
WriterAnon 03

Jun 8th, 2013
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  1. >You prepared dinner around 7pm, the rest of the day was spent pretty much doing what you always did.
  2. >nothing.
  3. >Not a drop of writing went into your computer as you had sat in front of it for almost an hour.
  4. >It just left you bothered as you spent the rest of the afternoon sitting outside, doing jack-all as you watched people and boats go about the river.
  5. >You crack open your third soda, already half the six-pack you found there was gone,
  6. >didn't help the pack was a bit flat, but hey, soda without the fuzz was still soda.
  7. >You had dinner going on the Grill too, you had chopped meat into large squares and put them through some metal spigots to make shish-kabab you got, and you had some pasta in the pot on the stove, wouldn't be long until it came to a boil and then you'd have some meat-kebab pasta.
  8. >remove kebabs....all of them!
  9. >You smirk as you exhale, sighing, you nearly forgot all about what happened yesterday.
  10. >Almost...
  11. >You did kind of miss Luna, you never had such an avid fan, a powerful one especially.
  12. >Part of you was full of glee knowing some far-off maiden of the night liked your writing, it was enough to get you to start a new book.
  13. >Almost....
  14. >She was still fiction though, which, was kind of weird; didn't that mean she broke the 4th wall, knowing of humans?
  15. >Your bigger question was HOW she got the book; you didn't really think throwing a book into the trash would send it through time and space...
  16. >Coincidence? Perhaps....Fate? Maybe...
  17. >Sheer luck of the draw?
  18. >You doubted it.
  19. >With a sigh, you heave yourself off the chair and mozey over to the grill, opening the lid as you inhale the lovely smell of barbeque smoked beef, savouring the sweetness as you start plucking the kebabs off one by one.
  20. >That is...until you feel a strange wind blowing past you, nearly putting out the precious fire!
  21. "Good evening sir Anon! Art thou well for such a night?"
  22. >You blinked as you slowly turned your head to see Luna standing at the edge of your patio.
  23. >She blushed "uh...that is, if thee will permit us entrance to your humble abode."
  24. >You huffed, shaking your head with a grin as you plop the last of the kebabs on a plate.
  25. ' least you were kind enough to ask.'
  26. >Luna trotted closer, suddenly suprised by the smell and...heat that radiated around you.
  27. "Dear me!" she said suprised "We had no idea thou would be!"
  28. >You blink a few times.
  29. ' been around a barbeque before?'
  30. "Barbeque?" she asked "this word is unheard of to our ears..." she looked over at the 'device' you were cooking with.
  31. "Ah, is that it?" she asked.
  32. 'Yes...'
  33. "So it is like a stove yes?"
  34. 'Pretty much, uses gas to heat food.'
  35. "Ah, thou has already prepared thy dinner?"
  36. >You look at the meat 'Well, unless your a carnivore, you can't really eat what I made.'
  37. >Luna stumbled back.
  38. "Gasp! Such a creature as you feeds upon flesh? Hither we should be at risk in your audience!"
  39. 'Whao... just because I eat meat doesn't mean I'd eat you, s'ides, I don't think cuteness would merit fine dining.'
  40. >Luna blushed "W-we are not cute! We are Princess Luna, royalty to the Equestrian throne!"
  41. 'Yeah...keep talking moonbutt.'
  42. "Moonbutt!? Thee has decided to slander our name?"
  43. >You look at her, she seems more flustered then angry as you turn off the grill
  44. 'Its a joke...relax, didn't mean to offend you there.'
  45. >she paused for a moment "we...are not amused... but...thank thee for thy effort."
  46. >Rolling your eyes, you open the door.
  47. 'Well, I got spaghetti pasta boiling, if you'd be fine with that and some seasoning, I could fix you up something.'
  48. >Luna continued to blush, you couldn't tell if she was embarrassed or just surprised you were suddenly so nice to her as she looked away.
  49. "If...that is your request good sir...?"
  50. >you sigh, shaking your head as you point inside.
  51. 'I just opened the door for you, I can't see it any other way than being a 'come on in' request.'
  52. >She turned to you "We wish not to be at mercy of your...authority again, we only see ourselves to better act towards thee."
  53. '...well refusing my offer for dinner isn't very fitting.'
  54. >You walk over to her as you usher her inside.
  55. 'Besides...I could use the company.'
  57. >You close the door once you're inside, walking past Luna as she stands at the entrance.
  58. >Making your way to your kitchen, you can see she's still blushing; a rather, off purple, almost amethyst color gracing her cheeks.
  59. 'You're welcome to sit down.'
  60. "Sit...oh...yes why...thank you." she said, looking over at the couch near the entrance as she gently trotted over and took a seat upon its massive cushions.
  61. >She smiled, finding it comfortable as you were busy preparing your spaghetti.
  62. "What is thou preparing for himself?" Luna asked as she peered across the room.
  63. 'Beef Kebab and Spaghetti, something I did a few times back home. Nice easy meal to make and quiet fun.'
  64. "fun....we have never endevoured in much of the culinary arts; it is...unfitting for a Princess to delve in such matters."
  65. 'Because you don't want to...or because you cant?'
  66. >Luna sighed "Tis a bit of both good sir, we were educated to be tended by servants at out beck and call; our duties and responsibilities merited little time for frivolous, if not interesting activities and hobbies to call our own. Nay...even we are graced with little time for our painting..." she lowered her head a bit as you paused in your work, pointing a fork her way.
  67. 'You paint?'
  68. >Luna looked up, surprised "y-yes...we have...delved into the art of acrylic and brush, presenting many works to our sister and each time she has said unto us great praise for our skill. We hope that in time we may be blessed to paint the new awning to the Grand Study Hall that is to be built within our capital."
  69. 'Sounds pretty ritzy.'
  70. "It is beyond such term for ritzy, the hall was in accordance to the newest Princess to done the royalty title."
  71. 'Wait...there's a third Princess now?'
  72. >Luna shook her head "Nay good sir, there are four."
  73. 'Four Princess, wow, ruling that realm must be pretty confusing with four Princess's managing everything.'
  74. >Luna smiled a bit "Such is not all our task to do so. Whilst we and Celestia don the responsibility of Canterlot and Equestria, Princess Cadence, third in line of the Royal title, is charged with the Empire of Crystal to the North with her Husband, Captain Shining Armour of the Royal Guard. The newest, Princess Twilight, has sought about to study and understand the knowledge throughout the world. The ceremonial hall is to be made in part of a library for studying and a place where research of the world we live in can be conducted."
  75. 'So like a fancy school?'
  76. >Luna nodded "A place of education and study, yes."
  78. >You take it all in, four Princess's, two of them, Luna and her sister Celestia in charge of Canterlot and their realm of Equestria. Cadence, Princess of the Crystal Empire to the North, and their newest addition, Twilight, who was in charge of the knowledge of the least that's what you thought of it.
  79. 'That Twilight must be one heck of a book-worm to want to study the worlds knowledge. I mean, never have I read in our History of any important figure building schools to study everything about their world.'
  80. >Luna gave a rather accepting look, like she knew exactly what you meant with a nod.
  81. "It would be a lie to say she was not."
  82. 'Ah....'
  83. >You turn back to the duties at hand, putting the now ready pasta with some garlic, mustard powder and a few other things in some thick tomato sauce as you mix it all together and put it into a big bowl.
  84. >You regret not getting any lettuce, you could have made a salad for her, oh well, really didn't expect this anyway, so better to make due with what you got; spaghetti.
  85. >The meat would be separate, so Luna could partake in this feast if she wished to; you'd want to respect her 'herbivore' nature.
  86. >She eased off the couch, slowly trotting to the table as she looked at the seat before her.
  87. >She then looked at you.
  88. 'Oh...' you blink 'where are my manners.'
  89. >You get up, dusting your hands on your pants as you ease around the table, slowly pulling out the chair for the mare to sit in it.
  90. >Luna blinked, somewhat surprised you did that as she nodded slowly "T-thank yee humble Anon... we would be delighted to join you."
  91. >There was her blush again as you smirk 'Pleasure...really.'
  92. >Hey, company was company, what sort pf host would you be if you didn't serve her too?
  93. >After you settled her down, you gave her a decent sized helping of spaghetti and sauce, mixing it together for her before easing it infront of the Princess.
  94. >She studied it, looking in curiosity at the food as she magicked her fork and knife, and began to stab the noodles.
  95. "why ha thou sought to avoid our grasp?" she exclaimed, finding it catch a few noodles in her fork.
  96. >You just grin in hilarity at the situation as you gave a cough.
  97. 'You're doing it wrong, haven't you ever eaten Spaghetti before?'
  98. >She shook her head 'we have not, but we do not wish to avoid the attempt at such a delectable looking meal!" she pouted as you shook your head.
  99. 'Well, there's a fine culinary art to eating spagetti, watch and learn, I'm sure you can do this with your magic.' you grin, slowly slipping your fork into the mass of noodles as you start to spin it, twirling it around to gather the noodles around its prongs.
  100. >Luna's eyes go wide, as though a brand new discovery has just been exposed, she watches with deep interest as you pull up a large orb of noodles on your fork and slip it into your mouth with a grin.
  101. "Facinating!" she exclaimed "Thou has conqured the noodles!"
  102. >Luna looked at her own plate, taking the fork yet again as she gave the cutest, serious-looking face you've ever seen as she mimiced your movements, twirling the fork around to gather up a good portion of noodles before pulling it up and taking it into her maw.
  103. >Her expression brightened as she tatsed the wonder of human dining, and found that even for such a simple food, the taste was enticing!
  104. "M-my word!" she whispered, pulling the fork free "we had not known such simple food could be so...delightful~"
  105. 'You're very welcome' you mutter as Luna looks at you.
  106. "Hath thou more skill than just of the literature art? We are further intrigued by your abilities sir Anon."
  107. 'Hah, well, when you live on your own, those are what you need to survive.'
  108. "Yes...well...we see..." she sighed, looking away a bit before she magicked the book you gave to her "We have returnith thy book as your request, may we...ask for the last one now?"
  109. >You pause mid slurp of some noodles to see the book, you put down your fork as you take it, swallowing what you had in mouth.
  110. 'what? You finished that in like a day!'
  111. "We had found much joy in reading it!" She said, pushing herself closer against the table "We had read it twice before the day had ended and sought to read it again, but...we wished to further the story, to see what thou has written as the climactic end! Would thou be able to present us with the final installment?"
  112. >She did keep her word, the book was returned, you were a bit sadden she had read the whole thing in the day, especially considering she was such an avid fan.
  113. >Perhaps the desire to read the last book out-weighed the enjoyment of it, you felt partially responsible for it...
  114. >Maybe you could make it up to her.
  115. ' did keep your word.' you ease away from the table, whipping your mouth with a napkin before going off into the other room and returning with the third book.
  116. 'Here...its all yours.'
  117. >Luna smile brightened, you could see she had sought this book, her eyes glimmering with the desire to finish the series as you exhale, sitting back down and looking at her, watching her oogle over the final book in your series.
  118. "We shall enjoy this immensely sir Anon!" she said with glee "At long last, the final installment is ours!" she almost let out a diabolical laugh before she paused, covering her maw with a hoof as you just blink.
  119. >All the shrugs....
  120. >Crazy ponies...
  121. "Has thou prepared more books since we last saw thee?"
  122. 'What?' you ask, kind of confused.
  123. "We had hope thee would have prepared something new, these books are wonderful, but we seek to see more." she smiled "your skills are superior to so many writers back would be a shame to see so little of such pleasures..."
  124. >You rub the back of your head 'Sadly...its not that easy, I've been in a stint for months.'
  125. "Oh...we see..." her ears fold down a bit as she slowly ease from the table "Then...we shall excuse ourselves, it was...rude for us to ask."
  126. 'Now hold on a moment...' you intrude 'I invited you in for dinner, I hope you don't plan on skimping that, especially since I bought some very cool deserts.'
  127. >Luna paused, eyes open as she turned, ears perking up as she smiled "Oh T-then we shall remain!"
  128. >You grin, pointing to her half eaten plate 'Then finish your dinner.'
  129. >You've never seen a horse eat so fast before, she scarffed the rest of the noodle dinner down with gusto before she let out a big grin, her face covered a bit with sauce as she dabbed it clean, all professional like for a Princess as you finish yours.
  130. "Why had thou ventured into the art of writing?" Luna asked as she watched you eat, being slower, you were willing to savor your meal before you got into the desert.
  131. 'I guess...I found my own calming in it; writing a story is very exhilarating, creating the world, the cast, the plot, its all under your control.'
  132. "We...see..." she said, easing a bit closer.
  133. 'When you write, you put all your thoughts and dreams into your work, forging a whole new reality for the cast you put in there...its like...' you pause 'its like a baking a cake; all your characters are the ingredients and the plot is the cooking directions. They all come together and make something...awesome.'
  134. >Luna smiled, giggling a bit even as she clopped her fore-hooves together "truly that is astounding! But, thee speaks of cake, would thy be serving desert soon?"
  135. >You chuckle 'Ah, sweet tooth hrmm? Sure...we can have some desert, hope you like lemon meringue pie.'
  136. >A gasp "We do!" She said, pressing her forehooves atop the table as she leaned over "It is one of our favorites!"
  137. >You nudge her back off the table, her blush of embarrisment cute as you rise and ease over to the kitchen.
  138. >Luna decides to help, bringing both plates and all the food over to the kitchen with her magic.
  139. 'Ah...thank you' you say 'you can start putting that' you ask, showing her a glass bowl for the spaghetti, and another for the meat.
  140. >Luna nods "We shall assist for the fine food thou has prepared." she said, her voice soft as she placed the food in their respective containers and then put the bowl and dishes into the sink.
  141. >You return to the table with the pie, two plates and cutlery as you serve her first, giving her a nice big peice as she bowed her head.
  142. "We thank thee~" she said as she started to take small fork-fulls of the sweet delicacsy, her eyes sparkling as she took the first bite.
  143. "Such a sweet tatse! Oh it has been so long since we savoured such a delight!"
  144. 'YOu don't have pie often?'
  145. >LUna shook her head "Though we live as royalty, we do not often get a chance to savoir these treats at our own pleasure; many times my sister and I sneak out in the night to the royal kitchen to feast on some of the confections that our grand cooks produce. We are often restricted to what our chefs had made, and far and few has it been a pie such as this." she took another bite, blushing as she was loving the taste and tartness of the lemon flavored pie.
  146. >you chuckle, taking your own forkfull as you eat it.
  147. "Would....thou be interested in returning to our realm with us?" Luna said...almost too softly as you pause mid gulp of your food, coughing a bit as you pat your gut.
  148. >Luna is instantly around the table and by your side "is thou alright? We are...sorry, we had not meant to suprise thee!" she said, trying to help you as you wave a hand
  149. 'Its alright...*cough* sorry...just never expected that question to be popped.
  150. "Was it...wrong of us to ask?"
  151. >You turn to her 'No...its...not really, just...' you sigh 'I'll have to think about it...look...take the book, go read and enjoy it, you can even take the pie home too. When you return after you finish that book, I'll give you my answer.'
  152. >There was a sense of defeat in Luna as she nodded, despite the gifts you were giving her, you could tell she'd want you to come too.
  153. >The reason why was foreign to you, but there were just some things you had to consider before some strange magical pony offers to take you to her realm.
  154. >And this certainly wasn't any drug induced hallucination either... this was real.
  155. "We...humbly thank thee sir Anon for your hospitality and thee provisions provided to us. We shall...extend our grattitude by reading swiftly your work and returning at most haste."
  156. >you smirk, waving your hand up and down 'Take your time with it, the longer you do, the more thought I can put into my answer, besides, its not often a Princess asks to take the Knight out with her.' You joke, she blushes brightly as she turns away "V-very well...w-we shall return to our duties in our realm and await our return to this land." she turned back, smiling "thank you...sir Anon" and with a flash, she was gone.
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