
Knox's former crew (half done)

Apr 24th, 2014
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  1. Captain Jasmine Katelyn Stratus - A striking woman, Wakino native, in her mid-20's, with a soft spot for old pirate stories and adventures on the high seas. She was the captain of the S.S. Eclipse, a ship she seized from its previous crew, and the leader of the Conch City Carvanhas, (not to be confused with the Red Carvanhas) who boarded civilian ships and fellow pirates alike in search of ADVENTURE and PROFITS. She wasn't afraid of killing someone if she absolutely had to or taking hostages, but she'd go to great lengths to avoid unnecessary civilian deaths, in the spirit of idealized HEROIC PIRATES of old. Had a knack for getting out of ridiculous situations, which unfortunately failed her one year ago. Captain Stratus had her ways of getting things done, and was quite charismatic - there wasn't a soul on the Eclipse who didn't completely respect her. (Possible build: Pirate/1H Weapon Specialist/Flying Ace)
  3. August - The Captain's first mate. A strong-willed individual, fully capable of taking command when the Captain was unable. A bit more of an ass than Jasmine, but because of this he got along pretty well with Knox, except on the occasions they butted heads - hard. Didn't really like to talk about his past, but would never shut up about supposedly being blessed by a minor dragonic god of some kind, and was very much a proponent of the concept of 'der Wille zur Macht' or 'the will to power', basically AMBITION. Kept people in line and often enough organized sparring sessions on the deck of the Eclipse. (Possible build: Herald of Pride/Mastermind/Dancer)
  5. Lunch - The ship's cook, known only by his nickname. About as tall as Knox, and around as beefy, but with a belly putting him twice the poisonous pirate's weight. A Unovan like Knox, he came to Wakino fleeing tax collectors and loan sharks and ended up involved in even more illicit activity while providing delicious meals to his new crew. A bit of a gambler and fond of drink, but was also fairly skilled with at hand to hand. (Possible build: Chef/Martial Artist/Tough Expert)
  7. Kimiko and Fujiko Miyama - Twin Kantonese girls who grew up in Gennis and decided to return close to the land of their birth. Funny story how they ended up working for the Captain - they were visiting family in Zebra Town, but on the way back to Vermillion City, their vessel was boarded by the Eclipse. Both girls, possessed of a strong ambition and daring, and disenchantment with their decision to live in Kanto, decided to ask Jasmine if they could work for her while they were being held as hostages. The Captain was impressed enough by their attitude that she agreed on the spot. Kimi was a powerful user of electrical arts and a skilled electronics expert who would help handle the group's finances and arrange the bribing of officials to help grease the wheels a bit (Possible build: Spark Master/Jailbreaker/Rogue). Fuji was a more outgoing and vibrant woman with a strong athletic streak who played baseball (and tends to fight with a bat even now) and a charming personality (Possible build: Athlete/2H Weapon Specialist/Rogue).
  9. Needles - Beautiful and effeminate, but really a dude. He's the ship's medic, and earned his nickname from a rather unorthodox practice - making his treatments of unnecessarily gained injuries as painful as possible to give everyone incentive not to get hurt. Apparently from Kalos, but seems to have some Sinnoah ancestry as well. Always had a smile on his face, no matter the topic of conversation, sometimes lending itself to being rather creepy. Still fairly well-liked despite everything and probably the most promiscuous person on the ship. (Possible build: Medic/White Medium/Cheerleader)
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