

Feb 1st, 2019
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  1. Salthiel looked at the grass as it burned, eyes upon it as he would start to speak.
  3. "To oversimplify the concept of good and evil through the blatant destruction of a grass is dangerous and misleading.
  5. Good is when an individual can feel empathy for other people, when he acts selfless, sacrificing something for the sake of others.
  7. Evil on the other hand is when an individual puts himself first over others. They do not care so long as they can fulfil their own desires. However, to humanity, the concept of good and evil is so complicated as it is flexible.
  9. After all, we feel emotions. Kindness and love, or cruelty and hate," said the Anauel in response, looking back to Lugonqi.
  11. "I do not claim humanity as the personification of good. We are creatures of sins, yet many of us choose to be good; or to be evil.
  13. But to be extremely evil is to also act with malice. When you burned the grass, have you felt malice? Have you pleasured yourself? If not, then perhaps it was indeed not an evil act," said Salthiel and looked up the sky.
  15. "That is good and evil, Archon of Entropy.
  17. I will not claim that demons have ended more than man himself. Because without facts and statistics, it would only be arrogance that would drive me so.
  19. So, instead, whilst I agree that men is a force of this world. They do not live only in the name of survival. No, for their short lives, they live to fill it with memories. To /live their lives to the fullest/.
  21. And survival is not living," he said, golden eyes shifting back to the archon.
  23. "So, to fulfill that; a man has the freedom of will. They can choose to fight for the light, following the guidance of the divine. Or they can choose to be evil, to cooperate with the demons of this world," and with that, there was a pause.
  25. "So, let me ask you, Archon of Entropy. If you are not good, if you are not evil. Yet you seek to destroy without malice, without sympathy, doesn't that make you akin to a disease? After all, aren't diseases that way? Conditions only to pester devoid of morality?" he asked before turning around, gliding gently atop the grass.
  27. "Demons, is that what you truly are?" echoed the magi's voice, and if not stopped, would dissipate into a thin mist.
  28. (Salthiel Anauel)
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