
Wrath 60

Jul 23rd, 2017
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  1. app based sum. not very accurate where slang is(mc x soldier talk). toon = 분노의 과외 60화. (next chapter will be the last)
  3. FMC calling maid so pretty and that. maid asking if that was fmc's taste. fmc tells her that yeah, she wanted to try it once since all the other maids are old gals. maid shouting how it's impossible to go outside like that cause she'll die of embarrassment. fmc laughs and asks why be ashamed and and maid goes how if fmc likes it she will wear it for her only. fmc calls her so cute and tells her to go in for a hug and tells her that she loves her and maid goes 'me too, unni'.
  5. Autumn and maid tells fmc how next week are the SATs and laments how fmc would have taken them too if she didn't drop out but fmc tells her that it's okay how she will try it next year. maid gets hyped cause that means they will both do it at the same time, how they will both work hard together and fmc goes yeah. fmc tells maid that they should stop doing this now. maid asks fearfully what's up and if she did smth bad but fmc goes how that's not it. fmc tells her how he tried to see it how this would be and goes how smth still feels unfulfilled. maid goes 'that means ..' and fmc goes 'yeah ..right'. fmc then goes how she thinks that a man is better(not sure). maid cries and fmc tells her sorry, sorry. maid tells her it's okay, that fmc doesn't have to be sorry cause she worked hard and thanks her and how she will pack up her stuff tomorrow and leave. fmc tells her to wait, that it's not like that, that she does want her to leave, that she doesn't hate her but loves her. tells her not to go, cause she's the only one she trusts and if she leaves she'll be really lonely(or maid ..). fmc tells her she will give her a job if she wants and a room. maid then goes how if fmc tells her that she cant leave after all. and fmc teases her a little and maid goes off on her in a playful manner.
  7. Next is maid thinking how she chose this herself and smth about a path of hope and torture(not sure). and she watches fmc calling to ask for tutors and only males and nothing else. maid thinking that she will wait till fmc gets tired of men and wonders if she will once again look her way. maid wonders if she'll come to like a guy and welcomes mc who asks her she's if she's the student and she goes no.
  9. Smbdy shouting to 'wake up Yoon Jae Myung' and then only 'Yoon Jae Myung!' and to get up and then 'good job' and he does(all army haircut and uniformed). Helmet guy tells him it's his turn take the shift and to wake up. The he insults him cause he as a senpai came to wake him up and what fuck is he doing and dreaming and that shit, and mc goes how he'll be ready asap.
  11. They reached the sentinel place and talk how they are late by 25 second, waked up later and that. His shift mate tells him how he's bored and invites him to have good talk. mc goes what are you talking about and guy asks him if he had a gf back at school and he goes yeah that's right and then guy goes smth for mc to tell him what they did(prbly xxx stuff). mc stands revolted and tells him he had a gf but did no bad things, they were pure, platonic and guy goes 'bullshit'(not sure). guy goes no way a good looking guy like him didn't have fun and mc goes how that's what it was and thinks he's annoying. guy tells mc 'fuck you' and asks him why he doesn't trust him but mc insists that he told him what was what and guy think 'be a sport here'. Guy then asks him where did he get that scar on his forehead. mc goes how 1 month before enlisting he was drinking and eating and fell from stairs, and guy goes smth like 'fuckin' hell..'. guy then asks mc if he wants to hear what he as a senpai of his did back in civilian life and mc thinks he's an asshole. guy then goes and asks him if he still feel ashamed and tells him to listen up and learn that he will tell him once again(not sure). guy brags and about how much he fucked and how he used his part time job cash(not sure..slang) and mc goes 'fuck' thinks he hears this for the 30th time, and remembers smth about his fall. Tbc ...
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