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Youtube fullscreen

a guest
Aug 23rd, 2017
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  1. <html><head><meta charset=utf-8><title>YouTube</title><style>
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  15. try{
  17. }
  18. catch(err){
  19. document.body.innerHTML = '<pre>Hi, add ?v= and a valid video id to url.<pre>';
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  68. m = '<a href="' + id + '" >ViewCount</a>';
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  70. '<center><pre>' + os.title +
  71. '<br />Uploader: <a href="//' + os.channelId +
  72. '"><u>' + os.channelTitle + '</u></a> Date: <u>' + os.publishedAt
  73. .split('T')[0] + '</u> ' + m + ': <u>' + ox.viewCount +
  74. '</u>' + r + '<br /><br />' + os.description +
  75. '</pre><div id="search"><form action="//" method="get"><input name="search_query" placeholder="Search YouTube"></form><div></center>';
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  88.'GET', '' + id +
  89. '&key=AIzaSyBoiirKvEerE6QSutb_lEn-kQ-Dwy_1qKg', true);
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  94. '&key=AIzaSyBoiirKvEerE6QSutb_lEn-kQ-Dwy_1qKg', true);
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  106. lo.innerHTML="Loop: <u>∞</u>";
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  109. </script></body></html>
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