
There will be babies

Jan 9th, 2019
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  1. Alexithymiaa: -Steph stood in the kitchen in front of the blender in the process of cutting up assorted fruits and dropping the piece into the blender. She had bananas, grapes, strawberries and pineapple all strewn across the counter and things kind of looked like a mess in there as she worked on getting things set up for her smoothie. Of course, Nugget and Harvey were at her feet.-
  2. Covet: Felix was hovering over Steph making her smoothie , reaching around her to grab some of the fruit for himself, including a larger slice of banana to share with Nugget. " Thank you." he said leaning down to give Nugget the fruit. "But that's all you get, now go away." He said pointing out of the kitchen, the dog going to sit at the edge of the kitchen on the carpet. // Cadence was taking a nap with Trick in the guest room, she'd been doing a lot of sleeping, between bits of crying. She was only barely holding her shit together.
  3. Alexithymiaa: Picking up the container of milk, she poured some in with the fruit and then pulled a handful of ice cubes from the freezer, dropping them in and pushing the top down on the blender. "I'm not adding sugar so if you want yours sweeter, you'll have to wait until I pour my glass. You probably shouldn't add sugar to yours though." She pressed the on button, the blender roaring to life.-
  4. Covet: "Nah, I've never been a huge fan of sugar, I typically just add yogurt if I want it sweeter at all." Felix said munching on the strawberries. "Just easy on the pineapple that's my only request." He said scrunching up his nose.
  5. Alexithymiaa: "Surprising." She said amongst the noise, hitting the off button and pulling the lid of the blender off. "What's wrong with pineapple?" She asked, reaching for the first glass and shaking out the thick smoothie into the cup.-
  6. Covet: "I mean in my smoothies. Sugar is great elsewhere. The fruit is sweet enough though for this." He said then gave a shrug, "It's not really my thing. I tollerate it, but eh not in that kind of mood."
  7. Alexithymiaa: "It's a good source of Vitamin C." She spoke as she passed him the first glass, clearly the reason why she'd bought it in the first place. Pouring herself a smoothie, she set the pitcher back onto the blender with enough left for one more glass, turning to look at him. "I thought this might be an easier idea for me."-
  8. Covet: "So is orange juice." Felix said. stealing a couple grapes. "Hey, if it's going to work for you, I've got no qualms with it. You can make veggie smoothies too. So if this is easier, I'm game."
  9. Alexithymiaa: "Yeah, but I didn't want to add orange juice to the smoothie. And there's usually a lot of added sugar in most orange juice." She looked down into her glass, taking a deep breath as the uncomfortable feeling settled in the pit of her stomach, gently taking a small sip. The butterflies in her stomach increased her heart rate, sending an ache across her chest which she was gradually getting used to ignoring.-
  10. Covet: Felix rolled his eyes, " You can get orange juice that doesn't. Or make your own. Orange Julius puts orange juice in their smoothies." He said just to be contrary. He felt the change on his ring, and watched her closely, Felix frowned, and walked over to her, giving her a kiss on the head, "Go have a seat, I'll get my own poured." He said to her.
  11. Alexithymiaa: (She had already poured him his)
  12. Covet: [Oh my bad!]
  13. Alexithymiaa: "Well good for Orange Julius." She retorted and then looked up, giving him a nod and making her way into the living room to sit down on the couch beside Penny and Ozzy who were adorably cuddling. Putting her hand out, she stroked it over Ozzy's fur, trying to calm herself.-
  14. Covet: He grabbed his Smoothie and went to go sit with her, relaxing into the couch. "Tell me what's on your mind, Red. I'm listening." He said to her softly, reaching out to rub her back.
  15. Alexithymiaa: "He needs to be brushed properly..." She mumbled, because honestly it was what she had been thinking in that very moment since he was the long haired cat and needed it regularly. "I'm just trying to move in a good direction."-
  16. Covet: Felix sighed and took a sip of his smoothie. "Okay what are trying not to think about?" He said rephrasing his question.
  17. Alexithymiaa: "How much I don't want to drink this." She said in a monotone voice, circling her hands around the glass.-
  18. Covet: "Why don't you want to drink it? You made it so you know it's going to be good." Felix asked. "Is there anything I can do to make it more appealing? I can pour it over my naked body or something?" He said jokingly suggesting, just trying to lighten the mood.
  19. Alexithymiaa: -She forced a smile, turning to look at him. "That's just going to make me want to shower with you, not drink it. I don't know... it's hard to get out of my head, especially when I've brainwashed myself to think that being in control of my intake is empowering. I know it's not and I know my decisions have been poor ones, but it's still difficult to get this idea out of my head that things will feel better if i just... don't."-
  20. Covet: "Hmm, brainwashing. That's an interesting phrase to use." He said shaking his head. " Well the good news is you're at least recognizing that. Now it's just a matter of acting on it. You need to ask yourself if you feel better when restricting yourself. Are you happier? are you any less stressed? The more you do that the more it trains your brain to change it's thought patterns.
  21. Alexithymiaa: "Is it not true? I've had a devil on my shoulder for so long that it's not even my thoughts anymore on the subject." she leaned forward, setting the glass down on the coffee table because it made her feel better not to be holding it and staring into it. "Of course i'm not. And when I I'm working through it, that's easier to see. Just sometimes it's a short term memory."-
  22. Covet: "No it makes sense, I just remember overhearing something a few weeks ago when classes were still in session, and I was working in the library. A couple of people were loudly discussing something on this TV show, one of those doctor ones. The only reason I was casually eaves dropping was because they mentioned anorexia and brainwashing so I was making sure I didn't need to speak up and tell them to shut the fuck up in the library." He said, "Well what if you think about it in a different context? Like besides, getting healthier, what are the benefits of drinking that. Longterm."
  23. AlexithymiaaAlexithymiaa : "I think speaking up to tell them to shut the fuck up is sort of against library policy..." She said with a little smile because comic relief is nice. "Aren't those the benefits?" She asked, furrowing her brows. "The point is to be healthier."-
  24. Covet: "I don't remember reading it anywhere, but it was more of me making sure they weren't talking shit. Cause that's not cool." Felix said, then nodded, "They are, but think bigger picture, if you're healthier, what things become viable options, especially for us?" He said trying to help her get there on her own because he was a pussy and couldn't just say it.
  25. Alexithymiaa: "You're very sweet." She gave his leg a squeeze. She paused to consider his words for a moment, her brain a little scattered lately because of all the stress and lack of energy so it was taking her a minute longer than it usually would have. "Well... going camping is definitely something easier on us if I'm in a healthier state." She paused, slowly looking up to his face. "And the doctor said I can't get pregnant until I'm healthier..."-
  26. Covet: "I'm like the smoothie, I don't need any extra sugar, plenty sweet all on my own." He said, this corny fuck. He listened to her as she spoke, nodding his head, "It would, we could do more hikes..." He said then waiting until she finally got what he was getting at. "Exactly." Felix said with a smile.
  27. Alexithymiaa: -For all parties involved, it was just better if she didnt comment on his cheesy remark. "Is that... what you want? Are you comfortable with moving in that direction? I know how you feel on the subject and as much as it's something I want so badly, I really don't want you to feel like I'm forcing you into it for my benefit."-
  28. Covet: "I know it's not something that's going to be immediate, we have to wait for that okay, but you're not forcing me into anything. If I didn't want to do it, I wouldn't suggest it to you, I know that it's something that's important and where I'm an ass, that's just fucking cruel." He told her.
  29. Alexithymiaa: "No I know that, but there's a difference between giving in because you know it's important to me and possibly your outlook on having your own kids changing and now maybe it doesn't seem so bad?" She asked. "I don't want this to be something you're only agreeing to, to help me."-
  30. Covet: Felix looked at her for a moment then took her hand. "You know how I've rode your ass about facing your fears? How sometimes you just have to take them head on? Well, Mom called me a hypocrite first, then told me that You're never really prepared to have kids, you want them and you can do all the research, but you're never really prepared. But when you love and care for the person, creating something together, that represents that love, makes you feel that there's nothing you can't do, no matter how unprepared you are."
  31. Alexithymiaa: -She couldn't battle back the smile or the tears forming in her eyes as she listened to him, making a mental note to call Rochelle tomorrow. Shifting on the couch, she threw her arms around his neck, not being all that careful with his brokenness because she was just so overwhelmed with emotion.-
  32. Covet: "Ouch." Felix said wincing a little as she attacked him with a hug. "It's okay, totally worth the pain." He said exhaling as he wrapped his good arm around her. "So think about how one step closer each smoothie is, and another for each snack, okay. "
  33. Alexithymiaa: -She nodded her head frantically before easing off a little, giving him a few littlepats as if to make sure he was okay, but that obviously does nothing. "I love you. And we're going to do this together. It's easier to do it with you." She smiled at him before reaching for her smoothie on the table.-
  34. Covet: "We are, We've been through alot already that neither of us were really prepared for, and killed it, this is just one more thing to add to our badass list of awesome conquests." Felix said, okay there wierdo. He lifted up his smoothie in a sort of toast, "To our future, and all it holds, and we'll get to hold."
  35. Alexithymiaa: -She nodded. "We are badasses, aren't we?" She asked before clinking her glass with his and taking a long sip of smoothie. And then settled into the couch to be happy this evening. For now.-
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