Lions don't really live in the jungle, though..."
  152. 6:52 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "I think Ko's right on that one."
  153. 6:53 PM - Doggie Smalls: I trot over and put a finger to her mouth. "Shhhhhhh, I'm the queen of being cute then!"
  154. 6:53 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: T: "It is much too early to be dealing with this."
  155. 6:53 PM - Eve: Eve turns to Remi,"I-it's like the flashlight from last night! R-really advanced technology...d-don't tell anyone what you saw or else the company will sue us."
  156. 6:54 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: R: "I don't think anyone would beleive me if I /tried/ to tell them."
  157. 6:54 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "I know how you feel..."
  158. 6:54 PM - Eve: "R-right, th-thanks!"
  159. 6:54 PM - Doggie Smalls: "I mean, I don't even know how this works, I just woke up with it!"
  160. 6:55 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: Eri changes the subject, "So... what's everyones' plans for the weekend?"
  161. 6:55 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "...Hopefully you guys don't intend to stay the whole weekend..."
  162. 6:56 PM - Doggie Smalls: "I got nothing better to do!"
  163. 6:56 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: J: "I'll just be waiting for my birthday! That's on monday."
  164. 6:56 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "Oh yeah...! Do you know what you want to do yet?"
  165. 6:56 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: J: "I wanna go to Frankie Fuzzbottom's Pizzaria!"
  166. 6:57 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "..." Eri looks over to Tami with slight concern.
  167. 6:57 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: Tami looks much the same.
  168. 6:57 PM - Sarah Salem: "Frankie Fuzzbottom?"
  169. 6:58 PM - Eve: "I-I love Frankie Fuzzbottom!"
  170. 6:58 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "It's a... really great place; they've got these kind of moving statues and stuff that look like animals."
  171. 6:58 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: J: "It's this really cool pizza place my friends always talk about! There's these robots that like, sing and dance and stuff!"
  172. 6:59 PM - Eve: "Th-they're really cute..."
  173. 6:59 PM - Doggie Smalls: "...But, they aren't actually animals, they're robots?"
  174. 6:59 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: J: "Yeah, they just look like big animals, and stuff."
  175. 6:59 PM - Sarah Salem: "What is a 'robot'?"
  176. 6:59 PM - Eve: "I-I'm kinda scared to go there after the bite of 82' though."
  177. 6:59 PM - Doggie Smalls: "Why would you go there, that establishment is built on a platform of lies!"
  178. 7:00 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "But Eve, wasn't this city built in like the last... 30 years or something?"
  179. 7:00 PM - Eve: "That's what the government would have you believe..."
  180. 7:00 PM - Eve: "R-right Michiyo?"
  181. 7:00 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: M: "Thhe /doeth/ have a point... you can't trutht the government thethe dayth."
  182. 7:00 PM - Sarah Salem: I look lost and confused.
  183. 7:00 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: S: "C'mon Eve, don't you pay attention in class? Oh wait, nevermind. You're too busy letting stray cats in."
  184. 7:01 PM - Doggie Smalls: "...Eve, even I think that sounds a bit dumb"
  185. 7:01 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: Eri shakes her head, finally addressing Sarah's question. "Well, Sarah. A robot is like, a statue with moving parts."
  186. 7:02 PM - Sarah Salem: "Rock doesn't move, though."
  187. 7:02 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "They put something called technology inside of it, Sarah."
  188. 7:03 PM - Sarah Salem: "Witchcraft...?"
  189. 7:03 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: M: "Frankie Futhbottomth Pithharia... thothe animatronicth could be haunted by /ghothtth/! Can we come to the party, Eri?"
  190. 7:03 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "Uh, uhm...."
  191. 7:03 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "S-sure?"
  192. 7:04 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: An: "I've read things about Frankie Fuzzbottom's... I don't think I'd want to go there, personally."
  193. 7:04 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: An: "...granted, I read them online."
  194. 7:04 PM - Eve: "I-I'll have to pass myself, I don't want to go anywear near those things after the incident of 1650."
  195. 7:04 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "Eve that doesn't even make sense."
  196. 7:04 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: Al: "Eevee, you're not making sense!" Ally bops Eve on the nose.
  197. 7:05 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "1650...Wasn't that the feudal era?"
  198. 7:05 PM - Eve: "I-I guess I'm still tired."
  199. 7:05 PM - Eve: "M-maybe I should be getting home soon."
  200. 7:06 PM - Doggie Smalls: "You just slept though!"
  201. 7:07 PM - Eve: "W-well...uhm..." Eve sneezes in panic.
  202. 7:07 PM - Sarah Salem: "This seems like a little too much for morning time."
  203. 7:07 PM - Doggie Smalls: "Well... Val's asleep, and I don't have anywhere to go, so I have no idea what I'll be doing today!"
  204. 7:07 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "We'll figure that out after breakfast."
  205. 7:09 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "...Man, Val's just out of it."
  206. 7:09 PM - Sarah Salem: I wait around for everyone to finish, plate still empty.
  207. 7:09 PM - Sarah Salem: "Was she ever in it?"
  208. 7:09 PM - Doggie Smalls: "She's too tired from being a big gay perv last night."
  209. 7:09 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: Eri throws a pancake, and it lands on Val's forehead.
  210. 7:10 PM - Doggie Smalls: ((Bunny with a pancake on its head :3))
  211. 7:10 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: ((heh, looks like someone knows what's up))
  212. 7:11 PM - Eve: "M-maybe we should take her home."
  213. 7:12 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "Probably; you mind dragging her back, Eve?"
  214. 7:12 PM - Doggie Smalls: "Can I come with!"
  215. 7:13 PM - Eve: "S-sure."
  216. 7:13 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: The NPCs finish their breakfasts, Tami ensuring to give everyone extra portions so Eri doesn't have anything for brinner.
  217. 7:13 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "Aah c'mon Tami...! We coulda had like, sausage pancake sandwiches!"
  218. 7:13 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: T: "No."
  219. 7:14 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "You're no fun Tami..."
  220. 7:14 PM - Doggie Smalls: I grab Val and heft her over my shoulders
  221. 7:14 PM - Eve: "A-actually since you live with her now why don't you carry her home Sato?"
  222. 7:14 PM - Eve: "I-I'll just be getting home now myself."
  223. 7:14 PM - Doggie Smalls: "Aww, but then who'll I have to talk to?"
  224. 7:14 PM - Doggie Smalls: I give her the saddest of puppy dog eyes
  225. 7:14 PM - Eve: "U-uhm..."
  226. 7:14 PM - Doggie Smalls: Can I roll cute for that :v
  227. 7:14 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "We had stuff to talk about, remember Sato."
  228. 7:15 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: Eri states this as a command, not a question.
  229. 7:15 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: Cute vs Fortitude
  230. 7:15 PM - Doggie Smalls: 13
  231. 7:18 PM - Eve: 15
  232. 7:18 PM - Eve: "I-I'm s-sorry but I really do feel out of it."
  233. 7:18 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: Eve, having had sufficient skill in resisting cute eyes from her time with Ally, skillfully ignores Satoya.
  234. 7:19 PM - Eve: "I-I thought Frankie's was open in the 1600's after all."
  235. 7:19 PM - Doggie Smalls: I give a 'Hmpf' and drop Val. "Fiiiine, Eri, we'll talk about important stuffs."
  236. 7:20 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: Val drops to the floor like a sack of potatos.
  237. 7:20 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "Well, you're free to go Eevee; it's been great having you over."
  238. 7:20 PM - Sarah Salem: "Are we just going to leave her there...?"
  239. 7:20 PM - Doggie Smalls: I shrug, before sitting back down at the table
  240. 7:20 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "...Please don't throw people around, that's dangerous for their mental condition..."
  241. 7:21 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: Anna mumbles quietly. You didn't make out what it wwas, but you're fairly certian it was a rude jab at Val.
  242. 7:21 PM - Doggie Smalls: "Oh cmon Eri, its not like I could give Val /more/ brain damage at this point!"
  243. 7:21 PM - Sarah Salem: I watch Val's not-corpse apprehensively.
  244. 7:22 PM - Sarah Salem: "She can't get an- What Satoya said."
  245. 7:21 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: Eri hefts Val and puts her back on the couch, pancake still on head.
  246. 7:21 PM - Eve: "Th-thank you for having us! R-ready to go Ally?"
  247. 7:21 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: Al: "I'm ready whenever you are, Eevee!"
  248. 7:21 PM - Eve: "R-right. Bye everyone!"
  249. 7:21 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "S-see ya Eve."
  250. 7:21 PM - Eve: Eve heads out the door and walks home.
  251. 7:21 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: M: "Well, I thuppothe I thould head home too. I have thome data I need to put together. Thankth for hothting thith!"
  252. 7:22 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "Alright, I'll see you soon." Eri waves, "I hope you had fun~."
  253. 7:22 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: Eri escorts Michiyo out.
  254. 7:23 PM - Doggie Smalls: "Hope to see you at the next one!"
  255. 7:23 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "O-oh yeah, that's right."
  256. 7:24 PM - Doggie Smalls: "Sarah'll be hosting it!"
  257. 7:25 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "Is that so...? It's been a while since I've been to Sarah's place..."
  258. 7:26 PM - Sarah Salem: I nod and rest my chin in my palm.
  259. 7:26 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "You know Sarah, that costume you came up with yesterday was kinda interesting... I didn't expect that from you."
  260. 7:27 PM - Sarah Salem: "Was it?"
  261. 7:28 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: Eri nods, "It definitely was different."
  262. 7:30 PM - Sarah Salem: "I suppose it was more complex than the others. Why the interest?"
  263. 7:30 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: An: "I didn't know you were that creative, Sarah. offense."
  264. 7:31 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "Yeah; for someone who doesn't know what a robot or a computer is, that was some crazy detail."
  265. 7:31 PM - Sarah Salem: "Clothes aren't witchcraft."
  266. 7:32 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "Why's everything witchcraft anyways...?"
  267. 7:33 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: R: "What is your obsession with witchcraft anyway, you baka?"
  268. 7:34 PM - Sarah Salem: I close my eyes, turning away slightly. "I do not have an obsession."
  269. 7:35 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "Well... yeah." Eri replies, avoiding the subject with Remi around.
  270. 7:35 PM - Doggie Smalls: "Aaaaah I dont wanna talk about dumb witchcraft, I wanna talk about whatever important thing Eri made me stay for!"
  271. 7:37 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: T: "Eri, should I take the... others, out of the room for this?"
  272. 7:38 PM - Sarah Salem: "Hm?"
  273. 7:39 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: T: "You know, those who won't understand."
  274. 7:39 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "Uhm, sure, I guess." Eri thinks, "...I know that your condition is hard to talk about in front of others." Eri states patting Sato on the head.
  275. 7:40 PM - Doggie Smalls: Satoya purrs and nuzzles into the pats "Aww, thank mew for respecting my privacy like that!"
  276. 7:41 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: Tami takes Suzu, Ko, Remi and Jin out of the room.
  277. 7:41 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: Anna stays.
  278. 7:41 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "So, God huh."
  279. 7:42 PM - Sarah Salem: "What are we talking about?"
  280. 7:42 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: Anna seems incredibly suspicious about Satoya's previous claims of having met god.
  281. 7:42 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: Or maybe she just doesn't like Satoya.
  282. 7:42 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "Satoya is no longer undead."
  283. 7:43 PM - Doggie Smalls: I nod excitedly "Now that I'm warmer, I'm even more cuddly!"
  284. 7:44 PM - Sarah Salem: I raise an eyebrow "She was undead?"
  285. 7:44 PM - Rin: ( gg sarah )
  286. 7:44 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "I've suffered from the same condition before." Eri nods.
  287. 7:45 PM - Doggie Smalls: "...We kissed, you couldn't tell?"
  288. 7:45 PM - Doggie Smalls: "I was all pale and cold, and I didn't have a pulse!"
  289. 7:45 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "I still don't understand why you two made out."
  290. 7:45 PM - Sarah Salem: "I was more focused on trying to get away from you."
  291. 7:46 PM - Doggie Smalls: "It happened multiple times, you reciprocated /and/ you even kissed me a few times!"
  292. 7:47 PM - Sarah Salem: I shake my head. "No."
  293. 7:47 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: Eri just cocks her head to the side, "Uhm...."
  294. 7:47 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: Anna looks on with a blank face, taking the information in wordlessly.
  295. 7:48 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "Well, this is getting a bit off topic..." Eri says uncomfortably.
  296. 7:49 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "Anyway...first it was strange time things messing with Sarah, and now we got 'God' bringing Satoya back to life."
  297. 7:49 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "Something's going on."
  298. 7:50 PM - Doggie Smalls: "Hey, if it means I get to be warm and snuggly, I don't mind at all!"
  299. 7:50 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "Can you tell us what it was like, Sato? Things like that just don't happen like, out of the blue."
  300. 7:51 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: Eri mutters, "...I might have a vested interest in it..."
  301. 7:51 PM - Doggie Smalls: "Well... I woke up in this weird darkness, it covfured everything, and I couldn't hear any noise, so I started walking..."
  302. 7:51 PM - Doggie Smalls: "I, I found this thing, and it said it came to take me back, where I belong... I thought he was gonna kill me when this big white light showed up and saved my fuzzy lil butt!"
  303. 7:52 PM - Doggie Smalls: "And then we talked, and he let me touch his heart... Which was made of glowy purple stuff, and I came back to life, and meow here we are!"
  304. 7:52 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "...Was the purple glowy stuff... metal by any chance?"
  305. 7:53 PM - Doggie Smalls: "It felt like it, yeah!"
  306. 7:53 PM - Rin: (( the plot thickens ))
  307. 7:53 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "Mmm..."
  308. 7:53 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "...And there were /2/ people there?"
  309. 7:54 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "Er, things?"
  310. 7:54 PM - Doggie Smalls: "Yeah, two."
  311. 7:54 PM - Doggie Smalls: "Oh, and the evily one had a purple metal scythe!"
  312. 7:54 PM - Sarah Salem: I shift in my seat, head still on my hand. "They were most likely other Guardians. I spoke to Yarif about them."
  313. 7:54 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "You did?"
  314. 7:55 PM - Sarah Salem: "Yes. They govern specific 'concepts'. Yarif guards 'Order'."
  315. 7:56 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: Anna smiles a little at this, having been recruited by the Guardian of Order, an idea which she finds appealing.
  316. 7:56 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "Oh...?"
  317. 7:56 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "Well... the scythe guy kinda sounds like Death..."
  318. 7:56 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "...Would that make the other one Life?"
  319. 7:56 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "...I suppose that'd make sense, with the heart..."
  320. 7:56 PM - Doggie Smalls: "Yeah... They called each other Life and Death meow that I remember!"
  321. 7:57 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "Uhm, Sarah, what other 'Guardians' are there?"
  322. 7:57 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "And if Yarif guards Order, do you think the bird and the cat have their own thing?"
  323. 7:58 PM - Sarah Salem: "He mentioned 'Fate', 'Entropy', and the ultimate one, 'Creation'."
  324. 7:59 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "Hmm..."
  325. 7:59 PM - Sarah Salem: "If I were to guess, I would say the bird and cat hold power over the former two."
  326. 7:59 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "Agreed." Eri nods.
  327. 8:00 PM - Doggie Smalls: I sit and watch, nodding my head and pretending to understand :3
  328. 8:00 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: A: "Why wouldn't they tell us any of this when we made our contracts?"
  329. 8:00 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "...Haku always kind of made a show of saying that it would be something we wouldn't understand."
  330. 8:01 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "Well, that's kind of something he said when I talked to him with Eve, the night of... everything."
  331. 8:01 PM - Doggie Smalls: "Well, he isn't wrong! This is all so confusing, and weird."
  332. 8:01 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "I, kinda understand it."
  333. 8:01 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "I think..."
  334. 8:02 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "There's been wierd stuff going on. Like... there's a lot of this magic stuff that even now, I don't really understand too much."
  335. 8:04 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "Like... what determines a person's 'potential' for it? Or like, how can someone rip someone's soul out, with a dagger that only effects people under Eno's contract?"
  336. 8:04 PM - Doggie Smalls: "...I only signed up because I wanted to make things better for Hiroe, I didn't want to get involved with 'Guardians' and weird stuff like that!"
  337. 8:05 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "Yeah; I only signed up so that I could protect my family..."
  338. 8:05 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: A: "Yarif warned me that things wouldn't be very simple once I agreed..."
  339. 8:05 PM - Sarah Salem: I shrug and stay silent, having said my part.
  340. 8:05 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: (Sarah: master of socializing.)
  341. 8:06 PM - Sarah Salem: (As always.)
  342. 8:06 PM - Doggie Smalls: I sigh and shake my head. "Eri... Maybe the details don't matter? I mean, magic isn't like science, by nature it can't be rationalized and explained! If we try to that, we'll just waste a whole lotta time."
  343. 8:07 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: A: "But there has to be some kind of theme going. Something consistant. Something that makes it all just /work/ the way it does. There's no way it just happens, just because."
  344. 8:07 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "Yeah; I think part of the mystery lies in these Guardians, and what they, take out of us."
  345. 8:08 PM - Sarah Salem: "Take out of us?"
  346. 8:08 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "Eno mentioned before, that when we become magic, they have to remove a tiny bit of us, or change it or something."
  347. 8:08 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "It has something to do with the activators..."
  348. 8:08 PM - Doggie Smalls: "Well... I'd guess they took away my life, I did become undead... But by that logic, I got my thing back."
  349. 8:09 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "That's different Sato; I don't think Haku turned you undead to give you powers."
  350. 8:09 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "If anything, that was like, a side effect."
  351. 8:10 PM - Sarah Salem: I lift my shirt, showing the hole once more. "I just assumed this was what they were referring to."
  352. 8:10 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: Eri shakes her head, "When I got my powers, I didn't have anything /super/ wierd happen to me like you guys."
  353. 8:10 PM - Doggie Smalls: "Well the only things to happen around then I can think of are that... Or when Hiroe got sick, but... T-They, they wouldn't, right?" I say, tearing up a bit.
  354. 8:17 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: Eri sighs, and gives Satoya a pat on the back.
  355. 8:17 PM - Doggie Smalls: Satoya ignores the pat and turns it into a full on hug, bawling into Eri's shirt. "R-Really... It has to be bad luck. I-I... My contract can't be the thing that gave him cancer, it can't!"
  356. 8:17 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: A: "I'd guess that the thing taken from each girl would be... consistant. The same thing from each girl. At least, each girl who makes a contract with the same... person?"
  357. 8:18 PM - Sarah Salem: "Contractor?"
  358. 8:18 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: Anna nods. "That's better."
  359. 8:18 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: Eri returns the hug, "Shh, Anna's on the right track I think..."
  360. 8:19 PM - Doggie Smalls: "W-Well... What's something we all lost? I lost my life, and my family..." I say, latched onto Eri so tightly that only a crowbar would get her off at this point.
  361. 8:20 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: Anna looks down at her own chesthole, putting a hand to it.
  362. 8:20 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "For me, I lost my 'innocence', whatever that actually is..."
  363. 8:21 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "I honestly didn't feel... different afterwards; just that strange pain that you probably all had when you made a contract, that travels into whatever you're holding onto."
  364. 8:22 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: Eri pulls out her crucifix, and holds it out.
  365. 8:22 PM - Sarah Salem: I take my head off my hand, and retrieve my pocketwatch. "Our 'activators'?"
  366. 8:23 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: Anna takes out her tiny globe.
  367. 8:23 PM - Doggie Smalls: I retrieve the mousey toy. "Huh... Mine is the least serious of the bunch."
  368. 8:24 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "I guess, these were all important to us in some way, or at least, mine was."
  369. 8:24 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "...You could call it a symbol of my faith in something better."
  370. 8:25 PM - Sarah Salem: "I suppose so. I've had this for as far back as I can actually remember."
  371. 8:26 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "Mhmm. You know Sarah... Anna told me about how you two are, 'related.'"
  372. 8:26 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "Or rather, how you aren't." Eri glances between the two, "I'm still surprised about it."
  373. 8:26 PM - Sarah Salem: I nod. "It's a strange situation. I don't pretend to understand it."
  374. 8:26 PM - Doggie Smalls: "...Whenever I was cold or lonely, I would cuddle up with Potato and this, his favorite toy, so this is pretty important to me."
  375. 8:27 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "Wait... Potato was undead too, right?"
  376. 8:27 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "...Where is he right now?"
  377. 8:27 PM - Doggie Smalls: "Oh, right!" I jingle the mousey toy, trying to call him out.
  378. 8:35 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: Potato climbs out of your cleavage.
  379. 8:35 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: Like he usually does. He's still undead, though.
  380. 8:36 PM - Doggie Smalls: I look down at him and pat his little head. "Oh hi there little buddy! I guess you didn't get your life back..."
  381. 8:37 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "..."
  382. 8:37 PM - Sarah Salem: "..."
  383. 8:38 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: "..."
  384. 8:38 PM - Doggie Smalls: "What? I dont have pockets big enough for him."
  385. 8:38 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: Eri looks to Sarah and Anna, and realizes something.
  386. 8:39 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: Eri looks down and sighs. "...Why can't I have chest storage..."
  387. 8:39 PM - Doggie Smalls: "You can use mine if you ever need to! What else are friends fur?"
  388. 8:39 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "I'd rather not."
  389. 8:39 PM - Sarah Salem: "This conversation is rapidly declining in quality."
  390. 8:39 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "Agreed."
  391. 8:40 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "Well, regardless; I think we should investigate further."
  392. 8:40 PM - Doggie Smalls: I nod, petting Potato.
  393. 8:41 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "There's some... inconsistancies I've picked up on, that never really got solved."
  394. 8:41 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: "Do you think we should each take a Contractor, ask about them about this whole... business, then regroup and share info?"
  395. 8:41 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: "Maybe after that, we can cycle contractors, to see if we're getting the same story."
  396. 8:41 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "Well, we've already got Yarif."
  397. 8:42 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "...But I suppose I have to give something back to someone down at the bar anyways."
  398. 8:42 PM - Sarah Salem: "I have the feather to contact Enomatia."
  399. 8:42 PM - Doggie Smalls: "Aaaah I don't want to do actual work."
  400. 8:43 PM - Sarah Salem: "Anna can talk to the cat, then."
  401. 8:43 PM - Sarah Salem: "There would be an odd girl out, anyway."
  402. 8:43 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: "But I've never seen the cat before... well, apart from the time Sarah kicked it and he... exploded."
  403. 8:43 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "Satoya can join me with going to the bar."
  404. 8:43 PM - Doggie Smalls: "Wait.... Bar?"
  405. 8:44 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "Oh. Shit."
  406. 8:44 PM - Doggie Smalls: "Oh, oh, I'll go with Eri! It sounds pawesome!"
  407. 8:44 PM - Sarah Salem: I sigh.
  408. 8:44 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: "Don't even talk, Sarah. You're borderline alcoholic."
  409. 8:44 PM - Sarah Salem: I ignore Anna. She clearly does not understand.
  410. 8:44 PM - Sarah Salem: "Is anyone here confident they can handle a drunk Satoya?"
  411. 8:44 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: Eri slowly raises her hand.
  412. 8:44 PM - Sarah Salem: I give Eri a look.
  413. 8:44 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: Eri slowly lowers her hand.
  414. 8:44 PM - Doggie Smalls: "Hey, would you rather have me there unsupervised?"
  415. 8:46 PM - Doggie Smalls: "C'mon, it'll be fun! I pawmise I wont get drunk!"
  416. 8:47 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: "You volunteered, Eri. You take her to the bar."
  417. 8:47 PM - Sarah Salem: "I want to volunteer in her stead, but that would put me with Satoya."
  418. 8:47 PM - Sarah Salem: "So instead, I will wish you 'good luck', Eri."
  419. 8:47 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "T-thanks."
  420. 8:47 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "...What's the worst that can happen?"
  421. 8:48 PM - Doggie Smalls: "Yeah, what's the worst I can do?"
  422. 8:48 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "Uhm."
  423. 8:48 PM - Sarah Salem: "A lot."
  424. 8:48 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: "I won't even comment."
  425. 8:49 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "Set fire to things, break various body parts... traumatizing people of certain importance..."
  426. 8:49 PM - Doggie Smalls: "Shhhhhhh. Lets go to the bar!"
  427. 8:49 PM - Sarah Salem: I wave. "Enjoy yourselves."
  428. 8:50 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "Lets meet back up at the park."
  429. 8:50 PM - Sarah Salem: "/The/ park?"
  430. 8:50 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "...The one we all go to whenever we meet up, I guess?"
  431. 8:51 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "...Yeah, there's been something I've been meaning to do anyways, down on tier 4, during golden week."
  432. 8:51 PM - Doggie Smalls: "Oh, a side-errand?"
  433. 8:52 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "Something like that." Eri comments, not looking anyone in the eye.
  434. 8:52 PM - Doggie Smalls: "Ooh fun, yeah we can do that!"
  435. 8:53 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "Well... I was gonna drag Sato along anyways; she did make a contact with Life or something."
  436. 8:54 PM - Doggie Smalls: To the baaaaar we gooooooooo
  437. 8:56 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: Eri waves to Tami on the way out, stating that she has "errands" to take care of, and that they'll talk about it later.
  438. 8:56 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: Tami nods, saying she'll take care of the guests.
  439. 8:57 PM - Doggie Smalls: "So... Where to first, the bar, or the side errand?"
  440. 8:57 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "...Side errand. It'll be quick."
  441. 8:58 PM - Doggie Smalls: "Will it be fun?"
  442. 8:58 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: Eri looks solemnly as they walk.
  443. 8:58 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "...No, not really."
  444. 8:59 PM - Doggie Smalls: I look away, feeling bad. "Oh... Sorry, you need any help with it then?"
  445. 9:00 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: Eri smiles solemnly, "...It wouldn't be necessary."
  446. 9:01 PM - Doggie Smalls: "So, I'll just wait off to the side then?"
  447. 9:01 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "It'll be quick, trust me."
  448. 9:02 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "...Do you know, what happened to me?" Eri asks, as she walks.
  449. 9:03 PM - Doggie Smalls: "Nyo, I... What happened Eri?"
  450. 9:06 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "... A part of me, I guess you could call them demons, youma, whatever... A part of me split off, a while back. It nearly killed me, and a couple other people. It ended up getting away. Soon after... Ko dissapeared, and I ended up getting lost inside a monster, the one you fought a week later, and the night that everything... happened. "
  451. 9:08 PM - Doggie Smalls: "O-Oh, I've let loose a few of those before, back before... Back before I really had control over my magic and how I was using it."
  452. 9:09 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: Eri says nothing else, until they arrive down on the fourth tier. She leads Satoya to an empty lot, in one of the more run down suburbs.
  453. 9:10 PM - Doggie Smalls: I look around, confused and a bit nervous.
  454. 9:11 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "This'll... just take a moment." Eri steps into the middle of the empty lot, to a couple of upturned stones.
  455. 9:12 PM - Doggie Smalls: "I..." Satoya doesn't say anything and steps back, watching silently
  456. 9:13 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: Eri proceeds to illusion a permanent bed of flowers in the lot, if there's no one else looking.
  457. 9:14 PM - Doggie Smalls: "Eri... If this what I think it is." I retract a bone from my arm, shaping it into a chisel. "I can give them a more proper memorial."
  458. 9:15 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "...Will it involve bones?"
  459. 9:16 PM - Doggie Smalls: "There's already stones here, I just use bones for tools and the such."
  460. 9:16 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "O-oh."
  461. 9:16 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "U-uhm, go ahead."
  462. 9:17 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: Eri takes a step back, and watches Satoya work.
  463. 9:17 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "...You can do whatever you think fits."
  464. 9:18 PM - Doggie Smalls: Angrily and violently, I go to town on the stones, turning the basic rocks into a small monument in the shape of Eri's activator
  465. 9:18 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "W-woah what are you...!? Oh..."
  466. 9:19 PM - Doggie Smalls: "I figured if they mean so much to you, they deserved something more... permanent than a few loose rocks."
  467. 9:21 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "T-th..." Eri starts crying, and proceeds to latch onto Satoya.
  468. 9:22 PM - Doggie Smalls: Satoya hugs back, patting her back and gently shushing her, tearing up a bit herself. "I... I know what its like to lose people this close to you, I lost my parents, and I'm in the middle of losing Hiroe."
  469. 9:23 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: Eri doesn't give much of a meaningful response, just keeps hugging for a bit longer.
  470. 9:24 PM - Doggie Smalls: Satoya purrs lightly, hugging her friend. "If you ever wanna talk about this, just gimme a call, alright?"
  471. 9:26 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: Eri nods, and wipes away her tears.
  472. 9:27 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "S-sorry, I m-made a mess of your shirt..."
  473. 9:31 PM - Doggie Smalls: Letting out a "Pssh" she gave a dismissive wave of the hand. "Don't worry about it, what kind of friend wouldn't offer a shoulder to cry on for something like that?"
  474. 9:32 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: Eri gives a small smile, before realizing something, "Oh, uhm... let me fix you up before we go to the bar..."
  475. 9:33 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: Eri proceeds to magic away the sharpee all over Satoya's head.
  476. 9:33 PM - Doggie Smalls: "Fix up what?" I say, confused as to what she just did
  477. 9:34 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "...More sharpie, from last night."
  478. 9:34 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "We all kinda doodled on you... your slip was pranks, if you remembered..."
  479. 9:34 PM - Doggie Smalls: "Oh... What'd you guys write on me?" She asks, looking down with a slight blush and a frown
  480. 9:35 PM - Doggie Smalls: "N-Nothing mean, right?"
  481. 9:35 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "I gave you awesome eyebrows; others gave you wierd things. Sarah wrote 'WITCH' on the back of your head, Remi wrote 'baka' underneath... Eve wrote sorry and then sneezed on you, and circled where it was she sneezed."
  482. 9:36 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "...A bunch of stuff."
  483. 9:38 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "So, bar?"
  484. 9:39 PM - Doggie Smalls: I nod. "Is it nearby? I didn't even know there was a bar that'd serve us! ...We have to lay low with our magic, right?"
  485. 9:40 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "Nope. It's a bar solely for magical girls."
  486. 9:40 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "No holds barred."
  487. 9:40 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "...Heh."
  488. 9:41 PM - Doggie Smalls: Satoya gasps, grabbing Eri by the shoulders. "WHY WASN'T I INFORMED OF THIS EARLIER!?"
  489. 9:43 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: Eri replies, being shaken around, "I only learned about it after everything happen...!"
  490. 9:44 PM - Doggie Smalls: "Let's go, right meow!" She says, with the biggest, stupidest smile she's had on in ages.
  491. 9:44 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: Eri frees herself from Satoya's grasp. "W-well, you can get drinks and hang out and stuff, and they also have jobs available; I'd almost call it like... a secret gathering place."
  492. 9:45 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: Eri walks Sato over, discussing the intricacies of the bar place as they approach.
  493. 9:45 PM - Doggie Smalls: I listen intently, taking mental notes.
  494. 9:52 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: You approach the bar, knock the knock and whathaveyou and enter without incident.
  495. 9:52 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: Namiyo, the squirrelgirl, is behind the bar. Nice to see her back on her feet.
  496. 9:52 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: Eri takes notice, and takes a seat in front of her, "Heya... how's it going?"
  497. 9:53 PM - Doggie Smalls: "Eri... Who's the girl with the ploofy tail?"
  498. 9:53 PM - Doggie Smalls: She says, taking a seat besides Eri
  499. 9:54 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "This is Namiyo."
  500. 9:54 PM - Sarah Salem: ((The ploofiest of tails.))
  501. 9:55 PM - Doggie Smalls: I give a little wave and smile "I like your tail, it looks so fluffy I just wanna touch it!"
  502. 9:55 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: "...and hello to you too? Uh, Eri, right? I see you brought a friend."
  503. 9:56 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "I was hoping that you were going to be here actually; I've been holding onto something of yours."
  504. 9:56 PM - Doggie Smalls: "Oh, I'm Satoya! Undea- Err, formerly undead catgirl and raiser of the dead, a bone-ified Nekomancer, hehehe."
  505. 9:57 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: Eri reaches around in her pocket, and puts an elegant compass on the bar table.
  506. 9:57 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: "...a compass?" She picks it up. "This..."
  507. 9:58 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "It's your Moral Compass; hopefully you haven't done anything you'll regret as soon as I put that back where it belongs."
  508. 9:59 PM - Doggie Smalls: "...She lost her moral compass?"
  509. 10:00 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: "I can't help but feel that that is an awful pun. But... thanks for returning it. However I lost it."
  510. 10:00 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "I borrowed it, to find her soul."
  511. 10:00 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "Uhm, hold on, it's not supposed to be an item."
  512. 10:00 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: Eri takes the compass back from her, "Can you stick your arm out over the table?"
  513. 10:01 PM - Sarah Salem: ((Eri legitimately just plays Operation on people))
  514. 10:01 PM - Sarah Salem: ((That's her power))
  515. 10:01 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: (yes)
  516. 10:01 PM - Sarah Salem: ((Shitty pun items))
  517. 10:01 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: "...?"
  518. 10:01 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: Confused, she hesitantly does as instructed.
  519. 10:02 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "Hold still..."
  520. 10:02 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: Eri places the compass inside Namiyo's shadow, where it belongs.
  521. 10:03 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "Like I said, I borrowed this from you, to find 'you'. I led the team to get your soul back from the murderer."
  522. 10:04 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: "O-oh, right... that. Well, really, thank you for that. I've definitely been more cautious since then."
  523. 10:04 PM - Doggie Smalls: Satoya watches, confused and intrigued. "Huh... So are you the barkeep around here?"
  524. 10:04 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: "I'm one of them, yes. And you seem to be new around here."
  525. 10:04 PM - Doggie Smalls: "Oh, actually, I was a magical girl before Eri, or any one else in our group of furriends! I just uh, died a lil bit before they were introduced to this place."
  526. 10:04 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "...She got better."
  527. 10:04 PM - Doggie Smalls: "Its a long story! But uh, while we're here can I get some of the good stuff? A large bowl of milk!"
  528. 10:05 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "She might have to take that to go though; we kinda need to talk to Yarif about some stuff."
  529. 10:07 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: "Well, you know where to find the old hardshell. Head on back."
  530. 10:07 PM - Doggie Smalls: "Yariff? Who's he?"
  531. 10:07 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "He's a Tsuki-something; I forget the full title."
  532. 10:07 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "A contractor, like Eno."
  533. 10:08 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: Eri waits until Satoya recieves her milk bowl, before dragging her along back.
  534. 10:08 PM - Doggie Smalls: While being dragged, I lap at the bowl of milk :3
  535. 10:08 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: You head on into Yarif's office, taking the milk with you. The milk will cost you $2.
  536. 10:09 PM - Sarah Salem: ((Outrageous.))
  537. 10:09 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: Eri raises an eyebrow to Satoya, a question forming in her mind, before turning to the matter at hand.
  538. 10:10 PM - Doggie Smalls: I give the barkeep a 'Thank mew!' before heading off with Eri
  539. 10:11 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: You enter Yarif's office, and see mister tortoise in his usual position. He seems to love paperwork, apparently.
  540. 10:11 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: In fact, the both of you should roll finesse real quick.
  541. 10:11 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: Harmless roll, but it'll help you spot something that may connect a few more dots.
  542. 10:11 PM - Doggie Smalls: 14
  543. 10:12 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: 11.
  544. 10:12 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: Satoya notices, on a shelf behind Yarif's desk, a set of scales. They resemble the same material CAV's pendelum, Death's scythe and Life's heart were made of.
  545. 10:13 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "I'm not sure if I've ever been in here." Eri states, looking around.
  546. 10:13 PM - Doggie Smalls: "I've nevfur even been in this building befur, its all mew to me!"
  547. 10:13 PM - Doggie Smalls: I poke Eri in the shoulder, then point to the stuff. "Psst, look, its the purple stuff"
  548. 10:13 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: "Mm? Oh, welcome, welcome. Hm..." Yarif looks intently at Satoya. "You have the smell of a Guardian's touch."
  549. 10:14 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: Eri takes a good look at the scales, before turning to the matter at hand.
  550. 10:14 PM - Doggie Smalls: "I... Recently had a brush with two, Life, and Death. The former stopped me from being taken back to the afterlife by the later..."
  551. 10:15 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: Eri nods in agreement.
  552. 10:17 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: "Fascinating... truly. You say Life stopped you from being taken? I see..."
  553. 10:18 PM - Doggie Smalls: "A-And he let me touch his heart! When I did I... I was no longer undead, my heart's beating again, and I'm warm and snuggly!"
  554. 10:19 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: "A blessing from a Guardian. You're truly fortunate."
  555. 10:19 PM - Doggie Smalls: I smile and nod. "I'm a very lucky kitty, I'll uh, let Eri do the serious talking!"
  556. 10:19 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "We came, because we wanted to know a bit more about the Guardians, if you aren't /too/ busy." Eri states, looking at the pile of paperwork.
  557. 10:19 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: Yarif looks at his paperwork, then back to you with a thin smile. "It's nothing that can't wait. I will answer what I can, though I am bound by certain contracts of my own, so I may not be able to explain everything you'd like."
  558. 10:21 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "That's... ok." Eri pauses, "I've been beginning to realize that there's more to the realm of magic than meets the eye."
  559. 10:21 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "I guess, I want to ask something somewhat personal first. It kinda relates to the incident a couple weeks back."
  560. 10:22 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: He cocks his head, waitng for you to continue.
  561. 10:22 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "...From what I understand, different contractors take different things from you, when you become magic."
  562. 10:23 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "...Somehow, that creates a fissure, in our soul, or something, doesn't it?"
  563. 10:25 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: "That would depend on the contractor, but yes, that is what it amounts to."
  564. 10:25 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "I guess, that leads to two seperate questions."
  565. 10:27 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "First; when that fissure is created, where does the part of us that get taken out... go? I've always assumed that it goes into our activators, but..."
  566. 10:27 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: "You are correct in that assumption. Whatever is not lost from the process is directed into your trinket."
  567. 10:28 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "I guess that kind of answers a tiny bit of my second question; after we lose that bit of ourselves to our 'trinket', do we continue to... 'unravel'?"
  568. 10:29 PM - Doggie Smalls: I listen intently, totally not thinking of butts instead of the implications of these things
  569. 10:29 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "...I know, that when Eno made the contract with me, that I lost my 'innocence' in the process."
  570. 10:31 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: He shakes his head. "The trinket is what keeps you together, when that part is lost from your soul. Were the trinket to be destroyed... it would not end well for the Magi."
  571. 10:32 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "...You end up becoming a monster, if I had to guess."
  572. 10:33 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "Me and another girl; we teamed together to stop a girl's wish from coming true, and we both shot her activator in the process."
  573. 10:33 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "She then turned into a youma."
  574. 10:32 PM - Doggie Smalls: I jolt upright in shock at this, and hug the trinket close. "So... I shouldn't let Potato claw at mine?"
  575. 10:33 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: He laughs. "Something so small as dropping it or simple damage of that like will not be the destruction of the trinket. They're far sturdier than they appear. It is only magic that can destroy magic."
  576. 10:34 PM - Doggie Smalls: Satoya sighs, and returns to batting at the fuzzy toy while 'listening.'
  577. 10:34 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: "And it is as you say. When that part of a Magi is lost, then they become irredeemable. That is but one of the many ways a youma can come about."
  578. 10:36 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: Eri nods, and thinks for a minute. "So... what happens to the part of us that becomes lost?"
  579. 10:37 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "Is my innocence floating around in the clouds somewhere?"
  580. 10:37 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "...I don't want to have to scoop it back out of there."
  581. 10:38 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: "It is as energy from a flame when the fuel it burns is consumed. It is simply lost, and irretrievable."
  582. 10:39 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: Eri holds her head for a moment, and thinks.
  583. 10:39 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "... Is it something that can be wished back?"
  584. 10:40 PM - Doggie Smalls: "Pssh, why would anyone want to be innocent again? I love being a giant perv!"
  585. 10:40 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: Eri shakes her head at Sato's remarks.
  586. 10:42 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: "A wish can be anything one desires. It is not impossible."
  587. 10:43 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: Eri frowns.
  588. 10:45 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "... Those wishes... they aren't real."
  589. 10:45 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: "Hmm?"
  590. 10:46 PM - Doggie Smalls: "Whatcha mean by that Eri?"
  591. 10:46 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "I've seen the results of two of them, and heard about the results of a third; my own."
  592. 10:47 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "In all three cases, it might have been true that in some form, the wish came 'true', but in very horrible ways."
  593. 10:50 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "The first girl... I forget her name; she wished for everyone to come together to be 'one.' This caused everyone, including myself, to become part of a giant hellscape 'paradise', where we would have been stuck for eternity without outside assistance."
  594. 10:50 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: Eri pokes Satoya at the mention of this.
  595. 10:51 PM - Doggie Smalls: I smile proudly at this one.
  596. 10:52 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "...After that, I heard from one of my other 'me's, that after a wish I made to bring my family back to life, she just, vanished from the face of the earth, figuratively... I hope."
  597. 10:53 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: Yarif nods, listening.
  598. 10:53 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "...And most recently, with the crisis with the soul stealer."
  599. 10:53 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "Her wish was to bring her dead friend back to life."
  600. 10:53 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "But what she got was a monster..."
  601. 10:54 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "A monster that needed the souls of other girls to become whole."
  602. 10:54 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "...And someone provided her the tool to do it."
  603. 10:55 PM - Doggie Smalls: "That sounds so messed up..."
  604. 10:58 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: " be quite honest, we Tsukaima do not know how the Seeds function in detail. The youma were simply a threat to humans, and thus required an outside force to remove. They were simply too numerous for us to dispose of on our own power, vast though it may be, while simultaneously tending to our own duties as Guardians."
  605. 11:00 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: "The Seeds are merely side effects with which we use to convince more girls into making contracts. It isn't as though every wish has ended in hardship, though. Many have been granted without any negative effects. Else we would not use them as incentive."
  606. 11:00 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "...There are more of you, right? How many are there, in total?"
  607. 11:00 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: "Simply myself, Enomatia and Hakurobe."
  608. 11:01 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: Eri sighs, grabs a chair from the corner of the room, and sits, leg crossed.
  609. 11:02 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "...I suppose some wishes could come true without going horribly."
  610. 11:03 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "However."
  611. 11:03 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "When I asked how many of you were there, I didn't mean by, like, Tsukaima."
  612. 11:04 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: "Ah, my apologies. Guardians, then?"
  613. 11:04 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: Eri nods.
  614. 11:05 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: "You should probably know; you're one of them."
  615. 11:05 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: "Thirteen in total, including Creation."
  616. 11:05 PM - Ninjas are Bad Investigators: Eri smirks, but says nothing.
  620. ~~PRIVATE CHAT, Sarah - Aether~~
  622. 5:57 PM - Sarah Salem: I will just continue sitting in Tami's kitchen
  623. 5:57 PM - Sarah Salem: Because I live here now
  624. 5:57 PM - Sarah Salem: This is my home.
  625. 8:59 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: Poor Tami
  626. 5:58 PM - Sarah Salem: We're best friends.
  627. 8:59 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: mhm
  628. 8:59 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: So you pull out your feather and go about contacting the birb
  629. 8:59 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: He answers.
  630. 9:01 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: "Yes, child? I am hoping this is not another call made while under the influence of certain disabling substances."
  631. 6:02 PM - Sarah Salem: "Do I want to know who you are referring to?"
  632. 9:03 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: "It is unimportant. What is it you require of me?"
  633. 6:03 PM - Sarah Salem: "Information. I would like to know what you 'take' from a girl, to give them their power."
  634. 9:05 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: "Mm. That is simple. I believe I have explained this once before, with the others present as well."
  635. 6:05 PM - Sarah Salem: I wait for him to continue.
  636. 9:07 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: Noticing you're clearly unable to properly listen the first time things were explained, he continues. "When a girl makes a contract with me, I take what humans would call, for lack of a better term, an 'emotion,' best described as 'innocence.'"
  637. 9:09 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: "It is necessary to remove this, in order to properly give the girl the ability to convert magic from its raw form to a refined, usable state."
  638. 6:09 PM - Sarah Salem: "And what exactly is 'innocence'? I've heard this before, but it does not explain much."
  639. 9:11 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: "It is simply a stabilizing emotion. You have likely noticed how unstable magic is, especially when pushed. Your own emotions will seem in disorder, as well. That is the cause of the removal of innocence."
  640. 6:11 PM - Sarah Salem: "That is it?"
  641. 9:12 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: "In essence."
  642. 6:13 PM - Sarah Salem: "I cannot see the fuss, then."
  643. 9:15 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: "Many girls will find more issues with things than others."
  644. 6:15 PM - Sarah Salem: "I suppose. One more question, if I may?"
  645. 9:17 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: "That is?"
  646. 6:18 PM - Sarah Salem: "Are you a Guardian, like Yarif?"
  647. 9:20 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: Eno is silent for quite some time. "...he has spoken of Guardians?"
  648. 6:19 PM - Sarah Salem: "Is that a problem?"
  649. 9:21 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: "It is nothing to be concerned with."
  650. 9:23 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: "If there is nothing else, I must attend to something. Good day, child."
  651. 6:23 PM - Sarah Salem: "That was not an answer. I will take it that means 'yes'?"
  652. 9:25 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: It would seem he's already disconnected.
  653. 6:25 PM - Sarah Salem: I put the feather away, looking around the table.
  654. 9:26 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: It is a table. In Tami's house. There appears to be a droplet of syrup on it where someone dripped from breakfast.
  655. 6:26 PM - Sarah Salem: Woah.
  656. 9:31 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: So, that's about it.
  657. 6:31 PM - Sarah Salem: So I'm just kind of sitting around Tami's house, with a bunch of NPCs, waiting for everyone else?
  658. 9:32 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: Well, the NPCs are still in the living room. You're in the kitchen, alone, like a nerd.
  659. 6:31 PM - Sarah Salem: I'll go into the living room then. It's less weird. :v
  660. 9:32 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: It's not like you're bound here. You can just, like, find something else to do :v
  661. 9:33 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: R: "So what was all that about, baka?! I just get... kicked out of the room, you all talk, then they leave?"
  662. 9:33 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: T: "Remi, please, relax."
  663. 6:34 PM - Sarah Salem: "It was just a... serious matter. We did not want to bother anyone who was not involved." I exchange glances with Tami.
  664. 9:37 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: R: "Hmph. I guess I'm not impor-... n-nevermind."
  665. 6:37 PM - Sarah Salem: "Um... How are things out here? In the living room."
  666. 9:38 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: K: "Things are... quieter, without the others."
  667. 9:38 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: T: "Not that that's a bad thing."
  668. 6:38 PM - Sarah Salem: "Is Suzu not lively enough for the two of you?"
  669. 9:40 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: S: "I take offense to that! I'm not /nearly/ as rowdy as the others. Usually."
  670. 9:40 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: Suzu examines you for a moment. "I wonder what you'd rate at... there doesn't look like much to grab..."
  671. 6:40 PM - Sarah Salem: I stare back at her cautiously. "Much to grab?"
  672. 9:42 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: S: "Nevermind~ You'd probably be worse than your sister anyway. You're younger, rig- OW!" Tami proceeds to slap Suzu on the back of the head. Ko smiles faintly at these vacant shenanigans, as they are the norm.
  673. 6:44 PM - Sarah Salem: I continue on, oblivious to what she meant. "I suppose I am. That is what the doctors seemed to think."
  674. 9:45 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: T: "You mean you don't actually know?"
  675. 6:45 PM - Sarah Salem: I give a one-armed shrug. "No."
  676. 9:47 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: R: "...are you THAT much of a baka?" Remi mumbles more to herself. Roll Finesse!
  677. 6:47 PM - Sarah Salem: I got an 8 c:
  678. 6:47 PM - Sarah Salem: I got an 11 c:
  679. 9:49 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: With a point of luck, you manage to catch Remi mumbling, "just what kind of idiot did I fall in love with?"
  680. 6:52 PM - Sarah Salem: I raise both eyebrows, reddening a little. "U-Um, let's... move on from that. We can just say I am fifteen."
  681. 6:53 PM - Sarah Salem: I avoid Remi's *chiiiiiii* for the third or fourth time at this sleepover.
  682. 6:53 PM - Sarah Salem: "Is Valentine still sleeping?"
  683. 9:54 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: She snorts. It would seem that she is.
  684. 9:54 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: Her little bunny poof tail twitches slightly, her ass still in the air. Jake sits upon it like a throne.
  685. 6:55 PM - Sarah Salem: "Should we bring her to her home?"
  686. 9:58 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: T: "Who, Val? Well, it's not like she's doing anything harmful right now."
  687. 9:58 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: T: "I mean, I guess we could, but Satoya was gonna go with her, so shouldn't we wait for her to get back?"
  688. 6:58 PM - Sarah Salem: "I suppose so."
  689. 6:59 PM - Sarah Salem: I pause and wait around awkwardly for a few minutes.
  690. 10:00 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: The NPCs idly chatter to kill the time, since nothing else is really happening.
  691. 10:01 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: Finally, Anna returns. Though, following behind her...
  692. 10:01 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: a certain, white cat.
  693. 7:00 PM - Sarah Salem: "Welcome back, Anna. You brought him with you?"
  694. 10:02 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: A: "More like he /wanted/ to come..."
  695. 10:03 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: H: "Now the /real/ question is whether or not I can expect a boot to my cute little kitty face."
  696. 7:02 PM - Sarah Salem: I frown at him, then give Anna a pointed look, and a glance at Remi.
  697. 10:05 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: Anna nods, understanding. "I told you, I didn't bring him here. He kinda just... followed me."
  698. 10:05 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: Tami sighs. "C'mon girls, let's go somewhere."
  699. 10:05 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: R: "B-but what-"
  700. 10:05 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: T: "/Move/ it, ladies."
  701. 10:06 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: Tami proceeds to shove the lot of them into a different room in a big, single-file congo line.
  702. 7:05 PM - Sarah Salem: I mindping Tami a quick, *Thank you.*, and then turn to the matter at hand.
  703. 7:06 PM - Sarah Salem: "Stay somewhere that isn't on top of me, and we'll be fine, cat."
  704. 10:07 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: H: "Sassy as always, I see."
  705. 7:07 PM - Sarah Salem: "The same could be said for you."
  706. 10:09 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: H: "The difference here is that I'm cute enough to pull it off." He takes a seat on the coffee table, idly pawing about a leftover ball of sushi from last night.
  707. 7:11 PM - Sarah Salem: "Like cats can be cute."
  708. 7:11 PM - Sarah Salem: "What did he tell you, Anna?"
  709. 10:16 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: A: "He mostly said that-" H: "I would have preferred to explain this business with more than just one or two people, but I suppose you'll do. Though that isn't saying much. I hate repeating myself, so take notes."
  710. 7:15 PM - Sarah Salem: "I'm listening."
  711. 10:18 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: "Well, what is it you wanted to know about? This one here wasn't exactly specific. She mostly mumbled something about 'the Guardians.'" He says that last part with sarcasm. "She's about as good with words as you are."
  712. 7:18 PM - Sarah Salem: I take a deep breath, willing myself not to attempt to kill another cat.
  713. 7:18 PM - Sarah Salem: "We wanted to know if you were a Guardian, and what the loss of our 'innocence' entails."
  714. 10:20 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: He makes a curious catlike "ooo" noise which sounds like a drawn-out "Me-owww."
  715. 10:21 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: H: "So the soft-shelled turtle finally said something, did he?"
  716. 10:21 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: A: "He's a tortoise..."
  717. 7:21 PM - Sarah Salem: I roll my eyes at Anna's comment. "Yes, he did. After I had to fight one."
  718. 10:23 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: H: "My oh my, getting into /all/ sorts of trouble, aren't we? Bad girls, you are."
  719. 10:24 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: "Well, since you already know, I may as well spill. Yes, I am a Guardian. The Guardian of Aether, to be precise."
  720. 7:23 PM - Sarah Salem: "Aether?"
  721. 10:26 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: H: "Congratulations! You're not deaf. Yes, that is what I said. Aether."
  722. 7:25 PM - Sarah Salem: I grit my teeth. "And what does that entail?"
  723. 10:29 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: He sighs. "You really aren't all that smart, are you? You've known a girl with the same, I think you Magi call it an 'element?' as I am Guardian of. The one with the big breasts, blonde hair? Well, whatever. Aether is mostly space, dimensional or celestial, but it has some draws with 'good' as well, compared to 'evil.' You humans have some curious ways to describe concepts."
  724. 10:35 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: A: "That sounds fairly close to my own element, Space."
  725. 10:35 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: H: "Oh? Well, congratulations. You may be related to me. Better start calling me 'father' or something."
  726. 10:35 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: A: "Wha?!"
  727. 7:35 PM - Sarah Salem: "Please don't."
  728. 10:36 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: H: "Ha! You girls are so simple sometimes."
  729. 7:35 PM - Sarah Salem: "Our second question, please?"
  730. 10:37 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: "What, about that innocence stuff? Well, that's nothing I bother with, so I couldn't tell you if I wanted to."
  731. 7:37 PM - Sarah Salem: "What do /you/ take, then?"
  732. 10:41 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: "A little of everything." He looks at you and grins, showing his own fangs. "Would you rather lose a finger or toe from each extremity, or an entire arm?"
  733. 7:41 PM - Sarah Salem: I look at my own missing arm and grimace. "I see."
  734. 7:42 PM - Sarah Salem: "...I loathe to say it, but you are probably the most helpful of your kind."
  735. 10:44 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: H: "Oh? Well that's sweet of you to say~. I take it you don't like the feathered rat much, do you?"
  736. 7:43 PM - Sarah Salem: "Enomatia is frustratingly cryptic."
  737. 10:47 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: Haku's tone changes entirely, sounding now like someone thoroughly fed up with a particularly bothersome, but vital co-worker. "Well, what would you expect from the Guardian of Oblivion? He's a feathered nusicence. I'd have eradicated him long ago if Creator wasn't so adamant about keeping him around."
  738. 7:47 PM - Sarah Salem: "Creator? Would that be the Guardian of Creation?"
  739. 10:49 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: H: "Yeah, that's him."
  740. 10:51 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: H: "He's what you'd call the big boss of the Guardians, I suppose. He sent the turtle down here to keep an eye on the flying rat and myself. Guess he didn't trust me not to crush the bird after he stripped Oblivion of his power."
  741. 7:50 PM - Sarah Salem: "He stripped Enomatia of his power?"
  742. 7:50 PM - Sarah Salem: I raise an eyebrow at this
  743. 10:54 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: Haku puts a paw to his face in a pantomime of a facepalm. Can cats even bend like that? "Ahh, shit. I think I said too much. The damned turtle-" A: "...tortoise..." H:"-is gonna bite me in my furry little ass for this. Creator help me if, well, Creator finds out. You're too damned curious for your own good."
  744. 7:55 PM - Sarah Salem: "I don't particularly have any interest in finding out more about this. I am just doing as I was asked to."
  745. 10:57 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: H: "And it's best if you stop, before things get /too/ out of control."
  746. 7:57 PM - Sarah Salem: "I suppose I can do that. Don't be surprised if someone else comes to talk to you."
  747. 11:01 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: H: "Yes yes, whatever you say. Now if you'll excuse me, you've been entirely too bothersome. This wasn't nearly as fun as I was hoping."
  748. 8:00 PM - Sarah Salem: "What were you hoping for? A kick?"
  749. 8:01 PM - Sarah Salem: I let out a derisive puff of air.
  750. 11:02 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: "Not at all. But you girls tend to be bottomless sources of entertainment."
  751. 8:02 PM - Sarah Salem: "I would ask how, but I think I've already experienced how firsthand."
  752. 8:02 PM - Sarah Salem: "You can go now. This has been informative."
  753. 11:04 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: "Perhaps /too/ informative," he concludes with a flick of his tail. He then leaps from the table onto Anna's head, then your own, and out an open window.
  754. 8:03 PM - Sarah Salem: I jump, startled at his sudden closeness, and make a halfhearted swipe at his exit.
  755. 8:05 PM - Sarah Salem: "He's such a bother."
  757. ~~END PRIVATE CHAT, Sarah - Aether~~
  764. ~~PRIVATE CHAT, Rin - Pulling Weeds~~
  766. 7:27 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: Rin wakes up alone in her home because she's a friendless, weird American nerd. Roll 1d4+3 to determine the number of people in your house that are dead, including yourself. You need a 1 or less to survive.
  767. 4:28 PM - Rin: 4
  768. 7:29 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: Rin and all of her family are now dead.
  769. 4:28 PM - Rin: RIP
  770. 7:29 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: Misty is eaten by a rabid bunny.
  771. 7:30 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: ok ok
  772. 7:30 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: so you wake up, nobody dead (yet)
  773. 7:30 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: what's the plan, oh carroty one
  774. 4:30 PM - Rin: Rin takes out Misty,"Hey, you awake?"
  775. 7:32 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: "Well g'mornin' Rinny gal!"
  776. 4:34 PM - Rin: "Mornin! Can I ask you something?"
  777. 7:35 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: "Well shoot, gal."
  778. 4:36 PM - Rin: "When I was fighting that evil spider thing...I felt like I was about to explode. Then when I woke up it was just all you think I should be worried? I can't really ask any of those other girls without revealing my identity."
  779. 4:36 PM - Rin: "Although that Ramona girl...and I guess my kidnapper both know now."
  780. 4:37 PM - Rin: "Maybe I should come clean and ask them."
  781. 7:40 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: "That might be a good idea, hun. Ya caint keep doin' this alone after all. Yall might get hurt, ya know? And as fer that splodin' bit, mai guess is ya pushed yerself a lil too hard, so maybe ya should try'n tone it back a lil, git me?"
  782. 7:40 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: "It's good that ya wanna beat the bad things, but not if it hurts yerself, alrighty? It's like, throwin' out yer back pullin' carrots from the patch. Then ya caint pull any carrots at all."
  783. 4:41 PM - Rin: "That carrot analogy really hit home, thanks Misty! Maybe doing all this alone isn't such a good idea...hey what about that Anna girl? I was thinking of allowing her to be my sidekick anyways! Not that you arn't a wonderful sidekick! But beyond helping me transform you can't really assist in battle."
  784. 4:43 PM - Rin: "Although her sister is pretty scary..."
  785. 7:44 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: "Well, thas all the advice I got fer ya now Rinny, so ya can do whatever ya think's best. Yer the hero, after alls."
  786. 4:45 PM - Rin: "You're right! Maybe I'll start with Ramona, she's a hero too right?"
  787. 4:46 PM - Rin: Rin takes out her phone and shoots Ramona a text.
  788. 4:47 PM - Rin: "Hi! It's the Masked Hero Carrot with some super important question relating to crime fighting!"
  789. 7:50 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: "Well, im your girl! whats up? remember im not now or ever going to be your sidekick so dont bother asking"
  790. 4:51 PM - Rin: "Hah! I have superior candidates now! I was more concerned with the effects of using our magic. I felt really weird the other day after using my magic, but then I passed out and when I woke up felt normal again. Can you tell me what happened?"
  791. 7:53 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: "well, if you use too much magic, it fucking explodes. just, boom. different stuff happens if you use different magic but none of it is ever good"
  792. 4:53 PM - Rin: "Different stuff? Like what?"
  793. 7:55 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: "youve seen the news, right? like, riots, and shit. or big explosions. or making monsters. ive had to kill one i made myself, with my... now ex, girlfriend"
  794. 4:55 PM - Rin: "Oh, I'm sorry you guys didn't work out! Is there any way to tell if it was a monster or not?"
  795. 7:58 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: "when people you know start dying, its a monster"
  796. 7:59 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: "if shit blew up, its an explosion. if people including yourself start going fucking nuts, its rage"
  797. 4:59 PM - Rin: "Well nobody's going nuts, and I don't think that explosion was the end of it. Maybe I should start looking for a monster just in case, it's what I do anyways!"
  798. 4:59 PM - Rin: "Thanks Ramona!"
  799. 8:00 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: "well good luck with that, try not to die"
  800. 5:02 PM - Rin: Rin takes out Misty and trys to detect any nearby Youma.
  801. 8:04 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: There isn't anything nearby. Why does everyone think the second they take out their activators there's gonna be a youma just sitting right the hell there? Like, peeking in their window. "Oh, you rascal you(ma)." Like, man. You gotta work a little. No, you don't find anything.
  802. 5:04 PM - Rin: "Hmmmm..."
  803. 5:04 PM - Rin: "Maybe I'm just paranoid, I'm sure everythin will be okay."
  804. 5:04 PM - Rin: (( you've been warning me this heart youma's been coming for the last two weeks, I don't really think it was that stupid to give it a shot :v))
  805. 8:06 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: Unless your parents are home 24/7, aren't there other places they can be? Hmmm?
  806. 5:06 PM - Rin: (( I figured it was a weekend and we're all home :o ))
  807. 5:06 PM - Rin: (( But Rin shall investigate ))
  808. 8:07 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: but then who will be pulling carrots to feed the festivals?
  809. 8:07 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: someone gotta be workin
  810. 5:07 PM - Rin: (( excellent point ))
  811. 5:07 PM - Rin: Rin heads downstairs and calls for her mother, "Maaaaaa? Do you know if we have any cereal?"
  812. 8:09 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: "A'course we do sweetie! Check the cabinet, it's your favorite! Farmer Joe's Carrot Oats!"
  813. 5:09 PM - Rin: "My favorite!"
  814. 5:09 PM - Rin: Rin pours herself a delicious bowl of Joe's and digs in, "Hey Ma' is dad around?"
  815. 8:12 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: "He's at work! Someone's gotta work and pull the carrots to feed the festivals after all, right?"
  816. 5:12 PM - Rin: "Do you think he'll need some help?"
  817. 8:15 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: "Probably not, honey. You just enjoy your week off. He can take care of it."
  818. 5:16 PM - Rin: "You're right, I think I'll go visit some friends! By Ma!" Rin finishes her bowl of cereal and heads out the door.
  819. 8:18 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: You head out the door into the not bright and shining sunlight because there's a city above your head.
  820. 5:18 PM - Rin: Rin takes out Misty, "Hey guess what?"
  821. 8:20 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: "What's up Rinny?"
  822. 5:20 PM - Rin: "I don't have any friends! Hah, we're going to check out my Dad's job for any suspicious activity."
  823. 5:21 PM - Rin: Rin heads to her father's place of work, Misty in tow.
  824. 8:28 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: You head down to Tier 4, to your father's hydroponics workplace.
  825. 5:28 PM - Rin: "Alright, we'll give this another shot." Rin trys to sense any youma again.
  826. 8:34 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: You sense... something, coming from the building, but you can't tell what or where. It's clearly amiss though.
  827. 8:34 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: You'll have to go in and investigate further.
  828. 5:35 PM - Rin: "H-here we go!" Rin heads in to the facility.
  829. 8:37 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: You enter the facility. You're probably not allowed in here, come to think of it. Is this trespassing? Probably.
  830. 5:38 PM - Rin: (( that's fine ))
  831. 8:40 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: You're still unsure of where to look. Your activator isn't giving you any clues, either. Your best bet will be to wander, or ask someone who works here. Though that's liable to get you booted from the place.
  832. 5:40 PM - Rin: (( hah as if I would stoop to talking to people ))
  833. 5:41 PM - Rin: Rin leans down to talk to the floor,"Soooooooooooooooooo, uh, how's it going?"
  834. 8:42 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: "Low and slow, that's fo sho. I'm the floo, after awo."
  835. 5:43 PM - Rin: "Uhm, r-right. So you're the floor, you're a lover right? Has anything strange been going on around here? Like a monster appearing or something?"
  836. 8:46 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: "Monster? Nonster. Machines been breaking, that's been making, lots of suffer and a delay buffer between the growing and going out and about."
  837. 5:46 PM - Rin: "You got real talent y'know? You should be a proffesional rapper!"
  838. 5:46 PM - Rin: "But uhm which machines in particular have been breaking?"
  839. 8:47 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: "Ones all about! Makes the people pout."
  840. 8:48 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: "Check the west, that's probably best. More break there than anywhere."
  841. 5:49 PM - Rin: "Thanks buddy, keep up the uhm, dope ryhmes homie." Rin blushes from embarrasment and heads to the western section of the building as sneakily as possible.
  842. 8:55 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: You enter the western part of the building, where the hum and clang of machinery is more prominent. You can also hear voices.
  843. 8:55 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: Someone's coming! Whatcha gonna do?
  844. 5:55 PM - Rin: Look around for a place to hide.
  845. 8:57 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: Roll finesse or somethin
  846. 5:57 PM - Rin: 17
  847. 8:58 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: You form stepping pegs of carrots that sprout from the wall, jump up them like stairs, and hang out on the ceiling as the guy walks past you without issue.
  848. 6:01 PM - Rin: "Phew."
  849. 9:02 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: You drop back down and continue through the halls.
  850. 9:03 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: Eventually, you enter a room full of pipes that seem to be funneling water and stuff or something.
  851. 6:03 PM - Rin: "These look important, I wonder if this is the room where everything's breaking?" Rin looks around the room for any sign of broken machinery.
  852. 9:04 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: Roll Finesse
  853. 6:03 PM - Rin: 17
  854. 9:06 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: One pipe seems far more rusty than the others. In fact, it looks liable to... fufufuf... /burst/ at any moment.
  855. 6:05 PM - Rin: (( heh ))
  856. 6:11 PM - Rin: Rin looks at the pipe and see's if her deep knowledge of carrot farming could help her fix it.
  857. 9:13 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: It is a pipe. Though perhaps following it may yeild some answers.
  858. 6:15 PM - Rin: Rin has the genius original idea to follow that pipe.
  859. 9:17 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: Following the pipe takes you into another room. There are various machines of dubious purpose being tended to by some people. You can't get any closer to these machines without being spotted. Above the room, a catwalk hangs around, and leads into a big funnel, where someone is dumping sacks of stuff into. It probably puts nutrients into the water or something? Who knows man, it's the future.
  860. 9:18 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: You don't know how all this shit works. You're used to good old fashioned hard labor, not none of this ridiculous automagical technoshit.
  861. 6:18 PM - Rin: Does the pipe lead any further?
  862. 9:19 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: It do, into the big funnel machine, actually.
  863. 6:19 PM - Rin: Is there a ladder around up to the catwalk?
  864. 9:20 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: aye, but you'll make quite a ruckus climbing it
  865. 6:20 PM - Rin: How many people are in the room?
  866. 9:22 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: 4. One tending some various panels and dials on your floor, one flipping switches also on your floor, and one carefully dumping sacks of stuff into the funnel while the last fetches new sacks.
  867. 6:22 PM - Rin: Rin summons a horse-sized carrot next to the one switching switches.
  868. 9:24 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: jesus christ man
  869. 9:26 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: Well, ok then. I guess, roll sorcery?
  870. 6:26 PM - Rin: 24, 2 OC to magic
  871. 9:32 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: You make the carrotyest god damn carrot that ever carroted a carrot carrot.
  872. 6:33 PM - Rin: How many employees noticed?
  873. 9:35 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: All of them. They are all thoroughly startled by the gigantic fucking carrot that just appeared out of nowhere.
  874. 9:35 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: In fact, Mister Sack Dumper is so startled, he mishandles the heavy sack, and starts to fall into the funnel machine!
  875. 9:36 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: Through convenient glass windows on the base of the funnel machine, you can see all kinds of gears and other grindy bits inside, processing water and stuff. It's about to process a person, too.
  876. 6:35 PM - Rin: Rin runs up to the catwalk an trys to grab the man before he's processed.
  877. 9:37 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: well then, roll physical to run up to him and grab him
  878. 9:37 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: gotta roll fast
  879. 6:37 PM - Rin: 17
  880. 9:39 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: You pull the same stunt as you did in the hall, making carrot stepping stones as you transform from the OC before, managing to reach the man just in time to grab his hand.
  881. 9:39 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: Unfortunately, you'll need to roll to grab his hand. c:
  882. 6:38 PM - Rin: 17
  883. 9:41 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: How many fucking 17s...whatever, you grab him and yank him back onto the catwalk.
  884. 9:41 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: He pants, relieved. "Y-you saved me!"
  885. 6:41 PM - Rin: "That's what heros do! I'm The Masked Hero Carrot! Can you tell me where that funnel leads?"
  886. 9:44 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: "U-uh, well... this is just, the water processing. We dump all sorts of stuff into here, and it gets pumped across the facility and distributed between the crops. ...hey, aren't you like, fifteen, or something? What are you doing here, anyway?"
  887. 6:44 PM - Rin: "Right, sorry about this next part." Rin attempts to knock out the employee by bashing his head into the catwalk nonlethaly.
  888. 9:46 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: welp
  889. 9:46 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: physical :v
  890. 6:45 PM - Rin: 14
  891. 9:47 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: You bash his face against the catwalk and he's out like a light.
  892. 9:48 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: Unfortunately, there are three other people in the room, who saw the spectacle. One of them is on the catwalk and carrying a heavy sack on his shoulder.
  893. 6:48 PM - Rin: "Civilians! Listen to me! I need your help in catching a monster! Will you lend me your assistance?"
  894. 6:49 PM - Rin: Rin strikes an impressive pose to show she is truly a hero.
  895. 9:50 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: it had better be impressive, considering you just knocked their friend out in front of them
  896. 6:49 PM - Rin: 10
  897. 9:50 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: "Y-you just... knocked him out? What the fuck!"
  898. 9:51 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: He hefts the sack from his shoulder and drops it, moving to restrain you.
  899. 6:50 PM - Rin: "Watch your language! And he was a minion of the evil monster of course! Fine, if it's a fight you want, you shall have it!"
  900. 6:51 PM - Rin: Rin takes a runing kick at the man.
  901. 9:52 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: Beat 17 c:
  902. 9:52 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: Physical
  903. 6:52 PM - Rin: 15
  904. 9:54 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: He grabs your foot and holds you upside down as you dangle by your leg.
  905. 6:53 PM - Rin: "H-hey! Let me go pervert!"
  906. 6:53 PM - Rin: "I just SAVED your buddy!"
  907. 9:56 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: "And then you bashed his face on the floor and said he was evil or something. C'mon kid, you don't belong in here."
  908. 6:56 PM - Rin: "L-look, really this place is in danger...probably..."
  909. 9:57 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: He walks away from the funnel thing, still carrying you and ignoring your words.
  910. 6:57 PM - Rin: "Fine, if that's how it has to be face my power!" Rin summons a giant carrot on the catwalk to block the man.
  911. 9:59 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: Roll sorcery.
  912. 6:58 PM - Rin: 25
  913. 7:03 PM - Rin: At the same time Rin vents her 4 magic OC by giving the carrots large mouths, allowing them to speak their minds so everyone could hear them, not just Rin.
  914. 10:04 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: The carrot begins to babble incoherently, while your human friend is entirely confused. "Wh... what in the FUCK?"
  915. 7:05 PM - Rin: Rin uses this distraction to try and bash him in the face with her free leg.
  916. 10:07 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: Roll it, +2
  917. 7:06 PM - Rin: 17
  918. 10:07 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: You bash his fookin skull in
  919. 10:07 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: ok not really but he's out cold
  920. 10:10 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: The other two are on the floor below, entirely unbelieving. They proceed to gtfo
  921. 7:10 PM - Rin: I attempt to block the exit before they can get out.
  922. 7:10 PM - Rin: With a carrot of course.
  923. 10:12 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: you know the drill
  924. 7:11 PM - Rin: 16
  925. 10:14 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: You block the two exits. The retreating men thump into a wall of carrot.
  926. 7:14 PM - Rin: Rin jumps down in front of them, "Hey knuckleheads, I need some information, are you going to help me or what?"
  927. 10:17 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: "D-d-don't kill us!" "We did nothing wrong!"
  928. 7:19 PM - Rin: "Kill you? No no no you got it all wrong! I'm a hero! I just knocked out your friends because they were gunna ring some alarm or something. I just need you guys to help answer some questions okay?"
  929. 10:21 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: They seem thoroughly cowed and in fear. You assume that means they're willing to help. Probably.
  930. 7:22 PM - Rin: "So I hear machines have been breaking around here, you guys know anything about that?"
  931. 10:23 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: "W-w-we j-just figured it was defects in the stuff..." "What's it g-got to do with anything?"
  932. 7:23 PM - Rin: "There's a super villain around, duh! Gosh don't you guys watch T.V.? My Ma' says I watch too much sometimes, but what's she know right?"
  933. 7:24 PM - Rin: "Anyways, I need to find this super villain and take them down!"
  934. 7:24 PM - Rin: Rin walks over to the funnel with the pipe going into it, "What about you, you know anything about any monsters?"
  935. 10:26 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: F: "GLUGLUGLUGLUGLGULG"
  936. 7:26 PM - Rin: "Man you're significatly less helpful than the floor."
  937. 7:27 PM - Rin: Rin bends down and addresses the floor, "Any more tips my homie?"
  938. 10:33 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: "If the machine's connected to it all, stuff could be way off the ball. All the things could be messed, in case you didn't guessed."
  939. 7:33 PM - Rin: "So the whole plant is getting messed up nutrients or something?"
  940. 10:36 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: "Could be, you see."
  941. 7:35 PM - Rin: "That's no good, we gotta shut it down I guess."
  942. 7:36 PM - Rin: Rin turns to the employees, "Hey how do I turn this thing off?"
  943. 10:39 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: "T-t-the main valve... I-it's over there." He points.
  944. 7:39 PM - Rin: "Hey man, don't be so nervous, try some of the carrot behind you!" Rin turns the main valve off.
  945. 10:41 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: Man, this thing is fuckin /jammed/. You can't turn it at all. Try to physical that bitch.
  946. 7:41 PM - Rin: 14
  947. 10:42 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: It squeaks, once.
  948. 10:43 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: But nothing happens.
  949. 10:43 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: You hardly twitched it.
  950. 7:42 PM - Rin: "Geez...this is tough, hey one of you guys give it a shot."
  951. 7:42 PM - Rin: "Whichever one of you is stronger."
  952. 10:44 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: They look between each other, then shakily stand and both approach the valve, trying to give it a go.
  953. 10:46 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: They put their hands to the valve to turn it before stopping, remembering something and saying, "If we shut it off, the pipes will burst! The pressure will build up and be too much for the system to handle..."
  954. 7:47 PM - Rin: "Oh, right. Well there has to be some way to shut everything down? Or maybe I should just get to the route of the problem..."
  955. 7:47 PM - Rin: Rin checks her activator again to see if she's any closer to the youma.
  956. 10:49 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: You are indeed closer to the problem. In fact, it seems to be radiating from... the funnel machine, thing.
  957. 7:49 PM - Rin: "Hey, how much does one of those things cost?" Rin points to the funnel machine.
  958. 10:51 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: "Probably a lot... why?"
  959. 7:51 PM - Rin: "Gosh I'm sorry." Rin attacks the funnel machine.
  960. 10:55 PM - Thanks for Giving Us a Contract: You proceed to smash the machine to bits, water spewing out from the thing in endless torrents. But, you seem to have done something! The youma reading is stronger than ever now. In fact, you think you found the entrance to the nightmare.
  961. 7:55 PM - Rin: "I'm sure a big company like this will be able to pay for the take care of your friends okay?" Rin enters the nightmare.
  963. ~~END PRIVATE CHAT, Rin - Pulling Weeds~~
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