

Oct 17th, 2018
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  1. So back in 2012 I used to get a lift to work with my mother. She worked in the hospital so I used to get a lift to the hospital and jump on the bus into the town centre.
  3. So this one (Normal ass day). Getting a lift in with mum. Said my goodbyes and walked into the hospital waiting room for about 7:42am, where I used to chill out before the bus arrived at 8:04am. So I am waiting, headphones on, and I start drifting off asleep in the waiting room. I then drift back into real life and I start panicking as I glance at my phone and it's 8:03am. I look outside and my bus just pulled up. So I let out a panic noise, put my headphones around my neck, grab my bus money out and jolted for the hospital entrance.
  5. The entrance to the hospital was a revolving door and I ran straight into the glass half asleep and dropped my bus money in the area to which the door was revolving. Stupid ass bends over to start grabbing my sorry ass bus change, not aware that the other side of the revolving door was coming for my sorry ass. I paused.. "SMACK". Next thing I am on the floor head first. The bloody door smacked me in the hoop while I was bent over, vulnerable AF and proceeded to push me round clockwise on my actual face. I was getting carpet burns on my face and i was helpless. My hood went over my head so I couldn't see a thing, my bag tangled my arms so i couldn't adjust, for a quarter of a revolving door spin, I was helpless. After about 5 seconds of this menacing journey, I somehow performance some sort of barrel roll out of the other side into the front of hospital. I was presented with a woman on the phone at the time, absolutely pissing herself with laughter and come over and hugged me to see if I was OK.
  7. I had a combination of laughter and crying and sheer humiliation. It then came to my attention that my bus is still there over the road and there is about 60p worth of change still in the area of embarrassment behind me. I then walked back round, picked up my change and walked to the bus and got on with my day. With it being a hospital, this footage has to be somewhere. Everyone I have ever told, says that this is the funniest story, and every time I think, I just laugh now. Whenever there is a serious moment or a negative time in my life, I think back to when I got owned by a revolving door.
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