
Exploration island

Jun 23rd, 2015
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  1. [15:45] <@Xi|Wrk> roll 1d100+15 Murloc Exploration (Reroll due to length of inactivity)
  2. [15:45] <@qqbot> Xi|Wrk rolled 1d100: 57 = [42] + 15
  7. Spring. Time of renewal and motion. On the land it was always a fascinating thing to watch as the snows melted away and the world came to life once more, exploding in the vibrancy and vigor. This was a time in which you would find yourself on the move as you sought out and organized those of your people brave enough to be separated from the whole for a time.
  9. Murlocs were communal creatures in almost every way, and the simple fact of heading off into the unknown was always a bit difficult for them. Even you their ‘god’ were not a particularly adventurous type, not prone towards exploring despite the fact that the vast majority of the island had gone unexplored in the time in which you’re people had taken up residence here.
  11. It was almost strange how much so you’d resisted all but the simplest of expeditions into unknown territories. What little of the island beyond those places your kind had already conquered were due to information relayed to you via the Furbolg with whom you’d come to ally. And what little you did know was obscured by the fact that their own ability to relay such information to you was hindered by a lack of clear maps of the area. Still you were grateful for the general layout of the area which Scarpaw had seen to that you would receive after asking a bit for any information which his people could provide yours about the island.
  13. Luckily for you, the spring rains and knowledge of the three part lake which lay at the center of the island helped immensely in your exploration, as you searched inward towards the core of the island.
  15. “Alright alright Whisker!” You laughed as you pulled your eager mount to a halt, the fresh scent of new rains dampening the air to a palatable amount around you. You ran your fingers though the great beast’s hair, just below the ears, right where she loved it.
  17. It had been a productive season thus far, as you marked out your finds to be collected by the village, spending some time by the waterside of the lakes with their odd taste, water devoid of salt was such a strange thing to find as more than a puddle or well.
  19. Whisker’s ear twisted. The sound of movement.
  21. And in a single practiced motion you both flatten your profile and begin to move. The natural stealth of your mount coming into play as you both all but faded away, the light around you becoming dimmed as your partner padded softly into the underbrush. A natural manipulation of her own energies, the huge cat’s stealth was something which had always amazed you, particularly in how naturally the entire process came to her.
  23. Slowly you made your way through the tree-line as your faithful mount crept and leapt in a strange silence among the trees, sneaking ever closer to the sounds which had attracted it’s attention.
  25. Purple skin was the first thing which stood out, three females akin to harpies though completely without wings seemed to be enjoying each others company at the edge of the water. Two of them washed each other, their bodies glistening beneath the sunlit sky, while the third kept watch.
  27. They were... fascinating.
  29. You knew what they were, you’d seen carvings of them before, had been told of them by Scarpaw, and even glimpsed them in the distance on fishing boats, but never before had you been so close to the creatures. Darnassians... Night-Elves.
  31. A strange swell of desire welled in your loins as you watched, the creatures resembled your own harpy servant back at home, a strange beauty which appealed to your body in ways which you weren’t quite sure were natural, given just how alien they were to you and yours; or at least how alien you would have seen them a few years ago, before the shard.
  33. It wasn’t easy as you listened, but you could catch and understand some of their words as you skulked at the edge of the forest.
  35. “…He’s not going to pay any less attention to you just because you’re a Ranger Captain now Yrsga.” One of them titters. Her naked breasts bouncing in the open air as she splashed her blushing companion.
  37. “Knowing our good captain Jaindras, he’s going to ignore you all the same.” The one on the bank keeping watch responded.
  39. “Oh quit it... bachelorettes like you two wouldn’t understand. You’ve got to keep a man’s interest, or he might just go off with some Nymphs for cheap fun and not look back. Now I’m of rank he’ll start getting funny ideas about ‘honor’ and values. He’ll think that I’m trying to over shoot him. And you know men are real babies when it comes to that kind of thing.”
  41. “And do you really want to be hanging on to a man who thinks he’s got to get competitive with you for just being close to his job?”
  43. “Boys compete; it’s just the way they are. I just don’t want things to fall apart when I win too often, or turn down his challenges. You’ve seen how he is. You’d swear he wasn’t more than almost three hundred years old the way he acts.”
  45. “You were just as bad with the girls... or did you forget how the two of us broke up?” The more energetic of the bathers stuck out her tongue at the other.
  47. “That was playdate stuff Annis, you know that as well as I do. One hundred years old and you think you own the world.”
  49. “I’m just saying. Even if we were kids for the most part... you’re still pretty bad.” Annis replied, and then turned to her fully clothed companion with a grin. “Hey back me up on this Rillo!”
  51. “Yeah... she’s kinda right you know, Yrsga.” She gave a wan smile to her companions, even as she turned her head about, scanning her surroundings. “I mea...”
  53. She paused, on her feet with a suddenness which was distinctly alarming.
  58. [08:36] <+qqbot> Xi|Wrk rolled 1d100: 33 = [28] + 5
  59. [08:37] <@Xi|Wrk> Roll 1d100-7 Murloc diplomacy
  60. [08:37] <+qqbot> Xi|Wrk rolled 1d100: 25 = [32] - 7
  62. [08:39] <@Xi|Wrk> Roll 1d100+5 Elven Combat
  63. [08:39] <+qqbot> Xi|Wrk rolled 1d100: 44 = [39] + 5
  64. [08:39] <@Xi|Wrk> Roll 1d100+17 Murloc Combat
  65. [08:39] <+qqbot> Xi|Wrk rolled 1d100: 44 = [27] + 17
  70. Wait... was that an arrow notched in your… DAMMIT!
  72. You dive from your mount, just in time to avoid taking an arrow to the throat. Somehow the elf-woman had spotted you, gotten up and launched an arrow in your direction all in one smooth motion, you almost hadn’t avoided the deadly projectile.
  74. But now you were lifting yourself from the ground a flurry of motion, hammer coming out barely in time to block another arrow from at your face as you launched yourself in a flurry of blocking motions. Under such fire you were unable to remember the dammed Darnassian world for ‘Halt’, instead defaulting to your Nurgalish murmurs which in the end coagulated into the characteristic battle cry of all your kind.
  76. “Aaaaaughibbrgubugbugrguburgle!”
  78. You charge.
  80. It is within the first moments, that you close distance, hammer deflecting most of the arrow shots even as your armour deflected even more of them, it is momentary before you meet the enemy almost face to face, as she leaps backward from your assault. The light blazes in your eyes a brilliant white which scours away all doubt, your motions becoming sharper and clearer as you imagine yourself ever better than before, your true most Perfect state to which you strive.
  82. Reflexively you parry the blow which came from your side, a sword strike. From the corner of your eye you spy one of the two from within the pool, her skin still glistening with water as she practically flowed into battle, twin blades singing as she struck, pulling your attention where it could ill afford to rest. You lash out, again, this time with spell as you did with hammer, nimble finger shifting the weight of your weapon to guide your motions even as you make the retaliatory strike.
  84. It catches her almost fully in the chest, even as the opening she forces you to make leaves three arrows to strike your breastplate, one of which imbedded deeply, scraping uncomfortably at the skin beneath.
  86. But there was precious little time to pay attention to small details like that as the third leapt into action with a glaive in hand. Beautifully she spun the deadly enchanted weapons with an air of grace, dancing forth and thrusting her way into your exposed guard with an enchanting quality, enhanced by the complete lack of clothing with which she was forced to operate.
  88. The blur of claws and fangs which found her, closing the gap in your defenses had been your salvation.
  90. You recovered your balance, ripping the arrow out from the gouge in your chest-plate, letting the light flow within you, revitalizing your body even as you felt several more unrealized wounds which had been at the time too insignificant to be paid attention to, heal up with that particular tingling quality which the light always produced.
  92. But your foes too had had their chance to recover, one of them turning her blades to Whiskers even as the merciless ranger tried again to land an arrow in your eye, or at least your neck. This time you blocked the blow with the armour of your forearm, practically leaping at her with red fury in your eye. Righteous anger flowed molten in your veins as the frustration rose within you, white hot ire almost overtaking your soul as the women sought to deal with your friend and partner.
  94. A solid kick landed in the armored chest of the bow using elf, her body almost crumpling under the blow as your three taloned feet, covered in the same black pearl substance as your arms and hands left its imprint upon her, even as you turned and summoned a blaze of light to slam into the elf who seemed nearest to actually harming your beloved partner.
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