
Kyoko Feat 5

Jul 26th, 2017
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  1. "Stop." Rohan said to the stand. It cocked its head, staring at the mangaka like a curious owl. Rohan continued to speak in a severe tone. "If you pull out my thoughts and make a「something」out of it, then you'll come to regret it."
  3. As expected, the stand didn't listen. It was automatic and couldn't heed a warning. It yanked the thought bubble free from Rohan's ears. Unlucky for it, Rohan just happened to think of something that would help him escape the very situation they were in.
  5. Something that only went after things that looked a certain direction.
  7. "Disco Inferno was it? I'd like you to meet the「ghost alleyway hands」! Something that's been stuck in my thoughts ever since!"
  9. The thought bubble grew and spawned countless numbers of ghostly, pale hands reached out and grabbed Disco Inferno. The creature struggled against the pull of its new adversaries, but if the thought-construct was as powerful as Rohan had made it out out to be in his thoughts, then its struggles was in vain.
  11. Of course, they weren't anywhere near the actual ghost alleyway in Morioh where the actual hands resided. They were in an apartment, and the hands only pulled those that looked a certain way in the physical alleyway. For constructs however, that didn't matter, as Rohan's thoughts were always in his「view」, which meant the stand staring back at him was orientated in the same exact「direction」 that would have been looking back at the part of the alleyway where you weren't supposed to if you wanted your soul intact.
  13. Disco Inferno loosened its grip as the hands tugged away at its kimono, its arms and candle. They pulled the stand forward, out of the door. Rohan braced himself against the wall as the stand slid past, tumbling to the ground where the hands dropped it off, for the fake hands can only do so much and could not match up one-to-one with the genuine article.
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