

Jan 19th, 2017
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  1. class CHandlingData {
  2. public:
  3. char _0x0000[8];
  4. DWORD dwHandlingNameHash; //0x0008
  5. float fMass; //0x000C verified (mass in Kg)
  6. char _0x0010[16];
  7. D3DXVECTOR3 vecCentreOfMassOffset; //0x0020 verified (between -10 and 10)
  8. char _0x002C[4];
  9. D3DXVECTOR3 vecInertiaMultiplier; //0x0030 verified (between -10 and 10)
  10. float N0000228C; //0x003C maybe vec3x again?
  11. float fPercentSubmerged; //0x0040 verified (10 to 120, drag coeff proportional to velocity squared)
  12. float N0000227D; //0x0044
  13. float N000021CC; //0x0048
  14. float nDriveBias; //0x004C (1.0 = fwd, 0.0 = rwd, 0.5 = 4x4)
  15. BYTE nInitialDiveGears; //0x0050 verified (number of gears, excluding reverse)
  16. char _0x0051[3];
  17. float fDriveInertia; //0x0054 (between 0 and 1, lower=slower accel)
  18. float fClutchChangeRateScaleUpShift; //0x0058 (speed multiplier on up shifts)
  19. float fClutchChangeRateScaleDownShift; //0x005C (speed multiplier on down shifts)
  20. float fInitialDriveForce; //0x0060
  21. float fInitialDriveMaxFlatVel; //0x0064
  22. float fSteeringLock; //0x0068 GUESSING (max wheel angle of outer wheel at low speed)
  23. float fBrakeForce; //0x006C verified (higher=faster stop)
  24. DWORD dwUnknown1; //0x0070
  25. float N0000229A; //0x0074 fSuspensionCompDamp?
  26. float N000021D2; //0x0078
  27. float fHandBrakeForce; //0x007C
  28. float fSteeringLock2; //0x0080 (angle to restrict turning, between 0 and 1 suggested)
  29. float N0000229E; //0x0084
  30. float fTractionCurveMax; //0x0088 (formally fTractionMult) // default: 2, 0 = no friction, -1 = slidey
  31. float m_fAcceleration; //0x008C // default: 0.35-0.48 setting above 10.0 starts to get slidey
  32. float fTractionCurveMin; //0x0090 (formally fTractionLoss)
  33. float fInitialDragCoeff; //0x0094
  34. float N000021D6; //0x0098
  35. float m_fGrip; //0x009C // 999 = super traction
  36. float fTractionSpringDeltaMax; //0x00A0
  37. float N000022A6; //0x00A4
  38. float fLowSpeedTractionLostMult; //0x00A8
  39. float fCamberStiffness; //0x00AC GUESSING
  40. float N000021D9; //0x00B0
  41. float N000022AA; //0x00B4
  42. float fTractionLossMult; //0x00B8 verified
  43. float fSuspensionForce; //0x00BC verified (1/(Force*NumWheels)) = Lower limit for zero force at full extension) // 99999 = jumping car -1 = front scraping ground
  44. float funknown; //0x00C0 fSuspensionCompDamp? *10?
  45. float fSuspensionReboundDamp; //0x00C4 unlikely unless *10
  46. float fSuspensionUpperLimit; //0x00C8 verified (visual limit of how far wheels can move up from orig pos)
  47. float fSuspensionLowerLimit; //0x00CC verified (visual limit of how far wheels can move down from orig pos)
  48. float N000021DD; //0x00D0 fSuspensionRaise?
  49. float N000022B2; //0x00D4
  50. float N000021DE; //0x00D8
  51. float fAntiRollBarForce; //0x00DC ? // 9999 = launches vehicle default: 0.8999999762
  52. float fUnknown3; //0x00E0 ?
  53. float fUnknown2; //0x00E4 ?
  54. float fRollCentreHeightFront; //0x00E8 verified // default x80: 0.3400000036
  55. float fRollCentreHeightRear; //0x00EC verified // ' 0.3400000036
  56. float fCollisionDamageMult; //0x00F0 verified
  57. float fWeaponDamageMult; //0x00F4 verified
  58. float fDeformationDamageMult; //0x00F8 verified // default x80: 0.6999999881
  59. float fEngineDamageMult; //0x00FC verified
  60. float fPetrolTankVolume; //0x0100 verified (for damage)
  61. float fOilVolume; //0x0104 verified (for damage)
  62. float N000021E4; //0x0108
  63. float fSeatOffsetDistX; //0x010C
  64. float fSeatOffsetDistY; //0x0110 verified
  65. float fSeatOffsetDistZ; //0x0114
  66. DWORD dwMonetaryValue; //0x0118 verified
  67. DWORD dwStrModelFlags; //0x011C verified
  68. DWORD dwStrHandlingFlags; //0x0120 probable
  69. DWORD dwStrDamageFlags; //0x0124 probable
  70. DWORD N0000256D; //0x0128
  71. DWORD N00002575; //0x012C
  72. DWORD N000021E9; //0x0130
  73. DWORD dwAIHandlingHash; //0x0134 verified
  74. float N000021EA; //0x0138
  75. float N000025C4; //0x013C
  76. char _0x0140[8];
  77. CAIHandlingInfo* ptrAIHandling; //0x0148
  78. char _0x0150[16];
  79. float N000021EF; //0x0160
  80. char _0x0164[12];
  81. char _0x0176_unkPtr[8]; //N000024B6* ptrUnknown; //0x0170
  82. float fBackEndPopUpCarImpulseMult; //0x0178
  83. float fBackEndPopUpBuildingImpulseMult; //0x017C
  84. float fBackEndPopUpMaxDeltaSpeed; //0x0180
  85. // Torque: fInitialDriveForce
  86. };//Size=0x0440
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