
AltDes Mermaid/pirate AU 3

Aug 17th, 2014
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  1. [3/8/14 10:18:44 PM] Nark Nark: Desmond pressed against Altair's hand. "... You were angry... and I got angry. I don't know." He had a hard time putting words to it. Altair's hands had been on his throat and he just... "I just reacted."
  3. [3/8/14 10:23:57 PM] bb: Altair ran his hand up to the top of Desmond's skull, which was bald now, and then back down to the nape of his neck. He should just... what? Kill him? It'd be so easy. Mermen were dangerous and while Desmond wasn't any bigger than he'd been as a human, even his tail (Desmond with a /tail/ made Altair's chest hurt) was a bit stumpy, Altair knew mermen grew to be large. The territory alpha was three times bigger than most mermaids, the ones along the outer banks, were the size of large men, or twice the size they would have been as a human. Desmond was a runt of a merman now, but... he'd grow.
  5. He frowned, but moved his hand away from Desmond's neck. He couldn't. He'd threatened it, but he couldn't. He loved him. "I'm sorry," Altair said and leaned over to press his forehead to Desmond's. "I didn't know this would happen to you. I didn't mean for this," he said thickly.
  7. [3/8/14 10:34:43 PM] Nark Nark: Desmond didn't much like Altair's hand at the back of his neck, not when he felt that kind of turmoil from him. "I just don't look the same," he insisted.
  9. [3/8/14 10:37:54 PM] bb: "For now," Altair said. "But you have no idea Desmond. You're a... a merman. My kind regularly /culls/ mermen. I just want you to be as you were," he said miserably. "I don't want anything to happen to you," and he wrapped one arm around Desmond's big shoulders.
  11. [3/8/14 10:53:19 PM] Nark Nark: "No, I don't know. I don't know a thing about what is happening to me." Desmond looked down at his hands. "I don't know if I can go back, I just know that you hate this, and I have less control over what's happening to me than you do."
  13. [3/8/14 10:53:44 PM] bb: weh
  14. [3/8/14 10:53:50 PM] bb: sad OTP makes me sad
  15. [3/8/14 10:56:15 PM] bb: "I don't know either. I don't..." Altair sighed, but he was thinking. There /had/ to be a way to change this. There had to be a way to make Desmond Desmond again and not this merman. "One of my sisters might know," he said. "I could go find one, ask them."
  17. [3/8/14 11:10:05 PM] Nark Nark: Desmond grabbed Altair's hand. "Not without me, I just can't, I don't know why, I just can't be left somewhere." He didn't care about going back, or being human as much as he had before. Altair was more important, and though he could take care of himself, Desmond had nothing else.
  19. [3/8/14 11:11:28 PM] bb: Altair made a face, "All right," he said. "You can come. We're going to travel far," Altair said, "The closest hold where some of my sisters live is well more than a day's swim away."
  21. [3/8/14 11:32:18 PM] Nark Nark: He let go of Altair, and got a hold of himself. "I..." Desmond shook his head violently. "I'm sorry, there's something - it isn't me. Is that what you meant?"
  23. There was Altair that Desmond could feel, and himself, and then there was something else. It felt like something lurking just below him, hungry and huge, and unreasonable.
  25. bb: I'm still confused about what Des is saying
  27. Nark Nark: he'd talking about when alty was like 'well fuck you're a merman this is really bad' and des has been like 'idk how it's a bad thing ' and now he's like 'woah there's this thing that's like MYMERMAIDMYMERMAIDMINEMINEMINE'
  29. bb: "What?" Altair asked. "I don't... have experiance with mermen Desmond. I'm as clueless as you, unless you tell me what you mean."
  31. [3/8/14 11:53:55 PM] Nark Nark: Desmond shook his head uselessly, "It... feels like an animal." He shuddered, a full body kind of thing, eyes clear when he opened them again. It still weirded him out a little. He wasn't used to kind of having Altair in his head, and this other thing that had no name was just creepy.
  33. [3/8/14 11:57:36 PM] bb: "That is the ocean," Altair said, because he knew the feeling. But it was one he lived with, one he knew how to control, and one probably not as loud as Desmond's was now. "It is the urge to feed, and the urge to hunt," Altair looked at his shoulder where the bite Desmond had given him had already stopped bleeding. "When there's blood in the water it makes it harder to control. Its harder for mermen. They are so driven by more basic instinct, the siren song of the sea."
  35. [3/9/14 12:09:14 AM] Nark Nark: He blinked, pulling back some. "Okay. I can understand that," Desmond said. He could focus on Altair instead. It couldn't be that hard, could it? Ugh, it was just like the gill thing. So much thinking.
  37. [3/9/14 12:10:07 AM] bb: oh des
  38. [3/9/14 12:10:10 AM] bb: I forget
  39. [3/9/14 12:10:14 AM] bb: can mermen breathe air?
  40. [3/9/14 12:10:22 AM] bb: or are they strictly water breathers?
  42. [3/9/14 12:11:29 AM] Nark Nark: they can do air.
  43. [3/9/14 12:12:07 AM] Nark Nark: and I've been thinking about the legs thing. I'm still not sure because it'd be really funny to have Altair just nope out of the water and Des is like /flops uselessly in the surf
  45. [3/9/14 12:12:26 AM] bb: lols
  46. [3/9/14 12:12:38 AM] bb: maybe
  47. [3/9/14 12:12:42 AM] bb: they /can/ do legs
  48. [3/9/14 12:12:46 AM] bb: but they also have a tail
  49. [3/9/14 12:12:54 AM] bb: like they don't /look/ huiman out of the water
  50. [3/9/14 12:13:09 AM] bb: they basically look the same, only they have legs to walk around on
  52. [3/9/14 12:15:33 AM] Nark Nark: or maybe it's just legs and sharkskin and depending on mental state, shark head or mer head. because looking human is hard
  53. [3/9/14 12:15:48 AM] Nark Nark: they don't usually live long enough to figure that part out
  55. [3/9/14 12:16:18 AM] bb: Altair sighed and knew they had to go. They needed to find one of his sisters. Even if they didn't know, they'd know someone who did. They had to. He just hoped they didn't run into any mermen. They'd fight, and other than when an outlyer submitted to the alpha usually when mermen fought, it was for keeps. Scars were common, so was death. Thinking about Desmond dying made his chest tighten.
  57. "All right, we should go now," Altair said, "Try and keep up. I don't know how strong of a swimmer you are yet.”
  59. [3/9/14 12:16:47 AM] bb: so like
  61. [3/9/14 12:16:54 AM] Nark Nark: but maybe tail because they can just hit things with it
  62. [3/9/14 12:16:54 AM] Nark Nark: .
  64. [3/9/14 12:16:57 AM] bb: happy mermaid and happy merman = more human out of water
  66. [3/9/14 12:17:10 AM] Nark Nark: mhm
  68. [3/9/14 12:17:16 AM] bb: but I like the idea of them always having a tail
  69. [3/9/14 12:17:19 AM] bb: like no matter what
  71. [3/9/14 12:17:31 AM] Nark Nark: ok
  73. [3/9/14 12:17:33 AM] bb: like they can never go back to as they were
  74. [3/9/14 12:17:44 AM] bb: they can't even pretend like other mermaids
  76. [3/9/14 12:18:28 AM] Nark Nark: desmond's tail will fucking wag ok
  78. [3/9/14 12:18:35 AM] bb: well
  79. [3/9/14 12:18:37 AM] bb: duh
  80. [3/9/14 12:18:44 AM] bb: XD
  82. [3/9/14 12:29:57 AM] Nark Nark: Desmond nodded. He didn't know either, but he had been a pretty strong swimmer, at least by human standards. He felt a great deal stronger, but part of that could just be the change in his body, and that water was undeniably a better element for him now. "I think I can keep up," he said.
  84. [3/9/14 12:32:29 AM] bb: Altair made himself smile, because he knew Desmond was trying. He also doubted Desmond would be able to keep up for long. Mermaids could swim for hours and hours before tiering, and while Desmond was a strong swimmer, even he was exahausted after even just a few hours. "Follow me," he said before swimming off, checking his speed slightly so he didn't out swim Desmond by accident/
  86. [3/9/14 12:44:39 AM] Nark Nark: His body knew how to swim with long, low energy strokes, so Desmond just let it move. Desmond sped up a bit to get a little closer to Altair. He did tire before Altair did, but he kept moving.
  88. [3/9/14 12:45:21 AM] bb: so...
  89. [3/9/14 12:45:24 AM] bb: what now?
  91. [3/9/14 12:49:04 AM] Nark Nark: skip to when they find someone who knows?
  93. [3/9/14 12:49:15 AM] bb: who's that gonna be?
  95. [3/9/14 12:49:25 AM] Nark Nark: des will be like 'need to eat' all the fucking time tho
  96. [3/9/14 12:49:34 AM] Nark Nark: idk we threw around the idea of ziio so...
  98. [3/9/14 12:49:45 AM] bb: hmmm
  99. [3/9/14 12:49:49 AM] bb: okay
  100. [3/9/14 12:49:52 AM] bb: Altair
  101. [3/9/14 12:49:56 AM] bb: teaching Desmond to hunt
  102. [3/9/14 12:50:01 AM] bb: would be interesting
  103. [3/9/14 12:50:02 AM] bb: y/n?
  105. [3/9/14 12:50:08 AM] Nark Nark: i think so
  107. [3/9/14 12:50:18 AM] bb: c:
  108. [3/9/14 12:52:59 AM] bb: The sun was nearly its apex when Altair slowed and stopped. "We're resting," he said, "and sleeping," because no matter how fast he swam, his sisters were awake at night. No one would help him if he showed up in the middle of the day. "Come," he beckoned Desmond down to several large coral heads they could sleep under so the ocean didn't carry them where they didn't want to go.
  110. [3/9/14 1:02:17 AM] Nark Nark: Desmond sank down to Altair, pretty ready to rest. His tail laid right up along Altair's. Though it was shorter than the mermaid's, his fin was taller. He couldn't really be on his back with his dorsal fin, and wriggled a bit on his side until he was comfortable. The distinct strangeness of the whole thing was lost on him; he was too tired to really deal with it.
  112. [3/9/14 1:05:47 AM] bb: Altair slept on his stomach and was looking at Desmond while he settled down next to him. The confusion and alien he'd been feeling all day was suddenly lessoned when Desmond drifted off. He was still confused, still upset, but less so now it seemed. He reached over and gently caressed Desmond's cheek with his knuckles, frowning. Then he let his hand drop and tried to get some rest so he'd be up for swimming and... shit they'd have to eat before long. Altair hadn't eaten all day, and today, he slept hungry.
  114. [3/9/14 1:17:13 AM] Nark Nark: He was roused by his stomach, and found himself half burrowed against Altair. Desmond made a rumbling sound in his chest, resting his chin against Altair's shoulder. He couldn't really bring himself to rouse him. Afterall, he'd never seen Altair asleep like this before. When he was too hungry to just sit and watch him, Desmond nudged him.
  116. "Altair. Altair, I'm hungry." Desmond resorted to pushing his face against the side of Altair's head. He hadn't even noticed the nighttime sea yet.
  118. [3/9/14 1:18:28 AM] bb: omg
  119. [3/9/14 1:18:30 AM] bb: Des
  120. [3/9/14 1:18:32 AM] bb: is basically
  121. [3/9/14 1:18:36 AM] bb: like a puppy
  123. [3/9/14 1:18:57 AM] Nark Nark: a large, shark puppy
  125. [3/9/14 1:19:01 AM] bb: YES!
  126. [3/9/14 1:19:06 AM] bb: SHARK PUPPY :DDDD
  128. [3/9/14 1:19:58 AM] Nark Nark: spoiler that's what nice mermen are like with their mermaids
  130. [3/9/14 1:20:07 AM] bb: awww
  131. [3/9/14 1:20:11 AM] bb: yes c:
  132. [3/9/14 1:21:32 AM] bb: Altair grunted and whined in his throat, not wanting to get up. Then his stomach butted in and told him to get up and eat. "Hungry?" he asked and as soon as he was awake the hunger felt compounded and like he could /feel/ how hungry Desmond was. Altair's stomach growled and he finally opened his eyes. The sun was setting, the reef was starting to get dark. Perfect time to find breakfast.
  134. [3/9/14 1:28:29 AM] Nark Nark: Desmond slipped out from under the coral, stretching himself out so his spine popped and cracked. He looked around, and then back at Altair. "I guess this is going to be way different from what I'm used to?"
  136. [3/9/14 1:30:18 AM] bb: "Yes," Altair said, crawling out onto some sandy area. "Fish are most active at dawn, and dusk. That is the best time to hunt, and feed," he said. Then he looked over Desmond. "I don't foresee you doing much other than scaring fish away, so watch me," he said.
  138. [3/9/14 1:30:27 AM] bb: for some reason
  139. [3/9/14 1:30:30 AM] bb: I imagine mermen
  140. [3/9/14 1:30:35 AM] bb: are AWFUL hunters
  141. [3/9/14 1:30:47 AM] bb: and rely heavily on their mates to make sure theyt don't just starve to death
  142. [3/9/14 11:43:03 PM] bb: so
  143. [3/9/14 11:43:05 PM] bb: Des and Alty
  144. [3/9/14 11:43:08 PM] bb: should totally
  145. [3/9/14 11:43:09 PM] bb: like
  146. [3/9/14 11:43:15 PM] bb: not be able to find any mermaids
  147. [3/9/14 11:43:25 PM] bb: like everywhere they go that Altair thinks they'll be
  148. [3/9/14 11:43:26 PM] bb: nope
  149. [3/9/14 11:43:44 PM] bb: and then by the time they DO find them
  150. [3/9/14 11:43:55 PM] bb: Altair is like 'you know, I'm kinda okay with this. Are you okay with this?'
  152. [3/9/14 11:44:13 PM] Nark Nark: omg
  153. [3/9/14 11:44:22 PM] Nark Nark: you think they'd all be like
  155. [3/9/14 11:44:24 PM] bb: AH!
  157. [3/9/14 11:44:28 PM] Nark Nark: fuck there's a merman i'm out
  159. [3/9/14 11:44:30 PM] bb: PURPLE BIRD THING!
  160. [3/9/14 11:44:33 PM] bb: lols
  161. [3/9/14 11:44:36 PM] bb: probably
  162. [3/9/14 11:44:49 PM] bb: cause mermen are VERY territorial
  163. [3/9/14 11:45:06 PM] bb: the only time mermen get together is when I new one has to submit before the alpha
  165. [3/9/14 11:45:17 PM] Nark Nark: right now Desmond's territory is literally Altair and himself. It hasn't occurred to him that he has anything else
  167. [3/9/14 11:45:20 PM] bb: and they aren't too keen on other mermaids
  169. [3/9/14 11:45:21 PM] Nark Nark: or can take anything else.
  171. [3/9/14 11:45:28 PM] bb: lol
  172. [3/9/14 11:45:51 PM] bb: most young merman never get more than a slice of the alpha's territory
  173. [3/9/14 11:45:53 PM] bb: and their mate
  174. [3/9/14 11:46:03 PM] bb: sometimes other mermaids will come along and want to mate with them
  175. [3/9/14 11:46:27 PM] bb: but Des couldn't try to hold /real/ territory until he's older and bigger
  177. [3/9/14 11:46:39 PM] Nark Nark: no
  178. [3/9/14 11:46:43 PM] Nark Nark: but he's kind of just like
  179. [3/9/14 11:46:49 PM] Nark Nark: alty n me yeaaaa
  181. [3/9/14 11:47:10 PM] bb: yeah XD
  182. [3/9/14 11:49:11 PM] bb: also its ur turn
  184. [3/9/14 11:59:09 PM] Nark Nark: Desmond moved out of his way, tail flicking slowly. He really was just curious, not that he hadn't been before, but there was nothing other than learning about Altair for him to do.
  186. [3/10/14 12:04:56 AM] bb: Altair shook himself before scenting the water. He smelled no blood but he could smell a sick dolphin. But they were too far away to get to easily. And Altair was too hungry to fight a dolphin pod for one of their own. But with Desmond... no. Bad idea. Desmond had no idea how to hunt dolphins.
  188. He started to swim away, and knew Desmond would follow. Sharks were also about and Altair contemplated them. Usually he didn't hunt sharks, they could be dangerous. But he was hungry enough to eat one right now. He wanted fish though. Fish swam away as they neared, but didn't do so in any great hurry since Altair was relaxed and gave them no reason to think he was hunting. He'd have to feed Desmond, and he had no idea how much mermen ate. He assumed it was quite a bit. He started to rethink his stance on that dolphin, or one of the reef sharks.
  190. While swimming Altair spun onto his back to look behind him, Desmond swimming several feet back. "How about shark?" he asked. He'd need Desmond's help if he went after a shark.
  192. [3/10/14 12:20:46 AM] Nark Nark: Desmond tipped his head. "What do I have to do?" He sped up to move closer to Altair, looking around.
  194. [3/10/14 12:26:37 AM] bb: Altair swam a circle back around to him and pointed, "That's a silver fin," he said, pointing at a white tip reef shark. "The best way to catch a shark is to come up under it and grab it by the gills. It'll thrash, but you need to hold on. Once you have it by the gills it'll be easy for me to kill. Think you can do that?" he asked.
  196. [3/10/14 12:38:32 AM] Nark Nark: you think sharks are always chill with mermaids and mermen
  198. [3/10/14 12:38:48 AM] bb: i think they normally p chill
  199. [3/10/14 12:38:54 AM] bb: they nboth predators
  200. [3/10/14 12:38:59 AM] bb: so they don't ttack each other
  201. [3/10/14 12:39:10 AM] bb: sorry for texty omg I'nm laying down
  202. [3/10/14 12:55:32 AM] bb: This message has been removed.
  204. [3/10/14 12:56:06 AM] Nark Nark: Desmond nodded. He wouldn't usually consider approaching a shark that was even half his size, but like this, the sharks didn't even react to him. They didn't leave much space beneath them as they circled the reef. And... he had the stupid urge to play with them, even though he'd never thought a shark might be... playful.
  206. He swam with them, watching them move, and their route. Desmond twisted in the water and struck almost before he was aware of what he was doing. Apparently he was too hungry to let the opportunity pass.
  208. His claws dug into the reef shark's hide, and when he couldn't get under it, rolled it and jammed his fingers into its gills. The whole thing was far from graceful.
  210. [3/10/14 1:03:00 AM] bb: Before the shark could thrash away Altair was there with a rock the size of Desmond's fist. He smashed it against the shark's head several times and his small hand easily fit into the same space as Desmond's, digging his claws into the shark's gils and ripping them apart. The shark thrashed once more and then was dead, gushing blood.
  212. "Well, I've seen worse," Altair said dismissivley and dragged the shark to the sea floor. More sharks circled, but didn't get near. They knew better than to try and steal from a mermaid while they were feeding. "C'mon," he beckoned and put the shark on the sand, belly up. He pressed his tail onto it so it wouldn't move. "You can't eat shark skin... well, you can, but you won't poop right for a week if you do," Altair said and dug his claws into the belly of the shark.
  214. Blood erupted from the shark's guts. Altair pulled out some organs. "You can't eat this, or this," he showed them to Desmond only briefly before throwing them away and let the other sharks get them. They were sqwabbled over and gobbled up by the sharks above. "Or this. And everything else but the brain is fine to eat," and Altair pulled out the shark's huge liver and heart. He only wanted those parts. They would keep him fed for hours. And they were the best parts for him to eat so he'd be healthy while carrying his child.
  216. [3/10/14 1:13:20 AM] Nark Nark: His aversion was obvious the moment Altair started digging into it and tearing organs out. Then the blood got to him, and he lunged at the carcass, tearing into the vaguele pinkish meat. Honestly, the skin was just annoying to chew, so he did avoid it like Altair had mentioned, but it didn't look like he'd stop until everything remotely edible was picked from the reef shark.
  218. [3/10/14 1:15:27 AM] bb: .....
  219. [3/10/14 1:15:31 AM] bb: why is my brain like
  220. [3/10/14 1:15:43 AM] bb: 'after Des eats he's gonna wanna bang' and Altair is so 'NOPE!' about it
  221. [3/10/14 1:16:05 AM] bb: cause Des is feeling all the mermen things super intense rn and doesn't know how to really... control himself
  223. [3/10/14 1:16:35 AM] Nark Nark: dude he probably... yeah
  225. [3/10/14 1:19:20 AM] bb: Altair moved away from Desmond. He knew better than to get between a merman and his food, even with just his limited experience with them. Instead he hung back a few feet and ate his own meal. He finished far before Desmond did, so he just hung around. He didn't want to make any sudden moves because he knew what a feeding frenzy looked like. He still wasn't sure if Desmond would hurt him, every merman he'd ever met starting with his step father had at least implied violence towards him. Not like he could just leave Desmond alone here though. So he just laid down and closed his eyes a bit. He'd doze until Desmond was done since he doubted Desmond would even remember he was there until he was done so long as he didn't remind the merman he was there.
  227. Desmond wiped his mouth with the back of his hand, floating away from the corpse. He felt full and happy, and enjoyed the simple pleasure for a bit. Altair was always a good, nice thing, too. Except for when he was angry and got mean, but he wasn't angry, he was sleeping. Kind of.
  229. He swam over to Altair, near silent. Desmond bumped against him, nuzzling his shoulder. Each of his long exhales sent warmer water against Altair's back from his gill slits. With his mouth open, Desmond replaced the taste and smell of his meal with Altair's scent. His fingers lightly traced Altair's figure.
  231. [3/10/14 1:58:00 AM] bb: Altair made a low whine in the back of his throat and shifted a bit. Then he yawned widely and stretched, totally not thinking about where or who he was with. He opened his eyes blearily and came face to face with some of Desmond's rough skin. "Desmond?" he asked sleepily, but was waking quickly. He was full and lethargic still and usually he napped after a big meal like that shark liver and heart. Desmond seemed to be sniffing him, and touching him, and his brain wasn't on enough to make him stop right yet.
  233. [3/10/14 2:03:51 AM] Nark Nark: Desmond's hands moved back up and he pressed kisses against the back of his neck. "Mmmm." He draped himself over Altair, tail twisting against his. Desmond liked how that felt, but he was content enough to just lie there on top of him, feeling Altair's breath in the water.
  235. For all the times he couldn't just touch and hold Altair, he seemed to be determined to make up for that now.
  237. [3/10/14 2:05:38 AM] bb: Altair wiggled a little, "Des-- what are you doing?" he only sort of complained though felt utterly calm and relaxed. A stark difference from earlier which was confused, hurt, maybe a bit angry, and afraid.
  239. [3/10/14 2:13:29 AM] Nark Nark: His hips moved, sort of a slow half grind. "Nothing." Altair smelled nice, and he really liked him, and Desmond was maybe a little horny. He let out a breath through his mouth, then smiled and kissed him again.
  241. [3/10/14 2:15:06 AM] bb: "It better be nothing," Altair grumbled even as Desmond kissed his face, neck and shoulders. He didn't try and get out from under Desmond, but he didn't feel the urge to. He felt surprisingly safe right where he was. He was half sure it was only cause he'd just woken up.
  243. [3/10/14 2:24:13 AM] Nark Nark: Desmond hooked his hands together under Altair's stomach, grinding against him again. His pelvic fins flared out a bit. He remembered that night Altair took him out to see the coral bloom in the full moon, and his thoughts went right to what it would be like to fuck him in the mist of polyps on a clear night. A shudder rippled down his body.
  245. His tail wasn't quite long enough to coil with Altair's, so it just pressed against his.
  247. [3/10/14 2:24:30 AM] Nark Nark: honestly tho Altair would really only be like 'nop' because he knows it takes for EVER for mermaids to fuck
  249. [3/10/14 2:28:17 AM] bb: Now Altair did squirm like he wanted to get away. "Desmond," he said sternly, "No," and he managed to get out from under Desmond partially, but Desmond did still have his arms around his middle.
  250. [3/10/14 2:38:59 AM] bb: omg
  251. [3/10/14 2:39:16 AM] bb: so I just had a thopught
  252. [3/10/14 2:39:18 AM] bb: of like
  253. [3/10/14 2:39:33 AM] bb: so mermen can get hella needy/horny after a big feed
  254. [3/10/14 2:39:39 AM] bb: and my brain was like
  255. [3/10/14 2:40:13 AM] bb: 'they eat, and then they fuck and it takes so long for mermaids to finish all their bullshit that by the time they're done they need to eat again'
  256. [3/10/14 2:40:15 AM] bb: and like
  257. [3/10/14 2:40:18 AM] bb: perpetually
  258. [3/10/14 2:40:20 AM] bb: XD
  259. [3/10/14 2:40:31 AM] bb: I can see some mermen totally wearing their mates out like that
  260. [3/10/14 2:40:48 AM] bb: and just like until the mermaid is so exhausted she just falls asleep
  261. [3/10/14 2:40:49 AM] bb: XD
  263. [3/10/14 2:41:17 AM] Nark Nark: The merman'll pass out too. It's more like eat with a 50/50 chance of fuck or sleep after.
  265. [3/10/14 2:42:12 AM] bb: lols yea
  267. [3/10/14 2:42:12 AM] Nark Nark: Desmond made this forlorn kind of grumbling noise, arms clenching. Altair had to say no a second time to get Desmond to let go. He still grumbled, and got a bit of a slap from Altair's tail when he swam completely out from under him. "Sorry," he mumbled.
  269. [3/10/14 2:44:19 AM] bb: Altair checked himself over briefly and smoothed his hand across his gills lightly, since he had been lying on sand, but he felt no grit. "You don't even know how mermaids have sex, Desmond," Altair said. "It isn't like humans," and the thought of having sex with a merman, even Desmond, made Altair's stomach roll. He didn't want to do it.
  271. [3/10/14 2:50:11 AM] Nark Nark: "Well... this whole half seems to get it pretty well." Desmond gestured at his tail with both hands. He wasn't out of the internal sheathe, but the clasping fins at either side of his pelvis were still out. Thinking about it, he didn't feel like he was hard, or that he really needed to get off, it just felt good when he was moving over Altair.
  273. He picked up Altair's aversion to the idea, and it felt like a punch to the gut. He didn't even want to have sex with him like this. Desmond looked away. "Sorry," he said again, "we should probably keep moving, right?"
  275. [3/10/14 2:50:44 AM] bb: awww bby
  276. [3/10/14 2:52:16 AM] bb: Altair looked up to the surface. The sun was totally gone and just the moon was out. "Yes," he said, "hopefully we'll find my sisters before the sun comes up, or tomorrow night," he grimaced. "C'mon, we're wasting moonlight," and he arced up over the top of the coral heads, away from Desmond, not waiting for him to follow.
  277. [3/10/14 2:58:59 AM] bb: so what next?
  279. [3/10/14 3:03:33 AM] Nark Nark: Desmond surged after Altair, but he kept distance from him, not sure what to do about the feelings coming off of him. It was better when he had no idea exactly how Altair felt. Somehow it was just an infinitely worse feeling of anxiety.
  281. He got to sleep next to Altair when morning threatened to show the sun, or rather, Desmond convinced Altair with an unholy amount of pleading to let him sleep pressed up against Altair's side. He knew Altair was getting stressed about not finding any sisters. Less of it was stress about him, and more the strange lack of mermaid company the next night.
  283. [3/10/14 3:03:47 AM] Nark Nark: idk call that two or three nights?
  285. [3/10/14 3:04:27 AM] bb: what?
  287. [3/10/14 3:08:18 AM] Nark Nark: of them just
  288. [3/10/14 3:08:24 AM] Nark Nark: looking?
  290. [3/10/14 9:33:41 PM] bb: someone asked for pirate/mermaid altmal
  291. [3/10/14 9:33:57 PM] bb: and I was just '... I AM LITERALLY WRITING THAT RIGHT NOW WITH A DIFFERENT PAIRING WAT: :Y'
  293. [3/10/14 9:34:30 PM] Nark Nark: lol
  294. [3/10/14 9:34:38 PM] Nark Nark: you wrote- well that wasnt pirates
  296. [3/10/14 9:34:52 PM] bb: lols yeah
  298. [3/10/14 9:34:57 PM] Nark Nark: but jeweler/fine smithy altair was cute as fuck tho
  300. [3/10/14 9:35:07 PM] bb: omg yeah :D
  302. [3/10/14 9:50:33 PM] Nark Nark: the fuck is it a spring
  304. [3/10/14 9:50:34 PM] bb: I know idk what we were gonna do
  306. [3/10/14 9:50:35 PM] Nark Nark: like
  307. [3/10/14 9:50:35 PM] Nark Nark: a well
  308. [3/10/14 9:50:36 PM] Nark Nark: a fountain
  309. [3/10/14 9:50:38 PM] Nark Nark: a spring
  311. [3/10/14 9:50:39 PM] bb: yeap!
  312. [3/10/14 9:50:40 PM] bb: :D
  314. [3/10/14 9:50:46 PM] Nark Nark: from deep within the eart
  315. [3/10/14 9:50:49 PM] Nark Nark: no mermaid no
  317. [3/10/14 9:50:53 PM] bb: a spring of mermaids
  318. [3/10/14 9:51:06 PM] bb: and what were we gonna do I forgot?
  320. [3/10/14 9:51:23 PM] Nark Nark:
  322. [3/10/14 9:51:34 PM] bb: lols
  323. [3/10/14 9:51:36 PM] bb: fucking
  324. [3/10/14 9:51:36 PM] bb: idiot
  326. [3/10/14 9:51:37 PM] Nark Nark: uh it was gonna be
  327. [3/10/14 9:51:48 PM] Nark Nark: a few days and they aint found shit
  328. [3/10/14 9:51:52 PM] Nark Nark: but desmond's just like
  329. [3/10/14 9:51:59 PM] Nark Nark: sharkpuppy merman thing
  331. [3/10/14 9:52:01 PM] bb: so just time skip?
  333. [3/10/14 9:52:13 PM] Nark Nark: and alty's like ..... :I this ain't so bad aside from the always hungry thing
  335. [3/10/14 9:52:30 PM] bb: lols
  336. [3/10/14 9:52:45 PM] bb: omg
  337. [3/10/14 9:52:51 PM] bb: Altair is gonna be all panicky
  338. [3/10/14 9:52:56 PM] bb: cause they can't find any mermaids
  339. [3/10/14 9:53:05 PM] bb: and of course its making Des upset too
  340. [3/10/14 9:53:10 PM] bb: so he has to kinda like
  341. [3/10/14 9:53:14 PM] bb: calm Altair down ouo
  342. [3/10/14 9:53:50 PM] bb: and like how many days?
  344. [3/10/14 10:00:03 PM] Nark Nark: two or three? more?
  346. [3/10/14 10:00:08 PM] bb: idk pick
  348. [3/10/14 10:04:00 PM] Nark Nark: ...three
  350. [3/10/14 10:04:09 PM] bb: okay
  351. [3/10/14 10:08:21 PM] bb: After three days Altair was more than starting to worry. He was doing his best not to panic, but he was. While mermaids didn't live terribly close together, they didn't live so far apart that they couldn't reach each other within a day or so's swim. But after three and nearly four days, they hadn't found a single one. Everywhere Altair was /sure/ he'd find his sisters was just... empty. No sign of t hem anywhere.
  353. The sun was coming up when Altair decided to stop. He'd need to force himself to sleep tonight since as it was he'd slept horribly the last few. He just kept thinking he'd wake up half eaten or that Desmond would be... different. Angrier, monsterous, like sometimes mermen could become for reasons even he didn't know. It was hard on his sleeping and his ability to focus or stay hopeful they'd find his sisters the next night.
  355. He curled up under a rocky overhang that was too big for Desmond to wedge under with him. He just... wanted to be alone. But it had become so hard to feel alone over the past few days with Desmond so near all the time.
  357. [3/10/14 10:18:10 PM] Nark Nark: ugh fuck sorry i was thinking about hands
  359. [3/10/14 10:18:15 PM] bb: lol
  360. [3/10/14 10:18:18 PM] bb: I'm
  361. [3/10/14 10:18:22 PM] bb: thinking about robots
  363. [3/10/14 10:19:14 PM] Nark Nark: ngl it was mostly altair's piano hands and malik's stubby hands no pun intended
  365. [3/10/14 10:19:24 PM] bb: omg
  367. [3/10/14 10:19:25 PM] Nark Nark: i dont care what people say
  369. [3/10/14 10:19:27 PM] bb: yesssssss
  371. [3/10/14 10:19:36 PM] Nark Nark: malik has hands like rauf. fingers are shorter than his palm
  373. [3/10/14 10:19:40 PM] bb: lols
  374. [3/10/14 10:19:44 PM] bb: yeah
  375. [3/10/14 10:19:47 PM] bb: dawrf hands
  377. [3/10/14 10:19:48 PM] Nark Nark: or had hands
  379. [3/10/14 10:19:48 PM] bb: XD
  381. [3/10/14 10:19:51 PM] Nark Nark: sincehe's missing one
  383. [3/10/14 10:20:00 PM] bb: yeah
  384. [3/10/14 10:20:08 PM] bb: Altair has longf fingers
  385. [3/10/14 10:20:11 PM] bb: that are nearlyu
  386. [3/10/14 10:20:14 PM] bb: creepy in length
  388. [3/10/14 10:26:56 PM] Nark Nark: Desmond circled over the small space, looking more distressed than he was about not being able to get close to Altair. He knew he wanted space, and moved away. He had no idea where they were, and it didn't look like the sea floor rose into islands anywhere near. A few days ago he might have actually fit down there with Altair.
  390. He didn't like it when Altair was stressed out and worried, but Altair didn't let him do anything about it. Or Desmond just made it worse. There was a similar overhang that he could fit under, and he did, mindful of his dorsal fin.
  392. [3/10/14 10:33:28 PM] bb: Altair was a wreck that night, while the sun was up, and he kept thrashing in his sleep. He couldn't calm down, he couldn't relax. He didn't ever remember having nightmares before, but he did now. One was so bad it woke him and he darted out of the overhang straight to the surface. He breached, and gasped down giant lungfuls of air. He ran his hands over his head several times, trembling, but he couldn't remember what his nightmare had been about. He remembered.... nothing. He tried but came up empty.
  394. He stuck his head down under the water, a sudden fear flashing through him, but saw nothing. Shakily he sank back into the sea, for one of the first times in his life feeling afraid in his environment. He found Desmond under his overhang some feet away. The merman was still sleeping and Altair's heart ached all over. He'd grown even in just the past four days. There was nothing physical of the sailor Altair had fallen in love with in Desmond now. He sat on the sand and wished he could cry.
  396. [3/10/14 10:42:52 PM] bb: Des wake up and comfort your... man
  397. [3/10/14 10:42:55 PM] bb: I guess
  398. [3/10/14 10:43:01 PM] bb: XD
  399. [3/10/14 10:47:15 PM] bb:
  400. [3/10/14 10:47:17 PM] bb:
  402. [3/10/14 10:56:24 PM] Nark Nark: Desmond was hit with Altair's emotions before he even woke up completely, and curled up tighter, hoping that maybe he could let it go. It didn't, and he pushed himself out. He shook the sand from his chest and stomach, and swam over to Altair. As usual, he met him with a nudge, gently bumping his forehead against Altair, follwed by a mermaid's greeting kiss. Mostly so Altair would know it was him, which was what he figured Altair kept worrying about.
  404. [3/10/14 11:00:30 PM] bb: Normally when Desmond kissed him good morning, Altair didn't respond. It was automatic, and more like a human handshake than anything. This time though when Desmond kissed him he grabbed the merman and kissed him back. He just wanted his Desmond, that was all. He just... wanted him and he was so stressed out and scared that he was starting to want it any way he could get. Even if he did have to kiss Desmond's new mouth which was elongated a bit into a blunt muzzle.
  406. "I'm sorry," Altair told him, pressing his forehead against Desmond's. He still wanted to cry. He wished this had never happened. He wished he didn't care so much. But he did. He did and he wished he didn't.
  407. [3/10/14 11:09:56 PM] bb: omg
  408. [3/10/14 11:09:58 PM] bb: that kid
  409. [3/10/14 11:10:01 PM] bb: dancing to gaga
  410. [3/10/14 11:10:03 PM] bb: I'm dead
  412. [3/10/14 11:20:38 PM] Nark Nark: He blinked, surprised, and almost pained, but the kiss made him feel just the tiniest bit better. "What... were you afraid of earlier?" Desmond still nuzzled against him, and wrapped Altair up in his arms.
  414. There were still things about him that stayed the same. His scars were all there, and the one Altair had given him. His hands were still large, his fingers weren't long or slim like Altair's, and still bore callouses from working on the Jackdaw. The calmer he was - and by association, Altair - the more like Desmond he looked. It wouldn't be close to how he'd been as a human, but less like a shark monster.
  416. [3/10/14 11:21:46 PM] bb: fucking
  417. [3/10/14 11:21:53 PM] bb: toy with my heart some why don't you UHG
  418. [3/10/14 11:22:19 PM] bb: also jfc I should really just stop the pretense of saying I'm playing Altair at this point
  419. [3/10/14 11:23:43 PM] bb: Altair pressed against him, because his fuck up or not Desmond was still there for him. He didn't say anything for a few moments, just wanting to be comforted. "You," he finally said. "I'm sorry Desmond. I'm so, so sorry for this," he said rather miserably.
  421. [3/10/14 11:27:15 PM] Nark Nark: shrugs
  422. [3/10/14 11:37:56 PM] Nark Nark: Desmond opened his mouth, then closed it and hugged Altair even tighter. He was hanging onto himself pretty well, he thought. Sometimes he slipped up when he got carried away with eating, but other than that... and trying to convince Altair into sex almost every night afterwards, he'd been as Desmond as Desmond-turned-merman could be without really knowing what he was doing.
  424. He just shook his head. "I don't want to scare you." He wanted it to be okay, the whole 'them' thing. Desmond still just wanted to be with Altair more than anything. Most of the sentiment, he'd discovered came from turning into a merman, and led to a bunch of other things he wasn't sure about, but the Jackdaw was fine without him. It had been fine before him, and would be fine without once more. "I just wanted to come with you." Selfishly, because he didn't want Altair to go without him.
  426. [3/10/14 11:38:44 PM] bb: uuuuuuhg my heart
  427. [3/10/14 11:38:46 PM] bb: my otp
  428. [3/10/14 11:38:46 PM] bb: whyyy
  429. [3/10/14 11:38:57 PM] bb: why do we always make it sad Mark?
  431. [3/10/14 11:41:31 PM] Nark Nark: becausee i'm a dick
  432. [3/10/14 11:41:36 PM] Nark Nark: also i think im going to go to sleep
  434. [3/10/14 11:41:36 PM] bb: YEAH YOU ARE
  436. [3/10/14 11:41:40 PM] Nark Nark: i just passed out for a bit there
  438. [3/10/14 11:50:44 PM] bb: :T
  439. [3/10/14 11:51:41 PM] bb: This message has been removed.
  440. [3/10/14 11:55:33 PM] bb: "I know," Altair said softly. "I know," and he really did. He could feel Desmond and knew all he wanted was for him to be okay. But he didn't know if he could be. He should have just left after that time on the beach, his curiosity mostly satisfied, and his desires and needs definitly satisfied. But instead he'd stayed. He pressed against Desmond's big chest and tried to just deal with what he had. He still had Desmond and he still loved him. He breathed deep and put his ear against Desmond's breast and was comforted by the beat of his heart. That hadn't changed, Desmond's heartbeat was still a bit slower than his.
  442. [3/11/14 12:10:39 AM] Nark Nark: Desmond's chest rumbled quietly. "I thought you'd feel better. I didn't know this would happen... And I don't have a ship, I can't be your jolly sailor bold anymore." Though it wasn't his ship, he certainly wasn't a sailor, not like this.
  444. [3/11/14 12:11:36 AM] bb: weh
  445. [3/11/14 12:11:43 AM] bb: so I am really emotional right now
  446. [3/11/14 12:11:55 AM] bb: and remember how I said I cried cause of wind feels yesterday
  447. [3/11/14 12:12:05 AM] bb: well I fucking cried about altmal feels today
  449. [3/11/14 12:12:19 AM] bb: GOD DAMNIT MARK!!!
  451. [3/11/14 12:16:02 AM] Nark Nark: not my fault
  452. [3/11/14 12:16:03 AM] Nark Nark: well it is
  453. [3/11/14 12:16:04 AM] Nark Nark: but no
  455. [3/11/14 12:22:55 AM] bb: Altair made a pained noise. "Don't say that," he said. "Don't say that we don't know you can't..." his voice caught a second, "you can't go back to the way you were," and he burrowed hie head in Desmond's chest. "At least you still aren't on that damn ship though," he said, voice tightening. "He would have killed you. He would have," he said softly, sadly.
  457. [3/11/14 12:30:24 AM] Nark Nark: "But he's just like-" Desmond pulled Altair away from himself. "They're afraid of me." He pushed off from the sandy floor, drawing water over his tongue. "You said it yourself, you were afraid of me, you know me, and you were still afraid." Desmond swam back to Altair, and pulled him away from the sand.
  459. [3/11/14 12:35:05 AM] bb: "i don't want to kill you," Altair said, "maybe... when I was angry I thought about it for an instant. But you dead is worse than you like this. I just want you back to the way you were," he swallowed, "and probably far away from me." Because none of this wouldn't have happened if Altair had never shown up. He didn't know what was worse, not knowing Desmond, or knowing he'd been part of the reason this had happened.
  461. He twisted out of Desmond's grip. "I'm sorry I love you," he said, because some part of him knew that that was why this had happened. Because he fell in love with a human. "I didn't mean to turn you into a monster."
  463. [3/11/14 12:43:38 AM] Nark Nark: "I mean your sisters. They're afraid of me." Desmond frowned when Altair pulled away. His fingers grasped at empty water before falling back to his sides. "If I'm not nearby... or in the water... They won't avoid you."
  464. [3/11/14 12:43:47 AM] Nark Nark: see he's not dumb
  466. [3/11/14 12:44:12 AM] bb: ah and Altair is so wrapped up he didn't even think that
  467. [3/11/14 12:46:37 AM] bb: Altair felt cool realization wash over him. Of course. That was why he couldn't find any of his sisters. They were afraid of Desmond just like Altair was. Desmond was a merman, and most mermaids avoided them. It was better for their continued living and health. "I didn't even think of that," he admitted. He rubbed his forehead. "I've just been so stressed out I didn't even think of what you'd look like to them. Of course they're avoiding us."
  469. [3/11/14 12:52:10 AM] Nark Nark: "Where do I go...? That's the problem." Desmond still had no idea where they were, and recognized nothing. And it was daytime, so he wouldn't be able to see any stars. Again, he was pretty useless pretty quickly.
  471. [3/11/14 12:52:25 AM] bb: dude
  472. [3/11/14 12:52:27 AM] bb: its daytime
  473. [3/11/14 12:52:37 AM] bb: Altair woke up in the middle of the day
  475. [3/11/14 12:53:11 AM] Nark Nark: oh i thought it was night
  476. [3/11/14 12:53:11 AM] Nark Nark: great
  478. [3/11/14 12:53:16 AM] bb: no
  479. [3/11/14 12:53:27 AM] bb: mermaids are mostly naucturnal remember
  481. [3/11/14 12:54:03 AM] Nark Nark: there
  482. [3/11/14 12:54:11 AM] Nark Nark: yeah which is why
  483. [3/11/14 12:54:15 AM] Nark Nark: i thought it was night
  485. [3/11/14 12:54:19 AM] bb: uh uh
  487. [3/11/14 12:54:21 AM] Nark Nark: i dont remember if you really specified
  488. [3/11/14 12:54:32 AM] Nark Nark: what time it was when altair woke up
  490. [3/11/14 12:54:36 AM] bb: I think I did say day
  492. [3/11/14 12:54:38 AM] Nark Nark: but i fixed it
  494. [3/11/14 12:54:39 AM] bb: or sun was up
  496. [3/11/14 12:55:38 AM] Nark Nark: oh i read it like he'd had the nightmares like all 'night' and woke up like motherfucka no
  497. [3/11/14 12:55:51 AM] Nark Nark: not that he had nightmares and woke up in the middle of the 'night'
  499. [3/11/14 12:55:56 AM] bb: ah I see
  500. [3/11/14 12:55:58 AM] bb: but yeah
  501. [3/11/14 12:56:07 AM] bb: totally still the middle of the 'night'
  502. [3/11/14 12:58:10 AM] bb: "I don't know," Altair sighed and sank back onto the sand. He ended up laying down, slightly curled up, "I just... don't know." He buried his head in his arms and then dragged his tail up over his head. He just wanted to go to sleep now. He was so tired from the bad sleeps he'd had the past few nights. He wanted to have a restful sleep and feel safe. He wanted to feel safe with Desmond. He clung onto that. He wanted Desmond, and right now he was so tired and stressed out he'd even take merman Desmond.
  504. [3/11/14 1:03:34 AM] Nark Nark: Desmond coiled himself around Altair, one arm over him. He couldn't quite reach all the way, no matter how tight Altair curled up, because the mermaid had a fuckton of tail, actually. They were practically sleeping out in the open, but Desmond honestly looked more like a rock with his dark skin. From the surface, at that depth, no one would be any wiser.
  506. [3/11/14 1:04:14 AM] bb: uhg feels everywhere
  507. [3/11/14 1:10:23 AM] bb: Altair turned towards Desmond, to block out more of the light, and closed his eyes. He was surprised at how well he slept.
  508. [3/11/14 1:10:24 AM] bb: so
  509. [3/11/14 1:10:25 AM] bb: skip?
  511. [3/11/14 1:10:56 AM] Nark Nark: yeaaaap
  513. [3/11/14 1:10:59 AM] bb: to?
  514. [3/11/14 1:11:07 AM] bb: if I could find the fucking ?
  516. [3/11/14 1:11:11 AM] Nark Nark: probs to
  517. [3/11/14 1:11:25 AM] Nark Nark: wherever alty puts des for the time being if it's important
  518. [3/11/14 1:12:14 AM] Nark Nark: (imagine a not so little little half merman sitting alone in some beach pool, bored as fuck)
  520. [3/11/14 1:12:21 AM] bb: omg
  522. [3/11/14 1:12:22 AM] Nark Nark: or to alty learned shit yay
  524. [3/11/14 1:12:29 AM] bb: I think
  525. [3/11/14 1:12:36 AM] bb: just skip to Altair finding his sisters
  526. [3/11/14 1:12:51 AM] bb: maybe he has to go find one that has a merman?
  527. [3/11/14 1:12:57 AM] bb: or were we gonna do Ziio?
  529. [3/11/14 1:13:08 AM] Nark Nark: ziio would work i think
  531. [3/11/14 1:13:26 AM] bb: okay
  532. [3/11/14 1:13:27 AM] bb: so just
  533. [3/11/14 1:13:34 AM] bb: you do Ziio though :T
  534. [3/11/14 1:13:39 AM] bb: so I'm not playing by myself
  535. [3/11/14 1:16:11 AM] bb: does Ziio live in the north atlantic?
  536. [3/11/14 1:16:12 AM] bb: or???
  538. [3/11/14 1:17:19 AM] Nark Nark: probs
  539. [3/11/14 1:17:19 AM] Nark Nark: but
  540. [3/11/14 1:17:33 AM] Nark Nark: i'm getting tired again even though i just ate to try and stay up
  542. [3/11/14 1:17:40 AM] bb: okay
  543. [3/11/14 1:21:10 AM] bb: After a week Altair finally found someone who could help him. Hopefully at least. Few mermaids knew how to deal with mermen, they weren't exactly common after all. But apparently one of his sisters knew all about mermen, he just had to find her. It had taken a week, since even knowing the sea, the ocean was huge, And this one lived far north, where the cold water started, but not out of the the territory Altair lived in. Alpha mermen controlled hundreds of leagues of territory with their satellite mermen under them. She lived on the boundary between two territories.
  545. He'd left Desmond somewhere where he wouldn't be in the way. Near some rocky islands where he wouldn't scare his sisters, or any humans. He'd protested, as he always did when Altair had to leave, but also as always, he did stay when Altair told him to.
  547. He approached his sister's territory calmly and as he got near he started sending out dolphin-like clicks and calls out to alert her of his presence.
  549. [3/11/14 1:58:36 AM] Nark Nark: Ziio recognized Altair's voice, and let out a series of clicks in response, but she didn't move from her main territory. She was curious as to why Altair would be showing up, since he stayed mostly in the warmer southern waters, and seemed to be seeking her out. He had better have brought gifts - or rather, she hoped he would have something for her.
  551. She saw Altair's shape in the distance, and the current brought his scent through the water. Ziio put her tail behind her, and swam from the cove to meet him. "Altair," she said, "my sister." She waited for her kiss.
  553. Though she wasn't the oldest mermaid in the sea, Ziio had known and been close to one of the elder sisters, and while mermaids didn't remember everything, there were plenty of things that she had learned from her before she returned to the sea like all things did.
  554. [3/11/14 1:58:41 AM] Nark Nark: idk what im doing
  556. [3/11/14 1:59:08 AM] bb: kiks
  557. [3/11/14 1:59:09 AM] bb: its okay
  558. [3/11/14 1:59:14 AM] bb: lols*
  559. [3/11/14 2:00:40 AM] bb: "Found you," Altair called as he approached and gave Ziio a swift, brief, kiss on the lips. "I've been looking /everywhere/ for you," he said laboriously.
  561. [3/11/14 2:05:32 AM] Nark Nark: "Everywhere? This is my home." Ziio tipped her head. She didn't go into the gulf waters, and hadn't for a long time. She swam back toward her cove, coins strung around her tail glittering like fish scales.
  563. "What is it you need, then?" Nobody went looking for her without wanting something
  564. [3/11/14 2:05:53 AM] Nark Nark: there
  566. [3/11/14 2:07:23 AM] bb: "Well not like I knew where you lived," Altair said, following after her. Which was fair of course. Hundreds of mermaids lived in their territory, which was hundreds of leagues big. No way he could know where /everyone/ lived. "I have a merman problem. Some of our sisters told me you... know about such things."
  568. [3/11/14 2:13:16 AM] Nark Nark: She nodded once. "I might." Ziio rested against a water-smoothed rock. "What kind of problem? Cannot cull it?" Which was the usual problem. Honestly, she didn't ever feel comfortable sharing what she knew, because for all her knowledge, hers remained unlovingly on land.
  570. [3/11/14 2:13:42 AM] bb: qoq
  571. [3/11/14 2:13:45 AM] bb: oh Ziio bby
  572. [3/11/14 2:15:09 AM] bb: "No!" Altair cried, "No I don't want to kill him," and he felt an echo of Desmond's concern at his sudden distress. "How do I change him back?" he asked, wondering if he sounded desperate. He was slowly accepting that Desmond might just... be like this. But he wouldn't stop until he knew there was nothing he could do.
  574. [3/11/14 2:21:51 AM] Nark Nark: "Ah." Ziio leaned forward, though soon offered him a soft, closed-lipped smile. She reached out to his shoulder, "It's alright, but try to keep calm. Their state depends in part, on yours. He cares deeply for you, without your song?" It was just as easy to trick a man into loving a mermaid with only their voice.
  576. [3/11/14 2:24:17 AM] bb: "I've been trying," Altair said. "But I just... I just want him back the way he was and-" he stopped and realized he was starting to fray at the edges. He took several deep breaths. "He loves me," he said, "And I don't really sing for him," not any more. Altair hadn't sung for Desmond in weeks. He had no need to. Desmond was always so eager to be with him (or in him), he had no reason to trick him with his song.
  578. [3/11/14 2:29:59 AM] Nark Nark: This message has been removed.
  579. [3/11/14 2:30:02 AM] Nark Nark: GODDAMN IT
  581. [3/11/14 2:30:17 AM] bb: oh XD
  582. [3/11/14 2:30:23 AM] bb: dude I do that all the time its okay
  584. [3/11/14 2:35:13 AM] Nark Nark: Ziio's shoulders relaxed, and she moved her hands to take Altair's, just for the sake of contact. "He may be able to... at least, to a point. They aren't born with the ability to change, but they can learn." Exactly how, and what that really entailed, Ziio did not know.
  586. "It's his feelings for you that brought him this far, and you feel that." She tapped Altair's chest, and then his forehead. "He will reflect you, and you may reflect him, but he is your merman, and will react to your emotions... to protect you. In turn, you must take care of him. Men are quite fragile creatures, and too proud to admit their flaws." Ziio was silent for a while.
  588. "Should I go with you to see this merman?"
  590. [3/11/14 2:35:38 AM] bb: you said Desmond
  591. [3/11/14 2:35:39 AM] bb: you mean Altair
  592. [3/11/14 2:38:20 AM] bb: Altair had to absorb that a moment and felt wretched. He'd been right. His feelings for Desmond, and his back, were why he was like this. He swallowed, and then nodded, barely trusting himself to speak. "He's never seen another mermaid but me I don't... know how he'll react," he admitted, tight mouthed. "If you think its wise, I'll defer to you," since Ziio was older than him, and clearly knew more than him.
  594. [3/11/14 2:48:43 AM] Nark Nark: oh welp
  595. [3/11/14 2:48:45 AM] Nark Nark: yes i did
  596. [3/11/14 2:59:30 AM] Nark Nark: "He loves you enough that he let go of what made him a man. He may not be aware of it, but he willingly chose you. To be with you, and because of that, won't be nearly as unpredictable. Most men, mermen, have to be persuaded with songs, and they don't feel that love. That is what turns them into beasts." Ziio's soft smile became almost sad, an expression that didn't quite translate well to her smooth face. "You and I could not leave the sea behind."
  598. Ziio shook her head, "He should not have a problem, he would feel your calm. But instead, you could tell me where you happened across such a nice man."
  600. [3/11/14 2:59:36 AM] Nark Nark: I just realized that Haytham literally
  601. [3/11/14 2:59:51 AM] Nark Nark: would have had to keep Ziio until she gave birth to Connor
  602. [3/11/14 3:00:13 AM] Nark Nark: unless they can gestate on land if they appear as female on land?
  604. [3/11/14 3:00:46 AM] bb: //gross feels
  606. [3/11/14 3:00:54 AM] Nark Nark: but I'd go as far to say even if they do look like women they don't gestate until they're in water.
  607. [3/11/14 3:01:11 AM] Nark Nark: Haytham you horrible cunt
  609. [3/11/14 3:01:16 AM] bb: yeah basically
  610. [3/11/14 3:01:21 AM] bb: welcome to life as Haytham kenway
  611. [3/11/14 3:01:26 AM] bb: I'm surprised Ziio didn't eat him
  613. [3/11/14 3:03:23 AM] bb: "He fell off the side of a pirate ship while taking a piss," he said blandly. "I was going to eat him but he was drunk, and he tasted gross. So I didn't," and that was all there really was to tell.
  615. [3/11/14 3:03:28 AM] bb: sorry for short replies
  616. [3/11/14 3:03:48 AM] bb: mermaids always appear as male on land
  618. [3/11/14 3:06:01 AM] Nark Nark: yeah haytham you cunt
  619. [3/11/14 3:07:14 AM] Nark Nark: "Pirate ship?" Ziio's tail flicked. "You are sure there is nothing else I need to know?"
  621. [3/11/14 3:09:22 AM] bb: "I don't know?" Altair said, confused. "He was a pirate before I came along and... and did this to him. And I'm pregnant," and that was slowly becoming obvious. Mermaids gestated at a quicker rate than humans did. It had almost been two months since the time on the beach. He was starting to show, though he didn't know if Desmond had noticed yet. "What else do you need to know?"
  623. [3/11/14 3:14:36 AM] Nark Nark: "Will they come looking for him?" Ziio squinted a bit, but relented. "Nevermind that. Is he anxious? We should set out soon, either way." She had decided she was going with him.
  625. [3/11/14 3:16:13 AM] bb: "He's this way," Altair said and started to swim away. Ziio followed after him. "And I don't... know," Altair admitted to the first question. "I hope not. The captain /hunts/ mermen. Even ones who look like my Desmond, who are... calm? Not like one who needs to be culled."
  627. [3/11/14 3:25:11 AM] Nark Nark:
  628. [3/11/14 3:25:33 AM] Nark Nark: screams
  630. [3/11/14 3:28:59 AM] bb: OH NO
  631. [3/11/14 3:29:00 AM] bb: CUTE
  632. [3/11/14 3:29:02 AM] bb: \FISH BOY!
  633. [3/11/14 3:29:33 AM] bb: omg
  634. [3/11/14 3:29:33 AM] bb: this
  635. [3/11/14 3:29:36 AM] bb: is so cute OH NO
  636. [3/11/14 3:31:54 AM] bb: OH NO!
  637. [3/11/14 3:31:56 AM] bb: AHHHHH!!!
  638. [3/11/14 3:38:58 AM] bb: might lose internet fyi
  639. [3/11/14 3:39:08 AM] bb: cause my roommate might turn it off
  640. [3/11/14 3:39:09 AM] bb: we'll see
  641. [3/11/14 3:39:21 AM] bb: hopefully no
  643. [3/11/14 3:40:32 AM] Nark Nark: Ziio frowned, and ended up baring her teeth a little. That could be none other than a Kenway, but who? "But you sang to your merman when he was human at times?" She grabbed Altair's wrist for his full attention. "How did he react to you?" This is what she meant by important to know - and she wanted to gauge how much to tell Altair of what she knew about the Kenways.
  645. While Altair may believe that mermaids could not be selfish, there were, like any sentient creature, greedy ones among them. Mermen were invariable tools. They were stronger, tougher, and more potent than a mermaid, and were able to control much larger territories. Mermaids could simply force a man to become one and through them, control massive swathes of the sea, but a forced bond never lasted.
  647. [3/11/14 3:43:02 AM] bb: I'm here on my comp
  648. [3/11/14 3:54:20 AM] bb: "How do you think he reacted?" Altair demanded. "He acted like any other human man. Well... perhaps not as strongly. He never threw himself off his boat when I sang to him. But he... reacted," he said. He didn't get why this was important. "If anything he was less effected than most men," he frowned slightly.
  650. "More like a mermaid than a man. He is a Kenway, isn't he." Ziio let go of him. "They are... related to mermaids. The hunter's mother is a half sister." Though Edward's father was the 'half-sister,' he remained on land, and stayed with a human woman, and passed on what made her appear masculine. "He could not leave his human wife for the sea, but could protect his full sisters from berserking mermen. Somehow... Edward Kenway twisted his father's promise to us. He is only a quarter, and his son and daugher less than that."
  652. [3/11/14 4:14:21 AM] bb: but yeah
  653. [3/11/14 4:14:25 AM] bb: sleep how okay
  654. [3/11/14 4:14:27 AM] bb: shhhh
  656. [3/11/14 4:14:32 AM] Nark Nark: fgh
  658. [3/11/14 4:14:32 AM] bb: bumblebee is sleepy
  659. [3/11/14 4:14:36 AM] bb: its 4 am here
  661. [3/11/14 4:14:39 AM] Nark Nark: BUT THE DEEP STORY PART
  663. [3/11/14 4:14:41 AM] bb: sleepy bumblbee
  664. [3/11/14 4:14:50 AM] bb: I'M SORRY I HAVE WORK TOMORROW
  665. [3/11/14 4:15:02 AM] bb: I need to sleep so I can be awake enough to deal with...
  666. [3/11/14 4:15:03 AM] bb: stupid
  667. [3/11/14 4:15:05 AM] bb: fucking
  668. [3/11/14 4:15:09 AM] bb: customers UHG
  669. [3/11/14 11:10:00 PM] bb: grandmother also for Edward
  670. [3/11/14 11:10:02 PM] bb: not his mom
  671. [3/11/14 11:10:14 PM] bb: WAI
  672. [3/11/14 11:10:16 PM] bb: NVM
  674. [3/11/14 11:13:02 PM] bb: Altair glided to a halt, "So he wasn't lying," he said. He felt Desmond growing anxious from Altair's emotions and him being gone for so long. "If he's part mermaid why... why does he hunt us?" and he was very glad he had taken Desmond away now. He didn't want Desmond to become another of Edward's trophys.
  676. [3/11/14 11:16:27 PM] Nark Nark: would have to be dad because
  677. [3/11/14 11:16:29 PM] Nark Nark: male on land xD
  679. [3/11/14 11:16:40 PM] bb: yeah
  681. [3/11/14 11:16:44 PM] Nark Nark: also why Connor is a boy.
  683. [3/11/14 11:16:55 PM] bb: This message has been removed.
  684. [3/11/14 11:17:05 PM] bb: wow
  685. [3/11/14 11:17:07 PM] bb: sorry
  686. [3/11/14 11:17:08 PM] bb: I am
  688. [3/11/14 11:17:11 PM] Nark Nark: because he's on land.
  690. [3/11/14 11:17:16 PM] bb: not reading things good rn
  691. [3/11/14 11:17:17 PM] bb: ...
  692. [3/11/14 11:17:22 PM] bb: what if Connor never learned to swim
  694. [3/11/14 11:17:30 PM] Nark Nark: he'll probably be a more masculine mermaid
  696. [3/11/14 11:17:32 PM] bb: cause if he went into the water
  698. [3/11/14 11:17:32 PM] Nark Nark: HE'S ON A BOAT
  700. [3/11/14 11:17:34 PM] bb: he's change
  702. [3/11/14 11:17:54 PM] Nark Nark: it's learned for halves
  704. [3/11/14 11:18:02 PM] bb: ah right
  706. [3/11/14 11:23:05 PM] Nark Nark: "He hunts mermen for the same reason our sisters avoid unfamiliar ones. Fear." Ziio came to a stop beside him. "He told me it was to save them, from becoming the mindless beasts, I assume." She waited until Altair was ready to move on again, but her impatience showed in the idle flicking of her tail.
  708. [3/11/14 11:24:15 PM] bb: "You know him?" and Altair started swimming again, but slower now. But at least he was swimming. "How do you know him? Do you know Desmond?"
  710. [3/11/14 11:24:16 PM] Nark Nark: Mmmmmmmmaybe Ed saw his dad kill his grandpa with grandmamermaid's help (when he was totally losing it because he was old as balls)
  712. [3/11/14 11:24:28 PM] bb: mhmmmm
  713. [3/11/14 11:24:40 PM] bb: but he doesn't realize that not all mermen are like this
  715. [3/11/14 11:25:32 PM] Nark Nark: And his grandad was kind of actually a bit of an ass and a drunkard pirate so he wasn't that mentally sound to begin with. maybe. who knows.
  717. [3/11/14 11:25:48 PM] bb: mhmmmm
  719. [3/11/14 11:25:55 PM] Nark Nark: It's also probably just as easy for a merman to be like yo holy shit this is hella i'm like fucking awesome
  720. [3/11/14 11:25:59 PM] Nark Nark: and abuse it
  722. [3/11/14 11:26:06 PM] bb: probably
  723. [3/11/14 11:26:21 PM] bb: I mean they are bigger and nastier than just about everything in the ocean :U
  725. [3/11/14 11:26:26 PM] Nark Nark: shit i forgot if connor was older or younger than desmond
  727. [3/11/14 11:26:41 PM] bb: he's older
  728. [3/11/14 11:26:45 PM] bb: I think....
  729. [3/11/14 11:26:50 PM] bb: I don't remember
  731. [3/11/14 11:33:09 PM] Nark Nark: "That Jenny's boy? He was hardly a swimming pup, I saw him once or twice," Ziio said. It had to have been a little over twenty years ago, maybe twenty-two. Not much time for a Mermaid, but enough time for a child to grow into the human equivalent of a man. "I knew Haytham well. I simply want what he took from me." She was angry, but she didn't hiss.
  733. [3/11/14 11:34:57 PM] bb: This just made Altair more confused. He didn't know Ziio had a history with the whaler, or his childredn apparently. And she knew Desmond. He was going to ask more when they arrived at the mangrove island where he'd left Desmond. "Desmond," he called, knowing he'd be there in a moment.
  735. [3/11/14 11:53:57 PM] Nark Nark: There was a splash somewhere, and Desmond came shooting out from behind a tangle of roots. He kind of collided with Altair, and that sent the both of them tumbling. The best thing was, he was actually laughing about it. Ziio being there meant little to him. Desmond's arms were practically locked around Altair's waist when they stopped rolling through the water.
  737. He looked at her from behind Altair, squinting a bit. She seemed familiar in a weird way. Desmond drew water over his tongue, mouth opened slightly. Didn't recognize the scent, not that he knew any besides Altair and certain fish. "Who is she?" Desmond asked Altair, looking up at him.
  739. Desmond's tail had grown a bit more since Altair's trip. If he tried hard enough it seemed he could hunt for himself. Or maybe he'd just fashioned fish traps with mangroves.
  741. Ziio snorted. Men were so dumb. "Altair told you how to be polite, yes?" The look on Desmond's face was priceless. He definitely got the more sincere side of the genes.
  743. [3/11/14 11:54:26 PM] Nark Nark:
  745. [3/11/14 11:55:17 PM] bb: omg
  747. [3/11/14 11:57:42 PM] bb: "Desmond, please, you're too big," Altair complained. And he was. Desmond was too big to rough house wit, even in the water. "This is my sister, Ziio," he said. "And don't be rude and just stare, say hello," he said. Honestly he'd told Desmond good manners for mermaids, he should know this.
  749. [3/12/14 12:12:42 AM] Nark Nark: He let go of Altair, though he clearly didn't want to. Desmond moved through the water and gave Ziio a quick kiss. It was the strings of coins and bits of metal that were familiar. He went back to Altair, telling himself he was overthinking it, and apologized in general.
  751. [3/12/14 12:13:11 AM] bb: omg Des
  752. [3/12/14 12:13:16 AM] bb: pls tell me
  753. [3/12/14 12:13:20 AM] bb: this giant merman
  754. [3/12/14 12:13:27 AM] bb: is trying to hide behind little Altair
  756. [3/12/14 12:18:28 AM] Nark Nark: .... yeap
  758. [3/12/14 12:18:31 AM] bb: IJGDWDIW
  759. [3/12/14 12:19:41 AM] bb: "This is Desmond," Altair said as Desmond seemed to be... trying to hide behind him. Altair could only imagine what that looked like since Desmond was bigger than him. He gently touched Desmond's head, because he could feel his uncertainty, and that he was sort of... scared maybe? He had nothing to be worried about though, Ziio was going to help them.
  761. [3/12/14 12:25:58 AM] Nark Nark: Ziio just shook her head. "I'm here to help, as long as you return the favor."
  763. Desmond looked at Altair, then back at her. "You can turn me back?"
  765. [3/12/14 12:27:35 AM] bb: "That's the hope," Altair said. He still wanted his old Desmond back. But, he admitted, he wasn't so upset with Desmond as he was now like he had been the first few days.
  767. [3/12/14 12:46:08 AM] bb: UHG
  768. [3/12/14 12:46:10 AM] bb: PEOPLE
  769. [3/12/14 12:46:12 AM] bb: WHO CAN
  770. [3/12/14 12:46:19 AM] bb: DO REALISTIC COLORED PENCIL DRAWINGS
  771. [3/12/14 12:46:24 AM] bb: I JUST EWFGGhDDJDFWDGGDWJDBWDKG
  773. [3/12/14 12:50:02 AM] Nark Nark: "Not completely. Don't think you can return to being a human like you were." Ziio yawned, gills flaring while her mouth gaped. "I'm tired and I'm hungry, so it can wait until tomorrow. Altair may tell you what I have shared with him." And she flitted off with the sound of jingling coins and metal beads.
  775. Desmond stopped squeezing Altair. "I missed you," he said in this little, happy voice, very glad that he was back. "I figured out the air thing as well, I can do that now."
  777. [3/12/14 12:53:21 AM] bb: "But Ziio," Altair tried, but she was gone. He repressed a groan. He should have expected this. It /was/ another mermaid, and their interests waned and waxed even more rapidly than the moon and the shifting tide.
  779. "Air thing? Show me," Altair said, rather nicely.
  781. [3/12/14 1:02:47 AM] Nark Nark: Desmond swam up to the surface, pulling Altair along with him. His gills closed, and he took a breath of air, and continued breathing that way. "I had nothing better to do," Desmond admitted, a bit sheepish, but still glad that he'd figured it out.
  783. [3/12/14 1:04:23 AM] bb: Altair smiled at him, "That's good," he said, head also above water now. A gray dawn was coming from the horizon. "You've done so good," and he looped his arms around Desmond's shoulders, making sure Desmond knew how proud he was he'd finally gotten it. He'd been trying since he'd first gotten his gills and he'd finally learned to do it.
  785. [3/12/14 2:17:20 AM] Nark Nark: Desmond grinned and bumped his head against Altair's. He made a soft, rumbling sound in his chest. "I'm not as good at hunting," he complained, though he'd done well enough not to be too hungry.
  787. [3/12/14 10:17:24 AM] bb: "You're like a new pup," Altair reassured him. "Hunting isn't like hunting on land, or spear fishing. Gills are something you can force your body to learn, but hunting is like any skill. It takes time. Are you hungry?" Altair had seen, better than Desmond, that Desmond would probably never be a good hunter. He was quick but he would never be fast enough to chase down fish unless he surprised them.He would need Altair to hunt for him to catch anything that would sustain him. And Desmond really was like a growing pup; he was always hungry.
  789. [3/13/14 11:07:27 PM] Nark Nark: uhhh
  790. [3/13/14 11:14:37 PM] Nark Nark: Desmond nodded a little eagerly, and ducked back under. He was pretty hungry. There were only so many little fish he could trap before he gave up. He followed Altair, but didn't get too close, not wanting to interrupt him while he hunted.
  792. [3/13/14 11:14:43 PM] bb: This message has been removed.
  793. [3/13/14 11:16:25 PM] bb: also I think if Des tried to bang Altair now, he'd agree
  794. [3/13/14 11:16:30 PM] bb: he's at the point of
  795. [3/13/14 11:16:36 PM] bb: 'so this is Desmond now...'
  796. [3/13/14 11:16:46 PM] bb: and he can feel how much Desmond loves and wants him
  797. [3/13/14 11:16:50 PM] bb: its hard to say no
  798. [3/13/14 11:16:50 PM] bb: XD
  800. [3/13/14 11:29:02 PM] bb: Altair slipped beneath the water, knowing he didn't have much night left. He'd tire soon, needing to sleep. And the fish became more alert and harder to catch during the day. Maybe he could get away with not chasing down fish tonight though.
  802. Altair swam down to the bottom where the rocks were. He found a cave and started poking around in it with his arm. It was empty though, unfortunate. He swam on before finding more cracks in the rock. They were too small for Desmond to get his hands into, but Altair could. He pulled a large crab out of one of the cracks and bashed it open with a rock. The water became a mist of crab guts. Altair plucked out the eggs and both of the claws before tossing it to Desmond to break apart. Or even just shove into his mouth. They'd found, on accident, that Desmond really could just eat crustratans whole.
  804. One crab wasn't enough though. Altair ate the egg sack as he cracked open the claws, not stopping his swimming as he as he did. He needed something big that would feed both him and Desmond.
  806. He found it in the form of a sea turtle. They were deceptivly fast and strong. "Desmond," he said as Desmond caught up to him, "Go get that for me," he pointed at the sea turtle. "Make sure you hold onto it tightly or it'll swim away with you," and he held in a little laugh.
  808. [3/14/14 12:00:08 AM] Nark Nark: Desmond blinked, "Just grab it?"
  810. He swam toward the sea turtle, staying above it. Desmond grabbed it, fingers hooking under the shell behind its head. His claws pierced flesh, and he wasn't expecting the turtle's powerful stroke. Desmond snarled, thrashed and yanked against the sea turtle, dragging it backwards. For a moment, he wondered if he could crush it, though he'd seen some of these sea turtles with the scars of shark jaws. If he had a bigger mouth he might be able to just bite through.
  812. Once he got the hang of ruining the turtle's rhythm, it had no chance of getting away from him. Desmond didn't really want to admit it, but wrangling it was actually.... fun.
  814. [3/14/14 12:01:06 AM] Nark Nark: particularly assholeish mermaids playing some kind of soccer-like game with sea turtles.
  816. [3/14/14 12:01:17 AM] bb: lols
  818. [3/14/14 12:01:36 AM] Nark Nark: and it's just like
  819. [3/14/14 12:01:41 AM] Nark Nark: y u hit me with your tails omg
  821. [3/14/14 12:01:42 AM] bb: I swear
  822. [3/14/14 12:01:50 AM] bb: my roommate has multiple personalities
  823. [3/14/14 12:01:54 AM] bb: or /something/
  824. [3/14/14 12:02:00 AM] bb: cause he is straight up talking to himself
  825. [3/14/14 12:02:07 AM] bb: about himself
  827. [3/14/14 12:02:33 AM] Nark Nark: :T
  829. [3/14/14 12:09:54 AM] bb: Altair swam after Desmond and now came the second hard part. He reached for the turtle and it snapped at him with its powerful jaws. But he did get his hands around its thick neck and then... twisted. There was an audiable snap as Altair broke its neck and it instantly stopped fighting. "Good job," Altair said, beaming at Desmond. Then he took the carcass from him and swam back down to the bottom where he could work on it and open it up.
  831. Altair flipped the turtle onto its back and then used his claws to score the underside of the shell and then banged his fist onto it a few times. He did this a few times and the under shell splintered. Altair ripped the stomach of the turtle off, peeling back skin and flesh. Blood poured from the turtle and as with every big meal Altair just took the choice parts before leaving Desmond to make work of it.
  833. He settled against a rocky outcrop and had his own dinner. The sky was more than a little light by now and Altair wanted to get to sleep before the sun was fully up and the sun made it harder to sleep.
  835. [3/14/14 12:31:44 AM] Nark Nark: Desmond kind of expected the blood, but still didn't expect his own frenzy. He tore into the turtle, eating pretty much everything he could. While he didn't go as far as picking each bit from the bones, he ate as much as he could easily get.
  837. He ran his tongue over his teeth and lips, shook himself. For the first time since Altair left, Desmond felt full. Desmond swam over to Altair, only really wanting to curl up with him.
  839. [3/14/14 12:34:27 AM] bb: "Better?" Altair asked him once Desmond was done and had come to lay beside him. He ran his hand along Desmond's skull and down the back of his neck a bit, basically scratching him behind the ears. Apparently it was a human thing, since Altair didn't know a single mermaid who'd let you get that close to her ears with your claws. Desmond likes it though.
  841. [3/14/14 12:52:22 AM] Nark Nark: Desmond's tail draped over Altair's and he kind of sank into his hands, making that low pitched humming noise he'd begun to make from time to time. Usually when he was happy or calm. "Much."
  843. He nuzzled up against Altair, closing his eyes. "Sleep?" Desmond asked.
  845. [3/14/14 12:54:01 AM] bb: uhg puppy shark
  846. [3/14/14 12:54:02 AM] bb: also
  847. [3/14/14 12:54:09 AM] bb: look up my mermaids tag
  848. [3/14/14 12:54:11 AM] bb: I fucking
  849. [3/14/14 12:54:16 AM] bb: reblogged this SICK thing
  851. [3/14/14 12:55:15 AM] bb: "Yes," Altair said, "And tomorrow Ziio can help us get you back to normal," he leaned against Desmond contently and closed his eyes as the sun rose.
  853. [3/14/14 12:55:23 AM] Nark Nark: is it just mermaids?
  855. [3/14/14 12:57:00 AM] bb: yeah
  857. [3/14/14 12:57:46 AM] Nark Nark: that is one nice photomanip omg
  859. [3/14/14 12:57:52 AM] bb: yeah it is
  861. [3/14/14 12:58:51 AM] Nark Nark: i realized that desmond's dorsal fin is wrong in the drawing i did w/e
  863. [3/14/14 12:58:58 AM] bb: lols its okayt
  865. [3/14/14 1:11:46 AM] Nark Nark: Desmond was nearly at Altair's length, and curled comfortably alongside him. When he woke, his tail was halfway wound around Altair's, and he'd hooked his arms around him loosely, mostly to keep himself down, and close to Altair.
  867. He let him go so he could pull back and nuzzle against him. "Altair... Mn, Altair, wake up."
  869. [3/14/14 1:14:52 AM] bb: Altair made a disapproving noise because he was still sleepy. "Eh?" he asked, waking up some now and saw Desmond's big bulk up against him, face in his neck, nuzzling him.
  871. [3/14/14 1:28:23 AM] Nark Nark: Desmond rolled Altair a bit, and pulled him away from the sandy floor. His hands traced down Altair's sides, skipping lightly over his gills. One of his hands came to rest at Altair's stomach, and he lifted Altair so he could press his slight muzzle against his lower navel. This kind of pride was one he wasn't used to.
  873. [3/14/14 1:30:25 AM] bb: Altair wiggled, not quite sure what Desmond was doing. "Des," he only sort of complained. He was tired and wanted to sleep more. Clearly that wasn't in Desmond's plan for the moment. He did approve of the attention though. He just wished Desmond would do this when he was awake and now when he was half alseep.
  875. [3/14/14 1:30:40 AM] bb: When's Des gonna notice Altair's not quite as skinny as he usually is?
  877. [3/14/14 1:33:01 AM] Nark Nark: That's kind of... what he's doing bb omg
  879. [3/14/14 1:33:52 AM] bb: SORRy
  880. [3/14/14 1:33:57 AM] bb: I am
  881. [3/14/14 1:34:08 AM] bb: playing mc and stuff while RPing OTL
  883. [3/14/14 1:39:07 AM] Nark Nark: He wasn't quite sure, but he could feel something with Altair, and knew, on some level, exactly what this was. "That's her, isn't it?" Desmond asked softly. He was looking up at Altair, arms loose around his tail.
  885. [3/14/14 1:40:42 AM] bb: UHG
  886. [3/14/14 1:40:47 AM] bb: otps with babies
  887. [3/14/14 1:40:50 AM] bb: I just
  888. [3/14/14 1:40:51 AM] bb: akldshfaksdg\
  889. [3/14/14 1:40:58 AM] bb: //melts into a puddle of feels
  891. [3/14/14 1:42:31 AM] bb: "Mmm?" Altair was slow on figuring this out. Then his brain caught up, slowly. A smile tugged on his lips. "It is," he said and put his hand on his stomach. He wasn't very far along, but more so than a human he was sure. But then it wasn't ideal for a mermaid to be pregnant for very long. It made it hard to swim, hard to hunt, hard to stay healthy.
  893. [3/14/14 1:49:07 AM] Nark Nark: Desmond echoed Altair's smile, then kissed his knuckles. A slight flick of his tail brought him more up to Altair's level, and he kissed his lips. It was different than when he was human, but he was definitely less shark snouty than he was yesterday.
  895. [3/14/14 1:54:22 AM] bb: Some days, it was hard to kiss Desmond. He had a snout and those big teeth, Today though, it was better and Altair let himself be kissed. Before he would have resisted,not wanting to kiss a merman. But now? He still felt a bit uneasy about it, but it wasn't as bad as the first few days were he'd nearly made himself sick from the stress of it.
  897. [3/15/14 11:03:34 PM] Nark Nark: Desmond nosed against Altair, rolling his hips against him. He'd really missed Altair. Really /missed/ him. Desmond hummed deep in his chest, picking up that he wasn't upset about it, and took it as a kind of invitation.
  899. [3/15/14 11:17:54 PM] bb: "Desmond," Altair said lowly, only like half a warning, but also didn't stop him. It was hard to want to stop him when Desmond just poured love out of ever surface of his body. He just wanted Altair to love him, however he was. It was hard to resist that. He dragged his claws up Desmond's back, hard enough to make a point, but not to leave any marks. Altair wasn't going to let Desmond hurt him like that last merman had. He wouldn't allow it.
  901. [3/15/14 11:31:26 PM] Nark Nark: He shuddered under Altair's claws, gills flaring instead of closing. "I won't hurt," Desmond said. He didn't want to hurt Altair. "I promise I won't." Desmond had never actually been so mindful of his own claws before, running his hands across Altair's skin.
  903. Desmond had kind of taken it upon himself to figure out what was up with this different, new anatomy, and the whole... kind-of-horny-but-not-really all the time thing. He hadn't been the most successful, though. "You know a lot more about how this goes," he admitted, almost embarrassed.
  905. [3/15/14 11:33:51 PM] bb: I forget
  906. [3/15/14 11:34:07 PM] bb: did we say mermen last a long time but are not really that impressive dick size wise
  907. [3/15/14 11:34:14 PM] bb: or they're two pump cowboys?
  909. [3/15/14 11:40:21 PM] Nark Nark: I... don't know.
  911. [3/15/14 11:40:42 PM] bb: well what do you like better XD
  913. [3/15/14 11:40:48 PM] Nark Nark: I think they'd start lasting longer since they're... more like... mermaids
  915. [3/15/14 11:41:05 PM] bb: but have little peens?
  917. [3/15/14 11:41:14 PM] Nark Nark: Is there a reason for it to shrink?
  918. [3/15/14 11:41:28 PM] Nark Nark: i mean
  919. [3/15/14 11:41:33 PM] Nark Nark: giant wereshark
  921. [3/15/14 11:41:37 PM] bb: idk
  922. [3/15/14 11:41:40 PM] bb: amusement?
  924. [3/15/14 11:41:44 PM] Nark Nark: giant cock?
  926. [3/15/14 11:41:49 PM] bb: omg
  928. [3/15/14 11:42:01 PM] Nark Nark: or at least it'd match... body size
  930. [3/15/14 11:42:15 PM] bb: omfg
  931. [3/15/14 11:42:19 PM] bb: so giant dick?
  932. [3/15/14 11:42:25 PM] bb: and mermen just... forget how to use it?
  934. [3/15/14 11:42:29 PM] Nark Nark: I mean Des is kind of
  935. [3/15/14 11:42:33 PM] Nark Nark: regularly sized right now
  936. [3/15/14 11:42:44 PM] Nark Nark: so it's like
  937. [3/15/14 11:42:58 PM] Nark Nark: hey i'm kind of humansized but i so don't look like a human dick?
  939. [3/15/14 11:43:17 PM] bb: so it hasn't gotten big yet?
  940. [3/15/14 11:43:30 PM] bb: though I swore I said earlier in the RP that Altair said merman had little ones
  941. [3/15/14 11:43:45 PM] bb: kinda like how gorillas and monkeys have small dicks
  943. [3/15/14 11:43:45 PM] Nark Nark: I don't really remember that. I think it was mermaids that do
  944. [3/15/14 11:43:56 PM] Nark Nark: since they can impregnate each other
  945. [3/15/14 11:44:02 PM] Nark Nark: they just don't have... impressive cocks
  947. [3/15/14 11:44:03 PM] bb: true
  948. [3/15/14 11:44:06 PM] bb: XD
  949. [3/15/14 11:44:07 PM] bb: okay
  951. [3/15/14 11:44:07 PM] Nark Nark: and mermen are like
  952. [3/15/14 11:44:12 PM] Nark Nark: mmm that dick
  953. [3/15/14 11:44:15 PM] Nark Nark: but wow what an asshole
  954. [3/15/14 11:44:19 PM] Nark Nark: also humans are like
  955. [3/15/14 11:44:21 PM] Nark Nark: mmm that dick
  956. [3/15/14 11:44:25 PM] Nark Nark: but wow y u no breathe water
  957. [3/15/14 11:44:40 PM] Nark Nark: and also asshole
  959. [3/15/14 11:45:04 PM] bb: XD
  960. [3/15/14 11:49:12 PM] bb: Desmond said that, but the first time they'd had sex when he was just a /human/ he'd almost hurt him. And now Desmond was bigger with teeth and claws and was still figuring out how to control himself. Altair would believe it when he dealt with it.
  962. "Its a lot like normal," Altair said, amused that one of the most terrifying creatures in the ocean seemed... shy. "I don't its changed yet," he said. "And it should come out right here," and Altair traced his finger around the slit on Desmond's pelvis. It was very much like Altair's, only there was no inside, it just kept the penis from creating drag in the water.
  964. [3/16/14 12:22:21 AM] Nark Nark: "I know where it is," Desmond muttered. The pelvic fins alongside the slit lifted a bit. "I just mean... that last time you didn't want me to."
  966. He pushed against Altair's hand, a tad beyond his control. Even though he said he wouldn't, Desmond was worried he might end up hurting Altair.
  968. [3/16/14 12:22:56 AM] bb: 'i know where to put it'
  969. [3/16/14 12:23:03 AM] bb: literally got
  970. [3/16/14 12:23:09 AM] bb: all I thought of was of jon snow jfc
  971. [3/16/14 12:23:59 AM] bb: is des gonna end up hiting Alty?
  972. [3/16/14 12:24:18 AM] bb: hurting*
  974. [3/16/14 12:26:41 AM] bb: Altair held back in a harsh remark, how he really didn't... ever want Desmond to. He always told himself he'd never mate with another merman. Which is why he'd become so interested in a human. But he wouldn't say that since merman or not Desmond was still male, and they had such fragile egos. He didn't want to crush it after last night when he'd been so proud of Desmond.
  976. "Well I'm not stopping you," was what he said instead.
  978. [3/16/14 1:15:12 AM] Nark Nark: Desmond hesitated, growling quietly. He reached up to Altair's face, holding him as he kissed him again. It took him a while to stop worrying, and when he slid out against Altair, that was the last of his doubt.
  980. [3/16/14 1:17:31 AM] bb:
  981. [3/16/14 1:17:36 AM] bb:
  982. [3/16/14 1:17:40 AM] bb: this
  983. [3/16/14 1:17:45 AM] bb: reminds me of Altair and Desmond
  984. [3/16/14 1:17:49 AM] bb: i don't know why omfg
  986. [3/16/14 1:19:14 AM] Nark Nark: wtf
  988. [3/16/14 1:19:25 AM] bb: look at the tags on when I just reblogged it
  990. [3/16/14 1:20:47 AM] Nark Nark: omfg
  992. [3/16/14 1:21:13 AM] bb: XD
  993. [3/16/14 1:21:16 AM] bb: now do you see?
  995. [3/16/14 1:22:49 AM] Nark Nark: GRAVE MISTAKE
  997. [3/16/14 1:22:57 AM] bb: ??
  999. [3/16/14 1:23:13 AM] Nark Nark: i'm guessing desmond is the pig
  1001. [3/16/14 1:23:20 AM] bb: well duh
  1003. [3/16/14 1:30:56 AM] bb: I'm a homosthesiologist
  1005. [3/16/14 1:31:55 AM] Nark Nark: what
  1007. [3/16/14 1:32:07 AM] bb: look at dash
  1008. [3/20/14 5:05:54 PM] bb: can you make pastebins editably by other people?
  1010. [3/20/14 5:06:41 PM] Nark Nark: i dont think so
  1012. [3/20/14 5:07:04 PM] bb: damn
  1014. [3/20/14 5:08:01 PM] Nark Nark: that's why i was like google docs again
  1016. [3/20/14 5:08:10 PM] bb: yeaaaah
  1018. [3/20/14 5:08:16 PM] Nark Nark: but man it's so much more work than skype since it's just
  1020. [3/20/14 5:08:17 PM] Nark Nark: here
  1022. [3/20/14 5:08:25 PM] bb: you didn't wanna do google docs for the memraid au tho =3=
  1024. [3/20/14 5:10:23 PM] Nark Nark: nah bc it was suppposed to be short and casual
  1025. [3/20/14 5:10:26 PM] Nark Nark: and we skip a lot of shit
  1027. [3/20/14 5:10:35 PM] bb: yeah I know
  1029. [3/20/14 5:10:43 PM] Nark Nark: short and casual
  1030. [3/20/14 5:10:44 PM] Nark Nark: .....
  1031. [3/20/14 5:10:46 PM] Nark Nark: lol
  1033. [3/20/14 5:10:53 PM] bb: lols
  1034. [3/20/14 5:10:57 PM] bb: like anything we do is short
  1041. [8/17/14 8:06:30 PM] bb: ahg
  1042. [8/17/14 8:06:31 PM] bb: I wish
  1043. [8/17/14 8:06:36 PM] bb: skype had a built in way to just
  1044. [8/17/14 8:06:45 PM] bb: export skype conversations >C
  1046. [8/17/14 8:08:13 PM] Nark Nark: srsly
  1048. [8/17/14 8:13:39 PM] bb: AHAHAHAHA
  1049. [8/17/14 8:13:40 PM] bb: I
  1050. [8/17/14 8:13:41 PM] bb: FOUND
  1051. [8/17/14 8:13:41 PM] bb: IT!!!!
  1052. [8/17/14 8:13:48 PM] bb: took like
  1053. [8/17/14 8:14:00 PM] bb: seven minutes of skype loading
  1054. [8/17/14 8:14:05 PM] bb: BUT I FOUND IT EEEEE
  1056. [8/17/14 8:16:33 PM] Nark Nark: o:
  1058. [8/17/14 8:17:47 PM] bb: its lagging my comp so hard tho omg
  1059. [8/17/14 8:17:53 PM] bb: I can't have anything but skype running XD
  1061. [8/17/14 8:18:07 PM] Nark Nark: omg
  1063. [8/17/14 8:18:08 PM] bb: once I copy it all I'm gonna quit to clear it a bit
  1065. [8/17/14 8:21:44 PM] Nark Nark: xDok
  1067. [8/17/14 8:43:11 PM] bb: okay I got it all
  1068. [8/17/14 8:43:13 PM] bb: AND
  1069. [8/17/14 8:43:16 PM] bb: I found out why we stopped
  1070. [8/17/14 8:43:21 PM] bb: cause Second Son came out
  1071. [8/17/14 8:43:28 PM] bb: and we both started screaming about Delsin. and DesDelsin
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