
F1 AIE Chapter 8

May 21st, 2012
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  1. F1 Anon in Equestria Chapter 8
  3. "The latch should be... there, got it."
  4. >You say to yourself as you remove the front wing assembly of Dash's car.
  5. >Its now evening at P0nyville circuit, Luna's light illuminating the paddock outside.
  6. >You are currently inside the garage stall housing Dash's F1 machine, working on it.
  7. >She managed to beat up the front wing pretty bad after her very short track session earlier.
  8. >A whole bunch of aerodynamic elements are missing. Must have hit the curb pretty hard.
  9. >Good thing you found where Tia stored the spare wings, these cars are impossible to pilot if those are damaged.
  10. >Car up on jacks, you get the replacement wing in place.
  11. "Set... there, and push."
  12. >*click*
  13. "Alright. That's fixed, now to set it up to where it's balanced."
  14. >Getting to work adjusting the aerodynamics for better front end grip, you begin to notice how peaceful it really is here in Equestria.
  15. >Normally at this time back home on a race weekend, the paddock is alive with activity.
  16. >Pneumatic wrenches going off, engine test fires, crew members carrying items to their respective pit stalls and sharing small talk.
  17. >But here its serene. You could get used to this.
  18. >You set the final adjustments on Dash's front wing, then get to work replacing the tires.
  19. >All fucking four of them.
  20. >Her spin put massive flat spots on each tire, the ride would be unbearable if they were left on.
  21. >Ugh, do I have to?
  22. >Yes you lazy fuck, get to it!
  23. >Fine brain, jeez.
  24. >You grab a pneumatic off of the wall and begin getting the left front wheel off.
  25. >And PULL. Whew, its on there good.
  27. >"Hey Anon!"
  28. "AHH!"
  31. >Rainbows abrupt entrance throws you off balance and you land on your ass. Wheel landing on your stomach.
  32. "GUH"
  33. >"Anon! You ok?"
  34. >You grunt as you roll the wheel off of you.
  35. "Oh I'm fine, just took 25 pounds of car tire to the gut, no worries. Whats up?"
  36. >"Just wanted to check out what you're doing. Fixing up my car for me?"
  37. "Yep, needs new tires. Your little spin earlier today trashed all of them."
  38. >You show her the massive flat spot on the tire, it's so worn that the wire is exposed.
  39. >"Hehe, oops. sorry about that."
  40. "It's no big deal, you're learning. we just need to tell Celestia to get more materials for you to practice on."
  41. >"Actually, You may not have to. None of the others wanted their cars, especially Fluttershy. I guess after my little stunt it discouraged them a bit."
  42. >That's unfortunate.
  43. "It didn't discourage them from the sport altogether did it?"
  44. >"No, not at all. They'll still come out and watch. They just don't want to participate."
  45. >Neat. That means more spare parts for you.
  46. "Yeah, I could tell from their reactions that they didn't want to in the first place. What about you? Do you still want to try to get this thing down?
  47. >"Hells Yah!"
  48. "Cool. Hey, since you're here you can help me out. Can you grab a front tire from that stack over there?"
  49. >"Yeah"
  50. >She floats over to the stack of tires, grabs one, and rolls it back to your position.
  51. >"Hey, I was thinking about what you told me today."
  52. >You'd thought so. When you said it, it was enough to make her spit water all over your face.
  53. "Yeah?"
  54. >"Have your kind really... 'Died' in this sport?"
  55. >Welp...
  58. "Unfortunately Dash, yes they have. Too many. Idols and friends alike. Its a dark fact of the sport that you just have to deal with."
  59. >"Oh my gosh. Im so sorry."
  60. >You place the left front tire on its mount.
  61. "It's alright. But if you cant face it and move on by race day, you have no business being in this sport anyway."
  62. >You torque the wheel nut back into place.
  63. >And not wanting for this situation to become awkward. You move on, like you said.
  64. "And speaking of what I told you, remember, instinct. Think of it like when your flying, what do you do?
  65. >"I do what just comes naturally."
  66. "Exactly, that's what your mind set needs to be when you're behind the wheel. Don't think about whats gonna happen if you take the corner wrong, the moment you think is the moment you fuck up. You need to go into that corner with confidence and focus, no hesitation."
  67. >"Right, and how do I do that if I'm not used to the car?"
  68. "Practice, practice, practice. If you just do lap after lap, soon everything will become second nature."
  69. >The pneumatic whirrs as you loosen the right front wheel nut.
  70. >"Ok, I'm off from weather duty for the next few days, mind if I come over and get a few laps in tomorrow?"
  71. "Absolutely, I was just getting ready to ask you if you were free tomorrow for that."
  72. >"Awesome! Here, I'll take that"
  73. >Dash grabs hold of the right front tire and goes for a replacement.
  74. >What a bro.
  75. >Coming back with a new front slick, she slides it into place as you bolt the wheel nut back on.
  76. "Alright, two more to go."
  78. >"So are there other kinds of racing back where your from? or is F1 the only one?" Dash asks as she sets the left rear wheel up on the axle.
  79. "No it's not only F1, and not all the cars are open wheel like this one either. There's all different kinds: Rally, Indycar, Nascar, FIA Gt1, V8 Supercars, Star Mazda. The list just goes on and on."
  80. >"Do They all race like you do? like on a track like this?"
  81. >The wrench whirrs as you screw the wheel in place.
  82. "Nope, A few racing series do share most tracks. But in rally, You race along different roads from point A to point B, and in Nascar, they race along ovals hundreds of laps at a time and in tight packs of cars."
  83. >"Nascar sounds like something Applejack would enjoy alot."
  84. >Oh my fucking god wow.
  85. >You cant help but laugh a bit.
  86. >"What's so funny?"
  87. "Nothing, nothing. I think I can say AJ would like Nascar too."
  88. >"Right, Ill go get the last wheel."
  89. "Quick! The car is coming in for a pit stop! We need to be fast! GOGOGOGOGO!!!
  90. >With that, She quickly grabs a rear wheel in a rainbow colored blur.
  91. >She slaps it on and you tighten the wheel into place, both of you raising your arms mimicking what the pit crew does during a stop.
  92. "Haha! Nice. That's probably a record. Thanks for the help."
  93. >"No problem, thanks for fixing up this bad boy for me."
  94. "My pleasure."
  95. >You raise your fist for a bump, without question she completes the gesture.
  96. >Fuck yeah.
  97. >"Well I'm gonna call it a night, need to get some rest. See you tomorrow Anon."
  98. "See ya."
  99. >She lifts off heading in the direction of her home.
  100. >And with that, you grab your things and start towards the library for some well needed sleep.
  102. "You look good in that fire suit Rainbow." you say with a hint of sarcasm.
  103. >Its almost noon at P0nyville circuit. You and Dash suited up for her F1 training day.
  104. >"Shut your face. How can you stand to be in this thing? It's so uncomfortable."
  105. >You can see why the cyan fire suit is uncomfortable for her. No sleeves for her wings.
  106. "I don't have wings that are restricted from movement that's how."
  107. >"Couldn't they at least give me some sleeves for them or something?"
  108. >You can see her try to move her wings, bulging the sides of her suit out.
  109. "Maybe, but if you flared them out during a race, I'm sure it might cause some drag."
  110. >"Oh no! Not drag! How will I ever go on with something as horrible as that!" she replies, very sarcastically.
  111. >You chuckle lightly, saying:
  112. "At least it'll save your hide if your in a fiery accident. Now come on, lets start your training.
  113. >Grabbing your helmets, you two head out onto the paddock from the dressing rooms.
  114. >Its a beautiful, warm day today. the track temps should be good.
  115. >you look to Dash, though still uncomfortable, she is beaming with excitement.
  116. >You can tell she cant wait to get behind the wheel again.
  117. >Finally reaching your respective pit stalls, you give her a pre-drive briefing.
  118. "Alright, here's your task for today. You're gonna follow me around the track. Each lap we do, our speed will increase slightly. All the while I'll give you your braking points and show you the racing line. Sound like a plan?
  119. >"Roger that!" she replies with a salute.
  120. "Good. So, since Twilight isn't here, I'm gonna have to start these things the old fashioned way. Gimme a few minutes and we'll be heading out.
  122. >You finally get both of the machines started up and signal to Rainbow to start strapping in.
  123. >She puts on her rainbow adorned helmet, slides into the seat, and fastens her 6 point harness. All the while you do the same over on your end.
  124. "Radio check. One, two."
  125. >She looks to you, raising her hoof in confusion.
  126. "Purple button Dash."
  127. >"Oh, hehe. I read ya Anon."
  128. "Awesome. You head out first. Ill catch up to ya."
  129. >"Ok"
  130. >You're fully expecting her to stall it out again. But to your surprise she gets it going like a pro.
  131. >Damn that p0ny learns fast.
  132. >You quickly follow suit, heading out onto the track.
  133. >Catching up to Rainbow, you immediately notice something that you didn't notice before.
  134. >The heat waves from Dash's exhaust have a rainbow colored hue to them. Extremely faint, but its there.
  135. >You think its probably because its fucking Rainbow Dash. She leaves a trail of that shit everywhere she goes.
  136. >Wait, no.
  137. >You then remember what Celestia said when you asked about the fuel yesterday.
  139. (Yesterday)
  140. "Hey Tia, why is the fuel... the color spectrum?"
  141. >CE: "My engineers had no idea what the fuel in your car consisted of. So they made their own out of pure liquid rainbow, the skin of a zap apple, and a few other combustible elements."
  143. (Present)
  144. >Apparently that combination of materials yields the same properties of 102 octane race fuel.
  145. >Damn, that stuff is more volatile than Pinkie led you to believe in that 'Sonic Rainboom' episode.
  146. >You look in your mirrors to see if your exhaust does the same thing. Having burnt though the entire tank of the fuel you came into Equestria with yesterday. You had to fill it up with this new solution.
  147. >Well son of a bitch, it is the fuel doing that. The heat waves from your exhaust do the exact same thing.
  149. >"I see you in my mirrors Anon."
  150. "Alright. I'm heading up front."
  151. >You hit the throttle and accelerate forward, getting ahead of Rainbow just before the first turn.
  152. "Follow my lead."
  153. >You two turn into the first chicane using the racing line, hitting each apex. Dash following your every move perfectly.
  154. "Very nice."
  155. >"Thanks, but can we go a little bit faster than the speed of smell please?"
  156. >You answer in the form of flooring it through the sweeping right hander that is turn 2.
  157. >"Thats more like it!" She says as she too floors the throttle on her machine.
  158. >You see her wobble a bit when she hit the throttle.
  159. "Be careful, you have no traction control. If you hit the throttle too hard you'll spin the thing."
  160. >"Gotcha."
  161. >Shouldn't be too hard for her to keep it in check though, you set up her car yesterday to where even in the heaviest rain, it'll have more than enough grip.
  162. >Had to sacrifice some straight line speed for that. But hey, shes not exactly ready for race pace just yet, and just to be fair, you put the same setup on your car.
  163. >Here comes turn 3.
  164. "Dash. Brake... NOW."
  165. > (Imagine that but with 2 cars)
  167. >You take Dash through each turn successfully, giving her tips along the way.
  168. >Around the 5th lap though, her confidence has increased a bit.
  169. >Shes trying to fucking pass you on the front straight!
  170. >Side by side, you two fly past the grandstands at the fastest speed you've gone today: 200 mph.
  171. >Shes on your inside, so coming up to the first turn, you have no choice but to give up your position.
  172. >"Got you Anon! Looks like the student has passed the master!"
  173. >Not quite.
  174. >She doesn't know where her KERS button is yet.
  175. >Going into turn 2. You activate KERS and fly past Dash on her outside like she was standing still.
  176. >"Wha.. how..."
  177. "See that yellow button? Thats your KERS button, stands for Kinetic Energy Recovery System. Its basically a boost button giving you 80 extra horsepower. But you only have 6 seconds worth each lap, so use it wis-"
  178. >Dash then passes you like a bat outta hell coming out of turn 3.
  179. >Looks like she found it.
  180. >"WOOOOO HOOOOOO!!"
  181. >Haha. This mares a natural.
  182. >You two spend the next 10 laps duking it out for the lead. A few close calls with front wings and tires, but all together no problems.
  183. >On lap 16, Along the backstraight, Dash radios in.
  184. >"Hey I'm gonna pull in, my neck is starting to hurt."
  185. "Yeah go ahead, you deserve a break."
  187. >Thats the one thing new drivers always complain about. Neck pain.
  188. >Taking turns at over 5 g's constantly can definitely put strain there.
  189. >You know that feeling all too well.
  190. >After your first full Grand Prix, which was 58 laps at Melbourne, you could barely look around the next day.
  191. >All in all, you are absolutely impressed with Rainbow. Impressed enough to give her a little show.
  192. "Dash, when you park it, go over to the front stretch. I've got something to show you."
  193. >"Alright"
  194. >You drive along the front stretch, finally seeing her behind the pit fence.
  195. >When you reach her position, you slow down, turn the wheel to the left, and floor it.
  196. >
  197. >You can hear Rainbow cheer you on as you finish, heading back to the entrance of pit lane.
  198. >Pulling into the garage, you see her just beaming with happiness.
  200. "That was your present for making so much progress in one day. You honestly surprised me at how well you can pilot the car with very little experience."
  201. >"Oh stop it you" She says, blushing.
  202. "No I'm serious, that was fucking impressive. I'm proud of you. If there was a tournament starting tomorrow, Id have no doubt that we would be the top contenders."
  203. >CE: "Would you like to backup that statement?"
  204. >Oh shit its the Princess.
  206. "Hey Celestia! When did you get here?"
  207. >CE: "I was watching the whole time up in the VIP suites. Very impressive driving Ms Dash."
  208. >RD: "Thank you your highness."
  209. >CE: "About what you said Anon, I've taken the liberty and organized a Championship. There will be 3 races. The winner at the end will be crowned the F1 World Drivers Champion of Equestria."
  210. >Neat.
  211. >CE: "Also, for the driver who wins the championship, their team will receive 200,000 bits as a reward.
  212. >Holy fuck! Isn't one bit worth like 5 Euro or some shit? Probably not.
  213. >You might wanna pick up your jaw off of the floor there Rainbow.
  214. >Wait...
  215. "3 races? Are they all going to be here?"
  216. >CE: "Nope, I have two other circuits under construction as we speak. Here's the info on them.
  217. >She levitates a sheet of paper over to you and Dash.
  218. >CE: "Circuit Villepony, A fast street circuit in downtown Fillydelphia. No room for error here as the walls are right next to the track in some places. The next is The EquineRing Grand Prix circuit. A true drivers test of skill.
  219. >Welp. That's indeed Circuit Gilles Villeneuve and Nurburgring respectively. Again, perfect recreations.
  220. >Either Celestia can read your mind or the author of this story is an unoriginal fuck.
  221. >Whichever one, you don't mind one bit. These tracks are fuckin fun as hell to drive.
  223. >CE: "So what do you say? You two interested?
  224. "Eeyup"
  225. >RD: "Eeyup" you both say in unison.
  226. >CE: "Great. The first race is scheduled 4 months from now at EquineRing, that should be enough time to find sponsors for your cars, get them painted up and set up for the race."
  227. >Oh great. Finding sponsors is ALWAYS fun.
  228. >Rainbow, seeing the annoyed look on your face, says something that calms you down a bit.
  229. >"Don't worry Anon, I'm positive the Cloudsdale Weather Factory would just jump at the chance for this kind of advertising."
  230. "You sure?"
  231. >"Dude, I work there, I know how the leaders operate. Yes I'm sure."
  232. >Awesome, there's your main sponsor right there.
  233. "Two questions, Will the races be broadcasted?"
  234. >CE: "Worldwide."
  235. "And where is the EquineRing Circuit at?"
  236. >CE: "Right outside Baltimare."
  237. >Thats odd, you half expected it to be somewhere like "Germaneigh" or something. Cause you know... Nurburgring is in Germany... horse puns.
  238. >Anyway.
  239. >CE: "I'm still looking for individuals willing to drive the cars for the championship. When I finally get a grid of suitable drivers, I'll let you know who your competitors will be."
  240. >Shouldn't be that hard with a reward as big as 200,000 bits. Somep0ny will find a new found talent with that amount of money on the line.
  241. "Sounds good. You ready for this shit Rainbow? This is the real deal."
  242. >RD: "You fucking know it."
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