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a guest
Sep 6th, 2012
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  1. <configuration plugin="admin">
  2. <settings name="commands">
  3. <set name="enable">100</set>
  4. <set name="disable">100</set>
  5. <set name="die">100</set>
  6. <set name="reconfig">100</set>
  7. <set name="restart">100</set>
  8. <set name="mask">100</set>
  9. <set name="unmask">100</set>
  10. <set name="runas-su">100</set>
  12. <set name="pause">90</set>
  13. <set name="rebuild">90</set>
  14. <set name="clientinfo">90</set>
  15. <set name="putgroup">90</set>
  16. <set name="ungroup">90</set>
  18. <set name="permban-pb">80</set>
  19. <set name="map">80</set>
  20. <set name="maprotate">80</set>
  21. <set name="warnclear-wc">80</set>
  22. <set name="clear-kiss">80</set>
  23. <set name="lookup-l">80</set>
  24. <set name="makereg-mr">80</set>
  25. <set name="spankall-sall">80</set>
  26. <set name="banall-ball">80</set>
  27. <set name="kickall-kall">80</set>
  28. <set name="pbss">80</set>
  30. <set name="ban-b">60</set>
  31. <set name="unban">60</set>
  32. <set name="spank-sp">60</set>
  34. <set name="tempban-tb">40</set>
  35. <set name="baninfo-bi">40</set>
  36. <set name="kick-k">40</set>
  37. <set name="admintest">40</set>
  38. <set name="scream">40</set>
  39. <set name="notice">40</set>
  41. <set name="find">40</set>
  42. <set name="aliases-alias">40</set>
  43. <set name="warns">40</set>
  44. <set name="warninfo-wi">40</set>
  45. <set name="warnremove-wr">20</set>
  46. <set name="warn-w">40</set>
  47. <set name="warntest-wt">40</set>
  48. <set name="spams">40</set>
  49. <set name="spam-s">40</set>
  50. <set name="list">40</set>
  51. <set name="admins">0</set>
  52. <set name="say">60</set>
  53. <set name="status">20</set>
  54. <set name="leveltest-lt">40</set>
  55. <set name="poke">40</set>
  57. <set name="b3">40</set>
  59. <set name="seen">2</set>
  60. <set name="maps">60</set>
  61. <set name="nextmap">1</set>
  63. <set name="regtest">1</set>
  64. <set name="time">1</set>
  66. <set name="help-h">0</set>
  67. <set name="register">0</set>
  68. <set name="rules-r">0</set>
  69. </settings>
  70. <settings name="settings">
  71. <!-- noreason_level : admin from this level are not required to specify a reason when giving penalties to players -->
  72. <set name="noreason_level">100</set>
  73. <!-- hidecmd_level : level required to be able to use hidden commands. On quake3 based games, a hidden command can be issued by
  74. telling to command to oneself -->
  75. <set name="hidecmd_level">60</set>
  76. <!-- long_tempban_level : admin level required to be able to issue bans longer than long_tempban_max_duration -->
  77. <set name="long_tempban_level">60</set>
  78. <!-- long_tempban_max_duration : maximum ban duration that can be inflicted by admin of level below long_tempban_level -->
  79. <set name="long_tempban_max_duration">7d</set>
  80. <!-- command_prefix : the prefix that should be put before b3 commands -->
  81. <set name="command_prefix">!</set>
  82. <!-- comamnd_prefix_loud : some commands can have their result broadcasted to the whole player crowed instead of only to
  83. the player issuing the command. To have such a behavior, use this command prefix instead -->
  84. <set name="command_prefix_loud">@</set>
  85. <!-- command_prefix_big : some commands can have their result broadcasted to the whole player crowed as a bigtext.
  86. To have such a behavior, use this command prefix instead -->
  87. <set name="command_prefix_big"><![CDATA[&]]></set>
  88. <!-- admins_level : minimum level for groups to consider as admins -->
  89. <set name="admins_level">20</set>
  90. <!-- ban_duration : tempban duration to apply to the !ban and !banall commands -->
  91. <set name="ban_duration">14d</set>
  92. </settings>
  93. <settings name="messages">
  94. <set name="ban_denied">^7Hey %s^7, du bist nicht Elvis und kannst nicht %s bannen!</set>
  95. <set name="help_available">^7Das kannst DU!: %s</set>
  96. <set name="temp_ban_self">^7%s ^7Can't ban yourself newb</set>
  97. <set name="groups_in">^7%s^7 ist in der Gruppe %s</set>
  98. <set name="say">^7%s^7: %s</set>
  99. <set name="player_id">^7[^2%s^7] %s^7</set>
  100. <set name="seen">^7%s ^7wurde das letzte mal vor %s gesehen</set>
  101. <set name="help_no_command">^7Command not found %s</set>
  102. <set name="lookup_found">^7[^2@%s^7] %s^7 [^3%s^7]</set>
  103. <set name="kick_self">^7%s ^7Du kannst dich nicht kicken du NOOB!</set>
  104. <set name="groups_welcome">^7Du bist jetzt ein %s</set>
  105. <set name="warn_denied">%s^7, %s^7 owns you, can't warn</set>
  106. <set name="groups_already_in">^7%s^7 is already in group %s</set>
  107. <set name="temp_ban_denied">^7Hey %s^7, you're no ^1Red ^7Elvis, can't temp ban %s</set>
  108. <set name="players_matched">^7Players matching %s %s</set>
  109. <set name="ban_self">^7%s ^7Can't ban yourself newb!</set>
  110. <set name="regme_annouce">^7%s ^7ist jetzt %s</set>
  111. <set name="kick_denied">^7%s^7 gets 1 point, %s^7 gets none, %s^7 wins, can't kick</set>
  112. <set name="no_players">^7No players found matching %s</set>
  113. <set name="spanked_reason">%s ^7was ^1SPANKED^7 by %s ^7for %s</set>
  114. <set name="groups_added">^7%s ^7added to group %s</set>
  115. <set name="groups_put">^7%s ^7put in group %s</set>
  116. <set name="groups_none">^7%s^7 is not in any groups</set>
  117. <set name="help_command">^2%s%s ^7%s</set>
  118. <set name="warn_self">^7%s ^7Can't warn yourself newb!</set>
  119. <set name="regme_regged">^7Du biste jetzt ein %s</set>
  120. <set name="help_none">^7Du kannst nichts!</set>
  121. <set name="spanked">%s ^7was ^1SPANKED^7 by %s</set>
  122. <set name="admins">^7Admins die online sind: %s</set>
  123. <set name="time">Nach dem Ton ist es ^3%s^7...(piiieeeep)</set>
  124. <set name="unknown_command">^7Unrecognized command %s</set>
  125. <set name="leveltest">^7%s ^7[^3@%s^7] is a ^3%s ^7[^2%s^7] since %s</set>
  126. <set name="leveltest_nogroups">^7%s ^7[^3@%s^7] is not in any groups</set>
  127. <set name="aliases">^7%s^7 aliases: %s</set>
  128. <set name="cmd_plugin_disabled">^7cannot execute command. Plugin disabled</set>
  129. </settings>
  130. <settings name="warn">
  131. <!-- pm_global determines whether the warning is sent to the the whole server, or just the player and admin, to reduce chatbox spam.
  132. 0 is whole server, 1 is private.
  133. -->
  134. <set name="pm_global">0</set>
  135. <!-- alert_kick_num : if a player reach this number of active warnings he will be notified by with message then tempbanned -->
  136. <set name="alert_kick_num">3</set>
  137. <!-- alert_kick_num : if a player reach this number of active warnings he will be tempbanned right away -->
  138. <set name="instant_kick_num">6</set>
  139. <!-- tempban_num : when the number of warnings goes over this limit, the player is tempban for tempban_duration -->
  140. <set name="tempban_num">6</set>
  141. <!-- tempban_duration : for how long to tempban a players whose number of warning exceeded tempban_num -->
  142. <set name="tempban_duration">14d</set>
  143. <!-- max_duration : when the bot decides to tempban (warning exceeding alert_kick_num) the ban duration is
  144. computed from the duration of each of the active warnings but will never exceed max_duration -->
  145. <set name="max_duration">31d</set>
  146. <!-- message : template for building warning messages -->
  147. <set name="message">^1WARNUNG^7 [^3$warnings^7]: $reason</set>
  148. <!-- warn_delay : an given player cannot only be given one warning every warn_delay seconds -->
  149. <set name="warn_delay">5</set>
  150. <!-- reason : template for building warning message when a player exceeds the tolerated number of warnings -->
  151. <set name="reason">^7to mutch warnings: $reason</set>
  152. <!-- duration_divider : tempbanned duration is computed from the sum of all active warnings durations divided by duration_divider -->
  153. <set name="duration_divider">30</set>
  154. <!-- alert : when a player receives his last warning tolerated warning, this message is broadcasted so an admin can decide to clear it and
  155. this teaches other players too -->
  156. <set name="alert">^1Achtung^7: $name^7 auto-kick because: [^3$Warnings^7] $reason</set>
  157. <!-- warn_command_abusers will make the bot warn players who try to use command they don't have suffisent rights to use or warn
  158. players who try invalid commands -->
  159. <set name="warn_command_abusers">yes</set>
  160. </settings>
  161. <settings name="spamages">
  162. <!-- You can define shortcuts to messages that can be used with the !spam command. Note if the message shortcut is of
  163. the form 'rule#' where # is a number between 1 and 20, they will be used for the !rules command. -->
  164. <set name="vent">^3Ventrilo voice chat: ^ ^3password ^2nffoov^3,</set>
  165. <set name="join">^3Werde Clanmitglied auf</set>
  166. <set name="forum">^3Besucht unser Forum auf</set>
  167. <set name="rtfm">^3RTFM!</set>
  168. <set name="stack">^7No clan stacking, members must split evenly between the teams, go spectator and wait if you have to</set>
  170. <set name="rule1">^3Rule #1: Kein Rassissmus auf irgendeine Art!!</set>
  171. <set name="rule2">^3Rule #2: Keine Clankriege! Clan's sollen sich in den Team's verteilen!</set>
  172. <set name="rule3">^3Rule #3: Kein Stress mit den Admins! (Hoere zu und lerne oder verschwinde!)</set>
  173. <set name="rule4">^3Rule #4: Keine beleidigungen egal zu wem!</set>
  174. <set name="rule5">^3Rule #5: Keine nervenden oder beleidigenden Namen...</set>
  175. <set name="rule6">^3Rule #6: Kein rekrutieren fuer deinen Clan oder Werbung!</set>
  176. <set name="rule7">^3Rule #7: Keine Werbung fuer andere Server oder irgendetwas anderes!</set>
  177. <set name="rule8">^3Rule #8: Keine Propaganda egal in welcher Sprache!</set>
  178. <set name="rule9">^3Rule #9: Schiess ^1NICHT ^3auf teammitglieder!!</set>
  179. <set name="rule10">^3Rule #10: Spieler muessen fuer das eigene Team kaempefen und das Team unterstuetzen!!</set>
  180. </settings>
  181. <settings name="warn_reasons">
  182. <!-- Define here shorcuts for warning reasons. Those shortcuts can be used with the !kick, !tempban, !ban, and !permban commands.
  183. The format of warning reasons can be of the form "<duration>, <message>". The duration defines how long such a warning will
  184. last before expiring. The message is what will be sent to the player.
  185. NOTE : in the message, you can make reference to an existing spammage shortcut by using the form '/spam#<spammage keyword>'
  186. NOTE2 : you can define warning shortcuts aliases if you don't use duration and the message is of the form '/<warn shortcut>'-->
  187. <set name="generic">1h, ^7</set>
  188. <set name="default">1h, ^7behave yourself</set>
  190. <set name="rule1">10d, /spam#rule1</set>
  191. <set name="rule2">1d, /spam#rule2</set>
  192. <set name="rule3">1d, /spam#rule3</set>
  193. <set name="rule4">1d, /spam#rule4</set>
  194. <set name="rule5">1h, /spam#rule5</set>
  195. <set name="rule6">1d, /spam#rule6</set>
  196. <set name="rule7">1d, /spam#rule7</set>
  197. <set name="rule8">3d, /spam#rule8</set>
  198. <set name="rule9">3h, /spam#rule9</set>
  199. <set name="rule10">3d, /spam#rule10</set>
  201. <set name="stack">1d, /spam#stack</set>
  203. <set name="lang">/rule8</set>
  204. <set name="language">/rule8</set>
  205. <set name="cuss">/rule8</set>
  206. <set name="profanity">/rule8</set>
  208. <set name="name">/rule5</set>
  209. <set name="color">1h, ^7No in-game (double caret (^)) color in names</set>
  210. <set name="badname">1h, ^7No offensive, potentially offensive, or annoying names</set>
  211. <set name="spec">/spectator</set>
  214. <set name="adv">/rule7</set>
  215. <set name="racism">/rule1</set>
  216. <set name="stack">/rule2</set>
  217. <set name="recruit">/rule6</set>
  218. <set name="argue">/rule3</set>
  219. <set name="sfire">/rule9</set>
  220. <set name="spawnfire">/rule9</set>
  221. <set name="jerk">/rule4</set>
  223. <set name="afk">5m, ^7Du scheinst AFK zu sein...</set>
  224. <set name="tk">1d, ^7Vollidiot kein Teamkillen!!</set>
  225. <set name="obj">1h, ^7Unterstuetz dein Team!!</set>
  226. <set name="camp">1h, ^7Hoer auf zu Campen oder du gehst!!</set>
  227. <set name="fakecmd">1h, ^7Keine Fake Kommandos!</set>
  228. <set name="nocmd">1h, ^7Versuch nicht kommandos zu nutzen die du nicht darfst nimm !help</set>
  229. <set name="ci">5m, ^7connection interupted, reconnect</set>
  230. <set name="spectator">5m, ^7Zu lang SPEC auf nem vollem Server</set>
  231. <set name="spam">1h, ^7Spam nicht, du Arsch!!</set>
  232. </settings>
  233. </configuration>
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