

Jun 26th, 2016
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  1. Current season: ${season}
  3. [b]You[/b] are:
  4. *line_break
  5. *if mctype = "unknown"
  6. Locked in furious combat and have no time to mind such trivialities right now!
  7. *if mctype = "knight"
  8. *if mcname = "you"
  9. An aging knight
  10. *if mcname != "you"
  11. Guardian $!{mcname} $!{mclastname}, an aging knight
  12. and grande protectorate of the realm in service of
  13. *if royaltyfall = 0
  14. King and Queen Escaliare.
  15. *if royaltyfall = 1
  16. the late King and Queen Escaliare, honor bound to fulfill your oath to her Majesty's last request.
  17. *if mctype = "wizard"
  18. *if mcname = "you"
  19. An aging wizard
  20. *if mcname != "you"
  21. Archmagus $!{mcname} $!{mclastname}, an aging wizard
  22. and grande magus of the realm in service of
  23. *if royaltyfall = 0
  24. King and Queen Escaliare.
  25. *if royaltyfall = 1
  26. the late King and Queen Escaliare, honor bound to fulfill your oath to her Majesty's last request.
  27. *if mctype = "assassin"
  28. *if mcname = "you"
  29. An aging assassin
  30. *if mcname != "you"
  31. Lefthand $!{mcname} $!{mclastname}, an aging assassin
  32. and royale strategist of the realm in service of
  33. *if royaltyfall = 0
  34. King and Queen Escaliare.
  35. *if royaltyfall = 1
  36. the late King and Queen Escaliare, honor bound to fulfill your oath to her Majesty's last request.
  37. *if mctype = "cleric"
  38. *if mcname = "you"
  39. An aging avatarri
  40. *if mcname != "you"
  41. Grand High $!{name} $!{lastname}, an aging avatarri
  42. and high advisor of the realm in service of
  43. *if royaltyfall = 0
  44. King and Queen Escaliare.
  45. *if royaltyfall = 1
  46. the late King and Queen Escaliare, honor bound to fulfill your oath to her Majesty's last request.
  47. *if royaltyfall = 1
  48. You have fled
  49. *if direction = "north"
  50. north, to the mountainous lands of Storloch until such a time as the young
  51. *if direction = "west"
  52. west, to the forested Tarisian Baronies until such a time as the young
  53. *if direction = "south"
  54. south, to the arid deserts at the northern end of the Empire of Khal until such a time as the young
  55. *if direction = "east"
  56. east, to the swampy coast of Cydonia until such a time as the young
  57. *if gender = "male"
  58. Prince
  59. *if gender = "female"
  60. Princess
  61. comes of age and can bid to reclaim ${his} throne as the rightful heir.
  62. *line_break
  63. *line_break
  64. *if royaltyfall = 1
  65. ========================================================================
  66. *line_break
  67. Your [b]ward[/b] is:
  68. *line_break
  69. $!{title} $!{name}
  70. *if age < 5
  71. $!{lastname}, a mere squalling baby in your arms.
  72. *if ((age > 4) and (age < 9))
  73. $!{lastname}, a young child who you have decided to bring up as a
  74. *if ((age > 8) and (age < 14))
  75. $!{lastname}, a child you are raising as a
  76. *if age > 13
  77. $!{lastname}, who is training to be a $!{subtype}.
  78. *if age < 14
  79. *if type = "knight"
  80. knight,
  81. *if mctype = "knight"
  82. like you, feeling that you would be able to facilitate the ${man}'s training this way.
  83. *if mctype != "knight"
  84. knowing that men and women have always rallied to strong warriors, and it will likely take a strong army to reclaim the ${man}'s rightful throne.
  85. *if type = "wizard"
  86. wizard,
  87. *if mctype = "wizard"
  88. like you, feeling that you would be able to facilitate the ${man}'s training this way.
  89. *if mctype != "wizard"
  90. knowing that the royal family have a natural attunement for the arts and could be one of the ${man}'s greatest strengths when the time comes to reclaim their rightful throne.
  91. *if type = "assassin"
  92. ninja,
  93. *if mctype = "assassin"
  94. like you, feeling that you would be able to facilitate the ${man}'s training this way.
  95. *if mctype != "assassin"
  96. knowing that the ${man} must learn subtlety in the years before coming of age, and that swift minds can accomplish more than a strong arm or magical talent within the right setting.
  97. *if type = "cleric"
  98. young avatarri,
  99. *if mctype = "cleric"
  100. like you, feeling that you would be able to facilitate the ${man}'s training this way.
  101. *if mctype != "cleric"
  102. it being the will of one of the gods to spare the ${man}, after all. And who would argue with the words of one who speaks for their god?
  103. *line_break
  104. *line_break
  105. Birthday: $!{birthday1} ${birthday2}.
  106. *line_break
  107. Age: ${age}
  108. *line_break
  109. Merit: $!{merit}
  110. *if acquiredmerit != "unknown"
  111. *line_break
  112. Acquired Merit: $!{acquiredmerit}
  113. *line_break
  114. Flaw: $!{flaw}
  115. *if acquiredflaw != "unknown"
  116. *line_break
  117. Acquired Flaw: $!{acquiredflaw}
  118. *if age > 14
  119. *line_break
  120. Apparent orientation:
  121. *if orientation = "men"
  122. *if age < 17
  123. Seems to have a budding interest in men.
  124. *if age > 16
  125. Seems interested in men.
  126. *if orientation = "women"
  127. *if age < 17
  128. Seems to have a budding interest in women.
  129. *if age > 16
  130. Seems interested in women.
  131. *if orientation = "both"
  132. *if ro1gender = "male"
  133. *if age < 17
  134. Seems to have a budding interest in men.
  135. *if ((age > 16) and (ro2gender = "male"))
  136. Seems interested in men.
  137. *if ((age > 16) and (ro2gender = "female"))
  138. Might be interested in both genders.
  139. *if ro1gender = "female"
  140. *if age < 17
  141. Seems to have a budding interested in women.
  142. *if ((age > 16) and (ro2gender = "female"))
  143. Seems interested in women.
  144. *if ((age > 16) and (ro2gender = "male"))
  145. Might be interested in both genders.
  146. *if orientation = "neither"
  147. *if age < 17
  148. Hasn't displayed an apparent attraction to either men or women.
  149. *if ((age > 16) and (ro2gender = "male"))
  150. Might be interested in men?
  151. *if ((age > 16) and (ro2gender = "female"))
  152. Might be interested in women?
  153. *if subtype != "unknown"
  154. *line_break
  155. $!{soulhe} is being trained as a ${subtype}.
  156. *if chosenweapon != "unknown"
  157. *line_break
  158. Fights mainly using a ${chosenweapon}.
  159. *if armorstyle != "unknown"
  160. *line_break
  161. Tends to wear ${armorstyle}.
  162. *line_break
  163. *line_break
  164. Primary stats:
  165. *stat_chart
  166. text strength Strength
  167. text dexterity Dexterity
  168. text endurance Endurance
  169. text intelligence Intelligence
  170. text charisma Charisma
  171. *line_break
  172. *line_break
  173. Skills:
  174. *stat_chart
  175. percent alertness Alertness
  176. percent combat Combat
  177. percent guard Guard
  178. percent dodge Dodge
  179. percent magic Magic
  180. percent oracle Oracle
  181. percent healing Healing
  182. percent survival Survival
  183. percent creativity Creativity
  184. percent education Education
  185. percent organization Organization
  186. percent ettiquette Ettiquette
  187. percent leadership Leadership
  188. *finish
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