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Dec 11th, 2018
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  1. [div style="width:450px;padding:15px;margin:auto;font-size:12px;font-family:tahoma;text-align:justify;"][div align="center"][div style="font-size:35px;font-family:tahoma;letter-spacing:1px;"]LILITH DRAVEN BEREISHEET[/div]
  3. [img style="max-width:100%;" src="" alt=" "][/div]
  5. [div style="border-bottom:solid 1px #333333;font:20px Courier New;text-transform:uppercase;text-align:center;padding-right:10px;margin-bottom:-5px;"][b]OVERVIEW[/b][/div]
  7. [b]NAME:[/b] Lilith Draven Bereisheet
  9. [b]ALIAS:[/b] Lilly
  11. [b]GENDER:[/b] Female
  13. [b]AGE:[/b] Eighteen
  15. [b]SEXUALITY:[/b] Pansexual
  17. [b]AFFILIATION:[/b] Villian
  21. [b]RANK:[/b] Scoundrel
  25. [div style="border-bottom:solid 1px #333333;font:20px Courier New;text-transform:uppercase;text-align:center;padding-right:10px;margin-bottom:-5px;"][b]APPEARANCE[/b][/div]
  27. [b]HEIGHT:[/b] 5'11
  29. [b]WEIGHT:[/b] 150
  31. [b]EYE COLOR:[/b] Green
  33. [b]HAIR COLOR:[/b] Pink
  35. [b]SKIN COLOR:[/b] White
  37. [img alt=" " style="max-width:100%;" src=""]
  41. [div style="border-bottom:solid 1px #333333;font:20px Courier New;text-transform:uppercase;text-align:center;padding-right:10px;margin-bottom:-5px;"][b]PERSONALITY[/b][/div]
  43. [div align="center"][table][tbody][tr][td style="text-align:center;padding:10px;"][b]POSITIVE TRAITS[/b][/td][td style="text-align:center;padding:10px;"][b]NEGATIVE TRAITS[/b][/td][/tr][tr][td style="text-align:center;padding:3px;"]Dedicated[/td][td style="text-align:center;padding:3px;"]Aggressive[/td][/tr][tr][td style="text-align:center;padding:3px;"]Protective[/td][td style="text-align:center;padding:3px;"]Prideful[/td][/tr][tr][td style="text-align:center;padding:3px;"]Bubbly[/td][td style="text-align:center;padding:3px;"]Narrow-Minded[/td][/tr][tr][td style="text-align:center;padding:3px;"]Loyal[/td][td style="text-align:center;padding:3px;"]Arrogant[/td][/tr][/tbody][/table]
  45. [table][tbody][tr][td style="text-align:center;padding:10px;"][b]LIKES[/b][/td][td style="text-align:center;padding:10px;"][b]DISLIKES[/b][/td][/tr][tr][td style="text-align:center;padding:3px;"]Sweets[/td][td style="text-align:center;padding:3px;"]Bitter Food[/td][/tr][tr][td style="text-align:center;padding:3px;"]Seafood[/td][td style="text-align:center;padding:3px;"]Spicy Food[/td][/tr][tr][td style="text-align:center;padding:3px;"]Meat[/td][td style="text-align:center;padding:3px;"]Bland Food[/td][/tr][tr][td style="text-align:center;padding:3px;"] Romance Novel [/td][td style="text-align:center;padding:3px;"]Sour Food[/td][/tr][/tbody][/table][/div]
  46. She is dedicated to her work and following in her family's footsteps. Everyone in her family before her were leading heroes in America, so she feels like it is her duty to protect everyone and everything for that of the villains and vigilantes that lurk the streets. Her family, being heroes, have also passed down to her a protective nature that she does not show often. She cares deeply for those that are around her, however, she hides her more bubbly side as it isn't the strong figure that she feels justice needs. Not to mention that she cannot control her anger at times, due to her quirk. Being aggressive and arrogant is almost written into her D.N.A due to her quirk's adrenaline. Stemming from this issue, she has always developed a narrow-mind and a large amount of pride, giving her a "I'll do it my way" attitude to all. However, her arrogance and pride only runs so deep. She respects accomplished individuals like all might, she only thinks herself overall better then those with no such accomplishments such as her fellow classmen.
  51. [div style="border-bottom:solid 1px #333333;font:20px Courier New;text-transform:uppercase;text-align:center;padding-right:10px;margin-bottom:-5px;"][b]HISTORY[/b][/div]
  53. [span]    [/span]Born in New York City, Brooklyn in the United States. Raised by her single mother, due to the father being unknowned she couldn't say that life was not bad in the United States either, as the Bereisheet were very wealthy people; a family with a history of professional pro-heroes. They were wealthy, ranking a million in the form of a paycheck each year. They had ties to police many years ago and were among the first heroes in American heroes, having ties in the use of quirks in police force work before the creation of the job hero.  
  55.     Very little people in America did not know the name Bereisheet, they successfully occupied at least one top ten spot each generation with , Lizabeth Bereisheet her mother, retiring due to disabilities.[span] Her grandmother had one of the highest ranks in their family in America, at one point. This was due to their genetically based down quirk, Adrenaline Burst. 
  57. [span]    [/span]As a child, training began for this quirk almost immediately, because the mother or father of the child would not have long to give tips and train the child in how to control it because sooner or later, their bodies would brake. The quirk was strong, however it was just as equally dangerous on the body. Early mornings she would wake up, at the age of six, and work on controlling the vulaves that let out her bursts of Adrenaline into her body. This continued for many years, almost peacefully.
  59.     Soon she grew up and entered hero school, were she went to regularly and seeked teacher's guidance and extra training to try and tame this self-destructive quirk to maximize it's potential to the fullest. She was resided as a loner and due to how aggressive the adrenaline work made her, as a bully as well. She was not very well liked in school, though no one would say anything to her being she was from an exalted family of professional heroes. It wasn't good to talk bad to a very established name if you wanted your name to sell. However, Lilith didn't mind it to much as she saw it as banter from people lower then her.[span]  
  61.      At the middle of the third year, her mother turning close to forty-seven finally collapsed on the job. The quirk had made her succumb to the aftereffects, taking away her hearing, sight, and physical ableness that was rapidly draining. Though, without doubt the Bereisheet managed to wedlock Lizabeth to a rather wealthy japenese man that would look after her. She moved to Japan with her mother at the age of seventeen and missed a year of hero school.
  63.     Living in japan for a little while, she reenrolled into hero school at U.A, which she was allowed transferring due to her coming from an almost equally as prestigious her school in the United States.[span]    [/span]
  64.  [/span][span]    [/span][span]    [/span]
  65. [span]    [/span][/span]
  66. [span]    [/span]
  68. [div style="border-bottom:solid 1px #333333;font:20px Courier New;text-transform:uppercase;text-align:center;padding-right:10px;margin-bottom:-5px;"][b]ITEMS[/b][/div]
  69. N/A
  74. [div style="border-bottom:solid 1px #333333;font:20px Courier New;text-transform:uppercase;text-align:center;padding-right:10px;margin-bottom:-5px;"][b]QUIRK AND ABILITIES[/b][/div]
  76. [b]QUIRK NAME:[/b] Adrenaline Burst
  78. [b]QUIRK TYPE:[/b] Mutation
  80. [b]QUIRK RANK:[/b] Novice
  81. [b]
  82. QUIRK TIER:[/b] Bronze
  84. [b]QUIRK DESCRIPTION:[/b] While the change to her outward appearance is very miniscule, it is the insides that make the big difference. The quirk adds a pair of horns and weird red skin near the eyes, but the real magic is in the inside where her unique system is made up of. The body has a unique Adrenaline system, not found in any other body, that allows massive amounts of Adrenaline to be pumped throughout the body for massive boosts in strength allowing her to lift 690 in pounds, speed (15mph but in short strong bursts), hearing, and sight and reflexes which makes this quirk widely reknown for. It also gives a pain-numbing effect, which can backfire if not watched properly. Though, at novice level, the control of how much adrenaline is pumped out is not all that easy and is more focused on her current emotional state rather then if she wants it or not. However, getting angry isn't to hard as the constant flow of adrenaline keep them quite aggressive!
  86. [b]QUIRK DRAWBACKS:[/b] 
  88. The quirk, being a massive pump of adrenaline, from a biological stand point is almost suicidal overdose if it wasn't for the fact for their unique bodies. However, given that it is still massive amounts, it has many harmful effects on the body. The user sacrifices with each usage of this quirk, literally a part of their own body. While it might be slight, and over a long period of time, this quirk causes small damage to the eyes and hearing due to enhancements to the body and the body being overworked in return. Not many Bereisheet is known to be able to actively live with this quirk and not go deaf and blind by the age of 40. The longest known member to use this quirk was her grandmother, whom went deaf and blind at the age of 52, through mastery of the ability. Given this, Lilith has only 22 more years that she can use this quirk before being forced to retire due to massive disabilities. Each usage of this quirk is a trade with the devil himself. 
  90. Massive fatigue. Adrenaline rush causes massive amounts of bodily energy, it isn't easy to keep your body on one-thousand percent usage. They are like any other human, they get tired, they need to eat, they need to drink. At novice level any more then seven full posts of usage of this quirk, will cause crippling dizziness and at ten posts will cause the heart to rupture. while not fatal, the user will faint. The heart will have a somewhat medium size hole in it causing the user to be forever be shot from having a hero career. Not including shortness of breath, heart palpitations, fatigue, swelling in the legs, feet, or abdomen, and heart murmurs they will suffer a permanent minus three to their up time. (Ie, her current uptime is 8, if she was to use all ten, her new max would be 5.)
  92. Generally, after five post at novice level the user will begin to feel palpitations that grow worse every post after. Hint at the ten posts from prior. Activation being included in this five post count.
  94. The user needs one post to be able to use this quirk, as the adrenaline has to be able to safely pump and cannot be rushed. The user will not be able to deploy this quirk faster then this. The same is said for disengaging the quirk. As the adrenaline work sort of like a valve it requires time. During the activation and deactivation it is considered one post using the adrenaline however. Saying that deactivation would have to occur at the 9th post, as the tenth would result in death during deactivation. (1 is the start up, 2-6 is usage, 7th is deactivation unless continued to use which results in the effects of the 8th post. Only seven posts are actual usage due to this mechanic.)
  96. While the quirk can be turned on and off, the ability is maxed at two uses a thread. While more then two uses are not inherently fatal she will faint if she attempts anymore then two times a thread. 
  98. The horns aren't just there for show, they are the major controller of the whole operation and let her control her abilities from the beginning.  If they were to be broken, she would be unable to use her quirk effectively, if at all. They do grow back, however, it would take almost four to six months for them to do so. 
  100. Due to her unique make up, some medical things cannot be used on her. Transplants are null and void. The only exception to this rule is blood transfusions due to the nature of it. This also makes them unable to donate to anyone but their own family members.
  103. The pain hits as soon as the adrenaline is deactivated, all the pain that has been ignored from the destruction of their body will be felt in immediate crushing pain that could lead them to be knocked out.
  105. [b]OTHER ABILITIES:[/b] 
  107. [b]ABILITY: [/b]Enhanced Durability[b]
  108. RANK: [/b]Beginner[b]
  109. TIER:[/b] Bronze
  110. Due to how relentless the quirk can be on the user's body, all Bereisheet train from a young age to make their bodies more durable. Which is a little more easier then you'd expect, given their unique make up. They don't feel pain when they fight, so it helps them from breaking their bones as much when they fight and also stops most of their own punches from hitting them. 
  113. [div align="center"][i]PLAYED BY [b]AOI[/b][/i][/div][/div]
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