
A Heartwarming Cup of Coffee 3

Dec 15th, 2014
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  1. >"Hey Anon, need any help?"
  2. >you turn away from the stove to look towards Java.
  3. "Yeah, can you start cutting up the veggies for dinner?"
  4. >you are anon once again.
  5. >and you're currently making dinner for four.
  6. >it's was only yesterday that you brought Mia into the coffee shop to meet Java.
  7. >when you woke up this morning, you had the idea to have dinner with your friends here in the city.
  8. >you called Java and Coco and asked if they would like to come over for dinner.
  9. >after receiving a confirmation from both of then, you went next door and asked Mia if she would join you.
  10. >so now you're in your home cooking for four people.
  11. >Java came over early to help since she didn't work on Saturdays.
  12. >she doesn't have her usual apron on.
  13. >... you kind of miss it.
  14. >she grabs the veggies and pulls them to the cutting board.
  15. >now you were a pretty decent cook back on Earth.
  16. >your specialty dish was spaghetti.
  17. >as Java is cutting the onions, bell peppers and mushrooms, you're making the sauce from fresh tomatoes.
  18. >you'll work on the pasta in a bit.
  19. >while you two are cooking, there comes a knock from your door.
  20. "I'll get that."
  21. >making sure you put the sauce on a lower heat, you head to your door.
  22. >when you open it, you are greeted by Coco.
  23. >"Hi, Anon. I'm not late, am I?"
  24. >you move to the side so that she can enter.
  25. "No, actually. We're just starting to cook it."
  26. >she places her saddlebags next to your door once she is inside.
  27. >"Oh good. I was worried I took to long. Is anyone else here?"
  28. >Java chimes in from the kitchen.
  29. >"Hi, Coco. I'm just helping Anon with dinner."
  30. >you make your way back to the kitchen.
  31. "Just make yourself at home. Mia should be here in another twenty minutes or so."
  32. >Coco gets up on your couch, placing her hooves over the back of it to keep looking towards the kitchen.
  33. >"So, what are we having?"
  34. >you resume your preparation of the sauce.
  35. "Spaghetti. It was one of my best dishes back home."
  36. >"Oh, I look forward to it then."
  37. >at that time, Java brings you all the chopped up veggies.
  38. >"Here you go, need anything else?"
  39. "No, I'm fine. Thanks Java."
  40. >she makes her way to the living room, and gets on the couch with Coco.
  41. >as the sauce is cooking, you pull out a pan to sautΓ© the veggies.
  42. >time passes as you finish up the sauce, and start on the pasta.
  43. >the girls are having a conversation, with you chiming in every now and then.
  44. >pretty soon, everything is ready.
  45. >and just in time, as there is another knock at your door.
  46. >Java gets up off the couch.
  47. >"I'll get it."
  48. >she opens the Dior to let Mia in.
  49. >"Ugh, sorry I'm late. Took longer than I thought to get home. Something smells good."
  50. >she is sniffing the air with a smile on her face.
  51. >Coco gets off the couch next.
  52. >"Hi, you must be Mia. I'm Coco, nice to meet you."
  53. >that pulls Mia out of her food trance and she looks over to Coco.
  54. >"Oh, hi! Anon told me a bit about you. Nice to meet you too."
  55. >they share a quick hoof shake before turning towards you.
  56. >"How's dinner coming along?"
  57. "It's actually done now. You have really good timing, Mia."
  58. >she just grins at you.
  59. >you pull four plates out and start to dish up the food.
  60. >after you get that done, you start bring them out to the girls.
  61. >they are all sitting around your coffee table on the floor.
  62. >you place the first two plates in front of Coco and Java before heading back for the rest.
  63. >after bringing the other two out, you join them by sitting down.
  64. "Well, enjoy."
  65. >"Mmmm, this looks so good, Anon." says Mia.
  66. "Well, thank you. I take pride in my cooking."
  67. >you turn back towards the kitchen to get yourself a drink, when you realize you didn't ask the girls what they want.
  68. "Hey, I'm gonna get myself a drink, anyone else want anything?"
  69. >they reply with their requests.
  70. >in the kitchen, you grab water for Coco, cider for Java and a beer each for Mia and yourself.
  71. >you hand the drinks to the respective ponies, and sit down at your spot.
  72. >you get a thank you from each of them.
  73. >dinner goes by pretty smooth, with everyone chatting away while enjoying your cooking.
  74. >once everyone is done, you grab the dishes and put them in the sink.
  75. >"Ooooh, that was so good, Anon." says Mia.
  76. "Thank you. It's a recipe I made up back home. Unfortunately, there's one ingredient I haven't been able to use since I got here."
  77. >after sitting back down, Coco asks first.
  78. >"What ingredient is that?"
  79. >your attention is currently held by a spot on your table that you're picking at.
  80. >you reply nonchalantly.
  81. "Beef. Or sausage, depending on what I was in the mood for."
  82. >several seconds pass by without a response, so you look up at the girls, curious as to why they're silent.
  83. >each one has a varying look of shock or disbelief on thier face.
  84. >Coco looks like she couldn't believe what she just heard, Java looks confused and Mia just has her eyebrows raises.
  85. "...What?"
  86. >Coco stutters out "Y-you eat meat?"
  87. "Uh, yeah. Humans are omnivorous. Didn't I tell you that?"
  88. >"N-NO!" Coco looks like she is about to faint.
  89. >seeing the fear you instilled into your friend, you decide to try and calm her.
  90. "Now Coco, I know it sounds bad, but trust me when I say this. I haven't have a single piece of meat since I got here to Equestria. Trust me."
  91. >that seems to have done the job.
  92. >"O-ok Anon. I trust you."
  93. >the other girls look at you with smiles.
  94. >you smile back at them.
  95. "Besides, I wouldn't eat you three even if I wanted to. You're just to damn cute."
  96. >Coco and Java blush at your remark.
  97. >Mia is just nodding her head and smiling.
  98. >you keep looking right at her.
  99. >what you said finally clicks with her, and she blushes harder than the other two.
  100. >"W-what? Do you really think we're cute."
  101. "Of course I do. Why wouldn't I?"
  102. >All three girls blushes get even redder.
  103. >you start chuckling at their apparent shyness.
  104. >you decide to change to subject so that they have a chance to recover.
  105. "So girls, how have your day's been?"
  106. >the next half hour or so goes by, all four of you switching between telling tales of your not so magical adventures in Manehattan.
  107. >the subject of the conversation turns towards jobs.
  108. >"Have you found one yet, Anon?" Coco asks.
  109. "No, not yet. But I am still looking. Why?"
  110. >She walked over to her saddlebags and pulls out a piece of paper.
  111. >she turns and holds it out to you.
  112. >you take it, and see that it has an address on it.
  113. >Coco walks back to her spot and sits down.
  114. >"A friend of my boss just lost one of his employees. I heard them talking about it today and asked if he was still looking for someone."
  115. >you look up from it towards her.
  116. >Coco continues speaking.
  117. >"I told him how you're looking for a job, and asked if he'd give you an interview. He agreed and said to be there at noon tomorrow."
  118. >she then pokes your arm and gives you a mock serious look.
  119. >"So don't be late."
  120. >you look back down at the paper.
  121. "Wow. Thank you, Coco. I hope this works."
  122. >"You're welcome. So, Mia, what do you do?"
  123. >Mia looks to her.
  124. >"Oh, you know. Stuff, and things."
  125. >you look up towards her.
  126. "Huh?"
  127. >she brings her hoof up to mouth, giggling lightly.
  128. >"I'm just kidding. I work at Manehattan General. I'm a nurse."
  129. >images of Mia in a nurses uniform start going thru your head.
  130. >...unf
  131. >Mia must have noticed your current thought process.
  132. >"And no, Anon. I will not dress in a nurses uniform for you."
  133. >the other two girls give you skeptical looks.
  134. >once you're the center of attention, Mia gives you a small grin.
  135. >"Well, unless you ask real nice, then I might consider it."
  136. >your face starts burning at her comment.
  137. >all three girls start giggling at your reaction.
  138. >after they all calm down, Coco stands up and stretchs.
  139. >"Well, I think I better be getting home soon. It was a long day at work, and I want to get some sleep."
  140. >she walks over and puts on her saddlebags.
  141. >once she has them on, she turns towards you.
  142. >"Thank you for dinner, Anon. It was really good. And it was nice to meet you, Mia."
  143. >"It was nice meeting you too, Coco. Have a good night."
  144. >Coco turns to you once more.
  145. >"And remember, Anon, don't be late."
  146. "I won't."
  147. >"Good. Bye Java."
  148. >Java waves to her.
  149. >she turns and opens the door to leave.
  150. >once Coco has left the apartment, the other two get up as well.
  151. >Java looks towards you.
  152. >"Hey, can I use your bathroom?"
  153. "You don't need to ask, but go ahead."
  154. >she trots into your room.
  155. >once you hear the door shut, Mia walks up to you.
  156. >she looks you right in the eyes.
  157. >"You know, I wasn't kidding about asking real nicely."
  158. >she winks at you and turns to the door.
  159. >as she turns, she lifts her tail and brushes you under the chin with it.
  160. >you tense up at the touch.
  161. >it's a foreign, yet welcome sensation.
  162. >"Well, I better go too. You have a good night, Anon. And thanks again for dinner."
  163. >not having fully recuperated from the tail brush, you just nod.
  164. >she giggles once more before heading out.
  165. >"Bye, Anon."
  166. >your door closes, and you hear her open and close her door.
  167. >hmm, when Java leaves, it might not be a bad idea to see if Mia meant that.
  168. >you kind of like this flirtatious side of her.
  169. >still rubbing your chin where her tail touched you, you hear Java come out of the bathroom.
  170. >she walks into the living room and sees you rubbing your chin.
  171. >"Deep in thought?"
  172. "Huh? O-oh, yeah."
  173. >she looks around the room.
  174. >"Did Mia already leave?"
  175. "Yeah, about a minute ago."
  176. >she looks towards the door, then starts walking to you.
  177. >"Well, I guess since everypony already left, I should head home too."
  178. >you notice her expression fall slightly, but it quickly turns to a smile.
  179. >she stops and sits right next to you.
  180. >"Thank you for dinner, Anon. It was really good."
  181. "You're welcome."
  182. >she reaches out and gives you a hug around the neck.
  183. >thrown off by this, it takes you a second to return it.
  184. >right before she lets go, she gives a little squeeze.
  185. >as she starts to pull away, she stops.
  186. >she quickly kisses you on the cheek.
  187. >you're stunned by the actions of mares for the second time tonight.
  188. >she quickly lets go and starts trotting to the door.
  189. >you notice a slight blush on her cheeks.
  190. >"Well, I'll see you later then. Have a good night."
  191. >she heads out the door, but before it closes, you see her look in at you, her blush still there, but with a goofy smile on her face.
  192. >it finally closes, and you're left all by your lonesome.
  193. >you're happy about what happened, but that quickly changes when realization hits you.
  194. >you may have two mares after you.
  195. >as appealing as that sounds, it might strain your friendship with them.
  196. >hopefully, it doesn't come to that.
  197. >looking down at the table, you notice the paper Coco gave you.
  198. >deciding not to act on your earlier thoughts about Mia, you head to bed.
  199. >hopefully some sleep will ease your worries about Java and Mia.
  200. >after getting ready for bed, you lay down and try to sleep.
  201. >it takes awhile, but you finally manage.
  204. >the cab comes to a stop in front of the address you gave the driver.
  205. >after paying him, you look up at the building you're in front of.
  206. >well, the address matches the one Coco gave you, but it's not what you had in mind.
  207. >there's only a single sign above the entrance.
  208. >'RedBeaks'
  209. >... that doesn't say much for what it is.
  210. >standing out here won't get you the job, so you make your way to the door.
  211. >you grab the door handle and pull it open.
  212. >once inside, you take in your surroundings.
  213. >... it looks like a bar.
  214. >it's about twice as big as Applebucks.
  215. >there are six circular tables scattered throughout the main room.
  216. >they look like they can comfortably seat maybe eight ponies each.
  217. >in the back there's a bar with ten stools.
  218. >assorted bottles line the wall behind the bar.
  219. >there's also a door to the left of the drinks.
  220. >you also notice two pool tables off to the right side.
  221. >not noticing any staff, you call out.
  222. "Hello? Is anyone here?"
  223. >there is only silence for a couple of seconds.
  224. >you're about to call out again when a voice calls out from behind the door.
  225. >"Yeah, just give me a second and I'll be out."
  226. >you make your way to the bar and wait.
  227. >about half a minute later, the door opens revealing...
  228. >a griffon.
  229. >not what you expected.
  230. >he's about half a head taller than that Gilda character you met.
  231. >he has a dark brown coat and wings, the feathers around his head are a golden brown, with a patches of grey by his temples.
  232. >he looks over at you, raising an eyebrow.
  233. >"Sorry... lad?"
  234. >he has a fairly deep and gravely voice.
  235. >you nod your head.
  236. >"Ok, sorry lad, but we're not open for business yet."
  237. >he turns around and starts organizing bottles on the wall.
  238. "Oh, I didn't know, but I was told to be here at noon for an interview."
  239. >he looks over at you, both his eyebrows raised this time.
  240. >"You're the lad miss Pommel was talking about?"
  241. "Yes, my names Anonymous, or Anon for short."
  242. >you walk over and reach your hand out.
  243. >he looks at your hand before taking it in his claw and shaking.
  244. >"Gareth."
  245. >you let go of his claw.
  246. >"So, you're looking for a job, yes?"
  247. "Yes."
  248. >"Good. Now, do you know how to be a bartender?"
  249. >you shake your head.
  250. "No, but I'm willing to learn."
  251. >he looks at you, then turns towards the door.
  252. >"Good, now follow me to the office, and we'll get all the paperwork ready."
  253. >you follow behind him, walking through a small storeroom, then into the office.
  254. >you hope this goes well for you.
  257. >the bell rings on the door as you enter the coffee shop.
  258. >you notice that there's not any ponies in here.
  259. "Java, are you here?"
  260. >a second goes by before Java pokes her head around the door.
  261. >"Oh, hi Anon. How did the interview go?"
  262. >she walks out to the counter.
  263. >you take a seat at the table closest to her.
  264. "Yeah, about that." you say in a sad tone.
  265. >she gasps before walking out to you.
  266. >"You didn't get it?"
  267. >you wait until she is right next to you.
  268. >you quickly scoop her into a tight hug.
  269. "I got the job! I start tomorrow."
  270. >she starts to laugh while smacking her hooves against your back.
  271. >"I'm happy for you, now let me go before I get in trouble!"
  272. >she straightens out her apron once you let her go.
  273. >"So, what are you gonna be doing?" she says while she walks back behind the counter.
  274. "Bartender."
  275. >she looks at you with a raised eyebrow.
  276. >"A bartender? Do you even know how to mix drinks?"
  277. >you give her a big shit eating grin.
  278. "NOPE!"
  279. >you continue to smile while she just shakes her head.
  280. >"Well, hopefully they'll teach you. So did you just come in here to tell me, or do you want to order something?"
  281. >you walk up to the counter, pulling out some bits.
  282. "Yeah, just my regular."
  283. >after she makes your drink, you pay her and start heading out.
  284. >"Good luck with the job, Anon. And I'll see you later."
  285. >you open the door and start to head out.
  286. "Thanks, Java. Have a good da-"
  287. >you bump into a pony on your way out.
  288. >normally, you'd apologize to them, but this time is different.
  289. >they walked right into your crotch.
  290. >feeling extremely embarrassed, you look down at the pony in question.
  291. >red hair with black streaks, and bat ears.
  292. >well, at least it's someone you know.
  293. "... Mia."
  294. >"... Anon."
  295. "Why is your head in my crotch?"
  296. >she backs away, blushing furiously, and looks up at you.
  297. >"Well, I was about to head in, when I dropped my bit purse. I was leaning down to pick it up when you walked out and... well you know the rest."
  298. >you're now aware of Java laughing her ass off inside.
  299. >"Ooooh, I wish I had a camera. You two should really control your urges in public."
  300. >you didn't think it was possible, but that makes Mia blush even harder.
  301. "Well, I better be on my way."
  302. >Mia just nods as she walks past you into the shop.
  303. >just before the door closes, you grab it and look inside.
  304. "Oh, and Mia. It was nice bumping into you."
  305. >her blush could put Celestia's sun to shame.
  306. >Java can't even breath.
  307. >you laugh as you close the door.
  308. >you drink your coffee as you walk home.
  309. >once home, you decide to just kick back and relax for the rest of the night.
  310. >meanwhile, back at Applebucks.
  311. >Mia sits in her booth, her thoughts on what happened not too long ago with Anon.
  312. >it was an accident, but it was kind of... hot.
  313. >she's only known Anon for a few days, but he does something to her that nopony else does.
  314. >sure she's had a couple of coltfriends, but they never affected her the way he does.
  315. >her thoughts are interrupted when Java brings her her drink.
  316. >"Here's your coffee, sweetie. Hey, are you ok?"
  317. >she's only known Java as long as Anon, but she feels like a true friend already.
  318. >"Yeah, I'm fine, just... thinking."
  319. >"Ok, if you need to talk, I'm here to listen."
  320. >Java walks back behind the counter and starts cleaning the counter.
  321. >"Hey, Mia. Can I ask you something?"
  322. >Mia turns towards Java.
  323. >"Sure, anything."
  324. >Java starts fiddling with her hair as she leans on the counter.
  325. >"Do you know if... no, it's a stupid question."
  326. >Mia gets up from her seat and walks to Java.
  327. >"Come on, if you need to talk, I'll listen."
  328. >Java gives her a small grin.
  329. >she takes in a breath.
  330. >"Ok, do you know if... if Anon is seing anypony?"
  331. >Mia tenses at the question.
  332. >Java doesn't notice.
  333. >"Um, I don't think he is. Why?"
  334. >"Oh, just wondering."
  335. >she goes back to cleaning, a smile and small blush on her face.
  336. >Mia goes back to her seat, a little saddened by what Java asked.
  337. >what if she likes Anon?
  338. >what if he likes her back?
  339. >maybe she should try to get to Anon before Java.
  340. >the day slowly goes on as Mia thinks up ways to win Anon over.
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