

Jun 3rd, 2020
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  1. For context, I live in the North.
  3. • The North makes massive revenue for the country, primarily in fishing, but the Government completely ignores investment in the North.
  4. • The furthest any train goes to is Bodø - Barely halfway up the country.
  5. • There are no budget food options for groceries. Vegetables are expensive. Aldi? Lidl? Good luck.
  6. • In this town, there are no budget options for eating in town, either.
  7. • I moved to Scandinavia and thought 'Sweet, at least I can kit out a place in Ikea furniture'. Wrong. The nearest Ikea to me is a 16 hour drive, including a ferry.
  8. • I've lived all around Britain including inner city places, but never have I been as subjected to as much nuisance noise from illegally loud bikes and boy racer cars day in, day out.
  9. • There is an unavoidable toll to get in to or through this town. There is no realistic way around.
  10. • They just created a tunnel from one side of the town to another, but still within toll limits. It also has a toll. Oh, wait - You can't walk or cycle through it either. Idiotic not to design a walk or cycle path considering where it is - It would be a godsend for so many.
  11. • The amount of racism I've called people out on over the 3 and a half years I've lived here is nuts.
  12. • Snow. So much snow. It's still snowing today, on the 8th of March.
  13. • People are obsessed with outward appearance and showing off brands like Swix.
  14. • There is a culture amongst many young people of 'needing' a Masters degree, which is ridiculous.
  15. • Interested in football? Good luck following any Eliteserien club other than Rosenborg. What about the Premier League? Oh, mad bias from Liverpool supporting pundits.
  16. • Drink is very expensive.
  17. • There's nothing open on Sundays. There's a cafe here and a couple of corner store type convenience stores.
  18. • There is a surprisingly well hidden but very real drug problem in Norway.
  19. • It costs an absolute fortune to get here. Sure, flights to Oslo from mainland Britain can be bought for as cheap as £40~ if you're lucky, but then you need a connecting flight up here and that flight has an absolute minimum baseline of £100.
  20. To go home (Northern Ireland) it takes me a full day, and at least £200. 30 minute bus, 2 hour flight. Connection time, typically 6 hours given how flights line up. Sometimes 2. 2 hour flight to Dublin. Wait on the coach to Belfast, which is around 2 and a half hours. Wait on the train to my hometown, which then takes around an hour and a half.
  21. • They'll pretend they're not, but so many Norwegians are anal as fuck about pronunciation. They'll give you blank looks like they don't know what you're saying, even though you know for a fact that you're intelligible through holding conversations with other people who don't act like that. What's that? You can't quite differentiate between kj/skj/sj? Typical foreigner. English is the world's language and I know what it's like when people are able to make themselves understood but still make errors - it's not a problem. It shouldn't be a problem.
  22. • There are so many dialects that you need to know not only the 'proper' version of the word, but the dialect versions not only for wherever you live and for the people you're talking to. Of the ways I know 'how' can be said/written: hvordan, kordan, korsn, åssen, korleis.
  23. • It costs about £3000 to do your drivers licence here, iirc.
  24. • Hair cut prices are fucking insane. £35 for a men's basic haircut by an apprentice? Fuck off I'll do it myself at home.
  25. • Norwegian food is bland. Really bland. You'll be lucky if your food is seasoned, nevermind finding something with a little spice.
  26. • It's not easy to make friends here, it seems like people stay quite contained in their existing social groups. Striking up a conversation with a random stranger is a faux pas, though you do get the very occasional exception which is great. I'm so used to greeting people I'm walking past, but I get glares here - Especially from older people.
  27. • It's not home.
  29. Some of these undoubtedly don't apply to other places in Norway. There's a heap great about the country, too.
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