

Feb 26th, 2015
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  2. The Dragons of Taoul are a proud species, living longer than even the Eldenrani. Their history places them as the first creations on the world, being perfect in form, and all others as pale imitations of the glory that they hold. For them, decades are but a short time, and the years of mortals are a blink. They hold utter dominion of Taoul and the waters surrounding it, and the very landscape of it bows to their whims. They are of three castes; Savage, Ruin, Magic, each greater than the one before it. The Savage are bestial and unintelligent, and their caste is where you would find the Drakes and Wyverns of our world. The Ruin caste are the destructive, gold hording creatures most typically known as Dragons, possessing intelligence and power both. The Magic caste are the few on Ageon who have mastered it's style of magic, and they wield it with particular skill.
  3. Herein we will only examine about the Ruin and Magic castes, due to the extreme variation of shapes within the Savage caste. Dragon biology is fairly simple, though it is marvelous to examine.
  4. Although many of the Ruin and Magic caste walk upon two legs as we do, they are nevertheless built for quadrupedal walking. All of Dragonkind is physically imposing, due to their size and stature, and can be very frightening. All Dragons can breathe flame, though each type varies; Ruin's fire is far more destructive and forceful than any other, it has been observed annihilating Dwarven fortifications and even Glimmerstone Fortresses. The Magic caste's flame is far less vigorous, being expelled in more of a flaming gas, the Dragons themselves have proved immune to it's effects.
  5. Dragon status within a clan is determined by both family and personal status, from what we know of the inner workings of their structure. It seems based on wealth, some principle aspects being debts, slaves, and coin.
  6. The more wealth one has, the easier it is to escape the confines of being born low. Their royalty works on what we would understand as a Kingdom, with the line of the Dragon king being the rulers, though the line has changed from family to family over the course of their history.
  7. What very, very few people know about the Dragons is they are infact the Spawn of a far more horrifying being. The true creatures known as Dragons are colossal, horrifying behemoths that are the children of something unknown. The few who do know theorize they might be the shattered ideals or the physical remains of a Titan, but it is unknown. They control most of the known world through their minions, having dwelled in the largest mountains since the formation of the world, and generally reside there. Only five are known to exist, though there may be more in far off places. What is known is that the creatures that call themselves Dragons are descended from these great beings, coming from their very blood. One of these, it's name unpronounceable by mortal and immortal tongue, has recently crawled from it's mountain, and we assume it's shape is like the others. It resembles the lesser Dragon clans, but only in the way a bird resembles a bat. It's skin is dark grey, and it lacks scales. Growths of Horns and bone cover it, in the shape of apparent armor.
  11. Humans. Spread thin throughout Arciatini and Vinovum, they prefer the warmer, and more moist climates, though not too wet, as they sweat easily. Originally shaped in the image of Ilifos, and his son; Aimodoti, they have slowly adapted more suitably to their environment, though they still retain the warmth of touch. Very social creatures, they banded together in their early stages to survive the harsh environments and creatures that roamed the lands. Since then, they've established hold of various domains, occasionally clashing with the Dragons of Taoul and the Gatar of Orea. Standing anywhere from a horse's chest, to it's head when fully grown, Humans aren't very large by any means, and are known as one of the smaller, but still not as small as the Chalvos. They have one head, four limbs (two for standing) and five digits upon each limb.
  12. Interestingly enough, Humans have the capacity for fighting themselves more often than fighting any of the other species for dominance, and seem to thrive off violence. In their own words "It gives us something to focus on, to focus any negative emotions on." They have recently found the innovation of what the Elven beings call the Black smoke, which is an explosive powder that burns faster than anything. They've attempted to weaponize this, but it seems to injure them more often than not. They otherwise resemble any of the other civilized races in technology. Their cultures are varied between Imperialistic, and Anarchistic, but at their core they prioritize family over all else. Their warfare consists of both mass numbers, attempting to gain the upper hand with superior numbers, and when that fails, by superior endurance, psychological horror, and guerrilla tactics. Coming into Civilization a bit slower than the other races, it was assumed they would kill their species as a whole due to their warlike tendencies before they could reach a standstill, and progress in intelligence, but they proved otherwise. Very few races can engage in long, lifetime spanning wars, and they are indeed the only ones who find the fires of war worthy enough to stand within, and call it "Home."
  16. The Chalvos were the third race to master the art of the industrial machine, burning trees and flesh alike in their pursuit of civilization. They stoked great furnaces the size of buildings in their deep trench mines, feeding it all sorts of things, but still it hungered, so they made weapons and armor to feed it even more. Their pursuit was short, violent, and full of immolation. The creatures that emerged from the inferno were not what they once were, but in their eyes, something greater. Dressed in typically dark clothing, and wearing heavy, but loose armor, the typical Chalavos (Dwarf in common) stands around 4' tall, The skin can be very dark, but it is always some shade of tan or brown. Hair color can be black, grey, or brown. Dwarves average 4 feet tall and weigh as much as adult humans.
  17. Dwarves are responsible for the total extinction of, what was believed to be, a race very closely related, though not as sturdily built, during their "Age of Fire". Due to this, they have tamed their forges in such a way that they need not any fuel as they used to, though they still hunger. Not as xenophobic as their appearance dictates, they have found many a strange metal and artifact deep within their mines and trenches, and have traded most of it away. However, they possess a fierce inner hunger for what others see as wealth, which drives them to dig even deeper.
  18. Their culture reflects their inner lust for Gold, and other precious minerals, given to them by their creator god. They serve this god, and outside of the religion, no one knows exactly what it teaches. To slight a Dwarf is to have a grudge harboured against you, your kin, and however many generations it takes to repay the slight. Though they do not possess a grasp of magic like the other races, their Smithies and Forges are legendary, able to churn out hundreds of weapons a day, and in wartime, thousands.
  21. The Eldenrani, as they are called in their language, are a secretive and vicious race. They were the first to master the industrial revolution, and are known as the masters of technology. They are more reserved in their fuels however, as opposed to the Dwarves, whom burn everything. To the other, shorter lived races, the Elves are alien, arrogant, and extremely hard to understand. They can live anywhere from 300 summers to 400, making them the second longest lived species upon Ageon. Adding further to their alien nature is their appearance, their faces appear Human, but that is where the similarities end.
  22. They have thrice jointed legs, ending in slightly clawed feet, and seven toes. Their arms resemble Human's, though clawed and with seven fingers as well, and two more arms each of three fingers near the chest, though they can hardly lift more than a small child. They have two large horns that curl from their crown, growing up to two feet in length. They resemble large outcroppings of bone shards, pointed at the tip. Eldenrani do not give live birth, but actually lay eggs, as they see it as the most efficient process.
  23. Elven structures are a type of crystal, and their method of creating such structures is quite unique. They essentially grow the crystal using mana as a means to increase it's growth, and reinforce it with a type of spring water that, while undrinkable, hardens into a clear rock like substance. This water is only known to exist on Urelder, and is protected.
  27. The Kothrar are viewed as savage, ignorant, and stupid by most of the civilized races, seen as nothing more than animals. This is entirely true to any outsider, as that is all the Kothrar are content to show the other species. They are indeed as intelligent as the other races, and have a very deep history. The Kothrar form varies between smaller, four foot tall rat-like humaniods to the eight foot tall Bull-headed warriors, but always resembles some form of animal. Their culture is based around ancestor worship, as they attempt to emulate great Kothrar heroes of the past, believing them to be the greatest they could hope to be. Contribution to the herd is among the greatest priorities of any Kothrar, and they are very closely knit as a species because of this. They're very stationary, due to living near their burial grounds, which has great importance to them. Kothrar believe in serving the herd utterly, and when they've fallen in defense of their herd, their body supplies food for the rest. However, if they were to fall in unhonerable battle, or in non-contribution, they still serve. Kothrar bodies are laid into the ground with a mixture of various plants and liquids that keep the body from decay. Then, after five days, their bodies are raised from the ground, and they serve the herd once more. Kothrar do not have iron technology, nor iron armor, but their weapons of bone and wood, backed by their immense strength, leads them to be a respected power. Kothrar Warfare is very simple; harass the enemy with your fleetest soldiers and make them angry, then attack.
  30. The Gatar are the only race upon Ageon not originally, as they are derived from Human stock. Originally created as weapons of war during the second Starfall war, they are by far the youngest race. Created to be intelligent and built for war, they excelled at it. Even the mighty Dwarven forces lost before the might of the Gatar; Their skin was covered in plates of bone, and healed nearly as fast as they were wounded. They won every single conflict they fought in, and victory seemed certain for the Prince and his host. Due to interference, The Prince of Ruin lost the war, and his host was flung from Ageon. The Gatar were left without a leader, and were the subject of much debate. Many of the species argued for their death, but the Eldenrani emerged from Urelder, and argued for their right. This stunned the other species enough that they agreed, and thus the Gatar owe their existence to the Eldenrani. Standing roughly seven foot tall, Gatar are far more physically imposing than all others but the Elves and the Dragons themselves. They have various bony plates covering vital areas, and their hands, while cape able of fine manipulation, are designed for combat. Their secret of war is their amazing regeneration, healing fast enough that wounds can be visibly seen healing, though they cannot literally heal the wounds back as they're taken, they can still get back up from wounds that would cripple others and continue fighting. However, this may be also considered a drawback, due to them requiring insane amounts of food, to keep up their energy. They age far faster than most of the other mortal races as well, growing to adulthood in seven years, and living as long as their bodies can handle the stress. Currently inhabiting the areas of Pelorum and the surrounding icelands, their bodies can handle the temperatures fairly better than any others. They've mastered most forge arts, and while they do not turn it to war often, the few wars they've committed to after the Prince of Ruin's reign have been soundly won. They have a smaller race that follows them around, known as the Eru. This gives rise to them being referred to as the Erugatar, which is somewhat of an insult to their species, as the Eru are the equivalent of vermin to them, though slightly more helpful.
  33. The Issithk, are a proud, though hateful species. Issithk society is harsh and unforgiving, as they serve cruel and heartless masters in the hierarchy of their belief, and enjoy it. Issithk are the Holy warriors of their society, filling the role of the protectors and brute strength. Standing a head taller than any man, Issithk are physically imposing, and are one of the few matches in combat for the Gatar, possessing on average, a four foot long tail that they can use to very painful extent, due to it having many spikes. They have both a large crest, and armor-like scales protecting their extremely heat-generating bodies. They serve serpent like creatures without any name in in the mortal's tongue, the physical form of their god incarnate. Unquestionably loyal, the Issithk are bound to their religion unlike any other species. Being the warrior/worker class of their society does give benefits however, as they are not the lowest, which belongs to the Dossik; Small reptilian creatures that resemble Eru, though scaly and far better in cold environments. Unlike other reptiles, Issithk reproduce by pools of water, in which the female lays her 'spawn'; Unborn Issithk, and the males fertilize, allowing them to grow in vast numbers. Females and males are almost completely indistinguishable.
  39. The Lisjask are a eerie and unsettling race to even the Eldrenari, masters of the unknown knowledge. A species not yet industrialized as the others, yet they still hold sway over many forests and most of the underground throughout Ageon. They command even a political power enough to rival most of the other species, very adept at manuvering the web of diplomacy. Due to a high infant mortality rate, the Lisjask are a steady race, not often growing large enough to upset the balance of nature, of which they are tightly intwined. They are one of the few species to have physical diversity within their species, enough that they be mentioned each by seperate name. The Kajask are the builders of their societies, slow and with large bellies, they are not often seen outside of their labyrinthian cities. The Othjask are the warriors of their kind, swift and fast, possessing two more eyes than normal, specially developed for their ability to leap large distances with frightful accuracy. Their skin is rumored to actually shift slightly in coloration to match their surroundings, but as each species keeps to it's own secrets of war, these claims cannot be disproven. Finally the Vosjask are the brutes and warriors of their species, marked by their dark red coloration and being double the size of the other Lisjask. Their skin is twice as thick as the others, and though they cannot navigate the cities as well as the others, they make up for it in their brute strength.
  40. Their language is almost impossible to understand to those who were not born into it, and do not possess the means of communication they do. This has led to some rather unfortunate diplomatic incidents. Though the Lisjask do not follow the morals of the Humans and likeminded species, they are still a force to be reckoned with. Some examples inculde large Human stock that are treated as food, and almost any other species that wanders into the territory of the Lisjask. Another would be their treatment of their natural venom, in which they find great pleasure, while any other species finds pain and eventual death. They do have natural exports in their unique food animal, and their venom.
  41. Their export is silk, in which they create from the constant consuming of their animal, a massive fish-like silkworm.
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