
A Touching Scene

Jul 17th, 2012
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  1. DrSavage "If we don't stop an SCP on the island outpost...myself and/or Terrance could be next."
  2. PresidentEvil "We'll stop it."
  3. padri "What's this?" Super concerned Renee.
  4. DrSavage "'s immortal. It can teleport. It attacked Terrance. Conventional attacks don't seem to do much."
  5. padri "Why does it want to harm you?"
  6. DrSavage "It's trying to force us into helping it kill an anomalous woman. Who we may or may not have met."
  7. =-= PresidentEvil is now known as Pres|BRB
  8. padri She just stands there. ~It would be one thing if this was a man trying to force someone to do his dirty work; then we'd call the police. But for the anomalous, we are the police. And there are no laws.~ Sigh.
  9. DrSavage "I don't know if it can get here or not. I'm pretty sure it's in the SCP database."
  10. padri "Then how did it get into the pool?"
  11. =-= YOU are now known as padchair
  12. =-= YOU are now known as padsquish
  13. DrSavage "I think it can hop dimensions. Said it's killed different versions of her."
  14. padsquish "Different versions of her?"
  15. Pres|BRB "What, like her parallel selves?"
  16. =-= Pres|BRB is now known as Pres
  17. DrSavage He nods. "...I don't know what to do. I talked to Boss Man...he said he'd see."
  18. padsquish "About what?"
  19. DrSavage "...Stopping the entity."
  20. DrSavage "It killed a few guards effortlessly. I'm not letting it kill anyone else...Terrance wants to take it on personally. Revenge."
  21. padsquish "Revenge?"
  22. padsquish Renee knows nothing about the goings on of the island.
  23. DrSavage "It attacked Terrance. Could have killed him."
  24. padsquish Renee looks upset.
  25. DrSavage "I was useless...."
  26. Pres "I heard it's why he lost his teeth."
  27. padsquish "He--" She cuts herself off. ~Duh he lost his teeth. That's why Greg said that. Don't make yourself look like an idiot.~
  28. =-= YOU are now known as padri
  29. DrSavage "It is, come to think of it...and it was showing how easy it would be to /kill/ him."
  30. Pres "...Man, that scip sounds like an /asshole/"
  31. padri Ren frowns.
  32. DrSavage "...I'm scared. I really am."
  33. padri "Adam, we'll figure it out. We always do."
  34. Pres Greg still has his arm around Adam's shoulder. He squeezes, reassuringly. "And once we figure the thing out, we'll kill it."
  35. padri "Before it kills you."
  36. Pres "That's the spirit, Ren!"
  37. padri She smiles.
  38. Pres "Now Adam and I were on our way to grab a bite. Join us?"
  39. DrSavage Adam looks...pretty damn timid right now.
  40. Pres Bah! A good meal will clear that right up.
  41. padri Ren nods and smiles at Adam.
  42. Pres And so off they go!
  43. |<-- Sequence has left (Connection reset by peer)
  44. padri Ren looks at her hand as they're walking, wishing she could squeeze Adam's hand to make him less frightened, but, frankly, terrified of the prospect.
  45. padri She hopes he doesn't notice.
  46. DrSavage Adam glances at her.
  47. -->| Sequence ( has joined #farrecon
  48. =-= Mode #farrecon +h Sequence by ChanServ
  49. padri Then he does notice.
  50. DrSavage [Be brave. For you. Not me.]
  51. padri She shakes her head. [I can't do it for myself.] She stops trying.
  52. |<-- Sequence has left (Broken pipe)
  53. -->| Sequence ( has joined #farrecon
  54. =-= Mode #farrecon +h Sequence by ChanServ
  55. DrSavage Adam reaches out to her quietly as they walk.
  56. padri Does he touch her?
  57. <--| Dexanote has left #farrecon
  58. -->| Dexanote ( has joined #farrecon
  59. =-= Mode #farrecon +o Dexanote by ChanServ
  60. DrSavage He does not. He only holds a hand out. [I cannot hurt you.]
  61. padri {Yes you can. It would be /bad/ if I touched you. You can't understand. . .]
  62. padri *[
  63. DrSavage [Why would I hurt you?]
  64. padri [It would be bad. Wrong. Not good. It . . . ] She's starting to work herself up.
  65. =-= Dexanote is now known as Degsanot
  66. DrSavage [Stop. You are human, yes?]
  67. padri She nods.
  68. |<-- Sequence has left (Connection reset by peer)
  69. -->| Sequence ( has joined #farrecon
  70. =-= Mode #farrecon +h Sequence by ChanServ
  71. DrSavage [I am human, yes.]
  72. DrSavage *?
  73. |<-- Sequence has left (Connection reset by peer)
  74. -->| Sequence ( has joined #farrecon
  75. =-= Mode #farrecon +h Sequence by ChanServ
  76. |<-- Sequence has left (Broken pipe)
  77. -->| Sequence ( has joined #farrecon
  78. =-= Mode #farrecon +h Sequence by ChanServ
  79. DrSavage [Touch and contact is a basic human need. It /can/ be wrong. It is not /always/ wrong. I am your friend. I love you. I would never hurt you.]
  80. padri She just stands there looking like a deer in the headlights.
  81. DevilAngel Charisse appears in the range.
  82. DrSavage [I can see you keep wanting to. Stop fighting yourself. Stop letting the bad things in your past control you...]
  83. =-= Degsanot is now known as Brainface
  84. DevilAngel Bang bang.
  85. padri She looks frightened and a little angry (defensively.)
  86. DevilAngel She heads to the caf for a late dinner.
  87. DevilAngel Any signs of habitation besides the food there?
  88. DrSavage [I'm not saying forget them. I'm not saying you don't have a reason to be cautious. I'm saying...I'm your friend. Why would I hurt you with my touch?]
  89. padri She's still got the deer in headlights look, but she holds up her hand like she's asking for a high five or saying stop.
  90. =-= Mr_Wilt is now known as Sleeping_Wilt
  91. =-= Brainface is now known as Dexanote
  92. DevilAngel Apparently no.
  93. DevilAngel She gets a salad.
  94. DrSavage Adam becomes quiet, looking over to her.
  95. padri She closes her eyes.
  96. =-= DevilAngel is now known as WeepingAngel
  97. DrSavage [Renee?]
  98. padri She just makes a mmph sound, something between "mm?" and a grunt.
  99. =-= Scantron is now known as Scanciv
  100. |<-- Sequence has left (Broken pipe)
  101. -->| Sequence ( has joined #farrecon
  102. =-= Mode #farrecon +h Sequence by ChanServ
  103. DrSavage [Please...] He smiles softly at her.
  104. padri She shakes her head and steps back. ~I can't touch you right now and if you won't touch me. . .~
  105. DrSavage Adam gently takes her hand in his. He looks to her. ~Please...please...please...~
  106. padri Her eyes snap open and she freezes, looking terrified. She doesn't draw her hand back, though, just balls it into a fist. A really tight one.
  107. WeepingAngel Charisse goes back to her room.
  108. DrSavage [Renee, I promise. I give word on very peril of my life, that I will not hurt you.]
  109. =-= WeepingAngel is now known as SleepingAngel
  110. DrSavage Adam takes a deep breath.
  111. padri Renee just forces deep breaths. They're kinda exaggerated. That fist is really tight and really tense.
  112. |<-- TheRaven has left (Quit: Sail away where no ball and chain can keep us from the roarin' waves, together undivided but forever we'll be free!)
  113. DrSavage [I am your friend. I'm no monster. You are Renee, a beautiful, kind, caring woman. You are intelligent and sensitive. I am Adam. I heal people, I save lives, and I help those who are gone. I will not hurt you, as you will not hurt me.]
  114. padri Her breathing starts to slow to a reasonable pace.
  115. padri She's stlil staring at his hand.
  116. DrSavage Adam offers the other, still holding her hand gently. [I love you very much, Renee. Even if you don't love me the same way.]
  117. padri She looks at it and gently touches it with the tips of the fingers of her other hand. She's too focused to say anything.
  118. padri Just the very tips. Barely touching it.
  119. DrSavage [That's good, Renee. I'm very proud of you. Can you do more?] His tone is gentle, reassuring. He is not sounding like he's talking to a child.
  120. padri She takes a deep breath and nods, loosening her fist (which is now her left hand) and lowering her right hand so her fingers rest gently on Adam's.
  121. DrSavage [/Very/ good, Renee. You're doing so very good...] Adam gently holds her hands, looking to her.
  122. padri She flinches when he holds her hands and gets frightened again, but tries to calm herself again.
  123. DrSavage [You're doing so very well.] He stops holding them and smiles softly. [Try to squeeze. At your own pace. You're safe. So am I.]
  124. padri She looks a little panicked for a moment.
  125. DrSavage [Calm, Renee. You are a healer. I am a healer.]
  126. padri She puts one of her hands around his and squeezes, but forgets herself and squeezes like she's clenching her own fist, not like she's holding someone's hand. it might hurt a little bit.
  127. padri She looks a little frightened still. That's probably why.
  128. DrSavage Adam only smiles softly. [You're doing beautifully. I'm so very proud of you...I'm /honored/ to know you...]
  129. |<-- ShockwaveLover has left (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
  130. padri She drops his hand and flashes one of those old florescent light smiles at him. [Thank you.]
  131. padri Her eyes are a little wet.
  132. DrSavage [I love you very much, Renee. You are doing so well. I know it's hard. I know...but you can do this. You are strong, beautiful, and the kindest person I know...]
  133. padri She flashes another speedy smile at him. [I think I'm tired. I might go to bed.] ~Exhausted, actually. That wiped me out.
  134. padri ~
  135. DrSavage [This is your decision. Do you want me to walk with you?]
  136. padri She shakes her head. [No, I think I'll be okay. Thank you, though.] A more typical Renee smile.
  137. DrSavage [I know you'll be okay. I'm asking if you'd like me to.] He chuckles softly.
  138. padri She shakes her head and smiles normally.
  139. DrSavage Adam smiles warmly. [Thank you, Renee.]
  140. padri She turns and walks away, and he can probably see her wiping tears out of her eyes after she thinks she's out of sight.
  141. DrSavage Adam watches her. [Renee, one more thing?]
  142. |<-- Mactavish has left (Quit: Leaving.)
  143. padri She turns. {Hm?]
  144. DrSavage [He's proud of you too. You'll meet him soon.]
  145. padri She looks confused, but then realization dawns.
  146. padri She nods and turns to go, with a good deal of subdued happiness. (Besides, happiness is taking back seat to exhaustion right now.)
  147. padri She falls asleep immediately.
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