
noita _G dump (unsafe)

Feb 23rd, 2020
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  1. Noita (Jan 24 2020) - 20200223-151511
  2. -------------------------------------------
  3. Lua (DoFile) error at 'mods/pentest/init.lua': [string "mods/pentest/init.lua"]:61:
  4. (string) "AddFlagPersistent" = (function) "=[C]"
  5. (string) "EntityRemoveFromParent" = (function) "=[C]"
  6. (string) "SetPlayerSpawnLocation" = (function) "=[C]"
  7. (string) "EntitySetComponentsWithTagEnabled" = (function) "=[C]"
  8. (string) "tostring" = (function) "=[C]"
  9. (string) "OnWorldPostUpdate" = (function) "mods/pentest/init.lua"
  10. (string) "GuiLayoutAddVerticalSpacing" = (function) "=[C]"
  11. (string) "rawget" = (function) "=[C]"
  12. (string) "OnWorldPreUpdate" = (function) "mods/pentest/init.lua"
  13. (string) "BiomeMapLoad_KeepPlayer" = (function) "=[C]"
  14. (string) "PhysicsAddBodyImage" = (function) "=[C]"
  15. (string) "OnPlayerSpawned" = (function) "mods/pentest/init.lua"
  16. (string) "ComponentSetValueValueRangeInt" = (function) "=[C]"
  17. (string) "EntityGetAllChildren" = (function) "=[C]"
  18. (string) "PhysicsGetComponentVelocity" = (function) "=[C]"
  19. (string) "EntityAddChild" = (function) "=[C]"
  20. (string) "GameGetWorldStateEntity" = (function) "=[C]"
  21. (string) "GameRegenItemActionsInContainer" = (function) "=[C]"
  22. (string) "print" = (function) "=[C]"
  23. (string) "OnModPreInit" = (function) "mods/pentest/init.lua"
  24. (string) "GameGetRealWorldTimeSinceStarted" = (function) "=[C]"
  25. (string) "pcall" = (function) "=[C]"
  26. (string) "gcinfo" = (function) "=[C]"
  27. (string) "EntityLoadCameraBound" = (function) "=[C]"
  28. (string) "GameGetGameEffect" = (function) "=[C]"
  29. (string) "PhysicsApplyTorqueToComponent" = (function) "=[C]"
  30. (string) "GetValueInteger" = (function) "=[C]"
  31. (string) "OnModInit" = (function) "mods/pentest/init.lua"
  32. (string) "CellFactory_GetName" = (function) "=[C]"
  33. (string) "BiomeMapGetVerticalPositionInsideBiome" = (function) "=[C]"
  34. (string) "ModRegisterAudioEventMappings" = (function) "=[C]"
  35. (string) "GamePrintImportant" = (function) "=[C]"
  36. (string) "ModMaterialsFileAdd" = (function) "=[C]"
  37. (string) "GameGetIsTrailerModeEnabled" = (function) "=[C]"
  38. (string) "GameRegenItemAction" = (function) "=[C]"
  39. (string) "AddMaterialInventoryMaterial" = (function) "=[C]"
  40. (string) "DEBUG_MARK" = (function) "=[C]"
  41. (string) "ModMagicNumbersFileAdd" = (function) "=[C]"
  42. (string) "ComponentGetVector" = (function) "=[C]"
  43. (string) "ModLuaFileAppend" = (function) "=[C]"
  44. (string) "Debug_SaveTestPlayer" = (function) "=[C]"
  45. (string) "GenomeSetHerdId" = (function) "=[C]"
  46. (string) "GameRemoveFlagRun" = (function) "=[C]"
  47. (string) "DebugEnableTrailerMode" = (function) "=[C]"
  48. (string) "CellFactory_GetAllFires" = (function) "=[C]"
  49. (string) "DebugGetIsDevBuild" = (function) "=[C]"
  50. (string) "select" = (function) "=[C]"
  51. (string) "GuiLayoutAddHorizontalSpacing" = (function) "=[C]"
  52. (string) "dofile_once" = (function) "__loadonce={} dofile_once=function(filename) local result=nil local cached=__loadonce[filename] if cached~=nil then result=cached[1] else local f,err=loadfile(filename) if f==nil then return f,err end result=f() __loadonce[filename]={result} do_mod_appends(filename) end return result end"
  53. (string) "GameGetOrbCollectedThisRun" = (function) "=[C]"
  54. (string) "GetValueBool" = (function) "=[C]"
  55. (string) "GameOnCompleted" = (function) "=[C]"
  56. (string) "GuiLayoutBeginVertical" = (function) "=[C]"
  57. (string) "GuiLayoutBeginHorizontal" = (function) "=[C]"
  58. (string) "load" = (function) "=[C]"
  59. (string) "GameTextGetTranslatedOrNot" = (function) "=[C]"
  60. (string) "GameGetOrbCountAllTime" = (function) "=[C]"
  61. (string) "type" = (function) "=[C]"
  62. (string) "EntityGetTransform" = (function) "=[C]"
  63. (string) "GameGetOrbCountThisRun" = (function) "=[C]"
  64. (string) "GuiTextCentered" = (function) "=[C]"
  65. (string) "CellFactory_GetType" = (function) "=[C]"
  66. (string) "GameGetFrameNum" = (function) "=[C]"
  67. (string) "CellFactory_GetAllLiquids" = (function) "=[C]"
  68. (string) "package" = (table) "table: 0x07503268"
  69. (string) "preload" = (table) "table: 0x075037c8"
  70. (string) "ffi" = (function) "=[C]"
  71. (string) "path" = (string) ".\\?.lua;Z:\\CENSORED_PATH\\steamapps\\common\\Noita\\lua\\?.lua;Z:\\CENSORED_PATH\\steamapps\\common\\Noita\\lua\\?\\init.lua;"
  72. (string) "loaded" = (table) "table: 0x07502448"
  73. (string) "coroutine" = (table) "table: 0x07502f18"
  74. (string) "yield" = (function) "=[C]"
  75. (string) "wrap" = (function) "=[C]"
  76. (string) "status" = (function) "=[C]"
  77. (string) "resume" = (function) "=[C]"
  78. (string) "running" = (function) "=[C]"
  79. (string) "create" = (function) "=[C]"
  80. (string) "jit.util" = (table) "table: 0x07506860"
  81. (string) "funcbc" = (function) "=[C]"
  82. (string) "funck" = (function) "=[C]"
  83. (string) "funcinfo" = (function) "=[C]"
  84. (string) "traceinfo" = (function) "=[C]"
  85. (string) "tracek" = (function) "=[C]"
  86. (string) "tracesnap" = (function) "=[C]"
  87. (string) "traceir" = (function) "=[C]"
  88. (string) "tracemc" = (function) "=[C]"
  89. (string) "ircalladdr" = (function) "=[C]"
  90. (string) "traceexitstub" = (function) "=[C]"
  91. (string) "funcuvname" = (function) "=[C]"
  92. (string) "jit.opt" = (table) "table: 0x07506d10"
  93. (string) "start" = (function) "=[C]"
  94. (string) "math" = (table) "table: 0x07505020"
  95. (string) "ceil" = (function) "=[C]"
  96. (string) "tan" = (function) "=[C]"
  97. (string) "huge" = (number) "inf"
  98. (string) "log10" = (function) "=[C]"
  99. (string) "randomseed" = (function) "=[C]"
  100. (string) "cos" = (function) "=[C]"
  101. (string) "sinh" = (function) "=[C]"
  102. (string) "random" = (function) "=[C]"
  103. (string) "mod" = (function) "=[C]"
  104. (string) "pi" = (number) "3.1415926535898"
  105. (string) "max" = (function) "=[C]"
  106. (string) "atan2" = (function) "=[C]"
  107. (string) "ldexp" = (function) "=[C]"
  108. (string) "floor" = (function) "=[C]"
  109. (string) "sqrt" = (function) "=[C]"
  110. (string) "deg" = (function) "=[C]"
  111. (string) "atan" = (function) "=[C]"
  112. (string) "fmod" = (function) "=[C]"
  113. (string) "acos" = (function) "=[C]"
  114. (string) "pow" = (function) "=[C]"
  115. (string) "abs" = (function) "=[C]"
  116. (string) "min" = (function) "=[C]"
  117. (string) "log" = (function) "=[C]"
  118. (string) "frexp" = (function) "=[C]"
  119. (string) "sin" = (function) "=[C]"
  120. (string) "tanh" = (function) "=[C]"
  121. (string) "exp" = (function) "=[C]"
  122. (string) "modf" = (function) "=[C]"
  123. (string) "cosh" = (function) "=[C]"
  124. (string) "asin" = (function) "=[C]"
  125. (string) "rad" = (function) "=[C]"
  126. (string) "package" = (table) "table: 0x07503268"
  127. (string) "os" = (table) "table: 0x07504590"
  128. (string) "execute" = (function) "=[C]"
  129. (string) "rename" = (function) "=[C]"
  130. (string) "setlocale" = (function) "=[C]"
  131. (string) "getenv" = (function) "=[C]"
  132. (string) "difftime" = (function) "=[C]"
  133. (string) "remove" = (function) "=[C]"
  134. (string) "date" = (function) "=[C]"
  135. (string) "exit" = (function) "=[C]"
  136. (string) "time" = (function) "=[C]"
  137. (string) "clock" = (function) "=[C]"
  138. (string) "tmpname" = (function) "=[C]"
  139. (string) "_G" = (table) "table: 0x07501330"
  140. (string) "bit" = (table) "table: 0x07505ff0"
  141. (string) "rol" = (function) "=[C]"
  142. (string) "rshift" = (function) "=[C]"
  143. (string) "ror" = (function) "=[C]"
  144. (string) "bswap" = (function) "=[C]"
  145. (string) "bxor" = (function) "=[C]"
  146. (string) "bor" = (function) "=[C]"
  147. (string) "arshift" = (function) "=[C]"
  148. (string) "bnot" = (function) "=[C]"
  149. (string) "tobit" = (function) "=[C]"
  150. (string) "lshift" = (function) "=[C]"
  151. (string) "tohex" = (function) "=[C]"
  152. (string) "band" = (function) "=[C]"
  153. (string) "string" = (table) "table: 0x07504a00"
  154. (string) "find" = (function) "=[C]"
  155. (string) "lower" = (function) "=[C]"
  156. (string) "format" = (function) "=[C]"
  157. (string) "rep" = (function) "=[C]"
  158. (string) "gsub" = (function) "=[C]"
  159. (string) "len" = (function) "=[C]"
  160. (string) "gmatch" = (function) "=[C]"
  161. (string) "dump" = (function) "=[C]"
  162. (string) "match" = (function) "=[C]"
  163. (string) "reverse" = (function) "=[C]"
  164. (string) "byte" = (function) "=[C]"
  165. (string) "char" = (function) "=[C]"
  166. (string) "upper" = (function) "=[C]"
  167. (string) "gfind" = (function) "=[C]"
  168. (string) "sub" = (function) "=[C]"
  169. (string) "debug" = (table) "table: 0x07505aa8"
  170. (string) "traceback" = (function) "=[C]"
  171. (string) "setlocal" = (function) "=[C]"
  172. (string) "getupvalue" = (function) "=[C]"
  173. (string) "setupvalue" = (function) "=[C]"
  174. (string) "upvalueid" = (function) "=[C]"
  175. (string) "getlocal" = (function) "=[C]"
  176. (string) "getregistry" = (function) "=[C]"
  177. (string) "getinfo" = (function) "=[C]"
  178. (string) "sethook" = (function) "=[C]"
  179. (string) "setmetatable" = (function) "=[C]"
  180. (string) "upvaluejoin" = (function) "=[C]"
  181. (string) "gethook" = (function) "=[C]"
  182. (string) "debug" = (function) "=[C]"
  183. (string) "getmetatable" = (function) "=[C]"
  184. (string) "setfenv" = (function) "=[C]"
  185. (string) "getfenv" = (function) "=[C]"
  186. (string) "jit" = (table) "table: 0x07506520"
  187. (string) "arch" = (string) "x86"
  188. (string) "version" = (string) "LuaJIT 2.0.4"
  189. (string) "version_num" = (number) "20004"
  190. (string) "status" = (function) "=[C]"
  191. (string) "on" = (function) "=[C]"
  192. (string) "os" = (string) "Windows"
  193. (string) "off" = (function) "=[C]"
  194. (string) "flush" = (function) "=[C]"
  195. (string) "attach" = (function) "=[C]"
  196. (string) "util" = (table) "table: 0x07506860"
  197. (string) "opt" = (table) "table: 0x07506d10"
  198. (string) "io" = (table) "table: 0x075040d0"
  199. (string) "input" = (function) "=[C]"
  200. (string) "stdin" = (userdata) "file (0x0162e000)"
  201. (string) "tmpfile" = (function) "=[C]"
  202. (string) "read" = (function) "=[C]"
  203. (string) "output" = (function) "=[C]"
  204. (string) "open" = (function) "=[C]"
  205. (string) "close" = (function) "=[C]"
  206. (string) "write" = (function) "=[C]"
  207. (string) "popen" = (function) "=[C]"
  208. (string) "flush" = (function) "=[C]"
  209. (string) "type" = (function) "=[C]"
  210. (string) "lines" = (function) "=[C]"
  211. (string) "stdout" = (userdata) "file (0x0162e020)"
  212. (string) "stderr" = (userdata) "file (0x0162e040)"
  213. (string) "table" = (table) "table: 0x07503678"
  214. (string) "foreach" = (function) "=[C]"
  215. (string) "sort" = (function) "=[C]"
  216. (string) "remove" = (function) "=[C]"
  217. (string) "foreachi" = (function) "=[C]"
  218. (string) "maxn" = (function) "=[C]"
  219. (string) "getn" = (function) "=[C]"
  220. (string) "concat" = (function) "=[C]"
  221. (string) "insert" = (function) "=[C]"
  222. (string) "seeall" = (function) "=[C]"
  223. (string) "loadlib" = (function) "=[C]"
  224. (string) "cpath" = (string) ".\\?.dll;Z:\\CENSORED_PATH\\steamapps\\common\\Noita\\?.dll;Z:\\CENSORED_PATH\\steamapps\\common\\Noita\\loadall.dll"
  225. (string) "searchpath" = (function) "=[C]"
  226. (string) "loaders" = (table) "table: 0x075033b8"
  227. (number) "1" = (function) "=[C]"
  228. (number) "2" = (function) "=[C]"
  229. (number) "3" = (function) "=[C]"
  230. (number) "4" = (function) "=[C]"
  231. (string) "config" = (string) "\\\
  232. ;\
  233. ?\
  234. !\
  235. -"
  236. (string) "GuiStartFrame" = (function) "=[C]"
  237. (string) "GuiDestroy" = (function) "=[C]"
  238. (string) "GameIsIntroPlaying" = (function) "=[C]"
  239. (string) "GuiCreate" = (function) "=[C]"
  240. (string) "GameSetCameraFree" = (function) "=[C]"
  241. (string) "UnlockItem" = (function) "=[C]"
  242. (string) "GuiButton" = (function) "=[C]"
  243. (string) "GameEntityPlaySound" = (function) "=[C]"
  244. (string) "GamePlaySound" = (function) "=[C]"
  245. (string) "ComponentObjectGetValue" = (function) "=[C]"
  246. (string) "xpcall" = (function) "=[C]"
  247. (string) "ComponentGetValueBool" = (function) "=[C]"
  248. (string) "GetUpdatedEntityID" = (function) "=[C]"
  249. (string) "GameTriggerMusicFadeOutAndDequeueAll" = (function) "=[C]"
  250. (string) "jit" = (table) "table: 0x07506520"
  251. (string) "SetValueNumber" = (function) "=[C]"
  252. (string) "GameTriggerMusicCue" = (function) "=[C]"
  253. (string) "GameGetCameraPos" = (function) "=[C]"
  254. (string) "PhysicsVecToGameVec" = (function) "=[C]"
  255. (string) "GetValueNumber" = (function) "=[C]"
  256. (string) "ComponentSetValue" = (function) "=[C]"
  257. (string) "ComponentGetMetaCustom" = (function) "=[C]"
  258. (string) "bit" = (table) "table: 0x07505ff0"
  259. (string) "GetGameEffectLoadTo" = (function) "=[C]"
  260. (string) "EntitySetTransform" = (function) "=[C]"
  261. (string) "EntityRemoveTag" = (function) "=[C]"
  262. (string) "ConvertEverythingToGold" = (function) "=[C]"
  263. (string) "EntityConvertToMaterial" = (function) "=[C]"
  264. (string) "ProceduralRandomf" = (function) "=[C]"
  265. (string) "EntityGetInRadius" = (function) "=[C]"
  266. (string) "SpawnStash" = (function) "=[C]"
  267. (string) "HasFlagPersistent" = (function) "=[C]"
  268. (string) "PhysicsGetComponentAngularVelocity" = (function) "=[C]"
  269. (string) "MagicNumbersGetValue" = (function) "=[C]"
  270. (string) "RandomDistribution" = (function) "=[C]"
  271. (string) "table" = (table) "table: 0x07503678"
  272. (string) "PhysicsRemoveJoints" = (function) "=[C]"
  273. (string) "SetValueBool" = (function) "=[C]"
  274. (string) "loadfile" = (function) "=[C]"
  275. (string) "LoadGameEffectEntityTo" = (function) "=[C]"
  276. (string) "EntityGetComponent" = (function) "=[C]"
  277. (string) "ComponentGetValue" = (function) "=[C]"
  278. (string) "EntityAddComponent" = (function) "=[C]"
  279. (string) "GameDropAllItems" = (function) "=[C]"
  280. (string) "ComponentSetMetaCustom" = (function) "=[C]"
  281. (string) "Raytrace" = (function) "=[C]"
  282. (string) "EntityCreateNew" = (function) "=[C]"
  283. (string) "collectgarbage" = (function) "=[C]"
  284. (string) "OnWorldInitialized" = (function) "mods/pentest/init.lua"
  285. (string) "GetUpdatedComponentID" = (function) "=[C]"
  286. (string) "GameIsDailyRun" = (function) "=[C]"
  287. (string) "EntitySetComponentIsEnabled" = (function) "=[C]"
  288. (string) "LooseChunk" = (function) "=[C]"
  289. (string) "RandomDistributionf" = (function) "=[C]"
  290. (string) "ComponentSetValueVector2" = (function) "=[C]"
  291. (string) "Randomf" = (function) "=[C]"
  292. (string) "unpack" = (function) "=[C]"
  293. (string) "getfenv" = (function) "=[C]"
  294. (string) "BiomeMapGetSize" = (function) "=[C]"
  295. (string) "PhysicsApplyTorque" = (function) "=[C]"
  296. (string) "EntityGetInRadiusWithTag" = (function) "=[C]"
  297. (string) "EntityGetFirstComponent" = (function) "=[C]"
  298. (string) "SessionNumbersGetValue" = (function) "=[C]"
  299. (string) "assert" = (function) "=[C]"
  300. (string) "SetRandomSeed" = (function) "=[C]"
  301. (string) "EntitySave" = (function) "=[C]"
  302. (string) "FindFreePositionForBody" = (function) "=[C]"
  303. (string) "BiomeMapGetName" = (function) "=[C]"
  304. (string) "tonumber" = (function) "=[C]"
  305. (string) "EntityGetRootEntity" = (function) "=[C]"
  306. (string) "BiomeMapSetPixel" = (function) "=[C]"
  307. (string) "ModDevGenerateSpriteUVsForDirectory" = (function) "=[C]"
  308. (string) "BiomeMapLoadImageCropped" = (function) "=[C]"
  309. (string) "GetSurfaceNormal" = (function) "=[C]"
  310. (string) "GameClearOrbsFoundThisRun" = (function) "=[C]"
  311. (string) "print_error" = (function) "=[C]"
  312. (string) "GetRandomAction" = (function) "=[C]"
  313. (string) "ComponentObjectSetValue" = (function) "=[C]"
  314. (string) "GameCreateSpriteForXFrames" = (function) "=[C]"
  315. (string) "GameEmitRainParticles" = (function) "=[C]"
  316. (string) "EntityGetTags" = (function) "=[C]"
  317. (string) "DEBUG_GetMouseWorld" = (function) "=[C]"
  318. (string) "StatsLogPlayerKill" = (function) "=[C]"
  319. (string) "EntityRemoveComponent" = (function) "=[C]"
  320. (string) "GameGetDateAndTimeUTC" = (function) "=[C]"
  321. (string) "BiomeMapLoadImage" = (function) "=[C]"
  322. (string) "EntitySetName" = (function) "=[C]"
  323. (string) "CreateItemActionEntity" = (function) "=[C]"
  324. (string) "Random" = (function) "=[C]"
  325. (string) "module" = (function) "=[C]"
  326. (string) "StatsBiomeGetValue" = (function) "=[C]"
  327. (string) "EntityGetName" = (function) "=[C]"
  328. (string) "SetTimeOut" = (function) "=[C]"
  329. (string) "BiomeMapLoad" = (function) "=[C]"
  330. (string) "AutosaveDisable" = (function) "=[C]"
  331. (string) "SessionNumbersSetValue" = (function) "=[C]"
  332. (string) "rawset" = (function) "=[C]"
  333. (string) "GetRandomActionWithType" = (function) "=[C]"
  334. (string) "PhysicsApplyForce" = (function) "=[C]"
  335. (string) "GlobalsGetValue" = (function) "=[C]"
  336. (string) "GlobalsSetValue" = (function) "=[C]"
  337. (string) "EntityLoad" = (function) "=[C]"
  338. (string) "EntityGetClosestWithTag" = (function) "=[C]"
  339. (string) "rawequal" = (function) "=[C]"
  340. (string) "ComponentSetValueValueRange" = (function) "=[C]"
  341. (string) "CellFactory_GetAllGases" = (function) "=[C]"
  342. (string) "StatsGetValue" = (function) "=[C]"
  343. (string) "GameGetIsGamepadConnected" = (function) "=[C]"
  344. (string) "do_mod_appends" = (function) "=[C]"
  345. (string) "GameGetPotionColorUint" = (function) "=[C]"
  346. (string) "LoadEntityToStash" = (function) "=[C]"
  347. (string) "EntityGetWithTag" = (function) "=[C]"
  348. (string) "ComponentGetVectorValue" = (function) "=[C]"
  349. (string) "next" = (function) "=[C]"
  350. (string) "SpawnApparition" = (function) "=[C]"
  351. (string) "EntityGetParent" = (function) "=[C]"
  352. (string) "os" = (table) "table: 0x07504590"
  353. (string) "GameVecToPhysicsVec" = (function) "=[C]"
  354. (string) "SpawnActionItem" = (function) "=[C]"
  355. (string) "string" = (table) "table: 0x07504a00"
  356. (string) "debug" = (table) "table: 0x07505aa8"
  357. (string) "GameGetGameEffectCount" = (function) "=[C]"
  358. (string) "EntityGetClosest" = (function) "=[C]"
  359. (string) "RegisterSpawnFunction" = (function) "=[C]"
  360. (string) "GameHasFlagRun" = (function) "=[C]"
  361. (string) "GameAddFlagRun" = (function) "=[C]"
  362. (string) "coroutine" = (table) "table: 0x07502f18"
  363. (string) "GameGetVelocityCompVelocity" = (function) "=[C]"
  364. (string) "GamePlayAnimation" = (function) "=[C]"
  365. (string) "GameShootProjectile" = (function) "=[C]"
  366. (string) "EntityGetWithName" = (function) "=[C]"
  367. (string) "BiomeMapSetSize" = (function) "=[C]"
  368. (string) "GameCreateParticle" = (function) "=[C]"
  369. (string) "LoadPixelScene" = (function) "=[C]"
  370. (string) "GameGetPlayerStatsEntity" = (function) "=[C]"
  371. (string) "PhysicsAddBodyCreateBox" = (function) "=[C]"
  372. (string) "GamePickUpInventoryItem" = (function) "=[C]"
  373. (string) "GameGetOrbCollectedAllTime" = (function) "=[C]"
  374. (string) "EntityGetIsAlive" = (function) "=[C]"
  375. (string) "GameRegenItemActionsInPlayer" = (function) "=[C]"
  376. (string) "GameTextGet" = (function) "=[C]"
  377. (string) "GameSetCameraPos" = (function) "=[C]"
  378. (string) "GameTriggerMusicEvent" = (function) "=[C]"
  379. (string) "CellFactory_GetAllSolids" = (function) "=[C]"
  380. (string) "__loadonce" = (table) "table: 0x07507038"
  381. (string) "io" = (table) "table: 0x075040d0"
  382. (string) "ipairs" = (function) "=[C]"
  383. (string) "require" = (function) "=[C]"
  384. (string) "loadstring" = (function) "=[C]"
  385. (string) "GuiLayoutEnd" = (function) "=[C]"
  386. (string) "_G" = (table) "table: 0x07501330"
  387. (string) "PhysicsAddJoint" = (function) "=[C]"
  388. (string) "__loaded" = (table) "table: 0x07501af0"
  389. (string) "setfenv" = (function) "=[C]"
  390. (string) "IsPlayer" = (function) "=[C]"
  391. (string) "EntityAddTag" = (function) "=[C]"
  392. (string) "CellFactory_GetAllSands" = (function) "=[C]"
  393. (string) "OnModPostInit" = (function) "mods/pentest/init.lua"
  394. (string) "GamePrint" = (function) "=[C]"
  395. (string) "_VERSION" = (string) "Lua 5.1"
  396. (string) "pairs" = (function) "=[C]"
  397. (string) "ComponentGetValueFloat" = (function) "=[C]"
  398. (string) "SetValueInteger" = (function) "=[C]"
  399. (string) "ProceduralRandom" = (function) "=[C]"
  400. (string) "GameScreenshake" = (function) "=[C]"
  401. (string) "EntityGetAllComponents" = (function) "=[C]"
  402. (string) "GuiText" = (function) "=[C]"
  403. (string) "dofile" = (function) "__loaded={} dofile=function(filename) local f=__loaded[filename] if f==nil then f,err=loadfile(filename) if f==nil then return f,err end __loaded[filename]=f end local result = f() do_mod_appends(filename) return result end"
  404. (string) "EntityKill" = (function) "=[C]"
  405. (string) "GameKillInventoryItem" = (function) "=[C]"
  406. (string) "PhysicsSetStatic" = (function) "=[C]"
  407. (string) "ComponentGetValueInt" = (function) "=[C]"
  408. (string) "ComponentGetValueVector2" = (function) "=[C]"
  409. (string) "newproxy" = (function) "=[C]"
  410. (string) "BiomeMapGetPixel" = (function) "=[C]"
  411. (string) "ComponentGetVectorSize" = (function) "=[C]"
  412. (string) "EntityHasTag" = (function) "=[C]"
  413. (string) "GameDoEnding2" = (function) "=[C]"
  414. (string) "math" = (table) "table: 0x07505020"
  415. (string) "ComponentGetTypeName" = (function) "=[C]"
  416. (string) "ComponentObjectGetMembers" = (function) "=[C]"
  417. (string) "setmetatable" = (function) "=[C]"
  418. (string) "RemoveFlagPersistent" = (function) "=[C]"
  419. (string) "error" = (function) "=[C]"
  420. (string) "ComponentGetMembers" = (function) "=[C]"
  421. (string) "getmetatable" = (function) "=[C]"
  422. (string) "GameGetDateAndTimeLocal" = (function) "=[C]"
  423. (string) "StatsBiomeReset" = (function) "=[C]"
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