
[Classic FR] Scootacucco

Jun 15th, 2013
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  1. >Day you get your fairy in Equestria.
  2. >Wake up.
  3. >Shit. Shower. Sword.
  4. >Do some stretches in your treehouse to limber up.
  5. >Today's the day you're finally going to tell that goddamn tree off.
  6. >Living in this forest is fucking lame, man.
  7. >Suddenly, a wild knock appears!
  8. >At the base of your... tree... house?
  9. >Whatever.
  10. >No time for questions.
  11. >Now is the time of action!
  12. >You didn't crawl around on your hands and knees to get this midget sword for nothing.
  13. >Backflip out your front door cause ladders are for pussies.
  14. >Land on top of Fluttershy accompanied by a squeaking sound.
  15. >Damnit, wrong tree...
  16. >She starts to open her mouth to say something but you cut her off.
  17. "No! Whatever it is, Fluttershy, no! I don't want to hear anything out of you. Don't even peep!"
  18. >She wilts and turns to go, tearing up.
  19. >Behind her remains a strange orange chicken with purple hair.
  20. "Oi! Fluttershai! U ferget chickun!"
  21. >The little creature fluffs up and squints its eyes in disdain.
  22. >"I'm not a chicken! I'm Scootaloo!"
  23. >Holy shit!
  24. >This thing can talk!
  25. "So what do you want, chicken?"
  26. >Her wings buzz and she huffs.
  27. >"Fluttershy brought me so that I could wake you up with my voice."
  28. >She opens her mouth to let out a shrill note.
  29. >You smirk and stifle a laugh.
  30. "Wake me up? You mean... like a chicken?"
  31. >Scootaloo's face scrunches up and her whole body flashes red.
  32. >She hovers in mid-air in rage.
  33. >"I'm NOT a chicken!"
  34. >Scootabuse threshold reached.
  35. >Orange and purple tints the horizon and you squint to try to make out what exactly has caused the change.
  36. >A flood of angry Scootaloos wash over you in a flurry of kicking and biting.
  37. >The aftermath is brutal.
  38. >Your body is a bloody pulp on the ground.
  39. >You hear chimes as a light pink glow circles around your corpse.
  40. >Gasping, you breathe in again.
  41. >You stand up and straighten your tunic.
  42. "Fucking chicken..."
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