
Xylem - Equestrian Invasion

Aug 21st, 2014
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  1. Day 30
  3. >FS: w-what if the portal closed? we could be stuck here... for good.
  4. "It's the only place we haven't checked yet, if it isn't here then I'm afraid you might be right."
  5. >you swear you're moving fast enough to tear through the fabric of space and time
  6. >its roughly 2 and a half hours before school
  7. >the teachers usually don't show up before 6am
  8. >good time to do some more sneaking!
  9. >as you, the girls, and the motorized, slightly rusted pile of steel you call your car flies down the streets you can't help but recount twilight's words...
  11. T: [So I figure we have a time limit on all of this. The portal I mean.]
  12. [ long?]
  13. T: [The portal stays open for exactly 6 days , every time, without deviation. However, ours days are longer by 5 of your hours, and we both know that time itself moves much faster here than it dose back home.]
  14. [how long?]
  15. T: [15 days from now at 7:26 am. We have until then.]
  17. >you suddenly feel like you have a speed sensitive time bomb strapped to to you.
  18. >51 mph
  19. >...
  20. >in a 10mph zone
  21. >in a parking lot
  22. >great shortcut!
  23. >fuck the police
  25. >Before you know it you see a flag pole
  26. >and a heavily fenced in high school campus
  27. >is that... barbed wire?
  28. >looks like you've stirred up such hell that they've reinforced the hell out of your school's perimeter
  29. >can't say you blame them
  30. >they still haven't fixed the bullet holes in the computer lab
  31. >those filthy euphoric fat-bodies hate your ass
  32. >you might not have beaten them to such a bloody pulp if you had known they were armed
  33. >although they did kidnap dash
  34. >what the hell else could you have done
  35. >...
  36. >their fat fingers must make it hard for them to aim.
  37. >lucky you
  39. >you bring your car to a complete stop on the west side of the school, nice and tucked inconspicuously behind the science wing.
  40. >it also happens to be nice and close to the place your gonna look in.
  42. >before you know it you find yourself right outside of...
  43. >AJ: ah don't get it anon we've already been to the football field at least a dozen times.
  44. "there's one place none of us have checked yet"
  45. >that was a lie
  46. >rarity knows you're lying
  47. >RD: where's that?
  48. >you and the girls arrive underneath the bleachers
  49. >one of two sets
  50. >you look at rara
  51. >for a nice long second
  52. >and then a couple more seconds
  53. >if Dashie ever finds out what happened between the two of you under these bleachers she would be out for blood
  54. >you should probably tell her...
  55. >but not now
  56. >later
  57. >much much later
  58. "what's the portal supposed to look like anyways? Is it invisible? like in the first movie?"
  59. >T: "it should be...yeah"
  60. >you wonder how twilight or any of the mane6 knows about anything what happened in EqG
  61. >EqG isn't even canon
  62. "Looks like its mostly supporting beams here, so if there's any silver lining to all of this there's not gonna be many walls to search here"
  64. >and so the search continues
  65. >twiley very systematically checks her own little areas
  66. >pinks starts bouncing around looking under every stone randomly
  67. >Rarity spends more time complaining about the dust and dirt than searching
  68. >flutters is kinda poking around cautiously
  69. >and AJ is doing a whole lot of head scratching
  71. >dashie stays close to you
  72. >RD: "I bet I can find the portal before you do, nonny"
  73. >that sounded a little cocky, but in a playful way
  74. >to which you reply:
  75. "if I can fish you out of a urine soaked ball pit, then finding a little portal faster than you can should be a piece of cake."
  76. >she frowns a bit
  77. >Rainbow looks annoyed
  78. >RD: "hey, I WAS kidnapped you know..."
  79. >you chuckle a little bit
  80. "sure you still want me to go back to equestria with you?"
  81. >she hugs you from behind
  82. >RD: "of course I do, silly."
  83. >you turn around and face her.
  84. >she's not frowning anymore
  85. >RD: "I still can't believe it, you're really gonna come home with me"
  87. >you look into each other's eyes
  88. >oh those big magenta eyes of hers
  89. >never before have you ever been so lost in those eyes
  90. >RD: "I really hope that you come out as a pegasus when you come out the other side. Then you could live with me in cloudsdale.
  91. >her excitement is almost palpable
  92. >RD: "Oh! We could fly together! I mean... heh... It's not like you could keep up with me anyways being the fastest flier in equestria, but we could still fly together and live together. It will be awesome!
  93. >she's blushing a little bit.
  94. "you know what, dashie? I love watching you do this. You went from brash, arrogant, self absorbed, and confident in your abilities to.... this. You're tough and hard shelled on the outside, but now... well just look at you. This is cute. You're adorable."
  95. >RD: "Oh stop it anon!"
  96. >RD: "..."
  97. >RD: "I can't help it"
  98. >she's blushing madly now
  99. "Love you too, Dash."
  100. "lets not get ahead of ourselves, Rainbow. c'mon, let's find that portal."
  102. >the search continues to continue
  103. >It's not as dark as it was before
  104. >now its even less dark
  105. >suddenly it's not even really all that dark anymore
  106. >AJ: "I'm not finding anything over here, anon"
  107. >P: "Same here!"
  108. >you've got this terrible feeling in the pit of your gut all of a sudden
  109. >F: " W-what if, we.. What if it's not here?"
  110. >it's happening, isn't it?
  111. >T: "What if I was wrong? I think it might be gone now."
  112. >yep
  113. >it's happening
  114. >you failed, didn't you?
  115. >R: "My boutique. my Fashion career...."
  116. >you failed
  117. >fuck
  118. >why dose this feeling have to feel this way?
  120. >you sit on the ground
  122. >so this is it then?
  123. >these girls are stranded here
  124. >after all of that shit you went through just to get these girls home
  125. >getting shot at
  126. >getting shot
  127. >getting attached to all of these girls
  128. >especially dash
  129. >the same girls that you've spent a month going completely bankrupt over
  130. >and you failed them
  131. >you may not have much of a life here, but they have a home to go to.
  132. >a month of wasted efforts
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