

Aug 21st, 2011
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  1. Core:
  2. plugin:
  3. language: English # Language translation file to use for messages.
  4. debugmode: true # Set to true to enable debugging mode and additional console output.
  5. usagestats: true # Set to false to disable usage stats reporting to CraftFire devs.
  6. logging: true # Set to false to disable logging to files.
  7. logformat: yyyy-MM-dd # Change the filename format of the AuthDB debug and error log files.
  8. database:
  9. driver: mysql # Database driver to use. Leave this alone as MySQL is currently the only supported driver.
  10. host: *********** # MySQL server hostname, domain, IP, or localhost for local connections.
  11. port: *********** # Port used for connecting to your MySQL server. This is usually 3306.
  12. username: *********** # Username used to connect to your database. I hope you aren't using root!
  13. password: *********** # Set the password used to connect to your database. I hope you actually set a password other than root!
  14. name: *********** # Set the name of the database you are connecting to.
  15. keepalive: false # Set to true to keep database connection alive.
  16. script:
  17. name: phpBB # Set the name of the script you are using.
  18. version: 3.0.8 # Set the version of the script you are using.
  19. tableprefix: mc_phpbb_ # Set the prefix of the database you are connecting to if you use one.
  20. customdb:
  21. enabled: false #
  22. autocreate: true #
  23. table: authdb_users #
  24. userfield: username #
  25. passfield: password #
  26. emailfield: email #
  27. encryption: md5 #
  28. register:
  29. enabled: false #
  30. force: false #
  31. delay: 4 seconds #
  32. show: 10 seconds #
  33. timeout: 3 minutes #
  34. login:
  35. method: normal # Set to normal to use /login password method or prompt for password input only.
  36. delay: 4 seconds #
  37. show: 10 seconds #
  38. timeout: 3 minutes #
  39. tries: 3 #
  40. action: kick #
  41. link:
  42. enabled: false #
  43. rename: false #
  44. unlink:
  45. enabled: false #
  46. rename: false #
  47. username:
  48. minimum: 3 #
  49. maximum: 20 #
  50. password:
  51. minimum: 6 #
  52. maximum: 20 #
  53. session:
  54. start: login #
  55. length: 10 minutes #
  56. protect: true #
  57. guest:
  58. commands: false #
  59. chat: true #
  60. building: false #
  61. destruction: false #
  62. movement: false #
  63. interactions: false #
  64. inventory: false #
  65. drop: false #
  66. pickup: false #
  67. health: false #
  68. pvp: false #
  69. mobtargeting: false #
  70. mobdamage: false #
  71. protection:
  72. notify: false #
  73. delay: 3 seconds #
  74. filter:
  75. action: kick
  76. username: "`~!@#$%^&*()-=+{[]}|\\:;\"<,>.?/ " #
  77. password: "&" #
  78. whitelist: Contex,Wulfspider #
  80. Plugins:
  81. CraftIRC:
  82. enabled: false #
  83. tag: admin #
  84. prefix: "%b%%green%[{PLUGIN}]%k%%b%" #
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