
Medic 4

Feb 4th, 2020
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  1. [23:50] Andrew takes a few steps towards the person and makes himself known "My name is Andrew and I'm going to be removing your hood to get a better look at the injury. Is that alright with you?" Andrew placed his hands on the hood and prepared to take it off given the okay by Atlas.
  2. (Andrew Mercia)
  3. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  5. [23:50] Tyrith offers a parting glance to Barca, and starts stumbling out of the hospital. The new prosthetic hangs inertly from her shoulder.
  6. (Tyrith Airgetlam)
  7. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  9. [23:51] Barca Vandroy says, "Take care. Come back often. We can help you do some rehabilitation exercises."
  10. [23:51] Tyrith Airgetlam says, "Rehabili-"
  11. [23:51] Tyrith Airgetlam says, "Oh...."
  12. [23:52] Atlas places his hand on Andrews shoulder, "That's ok, ok, ok, I can get it." Atlas shakily reaches up and removes his hood, revealing his new blind eye, Dark and rotted it's useless, seeming permanent.
  14. Name: Right eye occult rot.
  16. Desc: A occultic blow would land squarely on their right eye, marking it with a noticable corruption and taint, rotting the eye completly. This obviously would destroy the vision of that eye but also make it so they could feel a very faint corruption.
  17. Class: PERMANENT
  18. (Atlas Daromir)
  19. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  21. [23:54] Agrien stopped the surgery just for a moment as she heard the familiar voices coming from the door, and Atlas asking for help. But Barca seemed to be taking care of it, and for that, Agrien could and should manage to keep herself calm for the time being to solve that up.
  23. "Calm down, Mr. Atlas-" she said, a little louder. "Someone help him into the bed please; it's going to be alright, you're at the hospital now and we'll take care of you!"
  25. Her attention however was at the surgery she had at hands; which through the use of that scalpel she slowly but precisely made the incision on the back of Jewel's ear, deep enough so she could have the actual access to what she needed.
  27. At first and assessing look was given, as she narrowed her eyes for an instant, and eventually, a soft nod came from her when she could identify it properly.
  29. Resting the scalpel over to the medical alcohol, the doctor went over to pick the rest of the surgical tools for that; at first, she would have to actually repair the severed blood vessels inside of her auditive system and the side of her head as a whole. That part wasn't exactly complicated, no, for it was something she had to do almost daily with veins and artery reparation.
  31. Orchilacum was going to be used for it, but the treated form of the material. Normall, Orchilacum was used both in medicine and artificing due to how sensitive and receptive to mana it was. In medicine in particular, it was commonly used for replacing and emulating someone's veins and mana circuitry, which was actually the most important part of it's use and why Agrien decided to opt for that at this time.
  33. "The mana in her head is not properly moving and flowing due to this problem, either. So it's complicated in more levels than one could guess. Luckily we have everything we need for this." she spoke likely to Kalm at that point, for even if she wanted to look over her shoulder towards the other room, her attention was taken to Jewel only.
  35. The Orchilacum to be used in that particular treatment was shaped and molded into a wiring system, very similar to copper, almost as thin as a thread, and resistant as well. After preparing it, the doctor moved to carefully hold it by her tweezers, carefully introducing it to the opening she made, and connecting the severed ends of her veins to another.
  36. (Agrien Vandroy)
  37. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  39. [23:57] Andrew could smell the dark magic coming from the man and he could only thing of one way to solve this issue. The boy took a deep breath after allowing his stomach to settle while preparing for surgery again.
  41. The boy slowly put on another pair of white gloves while looking back at Barca.
  43. "Do we have anymore kits around we're going to have another major surgery again. From the looks of this." Andrew turns the mans head slightly "We'll have to clean the eye socket and removed any traces of the foul magic from the wound.
  45. I'm not sure how much we could replace, but assume we can keep the socket intact he could put a replacement eyes there. We could get the man a eye patch to"
  47. Andrew let his face go and turned towards the woman. "We'll have to put him under to I'm sure use removing the magic from the eye socket will be painful."
  48. (Andrew Mercia)
  49. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  51. [00:01] "Wow." A small whistle. "Look at you." A surgeon's dark humor. It'd be too hard without even a speck of joy to uplift the spirit. "Overall? Ten out of ten. We can still treat him without a kit as long as we install a receptor before it heals. You can leave a glass eye 'till we have a kit but-"
  53. It was hard to say if he was fortune or not- but he was. In fact, they had a spare kit next door. And though it'd take a few moments, the wound across his eye wasn't immediately fatal.
  55. "Anaesthetise the muscles around his eyes before you put him under. After that, start removing the debris- and the eye. Don't touch the optic nerve. Dig shallow. I'll be back with a surgery kit in a moment."
  56. (Barca Vandroy)
  57. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  58. [00:04] Atlas hears Barca making jokes and he does his best to crack a smile, "At- at least I can't see how ugly I am now." he holds on to Andrews shoulder as he approaches the bed, slowly letting himself down on it. "She, she didn't want me to see again, she said a, a blind dragon has no need for treasure? It didn't make any-" Atlas coughs again blood coming from his mouth as he lays back on the bed.
  59. (Atlas Daromir)
  60. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  62. [00:05] Jewel noticed more people coming into the hospital who seemed to be injured. What was going on out there that sent so many people here? She couldn't hear anything they were talking about right now so she didn't know what it was..
  64. Was there some kind of person just attacking everyone or what? It kind of frustrated her that she didn't know, but soon enough she should be able to have her hearing back. She'd breathe through her nose, calming herself so she didn't interrupt Agrien's work. All the stuff she was doing, Jewel couldn't exactly feel so when she slid the scalpel into her skin, the child didn't even move.
  66. She remembered going over the details of her hearing loss before with Toia and Agrien.. And the reason she was like this in the first place.
  68. Eventually, though, her gaze shifted over towards Kalm. She seemed to be a bit in thought.. Yet, she was honestly trying to get her mind off of the fact that her skin was open and her innerworkings were being adjusted and what not. Just the brief imagery made her toes curl.
  70. She was really glad she couldn't feel much of any of this. Even so, though, she also wanted her skin to be connected back together and the whole surgery thing to be over with. She didn't like going through this after that one experience. Though.. Who would?
  71. (Jewel Vixen)
  72. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  74. [00:11] Andrew nods while he motioned the man over towards the bed while he went to fetch a clean set of tools. When Andrew returned he'd look at the man offering him a confronting smile "Nah man you're still a good looking guy. Bare with me for a moment I need to apply to the wound, but you can bite this if needed" Andrew hands him a thick piece of clean cloth.
  76. Andre slowly apply the Anaesthetize around eye socket and while he wanted for it to kick it he grabbed a pair of tweezers. He'd spark a flame at the end of his finger and begin heating him up quite a bit.
  78. "I'm going to put you under now, but I'm going to clean out that foul magic by burning it with my own. I'll slowly begin picking as much as I can out without causing damage to the socket itself."
  80. Andrew put a mask around his face
  82. "It will smell a little bad I'm sure, but we'll get you fixed up really soon."
  84. Andrew grabbed a syringe filled with Anaesthetize and gave it a put to make sure it was working fine.
  86. "Listen count down from ten, and the moment you're out I'll start working on that eye. We'll have you looking" Andrew leaned down into a whisper "like a badass." he'd smile and start to apply the Anaesthetize.
  87. (Andrew Mercia)
  88. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  90. [00:13] Atlas took the cloth and bit down, "Alright, Barca 10, is this kid, 9, training with you guys? 8, he better be good at, 7, this I don't, 6, want a cheap, 5, my face is-." Atlas' head rolls back as he passes out, his large chest moving up and down slowly.
  91. (Atlas Daromir)
  92. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  94. [00:14] With the orchilacum wiring prepared and positioned, Agrien was careful enough to connect it properly and precisely around and over Jewel's systems inside of her head, even if superficially and just barely to the side. It was important that Agrien had done that part as she did, with the actual precise touch she had, otherwise it would result in an even greater problem than she arrived with. Luckily, the doctor had a precise pair of hands to be connecting the medical orchilacum wiring to her circuitry inside.
  96. The first part was mostly finished, and to that all Agrien had to do was to suture that layer of her flesh which she just opened for; the bones and harder tissue would be a problem in a sense, but nothing that the doctor wouldn't be able to avoid with her materials. For that it wouldn't be used the actual orchilacum, but the bio medical thread, which once completely regenerated, wouldn't be harlmful to her, since it was something placed under herskin.
  98. "Now...To her eardrum. It's going to be a little more complicated because to this I am not going to damage her ear even further with a complete removal of her soft tissue, but I will reinforce the existing one with this thin leaf of mithril I'll be using; once connected with the orchilacum wiring I've just position on her head, it will be serving as a proper emulation for her natural hearing, in the sense that it will be capturing the sound waves as normally as possible and transferring over to her auditive system once more."
  100. A nod was fofered as her words continued, either explaining it over to Kalm, or to Andrew and the others.
  102. As she now had access to the interior of the girl's ear, Agrien moved away once again but this time to produce herself with that which looked like a thinner than paper piece of the said metal; it wasn't flexible, no, looking very delicate and something that could and would break under minimal pressure even. But it wouldn't receive much pressure, and instead simply actually serve as a her natural soft tissue over her eardrum.
  104. Slowly to that, Agrien moved it closer to introduce it inside her incision, holding it carefully with her own tools.
  105. (Agrien Vandroy)
  106. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  108. [00:16] Darroth slumps down in the chair and buries his face in his hands, trying to process the series of events that had occurred, the demon in the city, the fear that gripped him as it challenged him to a fight, the guilty sense of relief he felt as he escaped then followed by guilt as he realized he has left his friend behind, the worry as he returned to the scene with help, only to see his close friend and mentor battered and bloodied.
  109. (Darroth Brymenor)
  110. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  112. [00:17] Maria Masters says, "Agrien, I'd like to speak to you after you're done working."
  113. [00:18] Darroth Brymenor says, "maria"
  114. [00:18] Darroth Brymenor asks, "did Ashe make it back alright?"
  115. [00:18] Maria Masters says, "I believe so."
  116. [00:18] Darroth Brymenor says, "good"
  117. [00:18] Barca raised a hand- and the familiar rattle of chains lurched and clenched the man taut across the bed. "It's one thing if he had to replace your lens or do coronal repairs. He's excavating the rot from your eye. It looks pretty deep, so I wouldn't be too optimistic about keeping the eyeball though." said the Huntress, setting the surgery kit by the table as she flipped the runic switch by the door.
  119. A spray of mist filled the room. Harmless. A mere disinfectant. It evaporated just as suddenly as it came, drying instantly. A full cleansing once again, especially with the new arrivals.
  121. With a click she unfanned the tools, then stepped away to both remove her gauntlets and cleanse her hands. Then came a fresh application of gloves, and she worked once again.
  123. "Your face will be fine. I helped work on Robin's eye. If he doesn't look too ugly to you, you won't look too ugly either." A small chuckle. "Don't worry. You'll feel a bit of pressure, but there won't be any pain. Just remain calm and listen to my voice, okay? Barca leaned in, gazing intently at Andrew's hand as he motioned to begin.
  125. Of course, he had plenty of prior experience with treating trauma injuries, cuts, lacerations, and plenty more. He had the experience. He just needed the knowledge. And knowledge he gained in their short time together.
  126. (Barca Vandroy)
  127. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  129. [00:18] Darroth Brymenor says, "I don't know what'd i'd do if another person was injured by this"
  130. [00:19] Agrien Vandroy asks, "Did something happen, Maria?"
  131. [00:20] Maria Masters says, "No. I merely want to ask what prices you'd ask for supplies and enchantments."
  132. [00:20] Maria Masters says, "I am currently aiming for adamantite leggings and a blade to go with my chestplate, all enchanted for Agility. I even snagged a couple spare pieces of Blue Mercury."
  133. [00:24] Fulgur Pessulum whispers something.
  134. [00:25] Darroth Brymenor whispers something.
  135. [00:25] Darroth Brymenor whispers something.
  136. [00:27] Andrew noticed the man went to sleep the young boy pulled out a silver tray. He'd take the heated tweezers and slowly pull out any traces of debrief from the eyes. He'd also burn any traces of occult magic granted his own mana was strong enough,
  138. After a few moment passed he'd clear most of the gunk from the socket and too ka bit of disinfected to clear around the eye. Andrew then dropped the tweezers into a boy of water and disinfected.
  140. He'd take a few sets back and motion Barca over towards where he was standing "Alright I believe I cleaned it well and removed and burned most of that foul magic. I think all that's left is to repair what was done by one of those creatures out there."
  141. (Andrew Mercia)
  142. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  144. [00:28] Atlas bites down on the cloth, his arm tattoo glowing intensely, heating Barca's chains, Other than a slight grunt he doesn't make a sound,
  145. (Atlas Daromir)
  146. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  148. [00:28] Agrien Vandroy says, "Ah, of course Maria- But unfortunately we can't make leggings of adamantite, I'm afraid."
  149. [00:28] Agrien Vandroy says, "It's too heavy for the legs."
  150. [00:29] Maria Masters says, "Oh."
  151. [00:29] Maria Masters says, "Crap."
  152. [00:30] Maria Masters says, "...What's the price for a blade, then? I'll go and get the leather needed for leg protection after this."
  153. [00:31] Agrien Vandroy asks, "A mithril blade?"
  154. [00:31] Maria Masters says, "Oh."
  155. [00:31] Maria Masters asks, "There's no such thing as adamantite swords, either?"
  156. [00:31] Maria Masters says, "I'm not entirely sure that I can wield mithril."
  157. [00:32] Agrien Vandroy says, "No- Only Steel, Iron and Mithril; but I can make an adamantite staff instead, but...It wouldn't serve very well for swordfighting."
  158. [00:33] It was more tension than pain, but it was important to keep him awake just so they could gauge any sudden changes. Andrew's daring- and down right dangerous application of fire drew a sharp gasp from the Huntress, but her own familiarity with fire was approaching that of a tuned fire magi's, what with her cooking skills and her near decade of experience fighting against fire magi.
  160. With a closer inspection, however, she did notice it was practically spotless. But she decided to go with the more clinical approach, pulling out a mana filter from surgical case and setting it over the empty socket of his eye. As it began to thrum with energy, Barca spoke, explaining patiently the process.
  162. "In this case, we normally use a mana filter since it's a more consistent procedure. It helps minimize user-error and ensure a greater proportion of patients survive across all similar surgeries. The application of your own magic, however, is just as important. If you're faced in a situation where you have to work outside your expertise in magic, use these machines to streamline the process. It's the same reason why there are preset runes in all surgery kits, though an artificer can custom-fit it on site."
  163. (Barca Vandroy)
  164. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  166. [00:33] Maria Masters says, "Damn."
  167. [00:33] Barca Vandroy says, "Here. Take this. I've already converted it into an eye, but I need to measure his socket out first."
  168. [00:34] Barca hands out the ocular prosthetic to Andrew.
  169. (Barca Vandroy)
  170. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  172. [00:34] Maria Masters says, "...Or maybe I could wield one."
  173. [00:34] Maria Masters asks, "How much would a mithril blade cost, then?"
  174. [00:35] Agrien Vandroy says, "A Mithril blade would use 6 pieces of mithril so I would charge you 900 coins due to the price of each, if that's fair for you. "
  175. [00:35] Maria Masters says, "That's fair, however, I currently lack the funds for that."
  176. [00:36] Maria Masters says, "I guess I'll have to rest, then chop some more wood.."
  177. [00:36] Maria Masters says, "I hate woodcutting."
  178. [00:36] Agrien Vandroy says, "Please don't die while cutting wood."
  179. [00:36] Agrien Vandroy says, "Or come back without an arm."
  180. [00:36] Maria Masters says, "I'll try my best to avoid it."
  181. [00:40] Andrew nods he was going along with whatever worked best and what caused people less pain in the process. He'd take a little breather knowing that this was going to be on another level at the moment, but he mentally prepared himself for the work.
  183. "Alright we'll do what works the best and causes less pain for him. I don't like the fact that this keep happening repeatedly I feel we should hold a class on the demons we've seen.
  185. I feel like she should talk about their magic and ways to counter it while hold some training session to prepare people better when they encounter one.
  187. I'll even make a flyer for the class, but it's something that needs to be done weather or not if people want to accept it. We aren't even safe within the city anymore."
  189. Andrew was getting fed up with how everything was slowly starting to turn out, and he'd aim to fix it one step at a time.
  190. (Andrew Mercia)
  191. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  193. [00:41] Atlas breathes heavily, but more steadily, he could feel the doctors doing their jobs, he groggily reached out a hand, "Barca, are you there?" his words jumbled, barely coherent.
  194. (Atlas Daromir)
  195. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  197. [00:44] Darroth looks towards Andrew "yeah, that's a good idea" he says in agreement "we need to pretty much reorganize the magi that are willing to fight for the city and develop a method to combat the demons, as we are now I doubt we'll last much longer"
  198. (Darroth Brymenor)
  199. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  201. [00:44] Fulgur Pessulum says, "That's a good idea, doctor. These demons have the power to overrun this city. We have to stop them before we are all killed..."
  202. [00:50] "Yup." She was already holding out a length of measuring tape, at first gauging the ridge of his cheekbones and the distance it drew the yawning gap in between. Then even more inward- this time, with a length of mithril thread for sutures. It slithered along the edges, and with minute clarity, she could ascertain the curve of it across the hollow of the socket.
  204. It wouldn't even count as a tickle to the numbed muscles across Atlas' face.
  206. "Don't worry. Both of us are here. It's going pretty great- actually." She held out a hand, awaiting Andrew to hand the prosthetic eye back into her grasp. Once she took hold of it, she tilted the sheet of measurements up and studied them, all while idly gripping and adjusting the orb in her grip. It squished in, compressed, shifting into a wedge, like a slice of orange. But more condensed. Less ovular. At least not overly so.
  208. The had a vague idea of how his socket worked by the mesh-cagemold she had crafted with her thread. But it was mostly down to the minute details- he wouldn't want any unnecessary drag, and the difference in weight had to be considered too.
  210. Well.
  212. It'd be too much to hope for a perfect result.
  214. With her tweezers, she reached out, gingerly pinching a small nub of orchilacum to the damage optic core. Her own minute control over metal made the process microscopic- even, with filaments slithering away from the chip of orchilacum, threading in, and latching on like the spread of roots along the grain.
  216. Barca had quite literally sutured the clasp with her mind.
  218. She readied herself, drawing a deep breath- then holding it as she moved in with the prosthetic eye pinched between her tweezers. From one end to another she slipped it in, and she gave some gentle tugs to set it straight into the hollow while waiting for that inevitable click.
  220. "Ah. There." Click. The silence was broken.
  222. Gruesome, in it's own way, but surprisingly precise. Barca's gaze drew a tighter squint as she nipped a contact- s small film that could be applied to emulate the milky white of the sclera and the vibrant hues of his iris.
  224. Of course. Up close. One would notice the difference. But it wasn't so bad. The problem was whether or not he could see- but by the damage to his visual chord- it would probably be dim and misty at best. But it was something.
  225. (Barca Vandroy)
  226. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  228. [00:55] Andrew pulls his gloves off with a small sigh following it seems that everything worked out for the most part, and the man would be fine. Something inside Andrew made him believe that another person would come in here wounded from another damn demon.
  230. He wanted to help people though he didn't like seeing them return one after another hurt by the same creature. Andrew didn't his final clean up around the eye and called it a day.
  232. Hopefully Atlas losing an eye didn't hit him too hard, but if he was upset for a while Andrew could totally understand that whole heartedly.
  234. "It seems like we've done another good job" he said while shaking his head. "Hopefully nobody else gets hurt this hour or I might really lose my mind."
  235. (Andrew Mercia)
  236. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
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