

Sep 25th, 2015
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  1. Name: Charlie Grey
  3. Concept: Haunted Flyboy who couldn't mess up (in his own mind.)
  5. What's keeping you awake?
  7. The young man, but old pilot is reminded day after day of a horrible accident back when he flew not a crop-duster like he does now, but a full blown jet in a group of four. He somehow survived the incident but the other in the collision didn't, whether it was a technical issue or one of the pilots, no one truly knows but it still lingers in his mind like fresh paint on the wall, the what-if grinding at him constantly, leading him to prove it couldn't have been his own hands, constantly attempting difficult, high precision things like snap-rolls in crop-dusters and drifting around corners in a car, not one to turn down any challenge as he couldn't have failed. The rush of adrenaline only lasts so long, but mixed in with an addiction for coffee has led to quite a few restless nights where only the star-filled sky comforted him.
  9. Just what happened to you?
  11. It was a rush, a joy-ride in a crop-duster after getting a pink slip to show who's really small-time. The flyboy's been on a marathon practically, doing anything and everything he could to just keep that adrenaline high. The itch that something's wrong has been tickling at the back of his head for a while but he paid it no mind as he came in for a landing, his eyes feeling somewhat heavy but another cup or three of coffee would help along with maybe a quick ride around the block, but the fact that he buzzed a few houses didn't sit nicely with others, as he ran right into cops and cuffs after landing, the sirens ringing in his ears as he isn't able to really focus, just restless in those cuffs as he's going straight to downtown...
  13. What's on the surface?
  15. A cocky, tired-looking young man who doesn't back off or back down, always on the offensive when it comes to meeting people or being met with questions.
  17. What lies beneath?
  19. An insecure man who tries to prove he wasn't at fault for what plagues his mind day in and day out, trying to prove his skill and abilities to anyone and anything despite the dangers involved.
  21. What's your path?
  23. Eventually he would come to terms with what happened, whether it'd be himself or actually not only proven to himself after whatever truly set it in his mind, either from another drastic accident or finally being knocked out of his endlessly offensive position towards everything and everyone.
  25. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
  27. =Discipline= 3
  29. =Responses=
  30. Fight| [ ]1 [ ]2 [ ]3
  31. Flight|
  33. =Talents=
  34. *Exhaustion*
  35. Flying and Driving; A mastery of vehicular control.
  37. *Madness*
  38. Maneuvering; Able to move anything, even one's self, into perfect maneuvers, in evasion or aggressive approaches, wherever he wants to put himself or whatever he's riding in, he'll do it or die trying.
  39. (Mechanical implication probably involves the amount of madness dice equating to how absurd or impossible the potential maneuvering may be.)
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