

May 15th, 2018
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  1. 22:35:06 [Seyja-WyrmrestAccord]: (Am I seeing anything then, Elirrara?)
  2. 22:35:54 [Elirrara-WyrmrestAccord]: (You see nothing but blood and wood. Because the wood is acting like a stopper.)
  3. 22:36:02 [Seyja-WyrmrestAccord]: (Thanks.)
  4. 22:36:06 [Elirrara-WyrmrestAccord]: (Aside from surface blood from skin level.)
  5. 22:36:25 [Loranor-WyrmrestAccord]: Healing sir, is there anything I can do to help?
  6. 22:36:29 [Seyja-WyrmrestAccord]: (Branch smooth or splintered widely?)
  7. 22:36:29 Valumaar-WyrmrestAccord focus's his chi and punches the tree, leaving a good size cut in it.
  8. 22:36:47 [Selintha-WyrmrestAccord]: Don't take it out on the tree.
  9. 22:37:00 [Valumaar-WyrmrestAccord]: Tree should've let her alone
  10. 22:37:09 [Valumaar-WyrmrestAccord]: (left)
  11. 22:38:36 [Seyja-WyrmrestAccord]: Yes, can you help me turn her onto her side?
  12. 22:39:11 [Loranor-WyrmrestAccord]: Should we not take her back to the clinic, I can try to keep her still as possible with the roots.
  13. 22:39:31 [Seyja-WyrmrestAccord]: (Isn't that magic?)
  14. 22:39:47 [Selintha-WyrmrestAccord]: I doubt it'd be the best idea, though I'll leave it to you both.
  15. 22:40:00 [Loranor-WyrmrestAccord]: (It's not healing her.)
  16. 22:40:01 [Taylu-WyrmrestAccord]: (Not magic healing)
  17. 22:40:28 [Taylu-WyrmrestAccord]: I could get cart, and help maybe?
  18. 22:40:29 [Loranor-WyrmrestAccord]: (Elirrara, are you okay with me just using magic to move your character? :) )
  19. 22:42:05 Taylu pets Fluff.
  20. 22:42:06 Selintha gently pats Taylu.
  21. 22:42:10 Selintha-WyrmrestAccord | Blep
  22. 22:42:24 [Taylu-WyrmrestAccord]: is cute kitty
  23. 22:42:26 [Seyja-WyrmrestAccord]: (Are they afk?)
  24. 22:42:40 [Taylu-WyrmrestAccord]: (typing maybe?)
  25. 22:42:40 [Elirrara-WyrmrestAccord]: (Hmm. Well.. you have already used it once to get me down from the tree so I will allow the transport using the roots as it makes the most sense, but I am still insistent on actually being treated and examined without magic.)
  26. 22:42:54 Taylu kneels before Fluff.
  27. 22:43:00 [Loranor-WyrmrestAccord]: (Understood! Thank you :) )
  28. 22:43:01 Taylu pets Fluff.
  29. 22:43:18 Valumaar-WyrmrestAccord is still tapping his foot
  30. 22:43:26 Selintha-WyrmrestAccord | Purrrrrr~
  31. 22:43:39 Seyja-WyrmrestAccord nods toward Loranor "We'll get her to the clinic and begin treatment there."
  32. 22:43:45 [Taylu-WyrmrestAccord]: I enjoy your kitty, they are very cute
  33. 22:43:53 [Selintha-WyrmrestAccord]: HE tries.
  34. 22:44:01 Taylu smiles at Fluff.
  35. 22:44:02 [Seyja-WyrmrestAccord]: If you can keep her still, that would be most beneficial.
  36. 22:44:35 [Valumaar-WyrmrestAccord]: If I see her in pain she won't be the only one.
  37. 22:45:52 Loranor-WyrmrestAccord hisses a bit in pain as she seems to move her limbs with strain, her hands move to control the roots, having them wrap around Elirrara's body to keep her still and then create branches moving outwards. Like a carriage handles on either side so two people
  38. 22:45:52 Loranor-WyrmrestAccord can hold it on their shoulders and move her around without shifting the body or the branch imbedded in them. Lor loses her stance for a moment before sighing, "Can you help me carry her then, healing sir? I'll grab the front and you get the back."
  39. 22:46:39 Seyja-WyrmrestAccord would only nod and take the womans legs. "By your lead, guardsman."
  40. 22:47:40 Elirrara-WyrmrestAccord grunts unhappily, very obviously uncomfortable and in pain as the adrenaline began to wear down and out of her stomach in the makeshift streatcher crafted from branches.
  41. 22:46:39 Seyja-WyrmrestAccord would only nod and take the womans legs. "By your lead, guardsman."
  42. 22:47:40 Elirrara-WyrmrestAccord grunts unhappily, very obviously uncomfortable and in pain as the adrenaline began to wear down and out of her stomach in the makeshift streatcher crafted from branches.
  43. 22:47:54 [Seyja-WyrmrestAccord]: "What's here blood type, do you know?"
  44. 22:47:59 Seyja-WyrmrestAccord would look toward the Draenei.
  45. 22:48:03 [Loranor-WyrmrestAccord]: (Lol I wrote that you can hold branches like carriage handles.)
  46. 22:48:10 [Valumaar-WyrmrestAccord]: Do you have nothing to ease the pain while you move her!?
  47. 22:48:10 Taylu looks at Seyja.
  48. 22:48:42 Loranor-WyrmrestAccord shifts into her stronger form as she growls, taking hold of the front branches and making sure to hold it at the same height as Seyja.
  49. 22:48:55 Taylu gasps at Loranor.
  50. 22:49:12 [Loranor-WyrmrestAccord]: Healing sir?
  51. 22:49:43 [Seyja-WyrmrestAccord]: (Alcohol fine?)
  52. 22:49:56 [Seyja-WyrmrestAccord]: (or Herbal remedies?)
  53. 22:50:01 [Elirrara-WyrmrestAccord]: (Alcohol is a blood thinner.)
  54. 22:50:16 [Elirrara-WyrmrestAccord]: (Herbal is fine if you can manage it.)
  55. 22:50:18 [Loranor-WyrmrestAccord]: (Also if her stomach is impaled, probably drinking isn't going to help lol)
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