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a guest
Aug 11th, 2017
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  1. export default {
  2. country: {
  3. 'AF': 'Afghanistan',
  4. 'AX': 'Aland Islands',
  5. 'AL': 'Albania',
  6. 'DZ': 'Algeria',
  7. 'AS': 'American Samoa',
  8. 'AD': 'Andorra',
  9. 'AO': 'Angola',
  10. 'AI': 'Anguilla',
  11. 'AQ': 'Antarctica',
  12. 'AG': 'Antigua and Barbuda',
  13. 'AR': 'Argentina',
  14. 'AM': 'Armenia',
  15. 'AW': 'Aruba',
  16. 'AU': 'Australia',
  17. 'AT': 'Austria',
  18. 'AZ': 'Azerbaijan',
  19. 'BS': 'Bahamas',
  20. 'BH': 'Bahrain',
  21. 'BD': 'Bangladesh',
  22. 'BB': 'Barbados',
  23. 'BY': 'Belarus',
  24. 'BE': 'Belgium',
  25. 'BZ': 'Belize',
  26. 'BJ': 'Benin',
  27. 'BM': 'Bermuda',
  28. 'BT': 'Bhutan',
  29. 'BO': 'Bolivia',
  30. 'BA': 'Bosnia and Herzegovina',
  31. 'BW': 'Botswana',
  32. 'BV': 'Bouvet Island',
  33. 'BR': 'Brazil',
  34. 'VG': 'British Virgin Islands',
  35. 'IO': 'British Indian Ocean Territory',
  36. 'BN': 'Brunei Darussalam',
  37. 'BG': 'Bulgaria',
  38. 'BF': 'Burkina Faso',
  39. 'BI': 'Burundi',
  40. 'KH': 'Cambodia',
  41. 'CM': 'Cameroon',
  42. 'CA': 'Canada',
  43. 'CV': 'Cape Verde',
  44. 'KY': 'Cayman Islands',
  45. 'CF': 'Central African Republic',
  46. 'TD': 'Chad',
  47. 'CL': 'Chile',
  48. 'CN': 'China',
  49. 'HK': 'Hong Kong, SAR China',
  50. 'MO': 'Macao, SAR China',
  51. 'CX': 'Christmas Island',
  52. 'CC': 'Cocos (Keeling) Islands',
  53. 'CO': 'Colombia',
  54. 'KM': 'Comoros',
  55. 'CG': 'Congo (Brazzaville)',
  56. 'CD': 'Congo, (Kinshasa)',
  57. 'CK': 'Cook Islands',
  58. 'CR': 'Costa Rica',
  59. 'CI': 'Côte d\'Ivoire',
  60. 'HR': 'Croatia',
  61. 'CU': 'Cuba',
  62. 'CY': 'Cyprus',
  63. 'CZ': 'Czech Republic',
  64. 'DK': 'Denmark',
  65. 'DJ': 'Djibouti',
  66. 'DM': 'Dominica',
  67. 'DO': 'Dominican Republic',
  68. 'EC': 'Ecuador',
  69. 'EG': 'Egypt',
  70. 'SV': 'El Salvador',
  71. 'GQ': 'Equatorial Guinea',
  72. 'ER': 'Eritrea',
  73. 'EE': 'Estonia',
  74. 'ET': 'Ethiopia',
  75. 'FK': 'Falkland Islands (Malvinas)',
  76. 'FO': 'Faroe Islands',
  77. 'FJ': 'Fiji',
  78. 'FI': 'Finland',
  79. 'FR': 'France',
  80. 'GF': 'French Guiana',
  81. 'PF': 'French Polynesia',
  82. 'TF': 'French Southern Territories',
  83. 'GA': 'Gabon',
  84. 'GM': 'Gambia',
  85. 'GE': 'Georgia',
  86. 'DE': 'Germany',
  87. 'GH': 'Ghana',
  88. 'GI': 'Gibraltar',
  89. 'GR': 'Greece',
  90. 'GL': 'Greenland',
  91. 'GD': 'Grenada',
  92. 'GP': 'Guadeloupe',
  93. 'GU': 'Guam',
  94. 'GT': 'Guatemala',
  95. 'GG': 'Guernsey',
  96. 'GN': 'Guinea',
  97. 'GW': 'Guinea-Bissau',
  98. 'GY': 'Guyana',
  99. 'HT': 'Haiti',
  100. 'HM': 'Heard and Mcdonald Islands',
  101. 'VA': 'Holy See (Vatican City State)',
  102. 'HN': 'Honduras',
  103. 'HU': 'Hungary',
  104. 'IS': 'Iceland',
  105. 'IN': 'India',
  106. 'ID': 'Indonesia',
  107. 'IR': 'Iran, Islamic Republic of',
  108. 'IQ': 'Iraq',
  109. 'IE': 'Ireland',
  110. 'IM': 'Isle of Man',
  111. 'IL': 'Israel',
  112. 'IT': 'Italy',
  113. 'JM': 'Jamaica',
  114. 'JP': 'Japan',
  115. 'JE': 'Jersey',
  116. 'JO': 'Jordan',
  117. 'KZ': 'Kazakhstan',
  118. 'KE': 'Kenya',
  119. 'KI': 'Kiribati',
  120. 'KP': 'Korea (North)',
  121. 'KR': 'Korea (South)',
  122. 'KW': 'Kuwait',
  123. 'KG': 'Kyrgyzstan',
  124. 'LA': 'Lao PDR',
  125. 'LV': 'Latvia',
  126. 'LB': 'Lebanon',
  127. 'LS': 'Lesotho',
  128. 'LR': 'Liberia',
  129. 'LY': 'Libya',
  130. 'LI': 'Liechtenstein',
  131. 'LT': 'Lithuania',
  132. 'LU': 'Luxembourg',
  133. 'MK': 'Macedonia, Republic of',
  134. 'MG': 'Madagascar',
  135. 'MW': 'Malawi',
  136. 'MY': 'Malaysia',
  137. 'MV': 'Maldives',
  138. 'ML': 'Mali',
  139. 'MT': 'Malta',
  140. 'MH': 'Marshall Islands',
  141. 'MQ': 'Martinique',
  142. 'MR': 'Mauritania',
  143. 'MU': 'Mauritius',
  144. 'YT': 'Mayotte',
  145. 'MX': 'Mexico',
  146. 'FM': 'Micronesia, Federated States of',
  147. 'MD': 'Moldova',
  148. 'MC': 'Monaco',
  149. 'MN': 'Mongolia',
  150. 'ME': 'Montenegro',
  151. 'MS': 'Montserrat',
  152. 'MA': 'Morocco',
  153. 'MZ': 'Mozambique',
  154. 'MM': 'Myanmar',
  155. 'NA': 'Namibia',
  156. 'NR': 'Nauru',
  157. 'NP': 'Nepal',
  158. 'NL': 'Netherlands',
  159. 'AN': 'Netherlands Antilles',
  160. 'NC': 'New Caledonia',
  161. 'NZ': 'New Zealand',
  162. 'NI': 'Nicaragua',
  163. 'NE': 'Niger',
  164. 'NG': 'Nigeria',
  165. 'NU': 'Niue',
  166. 'NF': 'Norfolk Island',
  167. 'MP': 'Northern Mariana Islands',
  168. 'NO': 'Norway',
  169. 'OM': 'Oman',
  170. 'PK': 'Pakistan',
  171. 'PW': 'Palau',
  172. 'PS': 'Palestinian Territory',
  173. 'PA': 'Panama',
  174. 'PG': 'Papua New Guinea',
  175. 'PY': 'Paraguay',
  176. 'PE': 'Peru',
  177. 'PH': 'Philippines',
  178. 'PN': 'Pitcairn',
  179. 'PL': 'Poland',
  180. 'PT': 'Portugal',
  181. 'PR': 'Puerto Rico',
  182. 'QA': 'Qatar',
  183. 'RE': 'Réunion',
  184. 'RO': 'Romania',
  185. 'RU': 'Russian Federation',
  186. 'RW': 'Rwanda',
  187. 'BL': 'Saint-Barthélemy',
  188. 'SH': 'Saint Helena',
  189. 'KN': 'Saint Kitts and Nevis',
  190. 'LC': 'Saint Lucia',
  191. 'MF': 'Saint-Martin (French)',
  192. 'PM': 'Saint Pierre and Miquelon',
  193. 'VC': 'Saint Vincent and Grenadines',
  194. 'WS': 'Samoa',
  195. 'SM': 'San Marino',
  196. 'ST': 'Sao Tome and Principe',
  197. 'SA': 'Saudi Arabia',
  198. 'SN': 'Senegal',
  199. 'RS': 'Serbia',
  200. 'SC': 'Seychelles',
  201. 'SL': 'Sierra Leone',
  202. 'SG': 'Singapore',
  203. 'SK': 'Slovakia',
  204. 'SI': 'Slovenia',
  205. 'SB': 'Solomon Islands',
  206. 'SO': 'Somalia',
  207. 'ZA': 'South Africa',
  208. 'GS': 'South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands',
  209. 'SS': 'South Sudan',
  210. 'ES': 'Spain',
  211. 'LK': 'Sri Lanka',
  212. 'SD': 'Sudan',
  213. 'SR': 'Suriname',
  214. 'SJ': 'Svalbard and Jan Mayen Islands',
  215. 'SZ': 'Swaziland',
  216. 'SE': 'Sweden',
  217. 'CH': 'Switzerland',
  218. 'SY': 'Syrian Arab Republic (Syria)',
  219. 'TW': 'Taiwan, Republic of China',
  220. 'TJ': 'Tajikistan',
  221. 'TZ': 'Tanzania, United Republic of',
  222. 'TH': 'Thailand',
  223. 'TL': 'Timor-Leste',
  224. 'TG': 'Togo',
  225. 'TK': 'Tokelau',
  226. 'TO': 'Tonga',
  227. 'TT': 'Trinidad and Tobago',
  228. 'TN': 'Tunisia',
  229. 'TR': 'Turkey',
  230. 'TM': 'Turkmenistan',
  231. 'TC': 'Turks and Caicos Islands',
  232. 'TV': 'Tuvalu',
  233. 'UG': 'Uganda',
  234. 'UA': 'Ukraine',
  235. 'AE': 'United Arab Emirates',
  236. 'GB': 'United Kingdom',
  237. 'US': 'United States of America',
  238. 'UM': 'US Minor Outlying Islands',
  239. 'UY': 'Uruguay',
  240. 'UZ': 'Uzbekistan',
  241. 'VU': 'Vanuatu',
  242. 'VE': 'Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic)',
  243. 'VN': 'Viet Nam',
  244. 'VI': 'Virgin Islands, US',
  245. 'WF': 'Wallis and Futuna Islands',
  246. 'EH': 'Western Sahara',
  247. 'YE': 'Yemen',
  248. 'ZM': 'Zambia',
  249. 'ZW': 'Zimbabwe',
  250. },
  251. Opportunity: {
  252. 'Employment_status__c': 'Your Employment Status',
  253. 'Country_of_birth__c': 'Your Country of Birth',
  254. 'Occupation__c': 'Your Occupation',
  255. 'Industry__c': 'The Industry you\'re employed in',
  256. 'Annual_Income__c': 'What is your annual income',
  257. 'Savings_investments__c': 'Your Savings and Investments',
  258. 'Fund_source__c': 'What is the source of your trading funds?',
  259. 'Fund_other_source__c': 'Other Source of funds',
  260. },
  261. Contact: {
  262. 'Nationality__c': 'Nationality',
  263. },
  264. experience: {
  265. 'understanding': 'Do you have any experience or qualifications relevant to the understanding of our products?',
  266. 'understanding_answer1': 'Yes, Both',
  267. 'understanding_answer2': 'Yes, from a relevant professional qualification or independent education ',
  268. 'understanding_answer3': 'Yes, from a relevant role in financial institution, for at least 12 months within the last 3 years',
  269. 'understanding_answer4': 'No',
  270. },
  271. spread_betting: {
  272. 'how_much': 'How much experience do you have in Spread Bet trading?',
  273. 'how_much_answer1': 'none',
  274. 'how_much_answer2': 'Less than 6 months',
  275. 'how_much_answer3': '6 months - 1 year',
  276. 'how_much_answer4': '1 years - 2 years',
  277. 'how_much_answer5': '2 years - 4 years',
  278. 'how_much_answer6': '5+ years',
  279. 'how_frequently': 'How frequently have you traded Spread Bet products in the past?',
  280. 'how_frequently_answer1': 'Never',
  281. 'how_frequently_answer2': 'Daily',
  282. 'how_frequently_answer3': 'Weekly',
  283. 'how_frequently_answer4': 'Monthly',
  284. 'how_frequently_answer5': 'Yearly',
  285. 'how_frequently_answer6': 'Occasionally',
  286. 'how_often': 'How often have you traded Spread Bet products on a monthly basis?',
  287. 'how_often_answer1': 'None',
  288. 'how_often_answer2': 'Less than 10 times',
  289. 'how_often_answer3': '10-20 times',
  290. 'how_often_answer4': '20-30 times',
  291. 'how_often_answer5': 'More than 40 times',
  292. 'trade_size': 'What is your average trade size when trading Spread Bet products?',
  293. 'trade_size_answer1': 'None',
  294. 'trade_size_answer2': 'Between 0.50 and 10 per point',
  295. 'trade_size_answer3': 'Greater than 10 but below 50 per point',
  296. 'trade_size_answer4': 'Greater than 50 per point',
  297. },
  298. cfd: {
  299. 'how_much': 'How much experience do you have in CFD and/or FX trading?',
  300. 'how_much_answer1': 'none',
  301. 'how_much_answer2': 'Less than 6 months',
  302. 'how_much_answer3': '6 months - 1 year',
  303. 'how_much_answer4': '1 years - 2 years',
  304. 'how_much_answer5': '2 years - 4 years',
  305. 'how_much_answer6': '5+ years',
  306. 'how_frequently': 'How frequently have you traded CFD and/or FX products in the past?',
  307. 'how_frequently_answer1': 'Never',
  308. 'how_frequently_answer2': 'Daily',
  309. 'how_frequently_answer3': 'Weekly',
  310. 'how_frequently_answer4': 'Monthly',
  311. 'how_frequently_answer5': 'Yearly',
  312. 'how_frequently_answer6': 'Occasionally',
  313. 'how_often': 'How often have you traded CFD and/or FX products on a monthly basis?',
  314. 'how_often_answer1': 'None',
  315. 'how_often_answer2': 'Less than 10 times',
  316. 'how_often_answer3': '10-20 times',
  317. 'how_often_answer4': '20-30 times',
  318. 'how_often_answer5': 'More than 40 times',
  319. 'trade_size': 'What is your average trade size when trading CFD and/or FX products?',
  320. 'trade_size_answer1': 'None',
  321. 'trade_size_answer2': 'Between 0.50 and 10 per point',
  322. 'trade_size_answer3': 'Greater than 10 but below 50 per point',
  323. 'trade_size_answer4': 'Greater than 50 per point',
  324. },
  325. nature_of_trading: {
  326. 'version1': 'Which statement best describes a short position?',
  327. 'v1_answer1': 'As the price of the underlying asset falls your profit increases',
  328. 'v1_answer2': 'A position that is below the normal market size',
  329. 'v1_answer3': 'As the price of the underlying asset rises your profit increases',
  330. 'version2': 'When purchasing derivatives, what is the typical waiting period for the delivery of the underlying asset?',
  331. 'v2_answer1': '7 business days',
  332. 'v2_answer2': '14 business days',
  333. 'v2_answer3': 'Derivatives do not entitle you to the ownership of the underlying asset ',
  334. 'version3': 'Which statement best describes a long position?',
  335. 'v3_answer1': 'As the price of the underlying asset drops your profit increases',
  336. 'v3_answer2': 'As the price of the underlying asset increases your profit increases ',
  337. 'v3_answer3': 'A position that is above the normal market size',
  338. 'version4': 'Which statement is CORRECT regarding rolling cash and future CFD/Spread Betting products?',
  339. 'v4_answer1': 'Neither have an expiry date',
  340. 'v4_answer2': 'Futures contracts have an expiry date',
  341. 'v4_answer3': 'Cash contracts have an expiry date',
  342. },
  344. understanding_trading: {
  345. 'version1': 'Which statement is CORRECT about overnight financing?',
  346. 'v1_answer1': 'You will normally receive interest if you hold a long position overnight and pay interest if you hold a short position overnight ',
  347. 'v1_answer2': 'You will normally pay interest if you hold a long position overnight and receive interest if you hold a short position overnight ',
  348. 'v1_answer3': 'Neither the above are correct',
  349. 'version2': 'When can you close an open UK 100 position?',
  350. 'v2_answer1': 'Only during the trading hours of the derivatives provider',
  351. 'v2_answer2': 'At 4pm each day',
  352. 'v2_answer3': 'At all times',
  353. 'version3': 'What best describes the Bid price?',
  354. 'v3_answer1': 'The price at which you can sell an instrument ',
  355. 'v3_answer2': 'The price at which you can buy an instrument ',
  356. 'v3_answer3': 'The price of an instrument in an auction',
  357. 'version4': 'What best describes the difference between placing a limit order and opening a trade with a market order?',
  358. 'v4_answer1': 'The market order will be executed immediately at the current price and the limit order will be executed when the market price reaches the order level',
  359. 'v4_answer2': 'The limit order will be executed immediately at the current price and the market order will be executed when the market price reaches the order level',
  360. 'v4_answer3': 'No difference, both orders represent the same thing',
  361. },
  363. understanding_concepts: {
  364. 'version1': 'Which statement on volatility is CORRECT?',
  365. 'v1_answer1': 'The price of a product fluctuates in a very wide range within a long period of time ',
  366. 'v1_answer2': 'The price of a product fluctuates in a very narrow range within a long period of time',
  367. 'v1_answer3': 'The price of a product fluctuates in a very wide range within a short period of time ',
  368. 'version2': 'If the margin requirement for Vodafone is 10%, and you buy 10 per unit movement at 200, how much of your funds will be held in margin?',
  369. 'v2_answer1': '3500',
  370. 'v2_answer2': '2000',
  371. 'v2_answer3': '200',
  372. 'version3': 'In the currency pair GBP/USD which is the base currency?',
  373. 'v3_answer1': 'GBP',
  374. 'v3_answer2': 'Neither',
  375. 'v3_answer3': 'USD',
  376. 'version4': 'How can you protect yourself against sudden reversals in the market?',
  377. 'v4_answer1': 'By placing a stop loss',
  378. 'v4_answer2': 'By not using a stop loss',
  379. 'v4_answer3': 'By adding to positions',
  380. },
  382. understanding_risk: {
  383. 'version1': 'Which statement best describes a stop loss order?',
  384. 'v1_answer1': 'It is a request to close your account',
  385. 'v1_answer2': 'It is an order that limits the loss made on a trade',
  386. 'v1_answer3': 'It is a request to close all open positions',
  387. 'version2': 'Which type of order can be used to limit your potential loss?',
  388. 'v2_answer1': 'Stop Loss Order',
  389. 'v2_answer2': 'Limit Order',
  390. 'v2_answer3': 'Neither of the above',
  391. 'version3': 'Which statement is true in relation to Stop Loss Orders?',
  392. 'v3_answer1': 'A Stop Loss Order is a request to close all open positions',
  393. 'v3_answer2': 'Stop Loss Orders prevent you from losing any money',
  394. 'v3_answer3': 'A Stop Loss Order is a means of managing your risk',
  395. 'version4': 'Which of the following statements about a Guaranteed Stop Loss Order is CORRECT?',
  396. 'v4_answer1': 'It is an order that guarantees the opening of a position',
  397. 'v4_answer2': 'It is an order to open a new position',
  398. 'v4_answer3': 'It is an order that guarantees the maximum loss than can be made on a trade',
  399. },
  401. accountSummary: {
  403. 'DEPOSIT': 'Deposit',
  405. 'LAUNCH_CORETRADER': 'Launch CloudTrade',
  406. },
  408. addTradingAccount: {
  410. 'CURRENCY': 'Currency',
  411. 'ADD_TRADING_ACCOUNT_PARAGRAPH': 'needs translation',
  412. 'CREATE_NEW_TRADING_ACCOUNT': 'Create new trading account',
  413. 'MAX_ACCOUNT_LIMIT_REACHED': 'Limit for maximum account number for this platform reached!',
  414. },
  416. addDemoTradingAccount: {
  418. 'CURRENCY': 'Currency',
  419. 'ADD_TRADING_ACCOUNT_PARAGRAPH': 'needs demo translation',
  420. 'CREATE_NEW_TRADING_ACCOUNT': 'Create new DEMO trading account',
  421. },
  423. changePassword: {
  425. 'CHANGE_PASSWORD_NOTE': 'Please note that this will change your client portal and trading platform passwords.',
  426. 'CURRENT_PASSWORD': 'Current Password',
  427. 'NEW_PASSWORD': 'New Password',
  428. 'CONFIRM_NEW_PASSWORD': 'Confirm New Password',
  429. 'ERROR_PASSWORD_NOT_THE_SAME': 'New password does not match confirmation!',
  430. 'SOMETHING_WENT_WRONG': 'Backend error - something went wrong!',
  432. 'PASSWORD_IS_THE_SAME': 'Can\'t change password to previous one!',
  433. 'SAVE_CHANGES': 'Save changes',
  434. },
  436. depositFunds: {
  437. 'CHOOSE_PAYMENT_METHOD': 'Choose payment method:',
  439. 'SELECT_TRADING_ACCOUNT': 'Please select the trading account you wish to deposit funds to:',
  441. 'ACCOUNT_NAME': 'Account Name: ',
  442. 'SORT_CODE': 'Sort Code: ',
  443. 'ACCOUNT_NO': 'Account No: ',
  444. 'IBAN': 'IBAN: ',
  445. 'SWIFTBIC': 'SWIFTBIC: ',
  446. 'BRANCH_NAME': 'Branch name: ',
  447. 'IMPORTANT_NOTES': 'Important notes:',
  448. 'MAKE_A_DEPOSIT': 'Make a deposit',
  449. 'WE_DONT_CHARGE_BANK_TRANSFERS': 'We don’t charge for bank transfers. Your bank might not be so generous, however, so please check before you make the transfer. We can only refund money to the bank account or card from which the funds were originally received. Cash payments are not permissible.',
  450. },
  452. login: {
  453. 'CLOSE': 'CLOSE',
  454. 'LOG_IN': 'LOG IN',
  455. 'LOGIN_ERROR': 'Login error!',
  456. 'RESET_PASSWORD': 'Reset password',
  457. 'APPLY_FOR_ACCOUNT': 'Apply for account',
  458. 'APPLY_FOR_DEMO_ACCOUNT': 'Apply for demo account',
  459. 'USERNAME': 'Username',
  460. 'PASSWORD': 'Password',
  461. },
  463. paymentHistory: {
  465. },
  467. personalInformation: {
  468. 'birthdate': 'Birthdate',
  469. 'email': 'Email',
  470. 'firstName': 'First Name',
  471. 'lastName': 'Last Name',
  472. 'countryCode': 'Country',
  475. 'CANCEL_CHANGES': 'Cancel Changes',
  476. 'SAVE_CHANGES': 'Save changes',
  477. 'APPLY_FOR_LIVE_ACCOUNT': 'Apply for live account',
  478. },
  480. formMisc: {
  481. 'PHONE_NUMBER': 'Phone number',
  482. 'FIRST': 'First',
  483. 'LAST': 'Last',
  484. 'NAME': 'Name',
  485. 'DATE_OF_BIRTH': 'Date of birth',
  486. 'EMAIL_ADDRESS': 'Email address',
  487. 'EMAIL': 'Email',
  488. 'COUNTRY': 'Country',
  489. 'NEXT_STEP': 'NEXT STEP',
  491. },
  493. register: {
  497. },
  499. firstStep: {
  501. },
  503. finishStep: {
  504. exampleStatus: {
  507. }
  508. },
  510. resetPassword: {
  511. 'RESET_PASSWORD': 'Reset password',
  512. 'PASSWORD_RESENT': 'Password resent!',
  513. 'WRONG_USERNAME': 'Wrong username!',
  514. },
  516. uploadDocuments: {
  518. 'PROVIDE_DOCUMENTS': 'Please provide us with the following documents.',
  519. 'FILE_FORMATS': 'Files should be in PDF, JPG or PNG format and must not exceed 5mb.',
  520. 'PROOF_OF_ID': 'Proof of ID',
  521. 'UPLOAD_PASSPORT_DRIVERS_NATIONALID': 'Please upload a colour copy of your current Passport, driver’s license or national ID.',
  523. 'DND_NOT_SUPPORTED': 'File Drag/Drop is not supported for this browser',
  524. 'SUBMIT': 'Submit',
  525. 'DOCUMENTS_MUST_CONTAIN': 'Documents must contain all of the following details:',
  526. 'YOUR_FULL_NAME': 'Your full name',
  527. 'UNIQUE_ID_NUMBER': 'A unique ID number',
  528. 'YOUR_BIRTHDATE': 'Your birthdate',
  529. 'PLACE_OF_BIRTH': 'Your place of birth',
  530. 'VISIBLE_PHOTO': 'A visible photo',
  531. 'YOUR_SIGNATURE': 'Your signature',
  532. 'YOUR_NATIONALITY': 'Your nationality',
  533. 'PROOF_OF_RESIDENCE': 'Proof of residence',
  534. 'OTHER': 'Other',
  535. 'OTHER_DOCUMENT_REQUESTED': 'Other documents which have been requested by our verification departament.',
  536. 'FILE': 'File:',
  537. },
  539. bankDetails: {
  542. 'NO_BANK_DETAILS_AVAILABLE': 'No bank details available!',
  543. 'bankStatementProofUploaded' : 'Bank Statement Proof Uploaded',
  544. 'bankProvince' : 'Bank Province',
  545. 'bankPaymentProofReceived' : 'Bank Payment Proof Received',
  546. 'bankName' : 'Bank Name',
  547. 'bankCity' : 'Bank City',
  548. 'bankBranchName' : 'Bank Branch Name',
  549. 'bankAccountSwiftCode' : 'Account Swift Code',
  550. 'bankAccountSortCode' : 'Account Sort Code',
  551. 'bankAccountNumber' : 'Account Number',
  552. 'bankAccountName' : 'Account Name',
  553. 'bankAccountIBAN' : 'Account IBAN',
  554. 'true': 'YES',
  555. 'false': 'NO',
  556. },
  558. footer: {
  559. 'TEXT_BLOCK_ONE': `Financial spread bets and CFD trades are leveraged products, which means you could lose more than your deposits. If you’re
  560. hazy on exactly what that means, you shouldn’t trade.Click hereto read the full risk warning
  561. <br/>The information on this site is not directed at residents of the United States or any particular country outside
  562. the UK and is not intended for distribution to, or use by, any person in any country or jurisdiction where such distribution
  563. or use would be contrary to local law or regulation.`,
  564. 'TEXT_BLOCK_TWO': `Core Spreads is a trading name of Finsa Europe Ltd (a company registered in England and Wales under number 07073413) which
  565. is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority (under firm reference number 525164). Registered Office:
  566. Tower Bridge Business Centre, 46 - 48 East Smithfield, London E1W 1AW, United Kingdom. is owned
  567. and operated by Finsa Europe Ltd, UK.
  568. <br/>© 2017 Core SpreadsLegal noticesPrivacy policyContact us`,
  569. },
  571. sidebar: {
  576. 'ACCOUNT_SUMMARY': 'Account summary',
  577. 'ADD_A_NEW_TRADING_ACCOUNT': 'Add a new trading account',
  578. 'ADD_A_NEW_DEMO_ACCOUNT': 'Add a new demo account',
  579. 'PERSONAL_INFORMATION': 'Personal information',
  580. 'CHANGE_PASSWORD': 'Change password',
  581. 'UPLOAD_DOCUMENTS': 'Upload documents',
  582. 'LOYALTY_SCHEME': 'Loyalty scheme',
  583. 'DEPOSIT_FUNDS': 'Deposit funds',
  584. 'WITHDRAW_FUNDS': 'Withdraw funds',
  585. 'INTERNAL_TRANSFER': 'Internal transfer',
  586. 'PAYMENT_HISTORY': 'Payment history',
  587. 'BANK_DETAILS': 'Bank details',
  588. },
  590. 'REGISTER_NOT_SUCCESSFUL': 'Error: User not created!',
  591. 'COUNTRY_BANNED': 'Country was banned!',
  592. 'Opportunity.ID_Card_Number__c': 'Card number',
  593. 'NOT_LOGGED_IN': 'Not logged in',
  595. 'SOMETHING_WENT_WRONT': 'Something went wrong!',
  596. 'PASSWORD_CHANGED': 'Password changed successfully!',
  597. 'PASSWORD_IS_THE_SAME': 'New and old password are the same!',
  598. ['-- select an option --']: '-- select an option --'
  599. }
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