

Sep 17th, 2017
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  1. command-block-overrides: []
  2. aliases:
  3. bc:
  4. - tellraw @a ["",{"text":"PvPSkillzFtw","color":"aqua"},{"text":" » ","color":"dark_gray"},{"text":"$1-","color":"dark_aqua"}]
  5. broadcast:
  6. - tellraw @a ["",{"text":"PvPSkillzFtw","color":"aqua"},{"text":" » ","color":"dark_gray"},{"text":"$1-","colcor":"dark_aqua"}]
  7. cc:
  8. - tellraw @a ["",{"text":"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"},{"text":"\u00a7PvPSkillzFtw \u00a77» "},{"selector":"@a[c=1]","color":"green"},{"text":" \u00a77cleared the servers chat!"}]
  9. clearchat:
  10. - tellraw @a ["",{"text":"\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n\n"},{"text":"\u00a7bPracticePvP \u00a77» "},{"selector":"@a[c=1]","color":"green"},{"text":" \u00a77cleared the servers chat!"}]
  11. warn:
  12. - sellraw @a ["",{"text":"\nPvPSkillzFtw » ","color":"aqua"},{"text":"$$1","color":"green"},{"text":" was warned by ","colocoreboard players add $$1 Warn 1
  13. - tr":"yellow"},{"selector":"@a[c=1]","color":"green"},{"text":" for ","color":"yellow"},{"text":"$$2- ","color":"gray"},{"text":"\n","color":"none"}]
  14. cmute:
  15. - scoreboard players add $$1 cMute 1
  16. - mute $$1 15m
  17. - tellraw @a ["",{"text":"\nPvPSkillzFtw » ","color":"aqua"},{"text":"$$1","color":"green"},{"text":" was muted by ","color":"yellow"},{"selector":"@a[c=1]","color":"green"},{"text":" for ","color":"yellow"},{"text":"$$2- ","color":"gray"},{"text":"\n","color":"none"}]
  18. - playsound minecraft:block.anvil.use master @a ~ ~ ~ 10000000 2
  19. help:
  20. - ping &8&m----&8=+=&8&m----&bPvPSkillzFtw&8&m----&8=+=&8&m----
  21. - ping &6/staff (/s) &7tells all the staff!
  22. - ping &6/help (/h) &7Gives all the commands you need!
  23. - ping &6/rules (/r) &7Tells the rules of the server!
  24. - ping &8&m----&8=+=&8&m----&bPvPSkillzFtw&8&m----&8=+=&8&m----
  25. h:
  26. - help
  27. freeze:
  28. - effect $$1 minecraft:jump_boost 10000 245
  29. - effect $$1 minecraft:slowness 10000 255
  30. f:
  31. - freeze
  32. unfreeze:
  33. - effect $$1 clear
  34. uf:
  35. - unfreeze
  36. staff:
  37. - ping &8&m----&8=+=&8&m----&bPvPSkillzFtw&8&m----&8=+=&8&m----
  38. - ping &cOwner - ProFighterM8
  39. - ping &1Co-Owner - Sebbikul
  40. - ping &6Moderator - SuperDiamondHD
  41. - ping &3Builder - xHomieShark
  42. - ping &8&m----&8=+=&8&m----&bPvPSkillzFtw&8&m----&8=+=&8&m----
  43. commands:
  44. - help
  45. staff-chat:
  46. - scoreboard players tag @p[c=1] add StaffChat
  47. - tellraw @a[tag=StaffChat] ["",{"text":"StaffChat » ","color":"gold"},{"selector":"@a[c=1]","color":"yellow"},{"text":" joined the staff chat! Type /schat <text> to speak!","color":"green"}]
  48. s-c:
  49. - staff-chat
  50. schat:
  51. - tellraw @a[tag=StaffChat] ["",{"text":"StaffChat » ","color":"gold"},{"selector":"@a[c=1]","color":"gray"},{"text":" » ","color":"dark_gray"},{"text":"$$1-","color":"yellow"}]
  52. - execute @p[tag=StaffChat] ~ ~ ~ /playsound minecraft:block.note.snare master @a[tag=StaffChat] ~ ~ ~ 100000000 2
  53. sc:
  54. - schat
  55. staffchat-leave:
  56. - tellraw @a[tag=StaffChat] ["",{"text":"StaffChat » ","color":"gold"},{"selector":"@a[c=1]","color":"yellow"},{"text":" has left the staff chat! ;(","color":"red"}]
  57. - scoreboard players tag @p remove StaffChat
  58. s-l:
  59. - staffchat-leave
  60. rules:
  61. - ping &8&m----&8=+=&8&m----&bPvPSkillzFtw&8&m----&8=+=&8&m----
  62. - ping &cDo Not Hack!
  63. - ping &cDo Not Spam
  64. - ping &cDo Not Grief
  65. - ping &cDo Not Be Rude
  66. - ping &cUse Common Sense
  67. - ping &cDo Not Advertise
  68. - ping &8&m----&8=+=&8&m----&bPvPSkillzFtw&8&m----&8=+=&8&m----
  69. r:
  70. - rules
  71. minecraft:me:
  72. - ping &c&lDo you really think that this server isnt smart enough to patch this glitch????
  73. clearwarnings:
  74. - scoreboard players set $$1 Warn 0
  75. cw:
  76. - clearwarnings
  77. report:
  78. - tellraw @a[tag=Staff] ["",{"text":"\n"},{"text":"Report","bold":true,"color":"red"},{"text":" "},{"text":">> ","color":"gray"},{"selector":"@p","italic":true,"color":"red"},{"text":" Reported ","color":"gray"},{"text":"$$1","italic":true,"color":"red"},{"text":" for ","color":"gray"},{"text":"$$2","italic":true,"color":"red"},{"text":"\n "}]¨
  79. - ping &7You Reported &c&o$$1 &7For &c&o$$2
  80. - tellraw $$1 ["",{"text":"\n"},{"text":"Report","bold":true,"color":"red"},{"text":" "},{"text":">> You Just Got Reported For ","color":"gray"},{"text":"$$2","italic":true,"color":"red"},{"text":", If This Is True, Stop Doing It.","color":"gray"},{"text":"\n "}]
  81. screenshare:
  82. - freeze $$1
  83. - tellraw $$1 ["",{"text":"\n"},{"text":"PvpSkillzFtw","bold":true,"color":"red","clickEvent":{"action":"open_url","value":""},"hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":"Click Here"}},{"text":" >> We think that you are hacking, Please join our TeamSpeak by clicking ","color":"gray","clickEvent":{"action":"open_url","value":""},"hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":"Click Here"}},{"text":"here","bold":true,"underlined":true,"color":"white","clickEvent":{"action":"open_url","value":""},"hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":"Click Here"}},{"text":", You have 5 minutes to do so, Do not log out. When you have installed the screen share, Wait untill we give you a login code to the screenshare.","color":"gray","clickEvent":{"action":"open_url","value":""},"hoverEvent":{"action":"show_text","value":"Click Here"}},{"text":"\n "}]¨
  84. ss:
  85. - screenshare
  86. staffhelp:
  87. - ping &8&m----&8=+=&8&m----&bPvPSkillzFtw&8&m----&8=+=&8&m----
  88. - ping &6/staff-chat (/s-c) &7Joins the staff-chat so you can see messages from staff!
  89. - ping &6/schat (/sc) &7Type to everyone in the staff-chat!
  90. - ping &6/staffchat-leave (/s-l) &7Leaves the staff-chat so you cant see messages from staff!
  91. - ping &6/screenshare (/ss) &7Freezes the player and forces them to join screenshare!
  92. - ping &6/staffhelp (/sh) &7Gives all the commands for staff!
  93. - ping &6/help (/h) &7Gives the commands for Defaults!
  94. - ping &6/freeze (/f) &7Freezes the selected player!
  95. - ping &6/unfreeze (/uf) &7Unfreezes the selected player!
  96. - ping &6/rules (/r) &7Tells the rules of the server!
  97. - ping &6/staff (/s) &7Tells the staff!
  98. - ping &6/cmute (/cm) &7Mutes the selected person for 15 minutes!
  99. - ping &6/warn (/w) &7Warns a player! (3 warns = 10 day ban)
  100. - ping &6/broadcast (/bc) &7Say an important message to everyone on the server!
  101. - ping &6/clearchat (/cc) &7Cleares the chat!
  102. - ping &6/clearwarnings (cw) &7Cleares the warnings to the selected player!
  103. - ping &8&m----&8=+=&8&m----&bPvPSkillzFtw&8&m----&8=+=&8&m----
  104. sh:
  105. - staffhelp
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