
# python_for_desktop_web_android_ios.txt

Aug 4th, 2017
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  1. # python_for_desktop_web_android_ios.txt
  3. A) desktop applications - Python has bindings for libraries like Qt, GTK+, and others that you can use to write GUI applications. You can also use curses and other built-in modules to write command line applications.
  5. B) web applications - Python has frameworks like Django, Bottle, and others that you can use to write webservers. There are also compilers like Pyjamas and Pyjs that you can use to write Python that runs on the browser (so you don't need to use JavaScript if you don't want to).
  7. C) Android applications - You can use SL4A, JPython (compiles Python to JVM bytecode, which android can then compile to Dalvik bytecode), or Kivy. Kivy seems to be the best supported out of all of them. You can also compile Python to JavaScript (with Pyjs/Pyjamas/etc) and then use something like PhoneGap.
  9. D) iOS applications - You can use Kivy. You can use a compiler from Python to Swift or Objective-C, then use the regular iOS SDK stuff. Or you can use a compiler from Python to JavaScript, then use something like PhoneGap.
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