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Jan 30th, 2015
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  1. PAGE 22
  5. Rating: ☆☆☆☆☆☆☆
  7. Extra tools: -Rope or some means of navigation
  8. -Philosophy or Psychology Major
  10. Cheshire Cats are perhaps the most deserving of a panty raid. With that permanent smug grin they wear and the students they torment/bully/molest.
  11. They're Werecats that are surprisingly intelligent, have the ability to turn any and all parts of their body invisible. Along with some form of teleportation that has yet to be explained. And of course they all have purple and violet fur and smell like lavender.
  12. Their dorm resides in the small, but odd, Wonderland section. On the outside the purple-colored dorm looks completely normal. The interior however is more like an M.C. Escher painting.
  13. It is very easy to get lost, with stairs leading nowhere and doors that might have looked normal-sized from far away are actually only small enough for a mouse to fit through.
  14. Therefore it's very recommended to bring some kind of navigation device, or even a rope to trail behind you to keep track of where you've been and how to find your way back.
  15. With any luck, you're raiding this dorm when the Cheshire Cats are napping and asleep. However should one discover you there's little ways to deal with it.
  16. If spotted, there's a few things to keep in mind. First, it's very difficult to catch a Cheshire Cat, even if they're not terribly strong physically. They will probably just reappear behind you, press their breasts into your back and whisper lewd things into your ear.
  17. You cannot outrun Cheshire Cats again for the fore-mentioned teleportation. Even if it looks like you have, they will be invisible and watching you silently.
  18. The only confirmed way to deal with these flamboyant cats is to engage it in conversation, hopefully you have a member majoring is Psychology or Philosophy.
  19. At this point they'll enter a long discussion, the Cheshire Cat attempting to warp and break the logic of whoever she is talking to. Should enough pressure be put onto her, she may become so focused, she won't notice someone sneaking up behind her.
  20. Simply pinching the nape of her neck, yes just like a cat, can cause her body to go limp. She'll be unable to teleport or go invisible and you'll be able to subdue her. Difficult and risky to pull off, but there's little other options.
  21. If there's more than one at a time, it can be difficult to keep all of their attention. It not even be possible.
  22. If caught the Cheshire Cats will harass you as you wander to dorm halls for a way out, toying with you like a cat. Once you're broken mentally you'll be at the mercy of whatever lewd activity they have in mind for you.
  23. If successful you'll come away with the colorful, purple panties they wear. Smelling strongly of lavender with a hole for their tail to poke through.
  24. In conclusion, a Cheshire Cat raid may be tempting, but it can be very risky. Supposing you don't become lost in the dorm, Cheshire Cats are as smart as they are cruel. If stealth is broken, there's a small window of opportunity to escape or keep going, but you'll only have one shot.
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