
"The Eleusian Precepts"

Feb 22nd, 2013
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  1. "The Eleusian Precepts" (Page 1)
  2. Eleusis is a haven for the forestfolk, a place where they can gather
  3. amidst a shared purpose and concern; a community for people with a
  4. common unifying bond: a deep love of Nature. The community of Eleusis is
  5. not open to just any who would seek membership. The majority of its
  6. citizens are members of forest guilds, and only those with a long record
  7. of service to the forest from other guilds will even be considered for
  8. membership.
  10. The village of Eleusis is arranged around the Great Oak of Eleusis.
  11. Pathways extend through the tree tops, down and around various great
  12. trees, and under the ground in natural caverns. The village adapts
  13. itself around the surrounding area, using what nature has provided to
  14. form a living environment totally at ease with the surrounding habitat.
  16. The laws of Eleusis are simple in structure, aimed at providing the
  17. forestfolk who call it home a place that they can rest peacefully in
  18. each other's company.
  21. 1) Any enemy of Oakstone for crimes against the forest is an enemy of
  22. Eleusis.
  25. 2) Any attack on any citizen of Eleusis within the grounds of Eleusis is
  26. an enemyable offense.
  28. - A) Self defense is not an excuse. Noncitizens who have enemies who are
  29. citizens should avoid Eleusis.
  31. - B) Attempting to summon, harm from a distance, or otherwise
  32. aggressively act upon a person in Eleusis, even if the perpetrator is
  33. not within Eleusis, is considered an attack.
  35. - C) Attacking the loyal follower of a person is considered an attack on
  36. that person.
  38. - D) Theft is considered an attack.
  40. - E) Any action not performable while under the grace of the gods may be
  41. considered an attack, at the Council and Security Minister's discretion.
  44. 3) Any attack within Eleusis on a member of a guild whose guildhall
  45. resides in Eleusis is an offense against the village.
  48. 4) Combatants who are visitors to the city will all be instructed to
  49. leave or be enemied, as we do not wish the harmony of Eleusis disturbed
  50. by outsiders.
  53. 5) Harassment of any citizen within the city is grounds for enemy
  54. status, once a warning has been given to cease harassment.
  57. 6) Providing passive aid to aggressors, whether its standing as a portal
  58. target, interfering with village or citizen security, or assist in
  59. escape of an Eleusis enemy is grounds for enemy status.
  62. 7) Destroying, stealing, killing, or impairing any part of the working
  63. defenses of Eleusis, whether those be totems, traps, monoliths, guards,
  64. or other methods approved by the Council, is a crime against Eleusis.
  67. 8) The destruction or defacement of any addition to Eleusis authorized
  68. by the Council (such as shrines or altars) is an offense against the
  69. city.
  72. 9) Internal Crimes:
  74. - A) Treachery against Nature, or against the Council of Eleusis, is a
  75. crime.
  77. - B) Bringing combats to the community, except for those at its gates
  78. and in its direct defense, is a crime.
  80. - C) Any crime against Nature is punishable by the community. The
  81. Council of Oakstone determines crimes against Nature.
  83. - D) Attacking any citizen of the village is grounds for casting out,
  84. regardless of where the offense took place. "Attacks" here is an
  85. inclusive word, containing everything specifically laid out in the
  86. sections above, and not excluding possible other attacks.
  88. - E) Impairing the defense of the village, or abetting in any manner
  89. aggression within the village with intent to harm Nature, Eleusis, or
  90. its citizens, is treachery against the village itself.
  92. - F) Deriliction of duty to Nature, Oakstone, or Eleusis is a crime.
  93. This can be considered rather broad, but is to be restrained by common
  94. sense to cover applicable situations, such as not informing the village
  95. of a pending invasion even if the person is not actively aiding said
  96. invasion in any way.
  99. The Security Minister with approval of the Council of Leath-ris will set
  100. fines for any crime against Eleusis. Fines for crimes against the laws
  101. of Eleusis may be waived by the Council, or by the Security Minister
  102. with approval from the Speaker of Eleusis.
  105. Citizenship requirements:
  107. All members of the forestal guilds are eligible for citizenship of
  108. Eleusis. A short interview to confirm suitability and swearing to obey
  109. the laws of Eleusis (the Eleusian Oath) will be conducted by a community
  110. official. Without a solid reason to refuse membership, all applicants
  111. within this category have the right to join the community. Should a
  112. member be outguilded or quit their guild before passing their probation,
  113. they shall be removed from the ranks of Eleusis.
  115. Members of other classes with long histories of service to the forest
  116. and the forestfolk may apply for membership, and must be confirmed by a
  117. majority vote of the Council before being allowed citizenship.
  118. Membership in the community is a privilege however, not a right, and
  119. failure to abide by the laws both in spirit and in the letter, as well
  120. as failure to follow the ideology of Eleusis, is grounds for either
  121. refusal of citizenship, or for the casting out of a citizen.
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