

Jan 15th, 2015
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  1. >Yesterday will be a day marked down in history
  2. >A day unlike any other
  3. >For a thousand years Equestria has known peace and harmony, but then an unnatural phenomenon occurred threatening that peace
  4. >A new species was brought to our world
  5. >With a body that can only be described as akin to minotaurs and apes
  6. >They all appeared out of thin air in the town of PonyVille
  7. >They all came to our humble homes
  8. >At first the residence thought this was an invasion from aliens
  9. >One's who were blood thirsty and hungered for the destruction of Ponykind
  10. >While that was merely the panicked guess of my little ponies, they weren't completely wrong
  11. >For seconds all that could be heard was the moaning and groaning of these alien invaders, or as they call themselves, "humans", but soon they did collect themselves, and for some odd reason, they recognized their surrounding and their brethren
  12. >One commonality they would admit later, is that they all watch a show based on our world
  13. >Well watch is only one action they described, but after hearing their devotion to a supposed "fantasy" world, my judgement is that their love for the "show" is more akin to worship than any healthy relationship with a "children's" story
  14. >The started to understand their situation within a minute before the unexpected happen
  15. >They describe our world as utopia
  16. >A place of pure wonder and joy
  17. >But it seems they have another problem
  18. >Their course of thought had taken their prophesied paradise, as a symbol of joy individually, but learning that their fellow fanatics where here as well turned things to a darker path
  19. >No one knows who dealt the first blow
  20. >In a moment what had been a peaceful welcome for the seemingly gentle giants had devolve into a riot of barbaric fury
  21. >Many lives were lost, but here's the strange thing
  22. >Not a single pony was wounded
  23. >From the body count we've made of the corpses, we found were in the thousands
  24. >It started with first, then some grabbed whatever they could get their hands on
  25. >Their brutality to their fellow enthusiast were close to null, though they later admit that they all felt a family connection to each other at one point
  26. >All of these humans descended upon each other, but not from primal rage, but from a common conclusion
  27. >It went on for hours
  28. >There was little destruction of property, nor was their a single pony causalty
  29. >What truely scarred my little ponies, was the sea of blood and their layer of dead bodies covering all the grounds
  30. >The many bodies were beaten to pulp was a testament to the barbaric brutality that pulsed within the brawl
  31. >Why did this come about?
  32. >Why did they all descend into this madness?
  33. >In what name did they commit these atrocities for
  34. >The remaining survivors confessed the one key component that has solidified their devotion to their show, and it’s hold on them
  35. >They used the term, "Waifuism"
  36. >It seems as petty as it is noble
  37. >They have dedicated their love to somepony they've never met.
  38. >They claim a love for a pony in the show
  39. >Some even admit that they know nothing of the personality for the ponies they claim have taken hold of their heart, but they would kill for their love nonetheless
  40. >I talk to them now, and they are as sane as you and I, so it just confuses me, why they would do this to each other when they consider each other family.
  41. >The blood bath came to an end when there were only ten left standing.
  42. >In the pile of corpses we found, there were perhaps fifty who were mortally wounded and most of them died in the hospital after all the possible care was administered to them
  43. >At the end of the chaos, the ten started calling out to each other. Yelling the names of ponies you may recognize today, but with a term at the end they use to identify themselves and others
  44. >These terms went as such "twifag" "octaviafag", "applefag". They called out to each other, until two uttered the same name they used to identify themselves
  45. >And just like that they threw themselves into combat
  46. >It was at that time I had arrived in time to end the crazed mortal combat
  47. >They stopped and surrender willingly to my authority
  48. >They have been chained and confined into separate cells in the ponyville dungeons
  49. >I have personally talked to each and everyone of them separately to gauge who they are, what they are, and how do I address them
  50. >I can see their guilt, their remorse, their regret, and their personality
  51. >Though they feel pained for what they have done, they show no regret for their actions. Not the ones in the dungeons, nor the ones in who came from urgent care in the hospital
  52. >It has been hours since I've talked with them, but I'm still vexed
  53. >How do I judge these "men"?
  54. >Is it fair for me to judge them?
  55. >IS their cause petty enough to condemn, or noble enough to admire, or is their a cross between them
  56. >Be Princess Celestia
  57. >And I must make a decision that will determine the future of Anons in Equestria
  58. >Above the desk in front of me, I stare memorized by the flame on the candle that illuminates my room, battling the darkness back, although I have no reason for the light
  59. >Perhaps it is a creature comfort, I need so badly right now, or maybe it is the flickering of the flames dance that mesmorizes me, and for seconds at a time take away the burdens of thought
  60. >I have hours ago, stopped reading the files on my desk
  61. >Many autopsy reports, many medical records of the wounded
  62. >Progress on the mass grave being dug outside of Ponyville
  63. >The confessions of the survivors and testimonies from the locals
  64. >The professional analysis's from every academic field studying the case here
  65. >The thousands of photoes blood and gore
  66. >I have broken away from the pain and misery that has flooded my soul, since this incident and have been looking for an escape.
  67. >One I have found in the dance of the flame of a candle
  68. >But my solitude broke when the doors to my chambers opened
  69. >"Sister, if I may?"
  70. >I didn't turn my attention to Luna, for I was too busy trying not to think
  71. >Not to cry
  72. "Oh, please come in."
  73. >Luna took the invitation and proceed to approach me slowly, giving both of time.
  74. >For her to think of a way to approach me, and for me to savor the silence and emptiness within my mind
  75. >Her soft steps stopped and I could see her in my peripheral vision.
  76. >"Sister, have you formed an opinion of our other worldly guests."
  77. >She distinctly used the term "opinion" rather than "judgement", due to my lack of approach towards the humans since yesterday
  78. >I mull over your thoughts of the humans.
  79. >They were all weary and tired
  80. >Dry blood and sweat was still caked on clothes they wore
  81. >But still...
  82. >When I interrogated them, they spoke with such passion.
  83. >They spoke with life and love
  84. >They were forward and honest in every answer
  85. >If I wrote down how they spoke about their daily lives I would have thought of them as my own.
  86. >Tears form in my eyes at the thought
  87. >I look over to the pictures of the progress of the mass grave being formed outside of Ponyville
  88. >The monument to their sins, was starting to attract the beasts of the Everfree Forest, looking for an easy meal
  89. >Some of the locals there, were questioning if they should even stop the beasts from taking their feast
  90. >What respect can be had from their actions here?
  91. >How can we respect their status as fellow sentient beings, when their welcome to paradise was bathed in blood?
  92. >But that's why I dug deeper
  93. >The common pony doesn't know, because they have not asked the questions I have.
  94. >Who were they?
  95. >They were people, with a love of life.
  96. >Why did they do it?
  97. >Because they loved.
  98. >Because they were greedy
  99. >And because of that they were willing to fight
  100. >It made me sick to think that our existence together would cause such evil
  101. >Discord himself took a leave of absence from Ponyville, to the Canterlot Castle to escape the grotesque scenery
  102. >I understood his judgement
  103. >For he always reveled in chaos, he was never one to harm a soul
  104. >For the first time in his long life, his passion was defiled and made unholy
  105. >He has been spending time alone with many visits from Fluttershy, before he asks to be alone.
  106. >I would have joined him if it were not my duty to... deal with this situation
  107. >I resigned my head downwards
  108. "No. I have no proper thoughts on the humans."
  109. >Luna looks to me, with silent agreement
  110. >She shares my feelings on the matter
  111. >She had taken the same investigation I had, and I have openly shared all information with her
  112. >She looks conflicted for a second, before she resolves to speak
  113. >"I don't think you need to hear this, but I thought you should at least know."
  114. >This grabs my attention, though I was hesitant
  115. >Everything I have learned thus far has only further painted this incident as a tragedy
  116. >"I was able to glimpse at their dreams."
  117. >I bit my lip bracing myself for a heartbreaking plunge
  118. >"Well, most of them. Some of them have yet to sleep, despite the toll their bodies have taken."
  119. >She turned to me, with a weak smile
  120. >"They tolled me themselves that they were nocturnal."
  121. >She chuckled
  122. >"One of- one of them said they took comfort in knowing I was here. And.... and that they would feel a bit closer to me on a lonely night."
  123. >She paused
  124. >I'm not sure how she may feel.
  125. >I was used to people praying to me, despite how many hints I laid that I was not an omnipresent god.
  126. >Luna however, never had many that looked up to her, with the amount of reverence they had to me, but there was always respect given to her
  127. >But to us both, the fanaticism was too new.
  128. >Never had a pony took to such extremes
  129. >It was one thing to enter a room, and everypony bow to me
  130. >It was another to see a face I've never seen before, an entity I have never known existed, replicate the gesture on a sea of corpses
  131. >When I talked to him, he spoke to me as if I was his god, as his neighbor, and his lover.
  132. >I was never given this kind of reverence
  133. >I have never imagined this kind of reverence
  134. >I had no idea how Luna could feel
  135. >"When I visited their dreams, I saw fear.They were afraid. What they saw was not a monster or beast. Not even death itself."
  136. >"They were scared of rejection. A changeling would have drowned in the fear and sorrow the humans were feeling."
  137. >"But not all of them were trapped by their dreams. One of them was a lucid dreamer"
  138. >My curiosity peaked I leaned in closer.
  139. >"In there he was sitting alone at a table, he created himself, adorned with a few dishes, such as pasta, salads, and even a pizza."
  140. >She stopped and looked down.
  141. >"He was waiting for me."
  142. >"He saw me and invited me to eat with him"
  143. >"I wanted to learn more and talk with him and he gave as much as he could."
  144. >She stopped and looked up to the window before us, and out into the stars
  145. >"It was actually quite pleasant."
  146. >"I asked about his occupation, and he talked about his job, as a night nurse. I asked him about his friends, and went on to talk about them. I asked him about his family, he talked about his mother."
  147. >"I asked him about the other humans. \He told me, he loved them as friends. He would talk with them, laugh with them, tell stories with them. 'So how could you kill them?' and he said, 'How could I live with myself, if I let someone take you away from me.'"
  148. >"I was... rather, angry. I tried to hide my anger as you do sister, but, my words must have stung as his happy demeanor was stripped slowly. I asked him, 'Was I a prize to be won? Am I an item that can be stolen? Am I a slave to belong to you?' But he stuttered. He drew silent. When it became clear I wasn't going to get an answer from him. I left. I was angry. I was mad and disappointed. And... and..."
  149. >I knew what she was going to say, because I felt it too.
  150. >Despite having no interaction with these creatures.
  151. >Despite all ignorance of them, I felt guilty
  152. >Guilty of their infatuation that drove them to kill. For some reason I felt at fault with thier uncomfortable devotion they have with me and everypony else.
  153. >I felt responsible in some way, for their personal mission to just speak with us.
  154. >I preach much about friendship, but they beg the question I have never been asked.
  155. >How much is friendship worth?
  156. >Can you kill for it?
  157. >It is never right to kill, but is it better than dying alone?
  158. >Alone
  159. >Luna was starting to sniffle and tears welled.
  160. >"I left the dream. I left the Canterlot. And I continued to brew until I was settled. I had one more question to ask Adam."
  161. >"So I went to Ponyville and went to the prison. And found nine men, in their cells."
  162. "I asked for Adam, but the guards had told me that he was being rushed to the hospital for his wounds. those who were fit, were suppose to be in cells."
  163. >"They told me that he had... had killed himself
  164. >"His fellow man gave Adam the means to stab himself in the neck."
  165. >"They told me his last words were...'see you faggots in Equestria'"
  166. >It took me a minute to figure out what his words meant, beforeI shut my eyes and shook my head slowly
  167. >Equestria isn't suppose to be a holy land
  168. >It's not suppose to be sacred. It was only a home, to nurse joy and the values of friendship.
  169. >"A man confessed to aiding his suicide.I had him put into solitary confinement. I came back here."
  170. >She was on the verge of tears
  171. >"I feel so..."
  172. >I wrapped her in a wing and held her when she cried. It was half an hour before she stopped.
  173. >I led her to my bed and let her sleep. She was tired, and so was I.
  174. >She and I, were left drained, emotionally and physically, trying to judge this.
  175. >My sister's breathing is now level as she sleeps on the bed behind me.
  176. >I return to the desk.
  177. >The sounds of a flickering flame are all the fights the silence
  178. >I, it's audience, return my attention to it's dance, eager to escape my thoughts.
  179. >Candles is short, but it will last the night.
  180. >A few more hours is not enough, but I will take solace in the peace I am given
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